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Latest revision as of 20:18, 14 September 2019

Xaviers called in about Samuel Morgan by shield
Date of Scene: 12 September 2019
Location: Shield offices
Synopsis: Sam is brought into the fold by Sam and Doug, and wishes the best by Lara.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Samuel Morgan, Cannonball, Cypher

Lara Croft has posed:
Samuel Morgan's deprogramming from HYDRA's wicked ways has been a long road, an arduous journey, but the young man has reached a place now where SHIELD is comfortable trying to reintegrate him into society... so long as he's not simply set free and instead given a guiding hand to a trusted location.

So as things do, they boiled down and they boiled down to Charles Xavier's school. Lara Croft, had spent a semester teaching there a couple years ago after sustaining an injury while on an expedition (still has the sabretooth tiger claw scars down her back! ouch!). Charles Xavier had invited Lara to teach at his school and she'd taken time off of her SHIELD active duty to recover.

So now naturally she's a liason between SHIELD and the school for wayward mutants and now naturally... she's the one they called on this transfer of Mr. Morgan into the X-School's custody and care.

Location: A conference room, Samuel Morgan had been brought to it where he'd been introduced to Lara. She'd smiled to him and spent a few moments talking to him, telling him about herself and letting him know that she's proud of how far he's come in his rehab process.

Its not long there-after that Doug and Samuel (the other one) will be brought to the room to be introduced to Samuel (the original one) here-in.

Lara, seated at the table, wearing a dark SHIELD jacket and a tank top beneath it, some simple slacks and shoes. "Mister Morgan, SHIELD has decided that your progress has gone far enough ahead that we can release you to some trusted individuals that will help you readjust toward a normal life, one not in..." She nods toward him. "Handcuffs." Lara stand sthen and reaches for her keys. "Let me take those off you, actually." She steps around the table and walks toward him, keys jingling in her hands.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's been a long road, a long time questioning everything he ever knew and had ever been taught. How do you deal with it when your entire life turns out to have been a preparation to become a tool for evil? For the longest time, Sam had no idea. No idea how to become something other than himself, or how to make amends for the evil he had done. When he finally began to talk, it was always with a view to mitigating at least some of the pain he had caused, and never for any personal gain.

    Days became weeks, became months... became years. He had not been a model prisoner. At least, not until fairly recently. It is said that in a cell, your greatest fear is when the door opens unexpectedly. So when he was called from his daily gym session straight to the interview room rather than his cell, Sam knew full well that something was going to be wrong.

    Wrong turned out to be Agent Croft.

    Now, seated in the almost entirely non-descript conference room, the young man... the teenager, sits as straight as he can, his handcuffed hands on the table in front of him. At least he turned out smartly, with a new pair of shoes that almost fit him just right. He obstinately chose the seat facing the door, his back to a solid wall, eyes scanning the room over and over.

    "Thank you, Agent Croft." It's the first words he's spoken since coming through the door, and he obediently holds up his hands to be released. That, at least, will tell him something. Is he actually going to be... released? Unthinkable.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie was a bit surprised he was one of the ones who was taped for this but with leading and watching the New Mutants it makes sense. Rogue had driven him and Doug here and now. Sam walks along into the rom with his friend. He is wearing a black suit and tie. He wanted to fit in, and maybe saw a bit to much MIB and James Bond, but at least he aint wearing a tux, and has the sunglasses in his pocket. He will look to the woman, and the young man as he comes in and says "Hello, Ah am Samuel Guthrie, and this is Douglas Ramsey, we are here as representatives of Charles Xavier's School for gifted youngsters."

Cypher has posed:
Doug is neatly dressed, in a blazer and a blue bowtie. After entering the room, he stands politely. "Hello, Samuel." He says, "...Would you prefer to be called Samuel or Sam? My name is Doug." He walks around the table and has a seat, and he says, "And I was sent along because my Mutant abilities would allow me to assess you without being mentally intrusive, as there was some concern after everything that's happened to you you'd find examination from a telepath -- invasive." He rests his hands on the table. "The gentleman on my heels is Sam. Sam is *my*... call him my superior, or my supervisor."

