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New York on a Flying Trapeze
Date of Scene: 31 August 2019
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Ghost Spider (Aka Gwen) takes Spinneret (aka MJ) for a swinging tour of NYC by night and run into Arana (aka Anya) and have a spiderchat.
Cast of Characters: Ghost Spider, Mary Jane Watson, Arana

Ghost Spider has posed:
Right, what does one do when one's girlfriend finds out you are a Spider Person <tm>. Very good question.

What does one do when one is Ghost spider and one's girlfriend finds out. Well in this case it is cave into her request to take her swinging through the city lit up at night. Less chance of errant cellphones and CCTV cameras picking up the traversal.

I mean sure MJ made a costume keep her identity safe just in case, but night also helps. That and the city is downright beautiful lit up like this at night.

So here we find Ghost Spider with another costumed woman in her arm, swinging at high speed above the city. "Hold on tight, but ... I got you...." and that is when the momentum takes them to the top of an arch and they just soar out over the city weightless for a moment at least.....

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane's costume is not quite the typical spider-fare. It isn't super-durable nor does it have any technological components built into it. All it really does is look cool (white and red!) and fit her well. She'd tug on it to make sure it were more comfortable if she weren't busy clinging on to Ghost Spider for dear life.

"Oh my god!" MJ-in-disguise calls out as they swing out over the city, gloved fingers clinging tightly to Ghost Spider's shoulder as she cranes her neck to look down at the lights below, "This is amazing!"

Arana has posed:
With a belly full of her Papa's good cooking weighing her down, Anya isn't at her speediest or most agile, but she'd be damned if she was going to take the train all the way from Kings back to her dorm room/ And that was certainly going to be true with the weather this nice out, so: swingline it is.

Fully clad in in her black suit, the white spider on her chest standing in stark contrast, she swings work-man-like through the night skies, casting one weighted bola after the next, not blessed with organic webs nor anything that could be considered a web-shooter - but it works for her.

The slight girl has been swinging all the way from Kings to insert dramatically beautiful block here on her way to Greeenwich, and folks, that's a long way to go on a full stomach, so she alights briefly atop a roost, tucking herself in a crouch and, since no one is watching, belches a little bit of the tostada she ate an hour ago.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen laughs as MJ exclaims ohmygod and grips her tighter. I mean tight is good because right now they don't even have a webline out they are just soaring along above the city.

Before things get at all risky though Gwen fires another line and with one arm tight around MJ angles so it is a painless swoop down this new webline and up again. "You get going pretty amazingly fast this way once you get the hang of iiiit..." because they are up again in the air.

Which is about when they go sailing right by Anya's rooftop really, probably on the upswing.

Gwen angles to land them on a building just a bit taller than the one Anya is currently on. Not swinging away for the moment. "How you holding up?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"I'm good," Mary Jane says almost breathlessly, neck craning to get a better view of the city around them, "You just keep your eyes on the road, Tiger! I'm relying on you up here!"

Her grip remains tight the whole while, because even though she's got her own homemade spider-suit she's not a webslinger nor is she durable enough to tumble out of the sky and not go squish. She does peer down at Anya as they sail overhead, waving a hand through the air as they swoop past at speed.

"Lot more people up here than I'd have thought ... "

Arana has posed:
The sound of glee above the din of the city is unmistakable to Anya, as certainly she's heard the sound of her own voice echo of the walls of sky scrapers often enough (when she's less full, at least), and so she turns her head upwards to see the two women swing right overhead, once familiar, one not. "That doesn't seem fair..." she says under her breath, standing back up and shaking a cramp out of her leg. "Why she gotta give me so much hassle about being a spider when she's clearly doing Uber but for Arachinids.."

She watches the pair alight on the neighboring building, and not having super hearing at all, couldn't possibly know she'd be interrupting anything personal or serious, she steps back, and takes a running start to make for the next building in a leap instead of a swing, her gymnast's legs kicking off just so to pull off a graceful flip as she rises up across the gap, to land not *near* the other pair, but certainly in their presence.

