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War of Light: You Win One...
Date of Scene: 05 September 2019
Location: Hangar Bay (Mackenzie King Station)
Synopsis: Hal Jordan, critically injured somehow finds his way back to Earth, pursued by two Sinestro Corps members Amon Sur, and Feena Sik. With the cavalry arriving in the form of Kinsey MacKenna, the two of them defeat the bad guys, and save Hal's life.
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Kinsey MacKenna

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The Earth revolves around the sun, and so far it was being very tame and quiet. It was so far an uneventful day in Sector 2814 - one of 3600 sectors of space, most of them patrolled by the Green Lantern Corps. Earth was a small part of that sector. Around Earth was a very special station manned by members of Alpha Flight.

    The sensors of MacKenzie Station were, as always, monitoring deep space telemetry and making sure that there were no encursions into Earth's solar system that was not welcome.

    Suddenly, there was alarms sounding in Ops and the Command Deck. Something small had just transitioned through a wormhole into normal space, something that was eluding the sensors of the advanced technology on the station. This small object was moving fast. Almost 1/2 the speed of light...and heading directly for the station, as though the direction had been pre-programmed somehow!

    Another flash! This time more controlled. Two objects had transitioned from subspace, following the first. They changed course, and headed right for the first object!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Mackenzie King Station was becoming alarmingly familiar with alarms going off for sudden appearances of 'visitors'. Or so they'd come to be referred to (whether or not that's what they were) since they'd somehow acquired their own resident Lantern, and dropping in to chat with her was rather en vogue at the moment.

Which is likely why, although security continued to monitor the approach, Kinsey was already being called to the hangar bay under the supposition it would be for her. That, and as was equally true many days on the Station, she was the ranking officer in charge today.

Either or, she drags herself from poring over the latest of the build specs from science, and makes her way to the hangars wondering who it might be this time.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The first arrival was a Green Lantern. As he got closer to the station, a signal was beamed to Kinsey from his ring. "This is Honor Guard Green Lantern Hal Jordan requesting assistance. I have been attacked and I am critically injured. I require assistance." The signal stops, and then it registers again.

    The signal was an automated signal, which meant that Hal Jordan was either unconscious, or unable to respond. And he was heading for the station at near superluminal speeds, without a "man at the helm" so to speak.

    The other two contacts were different. The long range sensors picked them up as soon as they were in range...two golden auras surround these two members of the Sinestro Corps. THey were coming, and they were after one prize...the Green Lantern!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
That? Does not sound good at all. Kinsey, between floors, tells Kibou to fill her in on the details such as he has them, and what he offers her isn't sounding good. "Well, so much for polite hellows and official channels," she says with a soft sigh and a half smile. "I'll apologize to security later, but right now, we should be out there where he is. If not to stop his trajectory, but to interfere with theres."

There's a tight rein held on the fact that if it came down to a fight she was going to have to get creative.. But at least she could deal with Hal first and worry about how to deal with the others later. Maybe she wouldn't need to? After all, they wouldn't know about her personal peculiarity.

"Kibou, send out requests from help. Contact the Watchtower if you can. And get me out there to him."

Which he's more than happy to do, though not necessarily in that order.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The Green Lantern was getting closer. After all, Mackenzie Station was closer than the Watchtower, or that would be where he was going. Problem was...he wasn't slowing down! With a little math, Ops and Command have it figured out...in 30 seconds, Hal would hit the station...and at that speed. Well. It would be like a 100 megaton thermonuclear bomb going off.

The other two, the SInestro Corps members, were slowing. Cautious as they realised that Hal would hit the station before they could catch him. Cautious, and waiting to see what happens next.

    Now that they were close enough, the two were well known members of the Yellow Lantern Corps. One was tall, well muscled, and purple-pink skin. Amon Sur. The other was feminine and strangely beautiful. The database identified her as Feena Sik. She hovered a bit behind Sur, who was chomping at the bit to get revenge on Jordan, the man who "stole" his father's ring!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Once Hal is no longer a threat to himself or the station, Kinsey has scant few moments to assess the situation. On the one hand, there are the unexpected, and most definitely uninvited Sinestro Corps guests, and on the other there's Hal, who, although seemingly critically injured, would likely be a vast ally in the probable encounter expected.

Armed with the small amounts of information Kibou is able to impart via the databases, "Kibou, our friend, Brother Green Lantern - his injuries? Do we have time to intervene there, before the others approach fully?' Calculating the degree of bravado to draw up. Hell, she'd faced down bullies with bigger personal attitudes on the subways system and walked away untouched. How bad could this be?

Still, if she could heal Hal faster than she could deal with the others, two against two was always a much fairer fight!

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    It was obvious from his injuries that the only reason Hal Jordan is still alive is because his ring was too stubborn to let him die. It looked like he was in several MMA fights all in a row, and was unconscious. Thankfully. "Power 125 percent." The sound from Hal's ring actually registered to Kinsey as the signal between the two rings was still open.

    Through that connection, Kinsey could hear Hal's laboured breathing, and the sounds told her it was a punctured lung. Several lacerations. Blood everywhere. Hal had been through a battle...and he had lost!

    Suddenly, the voice of an arrogant man came across the ring's comms. "You. Blue. This is the Sinestro Corps. That Green Lantern is ours." The man was close enough now so that Kinsey could see him motion towards Hal. "You would be well advised to leave him to us, and go back to your pitiful little hole. I would hate to kill you. And destroy that monstrosity floating behind you. Go away, and you will live. Stay and suffer."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Getting to Hal Kinsey could do. Healing him before company arrived was sounding a lot less likely, especially since they've decided to offer an opening salvo in communications.