He beams at Lara. "Agent Croft."

Then he adds, "As he said, Sam and I are both students of a man named Charles Xavier. ...Are you familiar with his work?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Lara has Samuel's handcuffs off she pulls them away and tosses them onto the table with a clatter, then she reaches into the pocket of her jacket and pulls out an unopened bottle of water she'd gotten out of the vending machine before she'd come down here herself. She offers it to Samuel by setting it down in front of him. "Here, if you'd like it." She says to the young man with a small smile before the door opens and the others join then.

Lara moves toward them then and stands before them, she gives them both a look and a nod. "Hello, yes." A glance back to Samuel as they make introductions known and she chimes in again. "I worked at Charles Xavier's school, I enjoyed every minute of it there. Its a wonderful place, truly." The British woman states.

"We're going to be releasing you into their custody here today, Mister Morgan." Lara tells him then as she steps to the side of the table then.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Rubbing his wrists, Sam gives Lara a nod that could almost be described as grateful. The bottle gets a careful glance, and then the boy takes it, running his fingers around the seal to make sure it's intact.
    The very second that the door opens, Sam tenses. His now free hands come to rest on the table, and he stands with deliberate care, slowing himself down so as not to appear to suddenly spring out of his seat the moment the door opens. That would be Bad. Unexpected moves around unknown agents is a sure route to a tasering, a lesson learned the hard way.

    "Sir! Morgan, Samuel Able, at your disposal, Sir!" Yes, he's standing ramrod straight, looking directly ahead, at a point... well, roughly ten miles distant and just over Sam Guthrie's shoulder. "Sir, I am not familiar with the work of Charles Xavier, sir."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms a bit at the young man's reactions and says "Please you can stay seated, and you can call me Sam, or if you must have formality Mr. Guthrie." He will offer a smile, and says "Not many know about Charles Xavier, but the man has started a school teaching." He will pause looking over to Lara, but she taught there, so any bugs here probably already know what he is fixing to say. "Teaching mutants how to use their abilities, and hopefully when to use them as well. We are a real boarding school, and you will have normal school classes, but classes teaching you to use your abilities so you do not harm others or yourself with them. We represent a dream that mankind and mutant kind can work and live together in peace, and we work to help young mutants find their paths and who they fit in there. Normally if you do not feel you fit in your free to leave, but I assume that might be slightly different since you are being brought to us by Shield."

Cypher has posed:
"We're not soldiers, Samuel. Not today at least. At ease." Doug says.

"You'll be free to conduct yourself there as you like, within the parameters of the schol's rules." He quietly makes notes in a ciphered language on a tablet, tapping them out with a finger. "You are, as we like to say, a free man. From here on out your life belongs to you, or whatever cause you choose to devote it to."

He holds up the tablet. "If you'd like to look, I put together a slide show with some short videos of the school and what you can expect. None of these have been doctored in any way." He lets Samuel push play if he chooses.

"More to the point, we believe that no one is any more or less of a person than anyone else... we live that belief." Then he adds, "And we're here to answer any questions you might have."

Lara Croft has posed:
There is not a lot for Lara to say at this juncture. Doug and Sam G had been already through the paperwork outside to finish up the release portion of this interaction, Sam M was ready to go, but the introductions and informtion needed to be swapped to be certain.

Lara smiles to Sam G when he mentions mutants, she's all too aware of it. She nods once toward him and the other, Doug. "You'll have to give my regards to Ellie Phimister, if she's still at the school. One of my students that I very much do miss." Negasonic and Lara had shared stories a number of times, Ellie had seemed to be enthralled by the adventures Lara has embarked upon. But, many of the students had been, how often do you have a teacher who has a movie about her life, and a video game?

The Agent steps around to the original chair she'd been seated in and places her hands on the back of it, a folder resting on the table in front of it with Sam M's file in it.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As the explanations begin, Sam relaxes fractionally at the permission to sit. He even does so, slowly, keeping his eyes on the two visitors, studying them keenly. He'd been aware of an anomaly, an itch in the back of his mind for a while... and it's not until Doug presents the tablet that he finally understands what it is. They allowed people near him with electronic devices?! Not simply unthinkable, absolutely inconceivable!