"So, is there like a convention going on? Because I didn't bring my purse, so you gotta spot me for the badge," she says, her too-long pony tail flapping in the wind. "I was going to make a joke about union dues, but I couldn't come up with one in time," she snarks, her exposed mouth curling up in a tight smile.

Ghost Spider has posed:
There is a laugh "Eyes are on the sky Red..."

Once they land though and what MJ said sinks in Gwen cocks her head a little bit in that awesome hood of hers. "Lot more people than you thought...?" some confusion in her voice and she is just starting to turn around to look where they just were when Anya swings up and then lands in a graceful flip near the two of them.

Right no danger sense warning because no real danger. Gosh darnit.

"Uh... mmm hey Monochromatic Spider... " she is a little surprised but the quipping does set her at ease behind her mask. "Well you do still owe Spider Union dues but I think I can let it slide this time since that was fun kicking preppy gansta butt last night..." she indicates herself. "So yeah... I'm ghost spider.... what do you go by?" then there is a narrowing of the white eyes of her mask, how the hell does she and spiderman make the eyes expressive like that. "Oh um.." she indicates MJ, scrambling mentally "This is Spinneret" is just pops out of her mouth.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
'Spinneret?' Mary Jane mouths at Gwen, brows furrowing beneath the red domino mask she wears. But she quickly turns to face Anya, bowing with a flourish because she can't think of anything else to do, and then straightening up without a lick of self-consciousness.

"That's me. Spinneret. Look out, evil-doers. Etcetera. Etcetera."

She gestures between the two /actual/ spiders with the point of her finger, raising her eyebrows: "Oh, hey! You've beaten up crooks together before? That's cool!"

Arana has posed:
She smiles, placing her hand on her hip, as if to pose dramatically and powerfully, but: she's 5 foot 3, and about 3 of those feet are hair, so it doesn't quite have the powerful effect she's maybe looking for. "You can call me Arana," she says, her accent coming out stronger when she speaks this or other words in Spanish, as if the letterer put angle brackets in her speech bubble.

"Yep, me and, um, Ghost Spider go way back.. all of 24 hours," she smirks, then turns back to Gwen. "I had fun last night, too," she says, reflexively rubbing at the spot on her chest where she got stabbed, even though there isn't now and wasn't then any sign of lingering damage. "You know, until I got stabbed. And until Mister Tall Grimdark and Ugly started talking about cutting off preppy dingalings.." she says, without any explanation at all for Spinneret.

Ghost Spider has posed:
There is a nod to Spinneret there "This gang of college frat boy types with lacross sticks and stuff was attacking another gang.... it was kinda sad really but it felt good to web them to stuff."

Then to anya "Yeah.. tall grimdark and not very handsome is definitely in the Punisher spectrum of violent crime stopping jerks I think.. maybe even darker. At least the Punisher doesn't have animate chains and a gross looking living costume of some sort right... " pause a beat "Just more guns than any other person I've run into fighting bad guys.. so many guns.... I saved the Punisher's life though one time from a lot of ninjas. That was extra."

She is a little rambly because well MJ is here and Aarana is here and she has no idea what to do in this situation.

"At least your costume protected you from the knife... though I was surprised the guy got the drop on you actually..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane, a.k.a. Spinneret, looks as though she's just managing to keep track with the conversation. Is this what it's like for spider people? Standing around on rooftops talking about creepy chain-guys with castration fetishes and how much it sucks to get stabbed. If /she/ got stabbed, she'd probably still be in hospital. Super powers must be nice.

"Yeah, webbing looks like a blast," Spinneret says, looking between the two for a confirmation. Then she just out and out admits it, holding her palms flat towards Anya as though she's confessing a crime, "I'm not actually a spider ... person. This is just so I don't end up having to explain swinging around with Ghost Spider to my aunt or something. So, if someone tries to stab me? Feel free to try and keep them from doing that. This is just lycra - I don't think it'll handle a stabbing."

