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Rock Around The Clock(tower)
Date of Scene: 31 August 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Charlie thinks she is home alone. She isn't. Kara and Damian show up for very different reasons. Babs makes a brief appearance. Angst ends the day.
Cast of Characters: Misfit, Supergirl, Robin (Wayne), Oracle

Misfit has posed:
Charlotte aka Charlie to her friends or those that know her aka Misfit to the VILLAINY AND KNAVES of Gotham.... is home alone tonight.

That's right. Barabara went out to do something adulty, like dinner, or espionage. Honestly Charlie isn't entirely sure what Babs is up to, but she does know this means she is in charge of the clocktower.

Okay not really.

But it does mean she ordered a couple of pizzas and is dancing to a music video over the very expensive WayneTech TV and Stereo system while she sings into a bottle of Mexican coke.

Supergirl has posed:
And one of the people that might woosh around here every so often was one Miss Kara the Danvers.

Knock knock knocking on the door, she lets herself into the little apartment. And what might come before her? The smell of Italian food. Be ye warned - there be pasta ahead. And behind, really, but this is what Kara was carrying in a paper sack as she kinda wanders into the apartment.

"Babs? Is that...? That singing. There's /no way/ that was Barbara's voice. Kara purses her lips thoughtfully.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The night is the territory of the Batman and his kind. With the return of Damian Wayne to Gotham, also comes the return of Robin to the night sky.

  Part of why the group does so well in the field is thanks to a network of safe areas and resupply stations located at random places in the city. The clock tower happened to be one such area.

  Landing on the rooftop of the clock tower, a sensor scans Robin's face and prompts him for voice authentication. "Robin, zero five Alpha Golf." Tiles in the Tower move aside and allow Robin to enter. Sliding down the chute, Robin lands with near silence as he stands and accessed the cache of implements. A compartment in the wall opens and displays all the equipment available. It's a myriad of sharp things, extra grappling cartridges, and more. A bin of smoke pellets is accessed, and Robin reaches for a handful to resupply his dispenser.

Misfit has posed:
There is a soft chime, two soft chimes, from the Oracle array up on the loft.

That is enough to make Charlie pause and stop dancing in front of the TV like a young muppet. "Whass that?" in that split moment of pause she is no longer in front of the TV but rather up at the loft behind the array peering at the screens, pizza forgotten. "Two intruders.. I mean.. probably not .. they did get past the security .. but they could be villains." there is absolutely no reason for her to sound so damn excited at the prospect, and yet here we are.

The computer is studied and then she taps a button next to it leans to one of the microphones. "Identify yourself." of course it likely comes out of the speakers in the house through the voice synth Babs has built into her comms.

Secretly Charlie hopes Villains.

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara cants her head. It wasn't Damian's motions that clued her off, it was the opening of the cache doors. And Kara purses her lips some, bringing up her hand to adjust her glasses. Adjust her glasses as she activates her X-Ray vision, moving to sweep it up the walls and otherwise to try to spy (with her little eyes...)

She gets a glimpse of Damian through the walls, before that voice runs through the home.

"It's just me Barbara! But there's like a ninja or something up in your attic!" calls out Kara, although she keeps that X-Ray gaze on Misfit.

HMMMMN. Who was /that/? It didn't /sound/ or look like Babs. So Kara starts to sneak... okay, she wasn't very sneaky. But she starts to move through the house, before she pokes her head into Misfit's little area, frowning severely at her as she adjusts her own glasses.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin turns as he is commanded to identify himself. "Fuck off, Oracle. You know who it is." He comments before turning back and apprising the number of batarangs he has, and how many are here. Might as well do an inventory while he is at it.

Misfit has posed:
Oh crap. One of them seems to know Barbara and the other one seems to maybe know Oracle.

"Jinkees.. ninjas..." which totally goes over the speakers because she still had the button pressed. She jerks her hand off the button and then vanishes. Doesn't take the world's greatest detective to pin point something being wrong.

I mean yes x-ray vision, there totally was a young woman, short, at the console a moment ago. But then not. Nothing there but a wisp of quickly fading purple and pink smoke when Kara looks into the area Charlie was.

