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Latest revision as of 20:41, 14 September 2019

War Story
Date of Scene: 30 August 2019
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wolverine and Domino? Meet Nightingale!
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Domino, Nightingale

Wolverine has posed:
A pair of voices float down the packed-earth trail that leads from the deeper woods to the shores of Breakstone Lake nearer to the Mansion. There's not much up that way save cabins, and even those are a fair hike to reach. It's late afternoon, the sun is still shining and the air still has some of that late summer balminess that encourages people to get out and enjoy the open air before it gets too cold.

" - 'bout sixty, seventy of 'em. Crawlin' outta the woodwork like the whole island came alive. Guns an' bombs an' machetes."

Logan is the first to emerge from between two thick-trunked trees, holding his hands out before him as he explains some war story from years ago.

Domino has posed:
    The casual walk of the woman beside him means she gets a view of his gesticulated story. "Mmmm sounds impressive and fun," Neena remarks. A smirk plays at her lips as she upnods to him and steps around some smaller undergrowth rather than step on it. Heavy boots paired with cargos and a grey blouse are the more casual wear she dons today.

    She's already feeling the heat and fans herself a moment as the sun is made more apparent as the treeline finally breaks. "Been a while," she says in regards to the school grounds, her attention shifting back to Logan. "Think they mind me here?" She doesn't look overly worried really, not ceasing their walk with a sense of nervousness as she arches a brow gives him a light shoulder check as they continue on.

Nightingale has posed:
     Summer's last hurrah does not seem to bother at least one other soul who seems to have taken advantage of the warm weather. Joyous laughter comes from up above, growing closer at a rapid pace. Is it a bird? No. Is it a plane? No. It's a tow-headed, winged teen who is diving straight for the water, her white feathered wings drawn in tightly. Her poet's blouse and jeans are sufficiently modest that nothing shows mid-air that ought not to, her hair whipping about behind her. With a whoop of pure delight, she snaps her wings outwards to skim the water, reaching downwards to trail her fingers along the surface for a short distance before angling her flight upwards once again.

Wolverine has posed:
"Chuck's whole deal is this is a place fer mutants," Logan explains, gesturing up to the mansion with a shrug of thick shoulders, "Yer a mutant. Jus' cuz you ain't a Nobel laureate or a psychic. 'Sides, it ain't like yer takin' up any room in the house."

The laughter in the sky draws his attention, and he tilts his head to look at the winged girl swooping through the air. He raises his eyebrows, glancing sidelong at Domino:

"Y'ever wish y'had wings?"

Domino has posed:
    "May be so, but I am not exactly the light aligned figure like the rest," Domino shrugs, hands spreading out but she's not slowing. "Defintely not so gifted as all that..." pause as she looks up and follows Logan's attention. Bright blue eyes narrow against the sun and she lifts her hand to shield her eyes so she might study the figure in flight.

"I think there are reasons that we each have the skills we have. YOu with wings? Her with..your abilities. I am not sure there are many strong enough to live with what you do." Its a compliment but also sort of a let down in regards to hopes and dreams.

    "But yes, in a way it might be nice." Domino crosses her arms over her chest, merely observing.

Nightingale has posed:
     It did not take much for the winged girl to figure out she was not alone by the lake, the unfamiliar voices drifting to her on the late afternoon breeze. She banks to one side, making a wide loop in the air to retrace her flight headed back towards the lake. As she nears, her features become more clear, the teen peering at the pair walking out from the trees. While her expression is curious, as she slows down to hover just off shore, she has evidently learned caution the hard way, keeping a healthy distance for the moment.

Wolverine has posed:
"Not light aligned?"

Logan cannot help but laugh a little at Domino's words, shaking his head and reaching up one meaty paw to drag some loose strands of hair away from his forehead.

"Yer forgettin' all the awful shit I've done," he says with a wan smile, "The half of it I can even remember, anyway. They're about heart in the right place, opposed t' halos and ... "

He trails off, watching as Shannon comes to a hover near the shore.

" ... wings."

He raises his voice, gesturing for the winged girl to land, "Hey, kid, we ain't gonna bite. I'm a teacher."

His last words prompt him to look at Domino with a 'can you believe that' expression.

Domino has posed:
    "Mmmm not everyone sees it like that Logan...and sometimes it is even harder for some to trust. Pretty sure half your colleagues would give me a side glance if they saw me coming," Neena remarks. She's not hurt by her assumptions, merely shrugs. "I think I was to try to polish up a halo they would think it was a front."

    She watches Shannon as well, arms still crossed before her as Neena moves back and forth before settling her weight to one side.

    A soft snort, "I like it...Teacher.." she waggles her brows at Logan and then lifts her hand off her arm slightly. "I am..not a teacher."

Nightingale has posed:
     The winged teen regarded the pair for a moment longer and then nods, backwinging to a semi-graceful landing on the shore. Perhaps that aspect of flight still needed a little bit of work, but hey, any landing you can walk away from, right? She goes a little cross-eyed as, without the wind of flight in her face to keep it back, wisps of pale gold flop forward between her eyes. She tries to blow the hair out of her face, to somewhat comical effect, though without much success. "Haven't seen either of you here before... but then, I've only been here since last month." Her lips curl upwards in a smile, and she steps a little bit closer, offering her hand. "I'm Shannon... nice to meet you."

