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Latest revision as of 15:10, 22 August 2019

Special Occasion
Date of Scene: 16 August 2019
Location: Lower Manhattan, Manhattan
Synopsis: Spider-Woman and Captain Quaid go out for dinner, carch up and disappoint some young hopefuls.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Frank Quaid has posed:
Jessica's text message was the instigator for the first smile of Frank's day and it was well after noon when he got it. Frank called ahead to a little Italian place he liked in Tribeca to make a reservation, then sent Jessica the name of the place and time to meet. He would have been happier picking her up, but that was not an option today. Completely aside from knowing whether he ought to or not.

He makes it home to shower and change on the way from the office to the restaurant, swapping the clothes he had been wearing for well over 24 hours for something fresh. Black pin stripe suit, black dress shoes, white collared shirt with no tie. Not really much different than normal, but it felt good to skip the tie at least. He did not skip the body armour though. Not with the way things have been.

Frank arrives early and gets sat at the table for two. The restaurant is intimate. Exposed brick, raw woods, candles and delicious smells. And the food was delicious. It was also decidedly more romantic looking on a Friday night than during the week.

"Hi, my name Grace, I'll be your server tonight," a pleasant sounding young woman says to Frank. "Would you like to start with a drink while you wait for your date?"

Frank looks up in mild surprise. "My date?" he repeats back while gears turn that he had quite happily left sitting idle. "I'll wait, thanks."

The young woman smiles and walks off to work the rest of her tables.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica has been doing some reading up on reports in regard to the recent events - Trask, Sebastion, and this new drug called "Hook." It sounded like it would be so nice to just walk away from it all, and not think about it...much...for awhile. She arrives in a perfectly fitted black dress - a halter dress with a swishy skirt that's a little shorter than she would have chosen, but that was the maker's influence for ya.

And so, Jess arrives at the appointed time, at the appointed place. In the appointed dress. And she finds Frank awaiting her.

"Well look at you!" Jess smiles fondly. "A sight to behold, for sure. It's good to see you, Frank."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"That's my line," Frank says and gets up. He gives Jessica a hug and sits down after her.

"You look... Beautiful," he says and pauses for a minute with a bemused half-smile. Then he shakes his head a little and looks at the wine list. "Red or white tonight?" he asks.

After Jessica gives her preference Frank orders them a bottle and there is an awkward pause. Where the two look at each other.

"So how have you..." Frank starts to say.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I know as much about wine as I know about Jazz," Jesica replies. How about I trust you to make a sound wine choice?" she asks with a sheepish grin.

And to his question, "F-fine, I've been fine, Frank. It's been busy with all the ..." She gestures vaguely. "Everything. I wanted to...I wanted to text. Or just call you, y'know? But I didn't want to bother....Interrupt..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I figured... Same..." Frank says, speaking over and into the spaces in Jessica's explanation. "I was out of town anyway...."

"And here we go," their server says as she walks up to the table. She presents the bottle of wine for Frank and Jessica to see then opens it. "Would you like to try it?" she asks Frank. He does and nods after.

"Special occasion for you two?" the young woman asks with a smile. She pours them each a glass of wine.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica flushes, visibly. "Yeah..." She stumbles. "He ...just got back into town," she replies, with a grin to Frank. "I kinda missed him," she adds, keeping her eyes on Frank as she speaks, and smiles faintly as the server pours her wine.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Oh, that's sweet!" the server says. There is the start of a genuine half-smile that cuts through the tiredness when Jess comments about missing Frank. He meets her eyes briefly. Then the more stolid polite expression returns as the server looks back to him. "I'll give you a bit more time with the menus and then take your orders." With that, the young woman fades away into the rest of the restaurant.

"Thanks," Frank says to the server.

