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Latest revision as of 01:14, 14 August 2019

What, Wade!
Date of Scene: 07 May 2019
Location: Dining Hall - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wade will remember that.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Wolverine

Deadpool has posed:
It's early enough in the morning to where there aren't students around. As if that makes this situation okay?

In the dining hall, with some of the lights still off, sits one particular face that used to be unusual but is now far MORE usual: one specific Deadpool. He's sitting at one of the tables, entirely by himself, in his full Deadpool regalia. He does have the mask lifted to the nose bridge, and is humming to himself while eating some kind of fruit loop style of cereal. He also has a cup of a purple liquid, which could be a variety of sugary things. A duffel bag is near him, in the chair next to him, but otherwise he's innocently having breakfast, one handedly, while poking at his phone on the table with the other.

Wolverine has posed:
    Is it early morning, or late late last night? For Logan it's not entirely clear even to him. He remembers a trip to the city, some craziness in Mutant Town, but right now it's quiet. Or, at the least, mostly quiet. Most people don't notice that when they're sitting alone they still make noise. Small sounds as they read, or shifts of breathing. Some people talk to themselves, others find the need for some kind of ryhthm in the background of their quiet contemplation.
    With Wade right now, though? It's the crunch of the cereal.
    Most others wouldn't notice, nor care, but Logan's stroll past in the hall with a paper mug of coffee in his hand. It gets him to stop his wandering past and shoulder the door open inwards. Not exactly making his approach subtle. He just strolls over and sets the coffee down, then steps over the chair and settles into it opposite.

Deadpool has posed:
Munch munch munch! The tone is somehow normal, then cheerful munching when Logan actually joins him. "Pip pip, cheerios?" Wade asks, making it a question. "They are over there. No more loops of fruit, though, I scraped the bottom of that barrel," shares the mercenary. He isn't sing-songing, there's a reasonable level-headed sense to Wade at the moment.

One of those rare windows of the sanity being somewhat level, because it doesn't follow with a long ramble about cereal. Or Wade's mouth is full. He does stare at the coffee pointedly, as if suggesting he wanted some. Just with a stare.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Those never last," He says, observation given in that non-commital rumbly tone. "The kids eat 'em faster than people can ship 'em in." He doesn't seem inclined to go and get any, however. He does keep on with his coffee, taking a sip as he looks across the way.
    Then it's back towards Deadpool as the other Canadian smirks a little and tells him, "You remember those powdered eggs they used ta try and pass off on us at the program?" His lip twitches as he shakes his head and looks away, "Man those things were disgusting." He rests his weight upon the elbow and props a boot up on the seat next to him.
    "Sometimes they'd add too much water and it'd just be nasty lukewarm egg broth. Other times they were just chunks of dusty egg matter."

Deadpool has posed:
"/Nope/," Deadpool says cheerfully, about if he remembers. "But I can imagine. My imagination is better than a true memory, I bet. And in this case, SO much better, sounds like. I imagine a dusty, particle-floating, snot-like paste," regales the mercenary, with a sort of longing.

"Now I want eggs," Deadpool comments. "With steak. Steak and eggs." He eats his cereal, though, making no move to deal with actually acquiring either of the things that he had a whim about.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yer not far off," Logan says as he looks back, "Dehydrated eggs belong in MREs, nowhere else." That said he lifts his eyebrows a bit as if acknowledging and accepting Wade's desire for eggs. "Some in the faculty kitchen." He gestures with a nod of his head in the general direction.
    "No steak though," He takes another drink from his cardboard coffee container, then starts to push himself up to his feet. "Hamburger and eggs is good though."
    A possible plan of action before them, Logan starts to mosey towards the door back outside. "Might need to ask you to run messenger to the Avengers later. Kitty had some ideas that might need 'em. How's yer day lookin'?"

