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Latest revision as of 20:22, 14 September 2019

Late Night/Early Morning Musings
Date of Scene: 13 September 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon and Mr. Green (J'onn) talk about gaining wisdom, heroes, and what it takes and means to be one.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Martian Manhunter

Nightingale has posed:
     What a mixed day it had been. It had started out for Shannon normally enough, with her injuries having healed enough to progress to walking with a cane instead of crutches. There were the usual classes, homework to be done, and a pair of jeans to replace. And that's where things had gone a bit pear-shaped.

     The winged teen is curled up on a worn blue beanbag chair, in her favorite red tartan sweatpants, loose grey tanktop, and her sheepdog slippers for pajamas. She's got a plate full of Oreos and a glass of chocolate milk on the small side table near her, and her phone in her lap. There's a pair of earbuds connected to the phone, and her eyes are closed as she seems to be listening to something. But, to any telepaths in her immediate vicinity, her thoughts and emotions are right on the surface, despite her outwardly calm demeanor.

     There was the brief image of a black-masked man, coupled with a roiling hotbed of frustration, curiosity, and confusion. There was the brief image of Sam, paired with feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and--overriding all of these--trust and caring. What could have happened?

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn was working on the lessons for the next day in a small room that he temporarily uses as his office, and while part of his mind programmed and planned what to teach to the kids, another part of his mind was busy performing a quick telepathic scan of the area to make sure everything was allright. A third part of his head, small at first but growing gradually in power and intensity, instead, kept conjuring images of oreos, food, oreos, food, piles of oreos, castles of oreos, planets of oreos, giant oreos floating in space, oreos up, oreos down, oreos everywhere. J'onn stands, closing the laptop with a clicking sound, then turns his body invisible and intangible, effectively passing through the floor and several walls to get to the rec room, where not only there should be one of his supplies of oreos, but also, he sensed, a troubled mind.
So J'onn very quietly floats in the room, invisible, intangible, and sets himself in front of the door, trusting in the fact noone is looking his way before returning both visible and in a solid form. To anyone it could look like he'd just entered, but the door never opened. "Shannon" he greets, in a high enough voice to be eard over the earbuds.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks one eye open as she hears her name being called. She taps her phone briefly to pause the music, pulling the earbuds from her ears. Inclining her head, she offers a small smile. "Mr. Green... what's kept you awake so late?" Recalling his fondness for Oreos on their last meeting, she reaches for the plate, and holds it up in his general direction. There'd be time to think things through later.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn politely inclines his head in Shannon's direction, then quietly walks in her direction, getting a chair to sit in front of her and cracking a smile while reaching for an oreo. "thanks" he says, popping it into his mouth. He waits till he's done eating that probably first of many oreos, then settles a bit in his chair and replies "I was planning tomorrow's lessons." he just says, not really necessary to say he was also keeping watch around the place and considering a few matters for the league. "what about you, instead, you seem almost as troubled as last time we met. Although, I think, for different reasons"

Nightingale has posed:
"Thank whatever god you pray to that at least nobody was hurt this time," Shannon replies, her brows furrowing ever so slightly. An oreo falls prey to the need for chocolate, with the teen sending it on its way to her belly. "How did you know, though? Are you a telepath?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"maybe" J'onn replies about being a telepath, even if rumors on the school grounds could surely confirm that. "but there's also something called body language, that serie of involuntary hints that your body, posture, expression and behavior, give away to express physically your thoughts..." he offers, as another plausible explanation, he could just be a good observer! "do you want to talk about it? I don't think I'll be working on the classes anymore tonight" or, to be more precise, he can do it tomorrow in an instant if he devotes even just a small part of his mind to planning while he does other things.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes a little and just laughs. Yeah, body language. She didn't quite believe that, but kept her thoughts from becoming words. "Just a frustrating day I've got to pick myself back up from and move on. Just... hoping to heck Bobby doesn't decide to chew me out again." She chomps down on an oreo, making short work of the treat instead of twisting it open and devouring the center as she normally would do. "I was in Mutant Town looking for some new jeans to replace the ones I got shot in a couple nights ago. Saw the same masked man that was in the warehouse that Sam, Megan and I were looking into." She frowns now, her expression actually changing. "I followed orders, didn't try anything stupid, and when it came down to it, knew better than to try and chase him down by myself. But there was so much more I could've done better. And Bobby's going to have a field day with that." The last words are spoken with frustration, confusion, anger, and almost dread.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn listens quietly, his hand calmly reaching for another oreo, he doesn't need to talk for now after all and that means he can eat and pay attention to what Shannon is saying, all while fulfilling his desire for oreos. Two birds with a stone, what an efficent alien he is!
"if you followed orders given by people presumably more experienced, then noone can blame you for anything. That's one side of things, another side of things is, no sense in feeling bad about how you could've or couldn't have done better, what's done is done. Learn from it, so that tomorrow, when faced with a similar circumstance, you will indeed do better if possible at all. Just being aware that, then, you still will think you could've done better, because there's always something that we could do that would be better than what we did. That is, called growing, and learning from our experiences. Gaining wisdom, if you want."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and offers something of a smile. "...but your teammates 'nd teachers here at the school can pick you up under your armpits 'nd get you on your feet again." Her voice is little more than a murmur, but she chuckles a little bit. "How the heck did he know?" Another oreo meets its fate, and at least this time, she twists it open to devour the center first.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn raises an eyebrow slightly "how did he know what, and what he are we talking about?" he asks serenely, turning his lips upwards in a smile in Shannon's direction "that's the good side of being surrounded by people that care about you, when you fall, they help you up. And even more importantly, they help you up even when you don't know you've fallen, and that is the difference between friends, and true friends I suppose." he leans back in the chair, grabbing or another oreo