"We're pretty smooth," Frank says dryly. He holds up his glass to Jessica. "To special occasions," he toasts and sips his wine. Frank makes an appreciative face and sets the glass down. "You look as good in red as you do in black," Frank says with a gesture encompassing his face. Jessica's flush did not go unnoticed.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh..." Jessica laughs, fanning her face a little with one hand. "I don't think you were supposed to notice that," she teases, blushing a little more deeply. "Thanks, I thought maybe I should add a splash of colour..." She relaxes a little as she watches him, opening her menu idly.

"Wha had you out of town? Everything all right?" She glances down to her menu, but it doesn't hold her gaze for long, as she just looks back up at Frank. Her hair, loosed and relaxed, spills down over her shoulders in dark and shiny waves.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank snorts in amusement when the Spider-Woman blushes more and turns his attention to his menu with a bit of a smile. He is still reading it when Jessica looks up. The man looks exhausted. The bags under his reach are pronounced and he has that drawn look of people who are running on something less than empty.

"The Trask thing. I interviewed that Dr. Pym," Frank says and makes a face. "Had to go to DC to sort out some things he brought up."

Frank seems to make up his mind and sets the menu down. "It's why I had to give you a raincheck yesterday. Went from the interview to the Secret Service office, got on a plane to DC, took care of things there, then got on the first plane back. And had to oversee warrants for the Avengers Mansion, JVD Fashion and Van Dyne's lawyers. I can't tell you why right now, but she's not in trouble. Her lawyers just don't want her giving a statement so we have to get the evidence we need through records. Long couple days."

"Don't know if you like seafood. I've had all of their seafood dishes here and they're good," Frank adds helpfully.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Frank," Jessica says, reaching out to rest a hand on his arm. "I know this stuff's hard on you." She shakes her head slowly, thoughtfully, and gives his arm a squeeze. "I hope you know I'm here for you. I'm not going /anywhere/ and I am here 100% anytime you need me. Just...make sure that I'm adding something to your life, not creating one more stress, all right? Let me be something positive when I can be."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Jess. I'm trying to arrest one of the most powerful industrialists out there. I've got 3000 over-worked people burning it at both ends and coming apart. I was in DC for things way over my head. I got a price on my head and my partner's suspended," Frank says and snorts derisively.

"You? You're the one good thing to come along in a while," Frank says with an uncharacteristically reassuring smile. "I wouldn't be here trying not to stare in hour... 30 something of my day if you weren't."

The server interrupts them to take their orders and then goes away again.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica smiles when Frank reassures her, but then orders when the server comes. On his authority, she orders a platter with scallops, salmom, and vegetables with rice. Her brow furrows when the server departs, however. "Elaina? What happened with her? Is she all right?" she asks. The rest, she is somewhat aware of on different levels, but that is news to Jessica.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank orders a dish with a spicy sauce and a few different types of Italian sausage before handing over the menu to the server and thanking her.

"We stopped to look for some crazy and got attacked by a guy with a knife. She shot. It was a good shoot, any of us would've done the same. CID is still trying to sort out some details, until then she's on leave," Frank says and rolls his eyes. "It'll work out. Bad timing, but it'll work out. She did good."

"You got me talking. Tell me about what's happening with you. Something that's not saving the world," Frank says wryly.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
    Jessica frowns, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I hope they get it resolved quickly. That's the last thing you - or she - needs right now."

But at his inquiry, Jessica sighs a little and sits back against her chair. "Well...a couple of weeks ago, I went down to the Dominican Republic to help out in a little village there. I've gone down there now and again for awhile now. I started out sponsoring a little girl through one of those charity organizations." Jess smiles. "She's adorable. Has one of my old masks that she carries around like a security blanket. But...this time, I took a young man with me. Josh Foley, you've heard of him, I'm sure. He was gonna help out. Turned out the little girl...Anna...She was sick. Like, death's door sick. And they had left her unattended in a little hut. He was able to heal her. Saved her. And it turns out she is a mutant. And that's...apparently why they were going to just....let her die." Jessica takes a moment, and a deep breath to regain her composure before it is totally lost. "We brought her back. She is staying with him while we work on paperwork for asylum."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Wish I could say I was surprised," Frank says. He reaches across the table to take Jess' hand. "People are awful to each other. But you two got her out. You'll change her life. She's carrying around your mask, sounds like you've already changed her life. Even more now. She'll have a shot at a real life."