    Oddly enough, the play button is never pressed, but the clips start playing nevertheless. Sam's eyes track left to right as he watches the clips, playing at several times their usual playback speed, stopping, tracking and restarting at certain intervals with his hands resting in full view of the others in the room.

    Finally, when the show comes to a premature end, he looks away from the tablet, away from the other Sam and Doug, and straight to Lara. "Agent Croft... when you said you were releasing me to these people, I was under the assumption they were from some kind of military academy. This is... this is a school. Do they know what I've done, what I am? You can't be serious."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other Sam, it is always odd to refer to someone with your own name "We have had people come to our school who have had some incidents in their past, from harming lots of people when their powers manifested to being convinced to work with men who were trying to destroy mutant kind and control the world. Your time at Xaviers will not be about your past, it will be about building a future you wish to see, and be a part of it. Ah do not know what all abilities you have but you do seem t be a technopath, and not the first one we have encountered, so we do have some experience there.

Cypher has posed:
The slides are of students in class, working, playing, in the dining room, at a dance - but there are also videos mixed in of uniformed powers training and other disciplined exercises.

Doug raises his eyebrows, and then says, "...We've been advised. And, to be perfectly frank-- that is specifically why we're taking you on. "Hydra wanted to create a weapon... to make an ideological point, we intend to take their weapon and show Hydra that what they created was a person, with the right to determine his own destiny. I think you'll find that the students and instructors from the school have an astonishing variety of backgrounds. Sam and I were students together. Sam is from Harlan County, Kentucky. His father was a coal miner. I grew up in Salem Center, near the school. My parents were lawyers. Another of our classmates was raised by extradimensional entities colloquially called 'demons'. Still another was an extraterrestrial refugee. Yet another student came from the patrician class of a city of neo-Romans built by a self-proclaimed goddess in the Amazon rainforest."

He holds his hands up, palms out. "While we have to consider what you've been through and the challenges those experiences pose... quite honestly, you fit in better than you could imagine."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gathers up the folder that is on the table in front of her chair and closes it as she starts to walk around the table and let the others explain their school as they so desire. As she passes Sam M's chair she chimes in though. "Clearly you can see they're aware of your past, Mister Morgan. They're good people. You'll particularly enjoy being around the Professor, Charles Xavier. He'll help you feel at home, I promise it."

Lara offers the folder to the other Sameul in the room and nods once to him. "Professor Xavier has worked with SHIELD with the best operating procedure for Mister Morgan's inclusion in the school. Its all here, as is a rundown on his information and other pertinent information." After offering the Folder, Lara will look back to Sam M.

"With that said, Mister Morgan. You're free to head out with these gentleman. Your life awaits you." She then says in cultured London accent.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "That... that is not what they wanted." It's perhaps the first true emotion that has crept into Sam's voice, as he replies to Doug. His eyes burn for a moment, and the stare is back, until with a series of blinks they can focus on the present again. "But your point is valid."

    With a deep sigh, one of relief even, he leans back in his seat, the tension draining rapidly. So rapidly, in fact, that he picks up the as of yet unopened bottle of water, checks the seal again, and then cracks it open, taking a long drink. Bottled water is clearly a luxury that he hasn't been able to indulge in very often. "If you want to take the risk..." and he looks at Sam and Doug, giving a sideways glance at Lara "... then so am I. Hope has to start somewhere, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Hope and faith are two of our main things at the school, we try to have both for al." He looks over to Lara, and says "Ah will tell Ellie you said hello. If you want to contact her she still keeps all her social media open and is even working in that field with the teen titans." He will tell the woman. He the looks to Sam, and says "Ok, would you like to go straight to the school or stop somewhere and pick up a few items. AH take it being here you do not have much of your own. At the school you will have shors, and an allowance so you are able to get things you wish within reason.