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a bit of a smile, and shrugs. "Probably wouldn't believe me if i told you. I can still only half believe it." She hugs her knees to her chest, and rests her chin atop them; her left hand is angled away from her lower left leg, as if perhaps that might be the reason for the cane she has been using for the day. "Right after the kid in Mutant Town was lost, I was kind of off my head and sent a message to Captain Rogers. Not even really sure what I was thinking at the time... it was just a link to the news about the attack, and 'why'. Never expected anything to come of it at all." She lets out a short laugh, and shakes her head. "Guess who showed up to check on things at the school a few days ago."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"Captain Rogers showed up?" J'onn asks, even if his face doesn't betray any form of disbelief or, to be fair, surprise. "and why shouldn't I believe you? Captain Rogers is a more approachable person than a lot of people seem to think" he grins slightly, another oreo finding its way into J'onn's mouth

Nightingale has posed:
"Maybe so... but he's also got his hands full with god knows how many other things. It amazes me that he was even able, never mind willing, to do something like that--especially when I was never asking for it. It really floored me." Shannon bites her lower lip. "In a way, he was a hero to me well before I even knew this place existed, before I knew any of the people here. And that's not meant to slight anyone. Gods only know I've come to love Sam like a brother and I'm learning to trust him with my life. I'm learning to respect and trust Logan, and Kurt, Scott, even Bobby, and you... so far, everyone here. But in a way... he was there first." She shakes her head and chuckles lightly. "It was almost like talking to a big brother, for a bit there. Stupid thought, I know. But kind of a nice one."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles, for a moment, a sparkle of amusement visible in his eyes "ah, ah! Well, you know, even avengers, even members from the league, not to mention other organizations more or less known, don't spend all of their time in their base training or going out to fight the bad guys. They, interact, with the world they protect in several ways, and not always noticeable ones." he grins again, picking up another oreo "however, I understand, and in a way approve your reasoning. Captain Rogers is indeed a great man, and has been a great hero for many people, and hopefully he shall continue to be."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Agreed. And yeah, I do know about them interacting with the rest of the world." She rolls her eyes and actually outright laughs. "You want to talk about an awkward moment, try nearly running the guy down while coming out of the music shop in Salem Center. Hell of a way to meet one's hero." She smiles, considering another oreo but leaves them alone for the moment. "Sam's become something of a hero to me, too, and even more, like family. Kind of a strange feeling for an only child, but a nice one. Got a good head on his shoulders, a big heart, and very down to earth."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles again, shaking his head a bit "oh, he'd survive, probably!" he comments, getting another oreo, then forcing himself to stop eating them for a moment, then getting another and promising himself it'll be the last, and knowing, that he'll break that promise in a couple of minutes.
"I see, and that's good. Having family is not necessarily having someone with your own blood, and I am glad you found one. But think, that someone, maybe, could think of you as a hero too. It's good for heroes to have heroes, as long as they don't forget what they are too. Or at least, as long as they're aware"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just stares at J'onn, completely dumbfounded. "What are you talking about, heroes having heroes? I'm no hero." She rolls her eyes and snatches up another oreo, devouring the center of it. "Just some kid who messes up a whole lot more than she likes."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn turns his expression into one of serenity again, or at least, stoic calmness. It is time to break a promise now! He snatches another last oreo, eats it, then tilts his head "do you know captain Rogers actually thinks and thought the same things you're saying now? So did people like the Flash, Superman himself even said something similar, once. You may not see you as a hero, Shannon, but you've the potential to be one, and that's enough to be proud, to gain a bit of trust in yourself, to know that not everything you do is messing things up, to have faith that, if not now, tomorrow someone will look at you and hope, that someone knows you're out there doing good, and that someone will sleep better for it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and bursts out giggling. "Actually, I think the term Captain Rogers used for what he was known as once upon a time was, 'a bag of bird bones who didn't know when to stand down'." That bit has her laughing, with mirth fairly bubbling along through her thoughts like a brook on a sunny day. "Got to wonder what it was like for Sam, too, when he was starting here. Or Doug. Or heck, Mr. McCoy. Now there's someone else I've really been coming to respect a whole heck of a lot."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn joins with a chuckle, pauses with an oreo, and continues with a nod of agreement "well yes, that was just to have you see the point!" he grins again, then resolutely pulls his hands away from the oreos "no, no more, no more of this stuff or I will probably die in a most horrible way." or maybe not, but better not think about it!
"well, they are for sure people worthy of respect, and I'm glad you think so" he simply claims, for now.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and adds, "Heroes. Every last one of them. And as for the rest... wait, wha...? Yeah, right. I've heard the 'man of steel' is humble, but seriously?" She shrugs, and chuckles. "Wouldn't know about that. Never met the guy. Have you?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn considers for a couple of milliseconds, then nods "yes, I know him" he just admits. After all he's well aware that some rumors already place him in the league, so there's really not that much in denying! "he's humble indeed! In some cases I'd say, more, human than some humans I know." he shrugs, his eyes steering away from the oreo, his mind resolved to keep him away from them for another bit at least.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly. "Guess all this stuff I'm having to deal with now... maybe someday, remembering it will remind me to not get too full of myself, and be just as kind to others who come after me." She smiles somewhat. "I don't see myself staying on the sidelines... no, I want to be out there with the rest of them, making a difference. However small a difference that might be. So there's going to be a lot of screw-ups. But hopefully things done right, too." She cracks a little bit of a smile. "Wonder if Superman went through any of this when he was getting started."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles happily when hearing those words, nodding in approval "good, well spoken, Shannon" he affirms, still smiling, and nodding again "oh yes, yes he did. He definitely did." he was, sort of there, after all, in a way. "the sea is made of small droplets of water, no matter how big or small of a difference you make, you still help, and I'm sure you will do greatly."

