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Sentinels: Fishing
Date of Scene: 18 August 2019
Location: Teacher's Lounge, Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jubilee meets with Captain Quaid at Xavier's School. Jubilee agrees to help find information. Captain Quaid conveniently unhears a few things.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Jubilee

Frank Quaid has posed:
A tired but contented looking Captain Quaid drives up to Xavier's School on his own in his unmarked NYPD SUV. He parks and makes his way up the steps to the lobby. An administrative staff member rushes over to intercept Frank but the officer quickly reassures him the officer is no stranger to the school and is looking for one of the staff to talk with. The administrative staff member does a quick check and then leads Frank up to the staff room.

Frank steps in wearing a black suit, white shirt and blue tie. He glances around for an available staff member and spots one of the young staffers sitting at a table. He walks over to her and clears his throat.

"Good morning," Frank says with a bit of a smile. He offers a hand. "You're Ms. Lee, isn't that right? We've met in passing once or twice. Frank Quaid, NYPD. Have a sec?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is sitting cross-legged in a chair, with her purple laptop on her lap. Classes haven't started yet for the fall, and she is putting together lesson plans, clearly either before or after a gymnastics workout. Her turquoise leotard is covered by a short, sheer yellow skirt on bottom, and her hair is pulled up and twisted tightly into a neat bun. She looks up hastily from her screen, and the clickity typing stops. "

"Oh, hi!" Jubilee smiles easily, and brightly. "I remember you! Sure, something wrong? If this is about Deadpool, I can explain..See, physically he's a wonder, but mentally, he's just..." She makes a mind blown gesture complete with sound.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank frowns slightly as he sits down. "You know Deadpool? Any idea where we could find him?" Frank asks curiously. He tilts his head and watches Jubilee's expression carefully.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "Not like...NOW now. But he comes around here on the regular. Uses an image inducer, usually looks like Harry Potter. You lookin' for him?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank raises an eyebrow.

"/Everyone/ is looking for him. Nationwide..." Frank says. He thinks for a moment. "How about we pretend you never told me that and I never heard it. And don't ever, ever tell him you told me. Nobody needs what would come next. How's that?"

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee's eyes go wide and her lips form a little "o" as she processes that. "Yeah, cool, I didn't tell you what?" She gives Frank an exaggerated and conspiratory wink.

"Wait, what would come next?" And just like that, the agreement is out the door. Jubilee would make a terrible spy.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank blinks and has a sinking feeling in his stomach that shows on his face.

"The entire FBI and NYPD would drop on this place trying to catch him going in or out, and anyone knowing he was here would get charged with harbouring. If he didn't kill me first to keep anyone from finding out," he explains.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee's expression falls. "I didn't know all that..." She bites at the inside of one cheek for a moment and crinkles her nose. "Never heard of him, anyway. So what didja wanna talk about then?" She is sitting up straight now, posture perfect, focused on Frank.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank clears his throat. "I wanted to talk about Sentinels," he says, looking slightly incredulous.

"My team is investigating Trask for letting Sentinels loose against civilians and some other things. We are trying to get him and his team in jail. Have you seen anything about that in the news?"

Jubilee has posed:
"I've seen all the sentinel stuff. We've been on a partial lockdown for it to keep kids safe," Jubilee replies, now sober and serious in her responses. "Some of us are aware of Sebastion, and his so called "promises." But don't go looking for any of us to fall for that shit. He's a murder robot, bent on killing us all. I still hafta wonder if some of that mess with the plasma guns isn't related to them. I mean, they have the technology to do that kinda stuff. And like, if they can make those things so lifelike that even THEY fall for it and think they're human...how many more of them are out there?" She shrugs. "And now Baskin Robbins is closed for repairs, so THAT sucks." She adjusts the brass goggles atop her head, where they were apparently uncomfortable.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Right... " Frank replies and taps a finger on the table. "Who knows what they are capable of. I know your staff are connected in the community. I'm hoping you can get the word out that I'm looking for information about Trask and what he's been up to. Especially information from people who are willing to testify. You think you could spread the word? Would be a big help in bringing this guy to court."

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh of course, I can do that, Mister Quaid. Captain...Quaid," she corrects herself. "What kinda information are ya looking for? Like ...what would help you the most. Cause I don't think any of us know him personally..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I hope not!" Frank says with a half-smile. "Birds of a feather."

Frank smooths his tie then continues. "I'm looking for evidence he knew what the Sentinels were up to, knew about Sebastion, and especially about human experiments. I've heard rumour there's a few types of Sentinels. Information on the models would help. But it has to be stuff I can use in court. If it's not, I don't want to know."

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh..." Jubilee replies. "OH!" She nods quickly. "I think maybe there might be some people who can help ya. I heard they--" She stops herself.

"I'll check into it and see if they have any information that will help ya."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank nods slowly with a bit of a smile. "Great, I'd appreciate it. There are some really helpful people out there, I hear."

