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Spiders Weave Trouble
Date of Scene: 19 August 2019
Location: Cindy Moon's Apartment, Cobble Hill
Synopsis: Barbara Gordon the impromptu medic gives Silk her orders after removing a bullet.
Cast of Characters: Silk, Oracle

Silk has posed:
The crawl back to home base is rather painful and Cindy is bleeding a bit more than she would like from the bullet wound that is taking up position in her left side. She stumbles up the stairs to her loft in Cobble Hill and drags the black mask off her face - she was trying to go Gotham style. She unlocks the door and shoves her way inside past the industrial metal closure before it clangs shut behind her. Bruised, scraped, cut and shot, Silk is having a rough night in Gotham.

    The black spandex with black silicone web design is already going to need to be replaced. She stumbles into the small kitchenette and begins to rifle through her drawers, trying to find anything to pull out the bullet she can still feel inside. She leaves a bloody trail and a bloody handprint on both the drawer and then the counter. She pulls out sharp knife after some quick irrational shuffling about the drawer. She moves to the stove and turning it on holds the metal over the flame.

    Only after a moment does she turn it off and finally straighten up. She's seen this done but its hard to see the wound so she uses her other hand to spread it, wincing as she guides the knife. This is not going to work but she needs to get it out.

    The crying scream that follows fills the entire loft and then Cindy falls forward, catching the counter with her arm to try to stop her fall but ultimately lays there, dizzy and disoriented while the room spins.

Oracle has posed:
Oracle isn't spying on Cindy, but the spider hasn't earned her trust yet.. at least not entirely. She didn't become who she is and train under the people she did without developing a healthy dose of paranoia about people.. Especially new people. The fact that the apartment she helped Cindy get is obviously bugged... nothing outlandish, mostly just watching exits, but she sees the vigilante return home favoring her side and brings the image up to get a better indication of the extent of the damages.


Babs pulls up her map of Gotham and checks to see who is in the area, but everyone is currently tied up with other situations that she can't pull them away from... with a small frown, she keys up the communications she'd had installed (and told Cindy about, no surprises there), for the purpose of giving missions.

<Cindy Moon. You appear injured. I am sending a Civilian Agent to assist you. Apply direct pressure to the wound. Do not remove the bullet. Do you understand?>

It's the disembodied, androgynous voice of Oracle.

Babs jumps out of her chair to quickly change into something easy to get, jeans, tanktop, leather jacket for riding her bike, and the keys to her Ducati. She points her phone at the computer and routes communications to her phone, plugging an earbud in as she rides the elevator down to the garage at the base of the Watchtower to mount her bike and head towards Cindy.

Silk has posed:
    The voice is hollow, even though it is always that way. Its masked and run through the network. Cindy's heart rate is amped and she tries to roll to her side and cries out again. "Okay.." she finally says as she lays there, one leg bent as she lowers her hand over that wound and presses. Another grunt of pain and a few tears and she goes still. Her heart hammers in her ears and she feels the room swaying again. Bullet wounds are no joke and she is still bleeding - probably having made it worse. 'Shit.." she breathes out, trying to measure the in and out flow - something to focus on so she does not pass out.

    She feels ill suddenly, cracked and broken ribs likely to mend on their own for the metahuman. The pain in the moment still makes her nauseated. She starts to push herself a bit across the floor but does not make it far before the strain on her side and goes still again. "This....this is not supposed to happen." She's a spider. She is not supposed to be hurt like this but then again when you get missed by bullets that helps and when you do not let a crime boss with a metal head repeatedly hit you into a wall - that helps too.

Oracle has posed:
Cobble Hill is nowhere near the Clocktower, but there are few people in Gotham who can navigates the streets of the city better than the former Batgirl. Mounted upon a suped up high preformance Motorcycle, eye hand coordination of a woman who's spent 9 years chasing criminals, and the knowledge of byways less traveled eat up the distance that should have been thirty or more minutes into ten or fifteen.

It's precious time.

The back of her helmet has a HUD screen built into it so she can keep tabs on Cindy by way of a small video screen at the lower left edge of the shield.

<Cindy Moon. If you lose consciousness, you will not be applying pressure. Put on your big girl pants... NOW.>

The disembodied voice still sounds as artificial, but it's hard not to mistake the slightly human edge.