Cypher has posed:
"You don't have much in the way of personal belongings," Doug says, "But as Sam said, we can stop to pick up anything specific you'd like on the way to the school. Since it's a little bit of a drive, we've taken the liberty of preparing a bag for you," Doug gestures to Sam, "With a change of clothes along with some introductory materials to the school that go a little further in-depth and some -- call it a starter kit for your life to come."

...It's put together with some levity, as in addition to a hooded sweatshirt, Xavier's School t-shirt, pants, underwear, and socks, it includes some boarded and bagged comic books, a bag of funyuns, some slim jims, a handheld video game device, and a copy of 'The Count of Monte Cristo' in French. "We tried to cover all the bases based on your psychological profile."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara nods to the bit of information given to her with regard to Ellie and she shows a light smile to it. "I'll do that." She's not the most active person when it comes to social media herself, because she's gotten a lot more known name-wise around the world and it comes with a certain measure of distractions and, well, she's a very focused woman with a lot on her palte as it is already. Lara does post quite a lot of images to Instagram though when she's in a remote location and the desire to take a public photograph strikes her.

"I think this will be a great change for your, Mister Morgan, really. And again, you're welcome to return here if you feel uncomfortable or need a place to come, but I strong doubt that will happen." She says in short then.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A blink follows, directly on the heels of a raised eyebrow. Personal belongings? What? The concept only dawns on Sam in stages, still solidifying as he starts look into the bag that's being presented. Clothes, yes, of course, he understands that necessity, and he hadn't gotten around to asking about uniform requirements yet, expecting to read those off the day board in the assembly hall. But candy? Books?! Who would think of -

    "Dumas!" There is actual delight in Sam's voice all of a sudden, picking the book out of the bag and opening it, as if hoping against hope that the title hadn't been some idle fancy, and he'd get the pleasure of reading the original French version again. A few scanned sentences tell him all he needs to know, and he puts the book back, bewildered. "I... don't understand. Stop somewhere?" It implies a level of freedom he has never known.

    "I respectfully submit that it might be most efficient if we made our way to your facility... your school at best possible speed?" And returning to the Scorpion Pit? Right now he's not even sure he wants to leave... but with another deep breath, Sam stands. For the first time in a long time, without handcuffs, and looking at an unlocked door.

    Looking at a new future.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well Sam, sometimes, the best way to do things is not always the most efficient, but we can talk about it on the way back to the school. " He will look over and says "We will do our best to help him out Agent Croft. He stands and says "We can head on out tot he car now. If you enjoy reading Ah am sure you will enjoy our library we have an interesting array of books to try to make sure everyone has something they enjoy reading." He will stand and move to lead the young man and Doug out.

Cypher has posed:
"What do you think, Sam?" Doug says. "Do we stop and get him a triple bomber burger from the burger barn? It IS cheat day. I could go for one myself."

Doug rises, and then says, "Ma'am. It's been a real pleasure. I used to read your articles in National Geographic."

"You can conduct yourself with as much discipline or efficiency as you want, bucko," Doug says. "Or don't want."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "What is cheat day?" It's an honest question, as Sam walks out the room with his escort, highlighting just how much of a stranger he is to a world that most people take for granted.

    "As an additional question, what is a triple bomber burger? It sounds unhealthy..."

Cypher has posed:
"Cheat day," Doug says, "Is a magical day that comes once a week when you work out for at least an hour of every day and eat a lot of chicken and salmon." He gestures, with one hand.

"And is it unhealthy? Is it unhealthy? You'll be able to watch it congeal in the wrapper in front of you..."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps aside of the conference table and she places her hands inside of the side pockets of that dark navy blue jacket with the SHIELD logos on the shoulders. Shes keeps a soft smile onher lips and nods to what the Samuels both say before she shows a light grin toward Doug. "I hope you found them to be enjoyable." She quietly replies to the articles comment.

Her eyes drift back to Morgan and she nods once toward him again. "Good luck, Mister Morgan." She says, assuming that the trio is on their way out now. "Enjoy the food, if you go and get some."