Frank smiles and squeezes Jess' hand but does not let go. He gently rubs the back of Jess' hand with his thumb instead.

"You're one of those rare, good people, Jess," Frank says with a ghost of a smile. "Not many of those left. Don't lose that."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica smiles a little bittersweetly as Frank keeps hold of her hand. "There are more out there. You don't have to save the whole world alone. And how could I possibly ever lose it, with people like you reminding me how much there is to lose? You're one of 'em, too, y'know."

Jessica shifts just a touch in her chair and looks back up at Frank, her eyes meeting his in a moment that she just holds his gaze. Her hand grips his just enough to make the union mutual: she is holding on as much as he. "Frank. I like this. A lot. And I know we both have a million things in our lives. But I want /this/ to be one of them. Whatever happens, wherever it goes." For once, she doesn't seem afraid.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank rolls his eyes good-naturedly at Jessica's good people comment. He nods all the same.

"It's a good thing, Jess, whatever it'll be," Frank says with a small lopsided grin. "We'd be fools not to enjoy it, one day at a time."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm not worried about this, Frank." Jessica smiles and looks down at their hands together, giving his a gentle squeeze and a caress with her own thumb. "I'm worried about a lot of things that are going on out there. A lot of it we've discussed in the past twenty minutes. But with all the bad going on out there..this is one thing I have no desire or inclination to fret over. So...do I need to help you get Elaina back on the job?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank squeezes Jessica's hand again and lets his hand slip out of hers so he can reach for his wine again. He drinks from the glass before speaking.

"No, it's in CID's hands, unless you know where to find that goddamn clown woman that was there. Little thing, all made up, jumped around like she was Harley Quinn. Never seen her before. She was weird. Whole thing was weird."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica presses her lips together thoughtfully, as she reaches for her glass of wine, then takes a sip. "You sure it isn't Harley? She changes her getup a lot. And I wouldn't put anything past her. Not even setting up Elaina."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Can't be sure," Frank admits. "I've interviewed Harley and this woman didn't look like her. Didn't act like her either."

Frank shrugs unknowingly. He smiles for the server who brings their meal. He waits for Jessica to start her meal before starting his and then digs in.

"Not bad at all. How's yours?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica is cutting one of the scallops in half with her fork, before popping it into her mouth and closing her eyes. "SO good. You're right. They can cook seafood."

"So what, did this clown chick just flee the scene? Doesn't seem like it should be too hard to track down a crazy like that. I can help if ya like."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Told you," Franks says with a half-smile. He frowns a bit.

"When was the last time you caught a show or a movie?" Frank carries on. "Or got out of town for a night or two?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I knowww..." Jess laments. "I just feel like I should be helping. Even if she dislikes my guts."

At the next questiom, however, Jessica sits back in her chair, brows arched, and sighs. "Okay, first things first...what's a movie?" She smirks. "Usually if I get out of town, it's down to Altagracia, but I don't suppose that's /actually/ a break. Especially not this last time. I don't even know where I'd go for sure, to get out of town." Clearly, it has been a while.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Think she'd rather be suspended than get your help," Frank admits with a smirk. "Been really quiet in the truck lately."

He eats a bit more of his meal and shakes his head. "You need an intervention more than I do, cause you're not gonna be 25 forever. Gotta enjoy some of these things."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica grins, watching Frank enjoy his meal. "I haven't been twenty-five in what seems like forever," Jessica replies. "So it sounds like if either of us is gonna get an intervention, it might have to come from the other. This might take some heavy discussion and planning. You might have to come over a few nights a week for awhile for some planning. And it might get heated, and there might even be screaming. But it seems to me that if something is worthwhile, it will be worth all the....planning."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You don't waste time, do you," Frank comments with a wink. "Few nights a week of planning. Better make sure I get more sleep. Long planning sessions are tiring," he says and chuckles a bit. Frank reaches over to top up Jessica's wine and then his own.

