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Latest revision as of 07:17, 20 August 2019

Fast Food Faster Fight
Date of Scene: 20 August 2019
Location: Big Belly Burger, Gravesend
Synopsis: Gwen and Peter catch up. Lot has gone in in a couple spider weeks.
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Spider-Man

Ghost Spider has posed:
What a night.

First she met up with Peter to try to tell him about her adventures.

Then there was this guy named Vermin who was rampaging out of control with his army of rats to rob jewelry stores in Brooklyn and also destroy the Big Belly Burger for some reason.

Yeah giant rats. What the fuck ya'll.

Still it ended after about an hour of Spider and Rat with Vermin webbed to the front of a local precinct and Gwen collapsing still in costume on the roof of the saved Big Belly Burger panting.

"Do you think they would ... comp us some burgers... for saving them?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey dangles infront of the webbed up Vermin with one bug eye wide and the other narrowed, "I don't know what you thought was going to happen here, Mighty Mouse, but you need a role-model."

Lowering himself down from the webline, he trots towards Spider-Ghost.. or Ghost Girl... Spider Lass? Whatever, it's so damn hard keeping up with all these names. "Nice." His hand comes up for a high-five, then a low, five, then an elbow tap, then a heel click.

"Uhhhh... Well..." Rubbing the back of his neck, glancing at the Belly Burger they'd just kept from being destroyed.

"Maybe? I guess we can ask? Two of your double belly burpies and a shit clogger, if'n you please."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"That isn't what they call them at all..." she sits up and doesn't do all the fancy high fives and everythign. Nope she gets completely to her feet then punches him in the shoulder. "Come on lets grab a bag of burgers.. leave the giant ratlord with the cops."

She pauses to make sure he is still unconscious.

"And go talk about life and stuff..." she punts a small rat that is trying to gnaw her foot.


Spider-Man has posed:
"You're killing me by not learning the secret spider handshake." Pete rubs his arm where she punches him and shrugs indifferently as he moves to join her, stepping right in through the broken front window, "Heeeellooo? Everyone okay in here? Did the creepy rats drestroy the deep frier? Cus I just worked up a mighty hunger saving this joint... and..."

Glancing around, leaning forward to look beneath tables, "Excuse me, what're the chances you could hook us up with some comp burgers?"

That's as good as ana greement right?

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Gwen peers behind the counter. "Honestly it looks like they and all the customers fled out the back of the restaurant..."



"Free burgers." she slides over the counter and loads up a couple of bags with all the food waiting in the to be bagged area.

Sliding back over the counter. "So lead the way to a convenient roof."


Slides back over, gets a couple of giant big belly sodas and then slides back over the counter again.

She distributes the loot.

"Okay now lead."

Spider-Man has posed:
"See, this is why we're friends. You appreciate the necessity of rewarding civic duty." Spidey double points at Gwen basically stealing burgers, which he'll definitely be blamed for in the papers, but whatever, then leads the way back out the window fires off two webbings to a nearby roof, yanking himself up into the air easily and launching into another swing that deposits him on an old brown-stone a block or two away.

One foot plants on a stairwell, pushing off his back leg, to hoist jump up atop it for a seat. "Gimmie gimmie." Grabby handing at Gwen.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Ghost Spider is there to carry her fair share of the spoils.

She follows him hopping out of the window now.

Her own webline fired and she laucnhes herself up and then follows him along, carefully carrying a spider webbing packet of food bags.

Once she lands she tosses two of the bags of food over to Pete and then sets the drinks down. "Right."

She peels her mask up. "So I think that tall Rat guy may be one of The Shredders mutanimals .... I mean how else would there be a giant mutant rat running around town?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete catches the bags easily and webs one of the drinks into his open palm. "Thank you and thank you."

With his spoils set down beside him, he reaches up to pull his mask off and lay it across his thigh. One of the burgers gets fished out and unwrapped to take a massive side bite with an appreciative mmmm, eyes rolling up in his skull.

"Really? Well, it makes sense I guess. Honestly, the whole mutated animal things is getting a little played out. Giant Lizards, Giant Rats... Giant Rhinos... even if he's in a suit." Another bite.

"jsh shem sho shille."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen collapses onto her back, drink on the roof by her and a burger in her hand. She just starts eating it.

She stays with her mask peeled up above her nose but still obscuring her eyes and hair for the moment, habit. Spotting you ditching the mask though she does too. The pink in her hair is gone for the moment, a new dye to it.

"Well he has a lion man.. and I guess a rat man and others... the turtle and dog and fox are good guys."

More burger is eaten, still laying out on her back.