Arana has posed:
A shrug of her slight shoulders and a bit of as frown in response to Gwen's obvious ellipsis. "I was too busy trying to come up with my next quip, I'm led to believe that's how this works..." she says, holding her palms out at her sides. "I don't have much of a track record of team-ups, so there was a lot going on. You know, for me, anyway."

She turns to MJ. "I mean, I've been stabbed more times than I can count, honestly. Sworded. Shot. Like: Shot an *awful* lot. Even Arrowed that one time, but, you know, I'm like that song, rigt? I get knocked down, and... and..." she says, tapping her foot while at the same time tapping her lip with one black clad finger. "It's an old song, but you know, the one about the whiskey.. something something stabbed alot... never gonna stabby stab?"

"She smiles at MJ's confession. "I mean you wear it well, I like the colors and all. But yeah, I really don't recommend getting stabbed unless you have a flexible exoskeleton like I do," she says, and then as if to demonstrate and maybe flex a little bit, she extends her arm, and the blue black tendrils peel away from her arm for a moment to show her bare skin, then form back into a more iridescent blue, harder chitinous-looking material. "I don't really get a chance to show off much, because, like I said, solo career and all..."

Ghost Spider has posed:
To MJ "No getting shot or stabbed.. which is why no costume unless I am there to pull you out of the way Spinneret... also no Ninjas."

"Interesting." is all Gwen says as those white eyes on her suit narrow and she watches Anya's suit do it's trick. "I really definitely totally want to know how that works." she doesn't reach out and poke at the suit though and all. She hasn't had any run ins with Venom yet so she is scientifically very curious. "Is that part of you... I'd ask for a sample but that might be rude.."

Then she shrugs "I tend to avoid getting shot and stabbed to begin with, it isn't too hard most of the time really you just listen to your .. uh.. instincts and move." a look to MJ and then back to Anya. "Team-ups are pretty all right... there is ArachKid.. Spider-Man.. Silk... me.. you I guess... I haven't met Spider-Woman though which is unfortunate.. but Avengers are busy..." pause "Also it is I get knocked down and I get up again... classics station on spotify isn't all bad."

Then she holds up her hand "No web shooters... some sort of weighted line you throw?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"Oh, hey," Mary Jane says, pointing at the tendrils doing their magic on Anya's arm, "That's a whole lot cooler than this lycra deal I'm working with."

She turns her head to Gwen, grinning broadly beneath the red mask she wears, "Am I the world's most unlucky woman? I feel like I keep running into all you super people, and yet here I am all normal. No magic meteor bestowing me powers, no getting bit by a radioactive badger."

She pauses a moment, reaches out, and slaps the Ghost Spider on her butt as brazenly as all hell, "Can't be that unlucky, I guess."

"I promise I won't go Spinneret-ing without adult supervision. Don't worry."

Arana has posed:
"It's a part of me, just like your bones are a part of you, it just, you know: comes out when I need it," she says, the exoskeleton retuning back to it's body-suit like typical nature, being really indistinct from any typical superhero wear, moving and hugging her body no different than lycra. "And I've found it doesn't take well to being sampled. There's a lot of magic involved," she says as if it is the most normal thing in the world to have a magical exoskeleton. I mean, it's perfectly normal to her, right?

In answer to Gwen's question, she pops a white disk of the back of her hand, where it had been resting, caught up in the exoskeleton. "Yeah, I throw these, they're fun, and useful," she says, pulling out a length of line, as gripping claws come out from the disk. "I mean, I can only bite of *some* of the Spider look and feel, I can't like totally ape your style, right? Besides, webs are, you know: kinda gross..."

She watches MJ smack Gwen on the backside and you can all but see the wheels spinning in her head behind her big white spider eyes, but not like the quickest wheels or anything. "See, you say you're unlucky, Spinneret, but you could totally write the best, most scandalous book if you really wanted to," she says, attaching her swingline disk back on the back of her hand. "Not that there is anything scandalous about me. At. All."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen was not expecting that slap on her ass. Luckily for MJ her suit does not harden like an exoskeleton on impact like Anya's does or she would have hurt her hand quite a bit there.