As she heads towards Hal at increased speeds, to position herself between him and them, she offers pleasantly enough through Kibou, "I'm afraid you've been terribly misinformed. Such a shame you've come all this way, but we won't be offering him up to you at this time. Even for our pitiful holes or floating monstrosity's sake. If you wish to talk, I'd be happy to comply, but otherwise, we really must insist you remove yourself from this vicinity."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Power at 150 percent. Lantern Jordan, Blue Lantern detected. Two Sinestro Corps members detected. Attempting resuscitation."

    As Kinsey moves between the now slowing Hal Jordan and the Sinestro Corp Members, she could almost hear a moan escape from Hal's badly swollen, bloody lips. A gasp. "No." Was he actually conscious? It was almost inconceivable. Hal Jordan opens his one non-swollen shut eye as the power of Hope brings his ring new power.

    "Kinsey? What? Where?" Hal looks around, cradling his broken arm in an emerald sling and barely able to breath. "Well. Only two of them left." He tries to laugh, and coughs up blood. "Ugh. There were five of them." A pause, as he floats there just behind Kinsey. "Sorry Kinz. I'm almost out of this. Think you can take them?"

    Sik and Sur hesitate when they see that Jordan is conscious. That gives the Blue and the Green a few seconds of breathing space. "Jordan. You are alive. Too bad." Amon Sur says with a snort. "Surrendur and we won't kill this primitive. Or you can both die. I care not."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
She takes a long breath - first because damn the man had stamina, and secondly because whether she could or not, she was going to have to, and more, convince him she could to buy him teh time she needed - and slowly lets it go before sending her reply cheerfully Hal's way. "I've got this, Brother Jordan. You do what you need to *first*." She was rather emphatic on that little bit. "Kibou and I will hold the fort until then, and we'll laugh about this over drinks later. I believe you're going to owe me dinner."

And because really there was little else to do, she alters her course to approach the Sinestro duo more fully, still interspersed between them and Hal, but leaving him to the capable of his own ring. His ring could do that; he couldn't do this.

"Oh my, someone's parents didn't teach them manners. Primitive? tsk tsk tsk. Though I am curious.. which primitive are we talking about? I find that humans, on a whole, are much more resiliant than they're given credit for. I have a name."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan doesn't say anything, but takes the time he needs to catch his breath. Ah the Blues. So much Hope. Concentrating, Hal Jordan summons his not-so negligable willpower, and gets ready. After all, the two Sinestro Corps rejects didn't know who they were dealing with...Kinsey Mackenna.

    The female Yellow moves forward, and peers at Kinsey, looking down at her. WIth disdain in her voice, Feena Sik says, "He was talking about you, /human/. You are so...pathetic. How did you ever find a ring? Step aside, and I will make your death mercifully quick!" With that, she strikes, sending a wave of yellow lava towards her with a shriek of laughter!

    It was a distraction! While that was happening, Amon Sur moves to the side, and tries to ready himself to take a shot at Jordan, who was still trying to catch his breath. The first round would have to come from Kinsey, as Jordan was still not even 25 percent, let alone in fighting form!

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I never found it an insult to be called a human," Kinsey remarks, Amon's movement caught, and half-turned to face. "I wouldn't if I were you," she warns. "Or did you think I have no clue what my ring can do? One movement closer and you'll find yourself powering down. Fear can not exist in the presence of Hope, and I do not fear you. We do not fear you. There will be no fear in this place."

Her words are an utterly calm litany, but they build up the force of her ring behind them. "You have no power here."

Feena might be expecting Kinsey to deal with Amon, but it's Feena she encapsulates in a bubble, effectively iumprisoning her for the moment while she makes it clear she can, and will, let Amon decide his own fate in the face of what Hope will do to his ring.

She might not be Saint Walker, but she's a fairly impressive font of the stuff herself.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Everything was happening so fast. Hal Jordan was concentrating on his shields, to prevent any bleed through from the Yellow assault. Kinsey was doing her thing, and stopping the Yellows from full out attacking Hal. Feena Sik was shrieking in frustration now as her attack fizzles on the Blue Lantern shields that were encapsulating her! As it was, Amon Sur was growling in anger as his attack misses, the Blue energy causing him to shoot wide.

    Then it was their turn. "Power at 150 percent." Hal Jordan grins, and with a groan of pain, launches an attack at Amon Sur. It looked like an Avro Arrow launches from his ring and fires some kind of missiles at the villain. They easily penetrate his shields as though a hot knife through butter due to the power increase. Just like that both villains were down for the count. Out of the battle.

    Feena Sik pounds against the shields she is encased in, and growls at Kinsey. "This isn't over Blue. We're not finished. You may have won this round...but I will make sure that you and your pitiful..." Suddenly, a green gag appears around her mouth, causing her to shriek in frustration once more.

    "Hi Kinsey!" Hal Jordan floats next to her almost cheerfully. "Sorry to drop by...um...do you think you can take it from here, while I pass out...?" With that, Hal Jordan does, indeed, pass out.

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"Just like a man to leave cleaning up after to the ladies.." Kinsey laughs under her breath softly before dealing with more pertinent matters.

"What? Human? His pitiful human?" Kinsey isn't phased by the vitriol of Feena. But she is careful to make certain to grab Amon and bind him similiarly with ropes of blue light, dragging him to join Feena, who is given a like treatment. The bubble will see to their life support needs, and it's not like she's keeping them out here. She might not be able to take active blasts at them, but the bindings were merely unpleasant given their natures - not harmful.

And with that small matter dealt with, it's a matter of dragging her prisoners, and her friend, to the Watchtower where all could be dealt with properly.