Charlie is grabbing her gear from over by the couch, at least the small baton she has been training with. Back down from the loft now without moving in the space between. "What kind of ninja do you think?" she calls up to Kara now in her own voice.

Supergirl has posed:
X-Ray's had a hard time with smoke, after all! Seeing that great cloud of yuck spread through the room, Kara pauses a moment to kinda tap the side of her head.

"Well," says Kara, her attention flickering between Charlie and the ceiling. A frown. "I mean... I don't know, I thought I heard someone..." Oh my gosh what a dirty mouth!

"I um. I thought I heard a bump on the roof. Are you... um... do you live here?" she asks of the woman.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian continues to work on the resupply. Continuing with his assessment, he takes a cartridge for the grapple gun, and inspects the CO2 levels on them. "Good, resupply two of these. Also: test out new design for the grapple, faster reeling and EM rail for grapple launching."

Misfit has posed:
"From here... you have to have great ears lady.... and um.. I'll ask the questions!" she runs back up.. points the baton now at Kara menacingly "Step away from the computer stranger... explain how you got in here." she reaches past and hits the button. "Someone in here with a bag I don't recognize." which goes over the intercomm now. She is watching Kara attentively.

Her hand leaves the button "Maybe.. you are the home invading ninja..." she notes enthused. "Are you?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I mean, um... it was a loud bump! I was right outside!" Kara points the door, as if this explained everything.

And Kara lifts up her hands as the baton was waved at her. "I'm not a ninja - I promise! Look, I'm a student!" she babbles, lifting the bag full of Italian. "I mean... I brought food! Ninjas never bring food!"

Kara pauses a moment more, kinda frowning as she peeks one eye open at Misfit.

"...are you going to hit me?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Alright." He comments to himself, before he settles to give Oracle a piece of his mind.

  Robin opens the outer door, and he already has an angry face on.

  A short trek down the stairs, and Robin chimes in. "You're low on grapples, and in technological prowess, I can help you with the grapples...but it's a hopeless case on the secon...SHIT!" When he sees the two, and immediately reaches for his utility belt and throws two of those smoke pellets he just picked up.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie looks to be, maybe sixteen if she is lucky. A bit scrawny. Gotham Knights sweatpants and a tanktop with an emoji batgirl on it. Also a baton in her her hand, one of the ones Batgirl use to use really if one is familiar with them.

She menaces Kara with the baton. "Not ninja... not .. a student ninja.. and um.... oh.. food..." she half lowers that baton now.

Which is when Robin arrives to give Babs a dressing down. Her attention slides over to the costumed hero "UM" which is when the smoke pellets are thrown down and at them "Holysmoke!" vanishing in the smoke when it bursts outwards, a bit of pink and purple smoke left behind with the batsmoke.

Charlie appears a heartbeat later by her gear down by the couch once more, crouching. "I think there is a misunderstanding! ... no Ninjas!"

Supergirl has posed:
"A student ninja?" asks Kara of the group. "I think that's just about as frightening as an actual ninja, I... eep!" she says. This eep was perfectly timed with the storm of smoke that fills the room, and Kara barely resists her reflex to woosh. Of course, she starts to cough with the smoke that starts to fill behind the area.

Teleportation, smoke... it was getting really really smoky in here!

"I um... what is even happening right now!" she says.

Although the smoke did give her some cover. Cover enough to kinda woosh through the smoke to end up somewhere behind Damian, her hand to rest upon his shoulder. If she can.

"So who are you people and what are you doing in the Clocktower?" comes her demand.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had planned on making an escape, but as he backs off, he feels a hand on his shoulder. Luckily he thinks this is just a civilian, so no defensive maneuvers are attempted. "What do you -mean- you people?" He asks, eyebrow raised and a judgey stare given from under the hood of his cape. He was dressed in all his attire, gold R and all.

  Robin's flare never falters, he's earned his rep as a consummate angry boy. "What are -you- doing here?" He adds in, removing a grapple gun from his belt and holding it at the ready.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie is still over by her stuff by the pullout couch, which to be noted, is not pulled out.

She straightens and puts her hands on her hips now. "I live here!" then as the smoke fades out some she gets a better look.