At the apartment the Ducati squeels tires to a dead stop and Babs rushes inside only after grabbing the medical kit in the hidden compartment on the side. Dangling a helmet from one hand, she shoulders through the door... unless it's locked.. in which case she snap kicks it open with her foot bashing right against the doorhandle to shatter the small bit of wood that keeps it closed. "Uhhh... Cindy? Hey, don't do anything crazy... My name is Barbara Gordon and I work for Oracle..." Slipping inside.

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah...I am here. Applying pressure," Cindy says with a wince. Pressure she does apply because Spider strength is strong! Hissing through her teeth, she measure her breath in and out and her world starts to focus a bit better. She's easily seen by the street light outside shining in through the tall windows opposite where she lays on the kitchenette floor. Blood decorates portions of it and its clear the wound is not healing for very obvious reasons.

    "I got the memo," Cindy says and winces, tilting her head to get a look but her gaze is a little fuzzy. "Left side...broken ribs but those will mend....I just can't get it out." She keeps her hand there until told otherwise. "Sorry I can not get p to greet you," she says, a faint sheen of sweat on her brow. "Bullet entered early in the encounter, think I may have aggravated it during the fight. It feels..lodged.." she says and tries not to breathe too deep. "I got a knife, thats all really for removal. I just can not see it." Her head turns then, dark eyes looking up at Babs

Oracle has posed:
Babs tosses her helmet down and rushes over to Cindy with fingers tucking firey red hair back behind one ear, "Let me see." Setting down her medical kit, which it should be noted, is stupidly extensive. The black box opens with a little hiss of self contained coolant to keep the equipment inside sterile and is deceptively well stocked for the size. Gause, field dressing, scapel, tweezers/forceps, and even suture kit.. A pair of surgical gloves are pulled on, doing her best to keep herself sterile so as not to introduce unnecessary bacteria into the wound.

"I'm going to need your help. I need you to tear your suit open wider so I can see the area around the wound... I'm going to give you a local, but this is going to hurt like hell. The bullet probably shattered a rib." Which means there is no situation where this doesn't feel like a train wreck.

"If you punch me, I will be very displeased."

Said while drawing up lidocaine in a syringe, adjusting her glasses up on the bridge of her nose with her shoulder. "Now tear open your suit and lay on your side.. once I've given you the lidocaine, I'm going to make an incision and use my finger to locate the bullet... then pull it out with forceps. It is /going/ to hurt."

Silk has posed:
    Slowly Silk's hand draws back from the wound to show it off, a bit more blood trickling free. It shifts as she breathes and watches Barbara set up with a half glazed understanding. "Yeah, okay," she says, her eyes glittering with pain as the bullet continues to shift with each breath. Her hand moves towards the rending in the fabric and then pulls a bit, wetting her lips as she rolls out her side and hisses out in pain. "You are not the person I want to punch at this very moment. Some hard heated Neanderthal who used his head like a battering ram would do," she grins a little but she soon stills, waiting.

    The fabric gives to her strength without much complaint and gives quite a bit of room for Barbara to work. Eyes close ands he breathes out, her olive skin growing pale as she draws her hands away. "Best not to tell me and just do," she remarks. Her eyes flick up to gaze at Barbara. "You can tell Oracle thanks for finding someone so expedient. I look forward to not having this thing inside me," she whispers and then turns her head into her arm as it comes up to rest near her cheek to keep it away from the wound so she doesn't stop Barbara from working on the wound.

    Cindy bites into her lip and keeps quiet. She has no further quips or observations to make on the matter. Really she's a good patient who listens and knows when its best to not try to be the typical quirky spider. that does not always seem to work for her.

Oracle has posed:
Babs places one hand around the wound to open it just enough to jab a needle directly into the pucked edge. This was /just/ before Cindy said it would be best not to tell her, so it appears she had no intentions of doing so anyways... then again she was trained by Batman. Lucky if you know you're getting medical treatment until you've already had a limb amputated in the Batcave.

She does this a total of four times, tapping the wound itself with the blunt end of her scapel to make certain Cindy isn't flinching... Then with gause to blot in one hand, she opens the wound and makes two quick incessions above and below the bullet-wound to widen the hole slightly.

The Scapel is put down and she immediately slips her finger through the gore without even flinching.. clearly she's done this before. "Alright, it's pretty deep and behind one of your ribs. I need you to take a real deep breath and I'm going to push the rib up to slip the bullet back towards my finger. When I do this, you might pass out... but it would be a lot better if you don't."