"I went to that rich person charity kid thing in Gotham Lodge last night... paid gig to look pretty and wear a designer dress."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Sounds like he's got a whole zoo. You think he could make a little extra scratch selling tickets? Don't pet the animals... these animals pet back... to death." Pete finishes one burger and tosses the wrapper in the bag beside him to grab another.

"Yeah?" Glancing sidelong at her with a nod, chin wrinkled, "I had a press pass, but was preoccupied. I'm thinking about letting my job at the Bugle go. Cutting into my social life." Peeling open the second burger to take a massive side bite. Clearly he's dropped any pretenses to table manners infront of Gwen.

But she's known him since he was a kid... so..

Ghost Spider has posed:
It is true. Gwen does not have high expectations about Peter's table manners.

Not that she is being a lady after that fight, slower to the second burger than Peter but still trucking.

"What about money? I mean ... oh and since when did you get a social life?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Money isn't as tight anymore." Pete at least uses a napkint o wipe the ketchup from his mouth. Crumpling it up in his red fist, "Thousand a week stipen from the Avengers is about twice what I was making at the Bugle anyways."

His tongue drags across his teeth between the first and second devouring bite, another wrapper in the bag.

"Since about a month ago." Sucking down several big gulps from the big gulp.

"A guidance Councilor at the school where I teach. Kitty ... Katherine.. Pryde." Pause, "She met Aunt May..."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen stops eating and sits up, despite the pain this causes of her. The stopping eating now sitting up.

"No way!"

"The avengers pay their interns a stipend... I am busting my ass working three gigs and you get a stipend... I am doing something wrong here...."

She collapses back to the rooftop. "Maybe I should apply to join the Justice League..."

pause.. pause...

"Wait.. you got a girlfriend?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"I'm not an intern anymore, you jask ass." Pete shakes his head and rubs at the back of his neck with the tips of his fingers in a nervous gesture he's had since just after he got weird in high school.

"It only took me 9 years to get recognized by the Avengers, Gwen.. You should be able to do it by next week." Glancing at a nonexistant watch, fries in hand now. A clutch of them is shoved into his open mouth.

"Huh... pal'ing around with Batman? Yeah, I bet you'd fit right in with their brood."





"Yeah. Serious one too.. like really serious."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen grins "Ahah.. but you were!" she counts this as a victory. Then she starts eating again.

"Batman is creepy, I think I am more Wonder Woman and Superman's speed anyhow... I met Wonder Woman and the Queen of Atlantis last night... if I wasn't working as Gwen I woulda asked how joining the Justice League works."

pause.. pause....


"Wait.. someone is seriously.. dating you.. like serious serious?" yes Gwen is teasing Peter. "The guy who said relationships and being a superhero doesn't work..."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Shut up." Pete shakes his head and smirks at Gwen, "Shut your stupid mouth. Don't you use my own words against, me that's not even fair. I was just coming off a two year engagement to a brain ninja, okay?" The fries are finished, the big gulp is finished, and all his trash is shoved down into the bag beside him.

"Yes, someone is seriously seriously dating me. She knows about..." Motioning at his costume, "I figure if it's going to work, she needed to know... get that out the way instead of trying to explain every other day why I'm late for /everything/."

As for the Justice League, "I met Batman once. Chatty fella... never shut up. Mile a minute that dude talked."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Oh yeah based on the news reports and Justice league media coverage that totally sounds like Batman."

She is finishing her next burger slower.

"Huh well congrats Pete. I am proud of you going all in on a relationship and becoming a jr. Avenger." she grins sidelong.

"I got outed by my mutant dog friend to MJ after band practice a week ago." she considers the sky. "We are officially dating now." pause "MJ and I not the mutant dog.. though Pippi is very sweet she didn't ask me out."

"God our lives are super weird."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Huh. Well the news says I'm a menace, so I guess you have to take it all at face value." Pete says dryly.

Bobbing his head in a slow fashion, grinning and leaning forward with forearms on knees. Even once Gwen gives up her news about herself and MJ.

"Oh, you mean the mystery girl from our high school I never met? Nice. Air fist bump." He punches the air. It's 2027. Two girls dating is about as out of place as smog in Los Angeles.

"Ehh.. I don't know if it's weird, but I did get to see inside a magical fortress right in the middle of Manhattan that I got to by walking through a portal in a closet..."



"Yeah our lives are super weird."

Another pause, "Congrats, Gwen. I'm happy you found somebody. You deserve that."

Ghost Spider has posed:
2027, pretty sure everyone in their generation is genderfluid and pansexual. At least in the big cities.