"WOAH.. Robin!" okay she sounds like a fan for sure as she watches him face off with grapplegun against Kara now. I mean maybe she should be like don't grapplegun the lady who brought over food and all but she is kinda speechless.

Supergirl has posed:
It was a strange state of affairs, when a pullout sofa was not, in fact, pulled out.

But as it was done, she coughs again, releasing Damian's shoulder as she brings her hand up to her mouth, clearing her throat just so. "Oh, you're a Robin?!" she says, pointing at her nose. "I kinda hang out here too, I'm um..."

Koff koff. "I'm Kara. I live here too, so..." says the Supergirl, her eyes flickering to each.

"I um... do you guys want some Italian food?" she asks, waggling the bag. "You know. Before the garlic bread goes all soggy and weird?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin keeps his glare through those white eyelets that cover his eyes. "What gave you that idea? Was it the red and green, or the giant R on my chest?" Yes, he was a smartass. No he wasn't apologizing.

  Robin pulls down his hood and shakes his head. "No, I have water." He comments, looking to Charlie as the smoke clears. He was diminutive, but he had a commanding presence, much like Batman, if he were short.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie does not have a commanding presence, she seems much to happy to be here right now and also she is Damian's height.

"So cool." she breaths and then blinks and points "I have pizza and mexican cokes..." her hand reaching behind her to tap the TV off, music videos dying now.

"I am pretty sure you don't live here though Kara... I mean.. sure I've only lived here like a week with the.. um.. owner.. but.. I haven't seen you?" she sounds worried now. "I mean there are two other people who live here.. but I think one is moving out and then I get the second bedroom.."

Her eyes flick to Robin, definitely a look of help out here.

He is more experienced after all.

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes!" chirps Kara back to Robin with all of the trusting sound of someone who thought he was asking his smartass question in earnestness. "I'll take a mexican coke!" she says. "I mean... what's the difference between that and American cokes?"

Music videos die, and that assault on her senses with her though. "I um. She told me about you," she says to Misfit. "She didn't tell you about me?" she asks, bringing up her hand to point at her own nose. "I mean, look at me - I'm harmless! How would I get /anywhere/ near this clocktower if I wasn't invited in?" she says.

"I um. I slept on the couch once or twice. Maybe it was before you were, ah. Around, though," she says, bringing up her hand to kinda tug at the tip of her nose. She was looking vaguely guilty.

She was a bad liar.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian takes his flask out and drinks. Water of course. When he sees how Kara reacted to his comment though, makes him wonder.

  "Then if you lived here, and you know what goes on, you would also know that else is here as well. A station to resupply a member of the family."

Misfit has posed:
Okay that isn't quite what she expected Damian to do or say. Charlie is honestly still a little bit suspicious. "I'm not questioning you being here Robin." she notes and then returns her scrutiny to Kara.

"She didn't, but it has been a crazy week.. also well.. I could get in here no problem if I wanted to even if I didn't live here so I'm not sure if that is a good test." there is a frowny pause then "If she told you about me what is my name?" which is honestly a pretty good test. At least she thinks so. She looks between them both then picks up a mexican coke and moves to hand one to Kara. Still suspicious really but she has Robin backup. Which is serious backup right.

Supergirl has posed:
"Um. It was kinda before all the classes. Was it... um... Stephanie?" she asks, her eyes kinda narrowing on Misfit. "I mean, I had a door key and everything." A beat. "BABS WAKE UP AND COME RESCUE ME!" There were lungs on this girl as she SHOUTS!

Clearing her throat, she turns a shade or two darker. "I mean, I just kinda helped her with some information gathering on hook," she says. "That drug that... you know. That's bad news," she says. She moves to try to offer Misfit the bag of Italian food, as she takes the coke.

"She seriously didn't mention me to either of you guys? Kara? You know," she says, kinda doing a hippy skirt swishy dance. ".../Kara/?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs head pokes out of her room... one eye blurry and thr other squinting, hair everywhere as if she where sleeping, "Why are you yelling, why yelling?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian crosses his arms, and giving a shrug of his shoulders. "I tend to stay out of people's business. As I like them to stay out of mine."