Silk has posed:
    Oh goodness, that feels somewhat better. The pain eases just a bit as the lidocaine takes affect and she breathes easier. Tears fill her eyes still and she nods, going quiet as she listens to the instructions. then that finger. OOF! Uncomfortable to some degree but likely not as bad as it could be. She tenses up and sucks in a breath as Barbara digs for the bullet. The information supplies leaves Cindy going somewhat pale. Bullets suck. A lot. Like a lot a lot. She clears her throat to say, "Okay...okay I am breathing in."

    She takes a deep breath, sucking in air sharply as her whole body rising a bit as she holds it. She holds it steadily as she waits. Eyes squeeze shut to wait for the pain of moving a broken rib back into place to get around it to a bullet. THer was no way she could have done this by herself.

Oracle has posed:
Babs feels Cindy's chest expanding as much as she's watching with upturned eyes to see her take the deep breath and pushes the rib up with the curl of her finger stuck down in the bullet wound. If getting shot hurts, having a broken rib adjusted digitally is like being punched in the tit with a shotgun. "Alright... alright it's not behind the rib.." Her finger pulls from the wound, grabbing the forceps.

"We're almost done, Cindy. Stay with me." Scooting a knee up behind the woman's knees, one in her lower back, Babs pushes the forcepts down into the wound to close the clasp around the bullet once she feels the little tink sensation of metal on metal. "I... I got it. Okay, one more big deep breath and I'll pull it out."

Instrument in one hand, more gause in the other.

Silk has posed:
    This is not too bad, nope, that is a finger inside her. That alone makes Cindy squirm and then that rib. THere is a strangled sound of pain as Cindy presses her face into her arm, very nearly kicking her legs out. Its a reaction she quells quicklyand is left panting afterwards. Tears spill free and she huffs out a breath, shuddering at the feeling that still makes her upper half ache like she was hit into that wall over again. Fighting in general is not her thing and until she can get her silk sense sorted she is going in like some rookie who can sling webs with no other understanding.

    The forceps are not any fun either but they are not as bad as what just happened. When she's told that Barbara has it, she nods and suck sin a breath to fill her lungs to the point of bursting and readies for the pain that is to come.

Oracle has posed:
Babs pulls with steady pressure to remove the bullet and rubs off blood from the end to make sure there's no splintered segments.. Seeing it looks whole, if mutilated by hitting a rib, she nods and drops it down in a little plastic tub beside her knee. The gause is pressed directly against the wound to stimmy blood bubbling to the surface, then removes it just long enough to make certain there's no bubbles that might indicate a punctured lung.

"I think you're going to pull through, babe."

Encouraging, reaching for the suture kit to pull some of the needl/thread out and begins titching up the wound. It's a loose baseball knot and would definitely scar on anyone not blessed with superior healing abilities. "Soon as I'm done I'll give you some pain killers and make a call to a friend of mine... Doctor Lee Thompson. She'll send someone over here to check you out..." Eyeing the costume, "Don't worry, she doesn't ask a whole lot of questions."

Silk has posed:
    Cindy grits her teeth, digging pearly whites together as she finally makes a whimpering sound right before the bullet is freed. She can breath and it shows when she gasps out loud. Silk quiets and remains still as the end of the wound is taken care of. Her body is doin its work to heal her. Tired eyes close and she murmurs, "Thank you." Its meant but now that there is some relief she is starting to slip away.

    Save that now there is more information being passed on. Eyes flicker open and she stares ahead, listening as the lidocaine numbs the stitches going into her skin. "Lee Thompson, okay...and I think I need to get better at this or...get something that is bullet proof. Just hard to move in bulky things," she explains. Like Barbara might know. But she is employed by Oracle.

    "Working through the motions is not the same as actual fighting...." she says and frowns. "At this rate I am going more of a liability than an asset. Can not let that happen," she whispers. Eyes close again and her hand draws against her stomach, roaming towards the wound but never touches it. "How long you been doing this, Barbara?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs brushes the gause across the wound to make sure no blood is seeping and then settles back on her heels to begin collecting her things, "You're going to want to dispose of all this stuff careful, okay?" Apparently her work ends at the removal of bullets from strangers. She is not a maid.

Once she's pulled off the blue sterile gloves, she reaches up to adjust her glasses and assist Cindy up from the floor and over to the couch where she can brace her back against the cushions rather than put more weight on the wound, "Long enough not to answer that question." She says teasingly, but... she doesn't answer it either.