"You mentioned Baskin Robbins. The one in Salem Centre, right? Know much about what happened there?" Frank asks curiously.

Jubilee has posed:
"I can tell ya that you might wanna talk to a chick named Kitty Pryde," Jubilee adds. "She sorta splits her time between here and Stark Industries, cause she works there."

Jubilee furrows her brow a little and looks up at Frank. "'Cause we all know a lot about the different types of sentinels, but mostly through information that Tony brought to us, and through information she brought from him."

Then comes the question of the Baskin Robbins. "Yeah I was out there," Jubilee replies. "All sorts of garbage goin' on there. They tried to shoot one of my friends in the head. And they were using the plasma guns. It was a stupidly dangerous situation. I don't care what kinda weapons you've got these days, ya never know if the person you're attackin' has somethin' bigger. Idiots, those guys."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Hang on, hang on. You were /at/ Baskin Robbins during the attack?" Frank asks, suddenly very interested. And surprised. And reassessing the young woman. "What the hell happened there?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh...I figured you know all about it," Jubilee replies, but she is formulating her response carefully for awhile before she continues. "Some guys tried to shoot Rogue, and blew out the front of the store with explosives. When we ran outside, they were out there. Hiding behind cars like cowards. Using some sort of plasma rifles I hadn't ever seen before. Maybe experimental...I dunno. I think....maybe they blew up some of the cars or somethin there..." She eyes him narrowly for a moment longer, as if considering. "I'm keepin' your secret, y'know," she reminds him. "I don't think it is any secret to you that we have some exceptionally talented people who attend the school, Captain Quaid. For my part, I protected my friend. And then we left..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank Quaid listens very attentively. "No, I know that much. Just my partner Detective-Sergeant Bever and I. It's a secret that doesn't need to get out. And I don't know who is what or whatever and don't need to," he assures Jubilee.

"I didn't know this was an attack on mutants," he says. "There was no video, no good witnesses. What I saw is the investigators don't have any idea who the victims were. You want it kept that way, or do some of you want to go on the record?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Well. I don't really know if it was an attack on mutants, specifically." Jubilee tilts her head. "I mean Rogue is really good at pissin' people off, either way. She mighta slapped some guy or his mom, or like...Stolen his watch. I dunno what she did or didn't do...or if she did anything at all. They seemed pretty intent on hurting her, and not so much on any of the rest of us. I can tell ya she and I were there. And I can talk to a couple of others, and see if they're interested in talkin' to ya, though." Jubilee chews the inside of her cheek for a moment longer. "Okay, so yeah there was a truck that got melted a little bit, and a guy with a rifle that got melted a little bit. That was my fault. Things get intense if I get angry or panicked because of an attack, and I was both, that day."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Someone got melted? The briefing note said one guy died from getting rammed into a wall, one's a paraplegic now, and the others were roughed up," Frank says and then taps a finger on the table again. "Right, one of the guys was knocked out with his clothes melted or something." Frank shrugs.

"Someone shoots at you, I'm the first that's gonna tell you to get out or shoot back," the cop tells Jubilee. "Long as you guys are safe. Would like to know why it happened, so we can figure out what's going on. If this is gonna happen again... Be good to have a heads up. Help Rogue to sort this out."

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee nods emphatically to Frank's description of the guy whose clothes got melted. "Right...so, I don't know who did it or why. I shot the guys back, s'only fair. Plasma for plasma. And if we can find out who is doing it or why, that'd be helpful. But right now I don't think anybody knows, unless it has to do with this Hook stuff, cause we have been cleaning it out of neighborhoods. We even found the addresses in some of the most surprising places!" she winks. "But I don't know how small time drug dealers and pimps would get connections like this."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I'm gonna stop asking questions," Frank decides with big intake of breath.

"You get up to some crazy things. If I can help, let me know. I'll do what I can. If it involves anyone you like committing crimes, don't tell me," Frank cautions. "I gotta do my job."

Frank pulls a card out of his suit pocket, then follows with a pen. He scrawls a cell number on the back of the card. "You need to get a hold of me, call that. It's direct," Frank suggests. He slides the card across the table to Jubilee. The tired looking officer pushes himself up from the table and offers his hand again.

"Good talking with you, Ms. Lee," he says. "By the way, what do you teach here?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Gymnastics!" Jubilee replies cheerfully. "And I'll get the word around. I'll let you know if anyone's willing to talk. I can't make any promises, but I think it'd be a good thing for them to help ya out. Thank you for lookin' out for us, Captain Quaid." Jubilee unexpectedly hugs his bicep when he shakes her hand. "Be safe out there."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank blinks, bewildered and bemused, when he gets arm hugged. "You're... Welcome, Ms. Lee," he says. "I know the way out. Will leave you to getting ready for gymnastics classes in a couple weeks," he says with a nod to her paperwork. With a final half-smile Frank makes his way out of the staff lounge into the hallway.

"Gymnastics..." he says with a shake of his head. Soon he is back in his truck and pulling out onto the street again.