"Good, also you have curfew." teasing tones.

Turning to Anya. "Huh magic... yeah okay I have no experience in magic. Just a lot of experience in biogenetics and mutagenic properties..." a lot ... too much maybe. "So I think no samples is probably for the best. It also explains probably why you got stabbed.

"Webs are not gross... I mean... here I was thinking about making you a pair if you are going to be swinging around.. but .. not if you call my webs gross." she is probably kidding, about the being totally insulted now.

To MJ "No tell all memoirs either...." amusement in her voice. "Though you should meet Spider-man.. maybe you both even..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"I /should/ meet Spider-Man," Mary Jane says, and the way her eyebrows raise behind the mask suggest there's more to what she said than just the words, "And no, no memoirs, I promise. I want to be on television, not in print. Print is dead, G - hosty, Ghosty Spider." Smooth save, avoiding accidentally using the other 'G' word that might give away the Ghost Spider's alter ego.

"Oh, are you giving out web shooters? I'll take some web shooters? I mean, you don't need to be super-agile to use those, do you? I feel like I could Tarzan on some webs with enough practice ... "

Arana has posed:
"Honestly? I really like the 'klonk' sound these things make when they bounce off of someone's noggin, it's a very satisfying sound," she says, patting the back of her hand appreciatively. "I'd be really hard pressed to let them go. I mean: Klonk. Klonk! It's fun," she says, giggling, her voice certainly younger than the others.

Arana has posed:
Anya Corazon says, "So, if we're going to meet the O.G. Webhead, is there like any interview we have to do? If I don't pass, I don't get to keep wearing the logo? Because that would be really awkward, I spent a *lot* of time working with the exoskeleton to make the spider symbol on the front, and I really like the lines, and I think it makes me look cute. So, I don't *really* want to give it up..." she pouts."

Ghost Spider has posed:
She looks over to MJ and tilts her head slowly. "The only way I don't die when I am swinging between skyscrapers at high speed in the dark is with my spider enhancements... you may die. That said you can practice in a safe environ with mine a bit Spinner."

Honestly she is going to just pretend the G thing didn't happen. Much better than making a fuss.

"Klonking bad guys is pretty fun I'll admit. Also just pay the Spider Dues so the Spider Union Boss.. that is Spider-Man.. doesn't get grumpy and I'm sure you will be fine. He will also totally hate both your codenames I imagine.. he dislikes mine a great deal."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"Well, we can't all be as imaginative as Spider Man," Spinneret says with a sigh, waving her hands dramatically and pointing at Gwen, "You be Spider-Woman," then Anya, "You can be Armored Spider-Woman," then herself, "I'll be Spider-Woman Red. Kid Arachnid can change his name to Spider-Man Junior ... "

She shakes her head, going to slip her hands in her pockets and realising her newly made suit doesn't have them, "Okay, fine, no web-slinging for me. And if Spider-Man wants to complain about me walking around in a spider-suit, I'm going to claim cosplayers rights."

Arana has posed:
There's some more pouting as Anya puts her hands back on her hips and audibly harrumphs. "He's not going to make me be Spider-Girl, just because I'm the shortest, right? I mean, that's just demeaning, not to mention derivative, and possibly a little sexist..." So much pouting. "JJJ was right - he's both a threat *and* a menace."

She points to MJ's hips, where her pockets should be, and chuckles. "You get used to that, but not for a long while. I used to just wear jeans with my outfit, and boy, I do miss the practicality of that, like, a lot," she opines. "The worst is not having my cell phone handy for like the most clutch selfies..."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Spider-Woman is taken and a badass Avenger.. I am not going to get nailed for copyright violations or whatever that would be..."