"I still don't know how you never met her.. I mean yes she was a year behind us in school but she was my BFFF... best female friend forever...." she feels the need to explain it to Peter.

"Okay so you visited Narnia... was this with the new mystery girl?"

"Also.. thanks Pete.... I just hope MJ doesn't end up in danger.. I didn't set out to tell her.. humanoid dog friend .. long story.. but now I worry."

"Oh hey you and this Kitty lady should come to MJ and my next gig for our band."

"Kitty isn't a humanoid cat is she?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"I'm sure she probably lived next door to me or something." Pete throws his hands up and slaps them down on his thighs, "Aunt May probably tried to get us to date... I don't know these things, okay? I was 15 and got bit by a radioactive spider.. I had a lot going on." Uncle Ben, Spider-Man. It was a rough period.

"But I'd love to meet her now." Which is about when Gwen asks about mystery girl.. after a second he nods, "Yes, kind of.. not really.. I mean it was her closet and THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I CALLED IT!" Double pointing, "See, I knew someone else would get it." Now they both call it /going to Narina/. It's kind of cute, ngl.

"That's... yeah. That's the hard part. I had a scare a few weeks ago.. Kitty went dark doing something in... anyways.. I got hella nervous. Something every happens to her and I don't know double u tea eff I'll do.." He scratches the back of his neck.

"She's lucky someone like you is looking after her though. If she's ever in trouble.. she'll have not one, but two very pissed off spiders coming to find them. Someone messes with your girl, they may as well have messed with mine too."

... "No, she's a humanoid human. Thank god."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Yes Peter it is because I share a bond of radioactive mutagenic spider humor with you. It has put us on the same wavelength of quippiness..."

"Or you know we grew up hanging out you nerd."

"Good. MJ wants to make a business doing merchandizing and supplying money to supheroes for being the official licensee.. she is trying to figure out how to do it with deniability she knows identities.. like blind escrows and lawyers and stuff." she shakes her head "So yeah I may need spider backup to save her at this rate. Maybe our band will be successful first."

"Also good on you, no cat lady... but someone with a magic closet to Narnia.. damn."

"So I've been taking Miles out training.. I mean Arachkid. How is Silk doing?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete blows out a long sigh and shakes his head, "She did not take me and Kitty well." About Silk, both hands rub at his temples, then down into the inside corners of his eyes. "And I've neglected the hell out of Miles.. I feel like I'm not doing a very good job here, Gwen."

He's been thinking it for a while, honestly. Leaning back on his elbows against bent knees, "In my defense, I never really expected any of this. Certainly not Silk... may less so Miles. I mean nine years later and another spider? Really?" Hands up in a side shrug from the inside of his knees.

"Licensing, eh? I suspect I'll be owing you a quarter everytime they call me Spider-Man.. since you're dating the one handing out the licenses." Try to steer away from what a shit leader he's been.

Or how universally /hard/ he failed Cindy.

Ghost Spider has posed:
She laughs "Not those kind of Liscences .... like superheroes license their likeness and catchphrase through this agency to companies who make toys.. t-shirts and games. You know.. merch. Not selling superhero licenses... you goob."

She sits up and snags her drink now for a sip, food eaten. She kicks him lightly in the shin. "We have all been busy. Oh hey.. I think one of the spiders that got out from my lab bit Miles.. I'm still not sure how the hell they got out though. They were locked up super secure but he described the spiders I've been working on. .said it was in his uncles house of all things... what the hell..."

"I can go talk to Silk. Make sure she is okay... do you know where I can find her?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete is still looking down at the ground well beneath his feet from where he's perched atop the stairwell, nodding absently to her redress of his misunderstanding. Which was probably a joke, but his thoughts are elsewhere now. Specifically, how terrible he's doing at being everyone elses Uncle Ben.

When Gwen asks specifically about Silk, he lifts his head and glances around for just a second, pointing in the direction of Jersey. As if he not only knows, but could probably tell her what street, "She's in Gotham. She... she's alright.. I think something happened, but she's fine. It's hard to really sense her this far away." Rubbing the back of his neck with a frown, "I haven't tried to sense her in a month. She told me to leave her alone... so I did."

He shakes his head forcefully and pulls on his mask with a practiced ease.

"Someone needs to, I think." Popping up onto his feet in a kneeling position atop the same stairwell he was sitting, "She feels like she's happy right now... I don't want to screw that up." Nevermind his own happiness.

He didn't do this /completely/ for himself.

Peter is /anything/ if selfish.

"Thanks for being there when I couldn't be, Gwen. Sometimes I forget my responsibilities aren't just to New York anymore.. That's when I need you to remind me."