  Robin continues to hydrate, before he finishes that flask and places it back, as Barbara makes her presence known. "You are low on grapple carts, and type three batarangs. I will deliver replacements before Patrol is over. And she woke you up." He says pointing to Kara. "Who is hiding something." Yes, bad liars can be exposed by a detective.

Misfit has posed:
"Jinkees..." when Barbara comes out of her room looking all desheveled "I thought you were out..." she has been partying it up with sugar and caffeine and pizza for a while now. "When.. did..." she lets it drop. Babs was batgirl, some ninja-ing is expected she suppose.

"Uh.. what Robin said... is this lady okay and no.. I am not Stephanie." squinty look at Kara now.

"Also I need some type three batarangs".

Supergirl has posed:
"I'm so not HIDING ANYTHING," says Kara, Far Too Loudly.

Another few moments, and she brings up her hand to kinda massage the tip of her nose with that. "You're hiding something, Robin," she says, trying the age-old tactic of accusing before she could be accused.

"Babs it's you ah my goodness, save me! Tell them I'm not evil or a villain or something! They're going to beat me up!" she says.

"I don't know who you are then just that there was someone cool hanging around and I should meet them so I bought enough Italian food to feed several horses in case you were, you know, hungry and..." Breath.

"I can just go too, but you looked like you were having fun with those video games?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs days are spent largely in a coma, "Okay..." Squinty eyed glance at the trio... First Damian, "Thanks, Robin.. make sure to bring a few extra for Misfit." Pointing in Chatlie's direction, "Charlie, this is Kara." Motioning from one to the other, "Robin, Kara, Charlie, Robin." Point, point, point. "Kara is not evil, shes my girlfriend... she has a key." The red head pops back into the room.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin keeps his arms crossed, then all of a sudden they're dropped to his side, mouth slightly agape. "I knew it. I knew it!"

  Damian laughs with one sharp HA! Before he takes out that grapple gun again. "This is my girlfriend, Kara." Damian comments, in Barbara's voice. "Oh, that's rich. Next she's going to say she's a kryptonian or something equally absurd."

  It was a cover, not many people could have moved that fast in the smoke to get behind Robin without setting him off. Damian does have his doubts, but she's at least some sort of speedster in his eyes. For now, he stays out of it, heading back up to the exit so he can get back out there.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie blinks a couple of times and looks at the retreating Barbara and then to Kara. "Well shoot.. I had no idea that she was dating someone..." she reluctantly sets her thumping baton down somewhere. "Uh.. nice to meet you Kara."

When Robin seems to be making his way out. "Maybe we can totally go on patrol sometime... I am trying to learn from the best." she notes chipperly. In a much better mood now that danger has passed.

Supergirl has posed:

And of course, Kara turns all sorts of colors at that. Up come her hands, waggling her fingers at the tip of them.

Clearing her throat, "It's, ah. Nice to meet you both," she adds. "And.. ah... yeah. That would be um. Absurd," Kara says, her eyes glancing downwards and away from the group.

"It's ah... wow, you're kinda scary with that thumping baton, Charlie," she says. "And it's good to meet you, Robin," she says, waggling her hand in a wave to him. "So. You guys... all... batpeople too?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian stops as he's followed by Charlie, staring her down from behind that mask. "It is not a game to go out and totally have fun with. Patrolling the streets is our first defense against letting the city drown in crime." Though her compliment, wether meant or not, has Robin a little more softer than others who've proposed the same thing. "I will give you a shot. If you have got what it takes, then we can talk more."

  He gives a nod in regards to Kara before he shoots the grapple and reels himself out of the Clocktower.

Misfit has posed:
"Awesome." is Charlie's response, not I know Robin, or of course Robin, just .. Awesomee...

Then once he grapples away she turns back and heads back to Kara to make sure she picks up the italian and takes the bag to unload it with the pizzas she got. "He seems very intense, a lot like Batman really, who is super intense..." she goes to get some plates for the pasta.. hesitates then gets bowls and spoons and forks.

"I'm a Misfit... tho not in a meanly lable sort of way.. I am kinda odd and I have fun doin this so I guess they are all probably right about the tagline...anyhow I am tots owning it since I can't be batgirl."

