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Latest revision as of 20:41, 14 September 2019

A Minute and a Half
Date of Scene: 29 August 2019
Location: Drew Residence - Greenwich
Synopsis: Frank comes by for lunch at Jessica's house.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Frank Quaid

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It had been several days since Jessica had dared to text Frank more than just a little reassuring phrase, or a warm wish. Or a questionably risque photograph, which for Jessica means slightly more cleavage than usual, but still probably a PG rating.

So today, when Jess texted Frank and asked him to come by, it could have been taken as extremely bad, or extremely good. Or as just extremely tired of walking on eggshells. She did, however, add a quick note to the end of the text: "It's safe. I promise."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank was increasingly bellicose over the past few days. Sleeping in different hotel rooms, switching vehicles and constant counter-surveillance was getting old fast. And the work was unrelenting. The Trask investigation was moving forward, but involved an unholy amount of work. Not seeing Jessica was annoying Frank more than he would admit as well.

Frank glances at his phone when it buzzes on his desk. The edge of his mouth lifts just a bit.

"That her?" asks Sergeant Adam Klein when he sees his boss' hint of a reaction. A pic of Frank and Jessica Drew locked in an embrace after an attempted got to someone in office and spread like wildfire. Nothing travels faster than light except gossip and speedsters after all.

"Who?" Frank asks with a glower.

"Nevermind, boss," Adam says. He fights back a grin. "I'll get on the brief for the DA."

"Good, have Chen read it over before it goes out," Frank says. Adam gets up and makes his way out.

Frank waits a few seconds after Adam leaves before he picks up his phone.

<Best news I could get. What happened?>

"Oh, boss, just one more thing," Adam says. He is leaning into the doorway of Frank's office with a huge grin on his face. He looks at Frank's phone.

"Adam, I will punch you in the mouth," Frank grunts without looking up from sending Jessica his message. Adam laughs and walks off.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica hedges on the side of safety and confidentiality in her texted response:

"Called off on account of rain. Come by, and I'll feed you and fill ya in."

A moment later, there's another text that reads, "We looked great on the cover of the Daily Planet. XO"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smiles despite himself and shakes his head. "Daily Planet," he mutters to himself.

<I'll head over> he sends back to Jess. The scowl eases noticeably and soon Frank has booked out for lunch. He climbs into today's vehicle of choice, a Civic. On the road, Frank is careful, watchful and takes a long way to Jessica's.

But he does arrive eventually. He parks, scans around then goes and knocks at the door.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica opens the door the second Frank knocks. She makes a point of looking around the neighborhood before pulling him in, and shutting the door. Then she embraces him and holds him tightly for a long moment.

"GOD it's good to see you...Looks like the paparazzi are gone. How are you doing? Everything okay?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
When the door closes behind him Frank lets the embrace speak for itself. He breathes in and gives Jessica a squeeze.

"Missed you, too," he says quietly. "I'm fine. Are you? How'd the press find you here?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I dunno. Drones, maybe. They're more attentive than our would-be assassins. But it's all been called off. There was a counter-contract on the guy who put one out on us." Her expression changes, her eyebrows raised. "Guy named Deadpool took that contract. And he made good on it." Jessica finally relents and steps back, but her fingertips cling to Frank's own, as if she is afraid to let go quite yet. "Somebody made it rain in his little world. So there is no longer a contract on either of us."

Cancelled...on account of rain.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You're telling me Deadpool bailed us out?" Frank asks with a wry smirk. "Not the weirdest thing that's happened to me lately. Unbelievable."

"So now all we gotta dodge is the media," Frank says and keeps their fingertips locked together. "They showed up at the office a couple of times and I had to buy our media liaison a case of beer."

Silence stretches a moment too long. "Mind if I come in?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh...oh, of course," Jessica replies with a soft laugh. "I'm sorry, Frank. I think I was just so glad to have you here that I lost track of myself."

