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Latest revision as of 20:27, 14 September 2019

Maybe, Sorta, What
Date of Scene: 09 September 2019
Location: Lorna's Room (North Halls); Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna questions Remy about Fantomex, Bobby gets hit with a deck of cards
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Gambit, Iceman

Polaris has posed:
The door to Lorna's room was open, and she was currently throwing different clothes back and forth from hangers into a suit-case. One could assume that she was moving out, but just as many items of clothing floated from another suit case and were waved into the closet. She was switching out her closet of various items, shoes, clothes, and accessories. She'd invited Bobby along at some point, or rather, had informed him that she'd be back in the Mansion for a few hours as she traded out her more Summery gear at the Mansion for heavier fall and winter wear.

She paused, standing in the middle of the closet doorway, and glancing toward the hallway of the staff cooridior in consideration.

"Maybe I should just buy more clothes for both Genosha and here.. Hmm.'

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau just happened to be wandering by when he over heard that little personal aside to herself. He cocks his head slightly and offers just a bit of a smirk, "Ah've yet ta meet a woman who didn' t'ink dat she needed more clot'es. An' since yah got two closets ta ovah fill...

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's hidden behind the side of Lorna's bed and as Remy's voice enters the room, the blond teacher peeks his head up and has a pair of tight fitting yoga pants hanging from his forehead. Having pinched them slightly to fit on his head the legs dangle off the back of his head like the tentacles those star wars dudes had. "Remy, don't encourage her. I'm trying to convince her it would be more well received by the masses if she donated her old clothes, and quietly had new ones made. I mean, she is a princess. Am I right or, amirite?" Bobby says with his faux lekkus flapping behind his head as he turns his chin for effect.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a face as she glanced back at Bobby, directing a pair of jeans to fly at the ice creating mutant with a half hearted flop of fabric in his general direction. She glanced back toward Remy, and grinned. "I have been switching my wardrobes between here and Genosha, of course.. it doesn't get cold there like it does here. I just don't have the storage for it all here, so half the year I'll just have to trade things out." She shrugged, and reached up to push her hair back from her face.

"Actually Remy, you're a man I was hoping to run into. I had a run in with this guy who was claiming to be this over the top thief. He made it passed the palace guards to interrupt my morning in the gardens."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau leans against the girl's doorway and cocks an eyebrow at that. "Well Ah've nevah been dare mahself ta be sure of de security dare, but big official buildings like dat are allot easier to get into den mos' people expect. Often yah jus' need de right uniform an' ta walk wit' de attitude of dare is somewhere yah need ta get to an' yah are late." He shrugs. "What's de guy's name?"

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby starts to say something but holds his tongue and instead lowers himself back down to hide behind the bed where he starts to stuff other clothes up into the pant legs, more and more before he ties a weak knot in one leg before starting the other.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna missed whatever shenanigans that Bobby was getting up to with her yoga pants. She was more focused on the conversation with Remy for the moment. "I thought he might've been a new hire, there's no real uniforms outside of the Acolytes. Plenty of people in Genosha run around in whatever they want." She murmured, and shrugged once with a nod.

"The guy's name was Fantomex. He was french-ish? Very heavy accent. He claimed he stole wine from the French Prime Minister's cellars." She reached up and pulled her hair back again and let if fall from her grip with a sigh.

"Very proud of himself."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau's eye quirks at that, as does the corner of his mouth. "Ah've 'eard of 'im, oui. He's...not /bad/ at de game." which is to say, in Remy's not so humble opinion he's no where near as good as the Cajun himself. Yah 'olding 'im?"

Iceman has posed:
    "You never told me that..." Bobby says, from his unseen position before he pops up with his side project only half complete. One leg dangles empty, the other has some 'meat' on the bone as Bobby frowns as he sits up and looks absolutely stupid. He wants to say more but find he's at a loss for words, good thing too, he looks like quite the fool.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once as she crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame of her closet. "No, I didn't try to. He was interested in seeing if my open door policy for mutants was really just that. I told him so long as he's not stealing from Genoshans, then he has a home there." She glanced toward Bobby briefly and back. "Plus he was talking about stealing from Trask's wine cellar, if it exists.. So I could hardly fault that." She offered, her voice dry and amused.

"Anyways, I didn't tell you Bobby because I didn't want you to worry. He didn't threaten me or harm me. So I figured it was low priority."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly and shakes his head amused. "Well like Ah said, 'e's a good T'ief. Ah wouldn' be offerin' 'im Guild membership, but if yah need someone ta lift grandma's silver 'e probably coul' get de job done foh yah. He casually takes a pack of cards out of his pocket, doesn't charge them or anything, just takes them out and beans them off of Bobby's head.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby frowns and starts to look down as he's feeling like he's not exactly doing a good job at being whatever it is Lorna needs him to be. "I'm sorr-


    "Ow, jeeze! Christ Remy." Bobby says holding his hand to his head and having the 'limbs' of his head flop around as he turns to take the pants off his head. "The f**k dude?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna with held a sigh as she considered Remy's words and nodded once. "Good to know, I was curious if the man was as good as he claimed to be or not. Granted I was outside and the Palace is rather massive. So, who can say?" She drawled, and exhaled a breath. Her green eyed gaze swinging back to Bobby and she blinked repeatedly in surprise.

"Hey Bobby it's fin--" She broke off abruptly as Remy chucked a deck of card at Bobby and Bobby's strange scare crow like bundle of clothes in her yoga pants were lost to the ground.

"Remy.. why did you throw a deck of cards at Bobby?" She asked very slowly, her fingers twitching to reach up and pinch the bridge of her nose.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau tilts his head and gives a wicked little grin. "He really looked like 'e deserved it?" he asks with a slight grin... "An' Ah was too far away ta give 'im a Gibbs slap."