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Latest revision as of 01:36, 14 August 2019

Queen of the Desert
Date of Scene: 02 October 2017
Location: Foggy's Apartment - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"It's raining men, Hallelujah! It's raining men, amen. I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna let myself get, absolutely soaking wet, it's raining men, hallelujah! It's raining men, every specimen! Tall, blond, dark, and lean, rough and tough and strong and mean..." Foggy was swaying back and forth in his seat to the music, getting into the performance of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. One of their clients had offered them front row tickets in thanks for their legal services, and this one actually paid. The tickets were a bonus. Unfortunately, Matt couldn't make it. He had something he had to attend to. So it was just Foggy and Karen, representing the firm, and having a good time.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen, tagged along for the ride, wearing her only outfit suitable for such a performance - her little black dress, toned down with the addition of an oversized shawl - gave her boss a sidelong glance of amusement. She'd have said something, but a quick peek showed that he wasn't the only one doing the chair dance experience. It was all good. "So... they go on this road trip and get lost?" Much of the storyline seemed silly, but she was enjoying it; especially the drag queen business. You didn't get much of that back in Vermont.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy was fortunate. Wearing a suit and tie to the theatre was acceptable. So, almost all his clothes were acceptable. But Karen looked amazing in that little black dress. "You know, I've never seen it before. Of course, I'd heard of it, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but it just never occurred to me to visit a showing." Some people were in fancy dress, not Karen's kind of fancy dress, but well, drag fancy dress, or like the characters. It seemed to have been a cult classic. During one of the quieter moments, Foggy leaned over and said, "you look amazing tonight." It wasn't a flirting tone though, more, a guy complimenting a woman, who actually looked good. He was technically her boss, even if it didn't show too often, and more than that, she was a friend. The lawyer in him added, "strictly as a friend of course. You do our books. You know we can't afford a HR department."

Karen Page has posed:
She blushes. Totally blushes and looks pleased.. until the 'strictly as a friend' comment where the pleased mostly fades away, leaving just the pinkness of cheek and a hasty, "Thanks. Totally as a friend, of course. Where would you be without me. All that." All the while scolding herself inwardly, and wondering just where that whole other fluster had come from. She really wasn't herself lately.

"I meant to look it up before coming, but got sidetracked." Of course she got sidetracked. She was doing her job, and a whole other one besides with the investigative work she'd been putting in since the incident outside the city.

Foggy's hand is patted lightly, and she smiles at him. "You look good too." Not that she'd not seen him dressed for court before, but this was different. This wasn't work. Somehow it made a difference. He looked different. Maybe because he was relaxed and cutting loose. Something.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
It's good that Foggy's gaze was directed forward. He was oblivious to how much he had hurt her with his covering the comment and protecting himself, and the firm. He wanted to say it genuinely, but he also was wary of being inappropriate. It was a tough line to skirt. But she really did look good in that little black dress and he wanted her to know it.

"Without you, we'd probably have gone out of business six months ago. I'd be looking trim, positively svelte even, as I stood on a street corner, holding up a sign that'd read, 'will law for food', and Matt'd be working at some big corporate law firm, having completely lost his soul." Foggy always felt that Matt was the better lawyer. Funnily enough, Matt seemed to think the opposite.

Looking down as she brushed her hand against his to pat it, he smiled at her. "Thanks," and even in the dim light, it was clear that he was blushing.

Karen Page has posed:
Ah, the beauty of dim lighting. Even if his blush is patently clear, he's missed hers, and she's the queen of pretending things didn't happen. her hand lingers only long enough to let him save face. Give him a space to make it seem she's not noticed his discomfort, and the matter is totally casual. Which it really is. Or it should be. She's already got a complicated life. Adding more to the mix is where madness lies. She's also really good at telling herself that, too.