Deadpool has posed:
"I filled up on cereal," Wade bemoans childishly, picking up his purple drink to down all of the rest of it in one go. "It was worth it, though. I could still have an egg. And toast. Round out my breakfast of X-champions." He pauses. "Are we supposed to be quiet about saying X-anything here? The kidlings don't know, right. And when you slip, the telepaths fix it?"

Deadpool considers his 'zone' of items, and ends up pocking the phone, grabbing his duffel bag, and then lastly getting the tray. He comes along in a normal enough way in Logan's wake to the kitchen. "Like, ooops, he didn't say X-jet."

Wolverine has posed:
    "You get used to it eventually," Logan says as he reaches the door out to the hallway and holds it open for the Merc with the Mouth. Another sip of his coffee is taken as he waits for him to gather himself and he says, "Sort of goes into the place in yer brain where you build that instinct of not swearin' around sproglings."
    But when Wade reaches the door he lets it swing closed, then steps into the hall. He smirks, "Well, where most people keep it." No telling for sure if Wade even has that instinct.
    Down the hall he walks, still sipping from his coffee container, motioning with a hand towards the faculty kitchen that's just down the hall a bit more. "But yeah, best not to go too crazy with the Xes.'

Deadpool has posed:
"Heehee. That's the new code word for it. Xes. Exes. I like it," Wade grins. "And more dangerous to go crazy with, for some people. I, on the other hand, am BELOVED and MISSED by my exes. Or maybe they've just been forever destroyed for future real relationships by me. I don't linger over it." Chatterbox Wade, the mouth is moving now that it's less full of fruit cereal.

Wade comments, "I have a censor that does apply. Sometimes. It kind of varies. It's like a big black bar on the interesting content from exiting my mouth. But that's just the voice in my head that isn't mine." Obviously.

"Also I'm not really a messenger boy. Unless the info is really juicy, then I'm probably okay with it. Do you have a love letter to pass to an Avenger? Cap's mine, but there's plenty of other ones. Who do you like?" Wade asks, suddenly sliding in close, and aiming a nudge-nudge elbow towards Logan's ribs. "We can slip her a note after History class."

Wolverine has posed:
    Ugh, he should have left him there munching on cereal. Now that Wade's starting up at full speed Wadeness, Logan has a brief moment of regret, but he reaches the door to the faculty kitchen and shoulders it open, sliding along it and then whacking it with the toe of his boot to send it fully wide. Wide enough for Wade to slip through if he's quick enough.
    "Yeah, we'll see. Might be just a messenger gig. But also could be a thing where if it goes south havin' a guy with a teleporter there might prove a good idea."
    Into the kitchen now he starts to head towards the first in the bank of industrial fridges, pulling it open and starting to rummage around inside of it. But then Wade rambles about notes and crushes and whatever, so he replies while he searches, "I' a bit old fer love letters, Wade. See, somethin' else you can talk to Kitty about."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade does slip through, of course, with the sudden dart-quick motion he's capable of when he has reason to be. Some people find it unnerving or unexpected, once they get lulled by the confusing 'drone' of his chatter, but Logan's far more familiar than to fall for that. Wade switches quickly.

Still, all he does is dart in and shovel the contents of his tray into the trash, then sets it aside, assuredly to place eggs on once eggs are egged.

"If you're trying to hold my attention, vague is kind of frustrating. Teleporter, so, dangerous? You had me at 'goes south'," Wade says as he comes along to first look in the fridge, then start to hunt for an appropriate pan.

Wolverine has posed:
    A snort is given as /finally/ Logan finds that package of a dozen eggs and sets it down on the counter. "Honestly, dunno what to tell ya, Wade." He pulls open the meat drawer and secures a four pack of burger patties then tosses it on the counter as well where it slides into the egg container.
    "It's a feelin'. Kitty has been walkin' around with this look on her face and talkin' about the Sentinel situation. She's takin' the whole thing to heart stronger than most. I mean we're all concerned and freaked to varyin' degrees, but still."
    He waves it off then, finally, with a gesture as he turns on the griddle in the stovetop, letting it heat up while he sprays some oil on it. He'll have to wait on the heat, so he turns around, looking at Wade, arms folded. "Anyways, I learn more I'll send it your way. Unless yer not around." Which is, always, a high probability thing knowing how fickle Deadpool's interests can be.