"Mutual intervention it is."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Sadly, right now with contracts on both of us, it would be a good time to skip out of town for a few days. But with everything going on, I don't know if that is even possible. Assembling calls have come fewer and farther between for me, but you have so much on your plate, I'm not sure you could enjoy it, even if we did. Your mind would probably be elsewhere."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Only been a bit of time lately my mind hasn't been on work, always is," Frank says and winks.

"Just the way I am. We'll figure something out... One sec," he says. Frank pulls out his phone and thumbs it quickly. "Seems a shame not to take advantage of you looking so incredible tonight. You seen Cats?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica laughs. "The closest I've come is a few mutants I've run across who look like some wild cross between people and cats," she replies. "You? I've heard it's iconic. Just...never seen it." But she is still blushing at his compliment.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank misses the blush looking at his phone and taps at it a bit more. "Saw it once years ago, it just came back. Reviews are good.... We're in luck. There's tickets and we can make the show if we finish up soon. Don't want to rush dinner, but think you'll like the show. There."

Frank nods and puts his phone away. "We're not dress circle so you might not even get recognized. "I'm tazing the first guy around us makes a pass at you. Warning to the rest of them," Frank deadpans. The fact they were making it through dinner without more than just looks was either a stroke of luck or testament to the ventilation in the building.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
In response, Jessica takes another bite of her salmon. This time a big one, and chews, mouth closed and cheeks nearly hamstered with food as she looks Frank straight in the face. He /did/ mention they should finish up soon, After all.

After an awkwardly long time, she swallows and nods. "Only if I can taze the second."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Deal," Frank says around a mouthful of food. He chuckles at Jess though. "Not /that/ much of a rush. You gotta eat more than most people the way you are?" he asks curiously.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"It depends. Sometimes...Most of the time, I guess. Exertion doesn't hit me like it does most people. I have stamina that doesn't run out, unless I run out of fuel. Webs use a lot of protein. So I eat a lot. Especially when things get crazy. But at any given meal....maybe not so much more. Just...I eat like a hobbit," she confesses sheepishly. "Second breakfast and elevensies."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank nods while listening. He works away at his meal, until that last statement.

"What the heck is a hobbit?" he asks around a mouthful of pasta. "Haven't heard of those."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh god, now you've done it. Now we have to binge watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy," Jessica deadpans. "I guess that gives us one more thing to watch together. Well, actually three, cause they're long. I don't think we'd make it through that many hours of movie." She clears her throat. "At least, not uninterrupted."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank chuckles and shakes his head. "Probably not," he agrees dryly. "Phone's always ringing."

As they finish, Frank waves for the server to join them and asks for the bill. "Actually sir... Well, miss, the gentlemen over there covered your bill," the server says. She looks a little awkwardly at Frank.

Two tables over, three men about Jessica's age are sitting together and quite obviously checking Jess while the server tells them about the bill. One of them, with curly brown hair, gives Jessica an upnod and a grin.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica smiles and waves at the three. "Must be Spider-Woman fans," she says in a quiet aside to Frank. Then, to the three gents at the table, "Thank you guys so much. My boyfriend and I appreciate your generosity!" She gives the three a little fingerwave.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I'm sure they are," Frank says dryly. He is taking a sip of his wine when Jessica calls over to their benefactors. He raises an eyebrow and swallows.

"Thank you," he says to the server. She wishes them a good rest of their evening and walks of. Frank pulls out his wallet and leaves a sizeable tip.

"Let's get out of here before they starting asking for 10 digit autographs."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods, chewing her last bite of salmon as she avoids eye contact with the three boys. "Trust me, Guys, she adds as she and Frank prepare to leave. "You couldn't handle this..." Whether it is a warning against hoping for Jessica's attention or against garnering Frank's, she leaves unclear.