"You'd have done fine without me," Karen says with a soft laugh, voice kept low enough not to disturb those on either side of them. "All you needed was one good break. Secretaries are a dime a dozen out there." Totally overlooking the difficulty of her job. Or her personal investment. Mostly falling into the role of downplaying because even though he's making light of things - putting himself on a corner and Matt in a top-notch firm - there's enough of truth behind it that she's not sure what to make of it all. Uncomfortably sitting with selling herself. Settling on selling them. "You're good, Foggy. Very good. I should know. Don't sell yourself short."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Leaning in a little closer, Foggy says with absolute conviction, "no, we wouldn't, and you Karen, are no ordinary secretary..." then he smiles, his eyes seem to do a curious loop, starting by looking down, then moving to his left, looking up, and then right. "Well, except when it comes to discussing a raise," and he breaks out in a quiet chuckle. And her use of the term selling makes his mind go to a very strange place. He had himself on a street corner. She's telling him not to sell himself short, "so, uh, would that make you my pimp?" Oh, he was so quiet as he asked. She might not have heard him right. He's a sneaky one, that Foggy P. Nelson.

Karen Page has posed:
There's a soft scoff from Karen, "I'd be making more money if I were pimping you out, so don't give me any ideas." Yes, she heard. And she heard the rest, too. "The raise thing I'm probably never going to win, but my phone bill has to be paid. It doesn't look good if I'm missing calls from clients. Who was that woman anyway?" She'd forgotten she'd meant to look that up, she'd gotten so busy with her other projects. Just one more thing to add to the list.

A soft shhhhh from the right of them pointed out that they were still at the theatre. Though the show was winding down.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy dropped his voice to more of a whisper, and leaned in closer so that he could reply without bothering the other patrons. "Oh, you'd be making mad bank with this bod," referring to his own stocky frame, "and if this legal thing doesn't work out, we'll always have that to fall back on, but, in the meantime, we'll have to talk about the bills." Foggy knew they weren't bringing in as much as they wanted, but Karen was doing good work for them, and deserved to be rewarded. He'd have to talk it over with Matt. Of course, of the three of them, Foggy was the only one who actually came from wealth. And yet, somehow, he was so down to earth and approachable.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen, likewise, lowers her voice. "I meant selling your law talents, silly. But girls would pay for you." He wasn't distasteful to look at, and had his own style and charm. She could see the appeal. Of course they were both being silly at this point. Very silly.

"I know we're strapped, but okay, I gave her my personal number. If I'm going to be on call for that level of client, I need a phone that is guaranteed to ring. You need me to have a phone." The rest of her bills were what they were. This one, though, she could justify pushing for.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy's default setting was silly. His morbid button had been broken a long time ago, but he did have a badass lawyer function. He liked bringing it out. But unfortunately, that button on his remote was way too close to the nervous wreck setting. And yes, he was being silly. Very silly.

And she was right. If Emma Frost actually took them on, it'd solve all their financial problems. Of course, they'd have to accept her as a client to, and there was no way of knowing how the human lie detector that is Matt Murdock would react. Matt had never steered them wrong, okay, almost never, so Foggy had just learned to go with it. "We'll see what we can do. I'll ask our finance department to look into it," which was funny, as Karen was the finance department.

Karen Page has posed:
Their finance department issued a sigh. "I don't know. I'm already pinching the pennies. I'm honestly not sure where to begin with this one." The thought of which had Karen settling back, more reserved than usual. They were finally getting the office on its feet so that each month wasn't a collasal struggle, but they weren't even close to flush, and there weren't many more places, if any, to draw extra money from. It was a conundrum she'd been battling for months now, and even if she were getting to be quite the whiz at stealing from Peter to pay Paul.. Still, she needed that phone.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
The firm was meant to be self-sufficient. While Matt or Foggy could always pour money into it, more on Foggy's case, although that would require, sigh, a visit to his mother. He visibly tensed in his seat at the thought of that. They didn't call her the 'Razor' for nothing. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." He was trying to project a hopefulness. It was good for morale, even if there were just the two of them here.

Karen Page has posed:
Which is where super-Karen kicked in. "Oh, don't worry. I'll figure something out. Worrying is my department, remember?" The smile on her face was patently false, but she was really good at making it look like it was sincere. All the while running down the list of expenses the firm held. Sadly, those thoughts ate up any awareness of the spectacle before her.