"On my way back to work, I'll let Oracle know that you need more training." Matter of factly, not judgemental or harsh.

"Until then I'm pretty sure Oracle is going to say to keep your ass away from combat.. if I hadn't been a few blocks away-" More like thirteen, "-you could have died. Now rest, take a few of these." Holding out an unlabeled white bottle with small white pills inside, "Two should do it... and I'm going to give Lee a call."

Flicking her wrist back to grab her cellphone out of her back pocket.

Silk has posed:
    "Right, I understand," Cindy remarks, quietly tending her thoughts and not trying to question the newest female in a long line of them she is likely to meet. She's the new blood, no one wants to tell her anything. Mutely she gets up with Barbara's help and makes her way gingerly to the couch. It hurts still. Something that in time she might get used to but for now? She feels like jelly.

    Lowering onto the couch, she looks up at Barbara and merely nods. Staying away from trouble. It makes her frown and Cindy reaches out to take the bottle in her hand. She's been taking vitamins for nine years and so pill popping without water is a thing. She quickly pours out two and downs them with a gulp. The container is closed back up with a soft pop of the child safety lid sealing into place. She sets them down beside her on the couch, letting it come to rest against her hip.

    "Wondering how I am supposed to prove myself if I am meant to remain idle?" She is being paid to do a job.

Oracle has posed:
Babs holds a finger up at Cindy, thumbing over the keypad to unlock her phone and auto-dial Lee. It rings a few times, "Hey, Doctor Thompson, It's Barbara Gordon." Pause, "Dad's fine, yeah. I'll let him know you asked about him... listen, I need you to do me a favor... well not me, but a friend of mine. It's one of those 'don't ask don't tell' favors, though. You have an opening down at the clinic? Maybe a medic that can come by and take a look at a wound? I got it stitched up, but I want to make sure she get antibiotics and..." Short pause, "God, thanks, Doc. You know you're a gem right? Yeah, totally, we can get coffee tomorrow? I'll see if Dad can get a long lunch or something. Yeah, absolutely. Talk to you soon."

Babs clicks off her phone, slipping it in her back pocket, and lowers her finger from quietly silencing Cindy.

"You don't have to /prove/ yourself. You need to earn trust... and you earn trust by being trustworthy." Babs pushes her glasses up with her knuckle and rubs her thumb and index finger into the inside corners of her eyes. "I'll talk to Oracle, see if they can get someone around to train you... and if they can't, I'll do it myself. BUT.. until you're better trained, with better combat awareness, you can observe, but if you get shot up again..." She cants her head slightly, "Gotham is a dangerous place, Cindy. You have to be smarter than rushing in like that... okay?"

Silk has posed:
    Watching Barbara, Cindy adjusts how she rests on the couch and is more than ready to let herself relax but everything about the conversation screams normal while this situation does not. Her dark eyes have gone distant in thought until her companion's voice takes on a note of focus that is directed towards her. Her attention shifts and her head turns to look up at her. "I have been nothing but forthright...I am doing what I can. Some thug and his cronies were moving their way through Cobble Hill. Simple right?" She shakes her head and then lowers her gaze, "But I understand." It stings a little - a lot really and her jaw tenses some as she works her teeth slowly together. There is no arguing as she turns her head to rest it upon the arm of the couch.

    "i won't be going anywhere until I am healed. And I will clean up." She's been told to do so. There is a sense of brooding from Silk as she is left to recover, though it is likely not going to take too long considering but that bullet was putting her at risk. "Thank you again. Sorry we had to meet like this."

Oracle has posed:
Gordon is a familiar name. Not that everyone knows who the Commissioner is, obviously, but Jim Gordon is definitely an outspoken man. Always giving addresses online after one a dozen crimes every night.

"That's why you were given the communication device, Cindy." Pointing down at her, kneeling down for a second to take another look at the wound.

She pats the woman on the shoulder and pushes herself back up, "I need to get back to work, but I'll have Oracle give you my number. Once you're feeling better, give me a call and we can get some coffee and talk about your first lessons."

She looks more like a librarian than combat instructor.

On her way out she scoops up her helmet and checks the door frame to see if she'd done any lasting damage... which she almost certainly has. "Oracle will have the locks replaced." Voice raised, then she pulls the door closed without it actually latching. Down to her bike on the sidewalk and back towards the Clocktower.