Supergirl has posed:
A nod back to Damian. Stoic. Cool. Kara could do that too. She even gives him a fingergun and a 'hey'.

But what do you do.

"And Babs can be..." she lowers her voice, although the Oracle hears all and sees all. "... super intense too. Maybe that's like a muscle. You have to work your intensity muscle," she says. "I didn't know you had so much food already or I would've bought some tiramisu," she says. "You know, instead. Because that's how things work," she says.

She wasn't waiting, though. She was spooning herself a lot of pasta.

"You can be a Batgirl. I know I want to be a Batgirl when I grow up," she teases, a bit. "But Misfit is a cute name," she says.

Misfit has posed:
"I'm pretty sure I don't have an intensity muscle like that.. or maybe I sprained it... but Babs isn't too intense. She seems really nice to me." of course Charlie is a wayward orphan in Gotham. Heck Batman was nice to her even. Soft spot.

"Dessert is important, and should be eaten first.. alas..." she picks up a piece of garlic bread though. "I... I don't think cute will instill fear into the hearts of varlets and knaves?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Well. Ahem. She's kinda intense when she's working, and being... you know. /Oracle/," whispers Kara as if sharing a deep dark secret to the wayward orphan. "Maybe," she says to Misfit at that though, moving to spoon another extra helping of pasta onto her plate. Big appetite, this one. And she starts to eat.

"Well, or it'll inspire more fear," she says. "You know, if something cute is beating you up, it makes you look weird at the villain convention," she remarks to the other young woman.

Misfit has posed:
"That.. is a lot of pasta..." she murmurs and then blinks "Oracle voice is kind of daunting yes..." she smiles amused. "But she is still nice." she heads back for her soda and decides to get another slice of her pizza.

"So are you like in college then... Babs enrolled me in a private girls school... which is.. going great.. it is totally like my school in .." names a neighborhood in like the worst part of Metropolis's slums.

"honestly I've never seen so many cool shoes..."

"Do villains have conventions?"

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara blinks at what Misfit names, her brow furrowing together as she forks some pasta up into her mouth. "I am. I was taking a science major, but I'm doing a lot of journalism classes. Ah... journalish runs in the family, you know, and I have a cousin super into it, so."

A shrug of her shoulder. "...a private girl's school? How do you feel about that? Besides the shoes, at least," says Kara, her tone of voice getting quirky.

"Didja get any good pairs of your own?" she asks. Another pause. "Maybe? Probably? They probably get sick of getting beaten up from time to time."

She was working on the pasta pretty hard there.

Misfit has posed:
Charlie watches her innhale the pasta and works her slice of pizza a good deal slower. "Journalism... I figure in a couple years Babs is going to make me pick something to go to college for.. I mean is fighting crime a bad thing to major in." she just sighs like she is super put upon. She also definitely confirms she is like 15 or 16 as well.

"I got a couple nice pairs yup! She gave me a credit card to get clothes and school supplies so I got everything I was told I would need for it and a bunch of stuff that burned up in the fire for around here."

"Also I am sure they will all be my best friends in this new school though in no time.. I had tons of friends in my old school." lies, she was a weird kid even before she became a vigilante orphan. "No one has made me fight them... do you think they will.. I mean I will totally kick their asses but that would probably not make friends.."

Supergirl has posed:
"I hope not," says Kara. "I mean, school should be a pretty fun time, but I get some people get serious about it. Or they're just jerks, you know?" says the hidden benoodled Supergirl, as her plate works its way towards empty. But she was slowing down, believe it or don't.

"That's gotta be fun," she says, smiling wide. "... that burned up in a fire?" she asks, her brow furrowing.

"And yes? You seem kinda friendly. I believe it. But um... I guess the whole secret superhero thing probably gets in the way of that, too."

Misfit has posed:
Charlie looks a little uncomfortable at the question about a fire. "Uh.. yeah all my stuff got burnt up..." and more but she seems to be avoiding talking about that. Is she sad. Yes she is suddenly sad. She doesn't like thinking about the sad stuff.

"I'll be back in a minute..." she notes and she heads off to the bathroom leaving Kara with her empty pasta plate.