Deadpool has posed:
"I'm here to join the TEAM. I'm a joiner. Heroically and everything. Sentinels are bad, and that sort of deal." The cheerful ramble may seem endless. But then it goes into left field. "I'm lonely." It's flat, and honest, and torn open. For the moment, at least, it's real, and present, and exactly what Wade feels. He may change how he feels, but that doesn't make NOW less valid.

He also found a pan and is heating it. "I'm hearing I should interview Kitty. Check out the look on her face. Maybe help her change it. By talking to her, not by applying knives. I'm doing all hero-style, I know the /difference/."

"We are all super concerned, yup. Robots aren't as fun to fight when they're made of stuff you can't shoot."

Wolverine has posed:
    For a moment Logan sort of looks sidelong at Wade, as if gauging the sincerity of the man, trying to get a vibe for his feelings is always hard with him. But then he shakes his head, "I know, Wade." He holds a hand over the griddle, gauging the heat. "Ever since I got my memories back, since I got a handle on things, it's given me perspective."
    He reaches for the eggs and flicks the container open, then grabs one and cracks it open, adding the contents to the griddle and then tossing the shell back into the carton. "Not just on stuff with me, but sorta with you. Like the guy you were when we first started runnin' ops."
    A few more eggs added, then he grabs a spatula and starts to push the eggs around. "I was a hard ass to you, but I still liked the guy you were." He smirks, "And sometimes can see that guy when yer bein' less of an asshole."
    Gesturing with a nod towards the fridge, "Grab the bacon?"

Deadpool has posed:
"My memories are gone forever," Wade shares, in his thoughtful, cheerful manner that he uses when he self-deprecates. "And I think I have some that I invented. So there's no real trusting that I KNOW what I know," Wade continues. He's evened out his speech speed to a more normal mode, though: possibly with deliberate focus and attention to do so. There's effort here, whether Logan recognizes it or not. It takes some attention to maintain a lucid focus for any length of time.

"I'll grab the fuck out of your bacon," Wade giggles, but does fetch it, and pulls a knife from a knife block with an alarming aggression. The bacon package won't even know what hit it, it's open with surgical precision flick of wrist.

"I like it when we fight." Yep.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Well it's less a fight, and more just a savage beating on which yer on the receiving end." Hey, Wade doesn't have all his memories, that might be true. But Logan can't help but shake his head with a small smirk. He grabs the bacon and adds it to the griddle with a satisfying sizzle, along with the burger.
    "You want to toast the buns?" He motions towards the bread drawer, but likely knows how possibly dangerous such a question is to give to Deadpool with a straight face. "The hamburger buns, Wade. The hamurger buns." Apparently they're going to have eggs, but also eggs and cheese and burgers and bacon. Because Logan is hungry.

Deadpool has posed:
"I have video footage that proves that isn't the caaaaase," Wade blackmails lightly. But it might be true anyway. Most of the time? Hard to know. "But no, nobody gives a savage beating like you! Cept maybe Creed. He's more torture-porn than I'm usually into, though."

"I knew what you meant. There aren't any other good buns in this room," Wade despairs, and toasts them without further issues. Because doing otherwise might be really predictable. "Not all of this is for me, right? I mean, we'd need to battle first, to work up appetite if this feast is aimed at MY face."

Wolverine has posed:
    At the mention of Creed, Logan falls silent for a moment with a decided scowl twisting his features. He keeps right on griddling however. That spatula pushes around the eggs, checks the sizzle on the burgers, and when needed makes the flip for the bacon. It's all fairly methodical.
    But with Sabretooth brought up, it keys a topic change aimed a bit by Wade's last question. "I'm hungry too, don't worry." He squints at the sizzling dineresque fare and then eyes Wade sidelong, "At first was just gonna be some eggs, but now..." The words peter out as he just gestures with the spatula.
    "How are things gettin' along for you at the school?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Not so great, I've been told to get out a few times. Mister Summers at least twice. Some others. You've done it, I REMEMBER. Or your look alike, or a telepath inserted it. I do think it was you though. There was a 'bub' I think. I didn't take pictures. I should, start to take selfies when I'm removed for NO REASON," Wade complains breathlessly.