Nightingale has posed:
Mention of the sea just brings a smile to Shannon's face, and she goes very, very silent--almost reverently so. There is a brief mental image of a man in what looks to be a park, with light brown hair and intense, sea-green eyes. The flash of memory is accompanied by incredulity, and the distinct feeling of not wanting to disappoint them. But who could that possibly have been? "Hopefully. And hopefully I won't trip and fall too often on the way."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head at her words, inwardly considering the image but not inquiring more about it for now "oh no, you will trip and fall, if you need to hope, then don't focus on the number of times in which you'll trip so that it might be reduced, but focus your hope in always have the strenght to stand up again afterwards. That way, you'll be prepared to face everything" and with that, he smiles again and pushes himself upwards from his chair "and on that note, I'm afraid I will have to go. It's becoming pretty late or, for some, pretty early I guess. Is there anything I can do for you before I return to my office?" or to the tower, to be precise.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs a little bit and holds the plate of Oreos out to J'onn. "You could take these off my hands before I make myself fat on them. Soon as my leg feels better later on today, I've got a couple days of strength training to make up for before my class with Logan this evening." She chuckles a little bit, getting to her feet, with the plate in hand. Her balance is still a little off, but she's managing without the cane for the moment.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn seems quite unsure if taking the oreos or not, considers, then decides that no matter how much he eats, he will never get fat or anything! So he nods, takes the plate and smiles "very well, Shannon. Please, be safe, and I hope you recover soon from your injuries! As for the rest, we have faith in you, all of us do, I hope we'll add yourself to the list of those who believe in you, hm?" that said he smiles, and walks past the woman, reaching out with his left hand to pat her shoulder as he proceeds towards the door, which opens in front of him, to let him exit the room, heading for, well, his office. First he'll finish the oreos, then he'll go back to the tower!

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and finally has to reach for her cane, though this morning, she's not leaning quite so heavily on it as she did the night before. Perhaps it would be wise to head to the kitchen to get some breakfast, something with a lot of protein in it to help speed healing, and make sure she was ready for class that evening. A short laugh escapes her, and she shakes her head. Her, a hero? Yeah, right. She was just a regular kid with a few unusual gifts, and just learning the best way to use them. With that, she hobbles out of the rec area, and towards the kitchen, in search of sustenance perhaps a bit healthier than oreos, and maybe just as tasty!