"Honestly JJJ is the menace.. I mean I will totally tease Spider-man and get quippy.. but that guy is such an asshole." she shakes her head slowly. She then reaches down and pulls a very thin cellphone out of her .. POCKET.... god damnit all she designed her own suit with a super clever pocket. "Dunno what you two mean?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"Spider-Man seems like a nice guy," Mary Jane says, out of nowhere, "I mean, we haven't met but ... it can't be easy being one of the 'original' super heroes, right? I mean, he must have been doing the spider-thing for years now, right?"

Greedily, MJ shuffles over to Gwen and immediately puts her hand in the pocket that she designed into her suit. She doesn't actually want anything, mostly it's just pocket-envy.

"Oh my god, a pocket ... I'm sewing a pocket into this thing as soon as I get home."

Arana has posed:
Anya's mouth hangs agape, pointing at Gwen accusingly. "Witchcraft! Heresy!" she cries out, all but accusing Gwen of consorting with Mephisto in order to put a little hammerspace in her pants. "Heh. Hammer Pants," she says mostly to herself, chuckling and smiling a good deal, even though she's the only one heard the whole conversation with herself.

Seeing MJ and Gwen get close, even if it's just for pocket envy, she smiles pleasantly. "Well, ladies, I need to get back to my dor..." she says, catching herself before going to far. "...way. My doorway. *The* doorway... to... my secret lair?" she says, the last false statement coming across as a question. "You're going to have to let me know when the next Union meeting is, we can pre-game for brunch!"

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Man I need little cards in this suit too... I know neither of you have a pen but I'd give you the number to a burner phone I have if you did." this is to Anya who seems to be making ready to swing.

She carefully gets her pocket back from MJ and puts her phone back into it. "I'll help. Also I am remaking your suit out of the special material I made mine out of.. it is a bit resistant to stabbings and shrapnel.. I mean not like .. her exoskeleton of which I am jealous but it is pretty sweet."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"Bye, Arana," Mary Jane says, matching the Spanish 'n' fairly well despite herself, "Have fun in your lair. Don't brood too much."

That said, she turns back to Gwen and nods her head pointedly. An arm is slipped around the Ghost Spider's shoulders, and she makes ready to swing with her again when the Actual-Spider-person is ready.

"New suit sounds like a great idea. But, uh, I'd rather not get stabbed or shot all the same."

Arana has posed:
"We need, like, a Spider-Signal or something, like, you know, that creepy dude over in Gotham had," she says, sounding as if Batman were well and truly gross. "That'd give JJJ a pretty good heart attack, so maybe we'd have to make sure he was safe someplace before we turned it on the first time. Would only be polite," she adds.

"But, and maybe this is just me and not *all* Spiders," she says, giggling as shh back towards the edge of the building. "But my life has suffered from the most *amazing* coincidences," she says, making quotes around the word 'coincidences', "SO I'm pretty sure we'll all cross paths when it's the exact right time." She takes another step back, planting one foot right on the brick ledge. "Until then, I bid you adios!" she smiles, backflipping off the ledge with a smile on her face before plummeting for a dramatically long time until her swingline can be see leading her away into the city.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen looks after Anya as she bolo's her way away right now. Well first the backflip there. "Showoff." she says lightly so just MJ can hear, of course she would totally do it herself to show off. Project much Ghost Spider?

"So she seems nice. has good quips.. thoughts?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
"I mean, besides you she's the only spider-person I've met," MJ answers, planting her hands on her hips because there's nowhere else to put them and staring off after the departing Anya, "But yeah, if quipping is a big part of it then she's got it down. Still, she doesn't beat you hood and your little blue shoes."

To emphasize her point, Mary Jane turns to grin broadly at Ghost Spider Gwen in her costume, "I digged the white, which is why I used it on my own. Do you like it?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen sticks, literally, a hand on MJ's hip and then extends her out so she can look her over critically. "I do like it.. it is a good color combo... and better than Monochromoatic Spiders black and white look. I mean that exoskeleton armor suit thing is pretty spiffy though. I wonder if I could figure out how to do a similar material without magic." wheels turning in her head now.

She reels MJ back in. "Let's get you home.. scenic route." and fires a webline, gets a good grip, then runs right off the roof with her.