Jessica leads him on into the house, and pauses near the kitchen. Something that smells heavenly and Italian is sitting on the marble countertop, in foil pans. "I got Italian takeout. Lasagna, salad, garlic bread...Spumoni for dessert."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smiles, slides his hand fully into Jessica's and follows after her to the kitchen. "Smells delicious," he says. Frank lets Jessica's hand go, eases out of his suit jacket and leaves his badge and holstered gun on the countertop.

"Where's this come from?" he asks curiously.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Papa Giorggio's," Jessica replies. "Ever had their food? It is AMAZING." Jessica slips back past Frank as she moves to grab plates, and she liberally squeezes a handful of Frank tush. "I can't say how much I've missed you..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"That's assaulting a police officer you know," Frank cautions Jessica with a smirk. "Don't make me take you in."

On the second try, Frank finds the cutlery drawer and gets what they need. He thanks Jessica for his plate and then starts dishing himself up some food. He chuckles when they get in each other's way reaching for opposite trays at the same time.

"Beauty before age," he says dryly. "These 25 year olds. I tell ya. What've you been doing? Seems like we've been out of touch a lot longer than a few days."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"It seemed like ages," Jessica agrees. "Mostly, I avoided the same old haunts. It seemed like there was suddenly nothing left in the world to do besides think of you and try to keep from being killed. And more of the former than the latter."

Jessica smiles, serving from the trays, as it seems like the entirety of their sync has been a little thrown off, and it comes in fits and starts. "I feel like some gawky high school kid, all of a sudden." She smiles genuinely at Frank. "Guess I've just gotta get used to that criminal lifestyle, now that I'm assaulting a police officer."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Better or I might even catch you one of these days," Frank replies.

He raises an eyebrow at Jessica and teases. "It'd be more romantic if I could say you were all I thought about. Truth is the days have been a blur. You've been on my mind though," he admits. And then gives a ghost of a grin. "A bit."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods, and offers him a faintly sympathetic look. "Your life's been turmoil, and mine went to thinly haunting the halls of my house," she says softly. I wish I could have taken even a fraction of your stress and worn it instead, for you. It was tough knowing all you were going through and not being able to help you more."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"My life is stress," Frank snorts with a smirk. "What's a bit more?"

He settles in at the table with Jessica.

"Surprised the Avengers didn't have you hard at work. There's a lot going on out there," he comments. "You must be stir crazy by now."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"A little," Jessica replies. "Wine? Iced tea? Water? I dunno how well Italian goes with Scotch." She grins.

"Actually, Tony had slacked off on Avenger calls for me, and was trying to give me the opportunity to help the NYPD more."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Should stick with iced tea. Thanks," Frank replies. He watches the Avenger when she turns her back to get glasses out of the cupboard and smile a bit. He looks away before she turns around.

"Help NYPD out? We won't complain, but I'm surprised. That kind of thing normal?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Not...Not really. I mean, we have members who do work with other groups. But he doesn't generally lighten the load for anyone." She shrugs and shakes her head as she turns around, and watches Frank with a faint smile as he looks away. "Maybe he's being nice. You know he has seen the press around us. Generally speaking, if we choose to help other groups, then we are on our own to make sure we uphold the responsibilities of both."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smiles a bit and shrugs. He leans back so he can cross one leg over the other. "No complaints here," Frank reiterates.

"You around bad for bad guys and good for morale," he adds without cracking a grin.

"What'd you think you'll do then? Get back to some old style Spider-Woman crime fighting? Putting a little fear back into the streets?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica cuts her gaze to Frank with a hint of mischief twinkling in her green eyes, as she sets down two iced teas and joins Frank at the table. She nudges his knee with the toe of her sneaker.

"You remember that night we stopped a massacre at a Hook house, in a minute and a half?" She grins. "We make a good team, Frank. I wouldn't mind a little more of that. Put a little fear onto the street again...fear of the Spider-Woman, and fear of the NYPD."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"We!" Frank laughs. "That was all you, Jess. Still, I'm not proud. I'll hold your purse while you slam heads together. That was a good night."

Frank holds his glass out to Jessica. "To a minute and a half," he toasts and takes a sip. "Don't take that out of context."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
A smile quirks the corner of Jessica's mouth. "To a minute and a half," she repeats, lifting her glass. "And one hell of a team."