"I would like sunny-side up," Wade specifies, pointing at the griddle. He's found some toast to insert into toaster.

"I'm super glad some of the 'toss Wade outside' thing has been less though. And I'm still hopeful I'll teach sex-ed."

Wolverine has posed:
    "That was before you did us the solid," Logan says, giving credit where credit is due. Though now he does grab another egg from the carton and starts on Wade's sunny side up. "Try not ta make me regret the decision." He smirks and eyes Deadpool sidelong for a time then shakes his head.
    "Don't get yer hopes up, though." Likely about the sex-ed. "You wanna wear the X yer gonna have ta manage not to cheese off /everyone/ in the house."
    With most of the prep work done, Logan grabs a pair of plates and starts to assemble the pieces as he likes. Cheeseburger with egg for him, whatever Deadpool wants for his, he's not fixing his plate. Take that.
    "You got somehwere you go to when you feel thigns get worse for ya?" When he becomes less lucid.

Deadpool has posed:
"Give me all of the inside scoop on how to not be cheesing where cheesing is not due," Wade begs immediately, emphatically. "And who it is okay to stab. Or pet. I mean. I saw Colossus. Glistening metal body condom man. Phew. I have THOUGHTS about that," Wade specifies, watching his toast ...toast.

"I'll keep them in my head right now though," he promises, with a gesture of hand across his heart to cross it with one finger. He then licks the finger. Because his mask has been up this entire time, he hadn't bothered to put it down yet, since the cereal.

"Somewhere I go when I'm unstable? The thing is, I just END UP where I end up. What exactly do you mean? Like do I notice and push a button on 'Waze' for destination 'safe place'?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "No idea," Logan answers, truly having no idea. "I never gave a thought to how you managed yer whole... thing." Logan gestures with a knife that he's using to smear mayo on his burger bun, then sticks it into the mostly empty jar and leaves it there. He then takes up his plate with the newly made burger, leans over to yank the door open to the fridge to grab a beer bottle and tuck it under one arm, then closes the door with his shoulder.
    "Always figured you operated at one level of wacko and just wandered around finding people to tolerate you until they couldn't." He sets his plate and beer on the prep table in the middle of the kitchen, then grabs one of the stools from the nearby breakfast nook and scoots it over. It's there he settles, cracks open the beer, and starts to have breakfast.
    "But now," He says around a mouthful of burger, "M'not so sure."

Deadpool has posed:
"There are many subtle gradients to my personality," Wade says solemnly. "Some gradients involve if I have shrapnel in my head or not. THOSE are interesting days. But you've had those, huh? If not, I will happily oblige you to visit my world for a little while," Wade suggests, reaching out to touch three fingers on the knife in the mayo, as if so tempted to grab and throw it at Logan's head. So tempting.

"And there's times when I give a shit and I'm a wonderful guy. Aren't I? I think so. I'm virtually huggable right now," Wade says, with a smile and slight adjustment of head that reads strongly that he is, in fact, pretty lucid. It had a self-awareness to it that also wasn't insane.

"But know this: I am always up to have a fight outside if you're in the mood. Like. Just ask. Or indicate with side-eye. I'll KNOW you need it."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Mmmhmm," Logan says as he takes another bite of his burger, leaning forwards with his elbows on the table and munching away. After a little bit more he says, "Maybe after we eat some, figure it's like going swimming, gotta give yerself some time to digest." There's a smirk as he shakes his head, clearly entertaining the idea against his better judgement.
    But then again such is the price to pay for maintaining positive Wade Relations.