Wolverine has posed:
"Well, I'm vouching for you," Logan promises Domino with a curt nod of his head, "An' they'll appreciate that." His words suggest that if they don't, there will be problems - and they won't be 'him' problems.

When Shannon lands and introduces herself, Logan nods his head and crosses his arms over his chest. He looks at the offered hand for a moment, everything about his posture suggesting he wants to ignore it but the softer side of him wins that battle. He reaches out to give the hand a quick shake, immediately crossing his arms again once it's over.

"'M Logan," he introduces himself, leaving Domino to make her own introduction as he jerks his head back down the path they were on, "Don't live in the Mansion and haven't had much reason t' come down with it bein' break an' all."

Domino has posed:
    "Well thanks," Domino says with some good humor behind her words. "I hope they don't kick you out," she winks. Neena's head turns, following Shannon's hesitant movements and finally acceptance. "Man you need security. These kids are awful trusting. I saw another two of them over at Fred's. Just allowed me to sit with them." She shrugs but as Logan shakes the winged mutant's hand, those blue eyes regard her.

    "Neena..and I am just visiting this charming lug here. Can't say for how long but he's growing on me. Like moss on a log...no better yet. Mold on cheese." She says, looking quite serious with a nod to boot.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's eyebrows shoot straight up at the introductions and it looks as if she's trying not to smile. Or laugh. She loses the battle on both fronts, chuckling softly and smiling at Logan. "Nice to put a face to the name. Kitty was wondering about you a couple weeks ago, and someone else was looking for you too."

     Turning to Neena, she offers her hand as well, though not completely glossing over the matter of being too trusting. Her grasp is gentle, but brief, drawn away as soon as it seems polite. "Nice to meet you too, Neena. That's a real pretty name."

Wolverine has posed:
"Kitty was?" Logan's brow furrows at the mention of the name. There's obviously something important there, but he lets it go uncommented on. The mention of someone else searching for him doesn't raise as many alarms - there's always somebody prowling around with a bone to pick.

"Mold on cheese?" he gazes at Domino sidelong, shaking his head before adding, "Great cheese. Charmin' mold."

He turns his attention back to Shannon with a nod of his head: "Well, I plan t' be up at the Mansion a bit more now, since they're givin' me a class t' teach. Likely gonna see more a' me, like it or not."

Shannon's compliment to Neena draws a grin from him, the sharpened canine teeth readily apparent when he does: "A real pretty name. The prettiest."

Domino has posed:
    "Technically, cheese is mold so taste mold with mold," Neena is grinning as she pauses, looking at the hand offered to her. For once that assured stance she takes is one that looks UNSURE. She slowly unfolds her arms and hesitates still. Finally she reaches out and grasps the hand offered, giving it a shake before she inclines her head.

    "Uhhh thanks," she remarks, perhaps not sure how to take a compliment in the moment. Logan is NOT helping as she lets her hand fall back to her side and shoots him a look. "The prettiest..." she repeats that and very nearly snorts, a smirk playing at her lips before she makes a motion t the school. "You got people looking for you, should check in more often. Take less 'you days'."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon isn't completely blind to the shift in mood from Logan, but refrains from comment on the matter. "Yeah... and someone else named... Wade? Now there's a colorful soul." She rolls her eyes and laughs somewhat, just shaking her head. "Not too bad once you just talk to him, though." A sidelong glance back towards the mansion, then back to Logan and Neena, and she quirks a bit of a lopsided smile. "Well, classes just started a few days ago... which one's yours?"

     She stifles a laugh as she looks at Neena, her eyes twinkling with mirth. Mold? Cheese? "Hey now, most cheese isn't so bad..."

Wolverine has posed:
"Wade," Logan says pointedly, glancing over at Domino once again and shaking his head before he once more speaks to Shannon, "If Wade comes lookin' fer me again, jus' tell him I died."

"I'm not much in t' holdin' office hours," he explains, "If they wanna talk, they can come find me. As fer classes, mine's not so much a subject as a ... special class. A little a' this, a little a' that. Fillin' in the gaps."

Domino has posed:
    "I wonder what the red and black walking calamity wants with you. I am rather interested now," Domino remarks as she returns Logan's look. His response though brings out a laugh, "He's going to probably mourn you. Want to hold a wake, do something outrageous. Its his thing," she rumbles out though its not quite clear if she is annoying by that fact or just used to it.

    "Oh no cheese is great. Best food group really. Definitely meant as a compliment," she says and wainks at Shannon. Domino helps by making air quotes with her fingers and going 'Special'.

Nightingale has posed:
     The war on laughter is fought valiantly, but in the end, Shannon loses, unable to stifle a fit of giggles as she grins at Neena. "Definitely the best. Even Camembert." The last spoken with a glance over at Logan, eyes twinkling merrily. "Sounds like an interesting class. Might have to consider taking it, if there's room for one more." Right off the bat, this teen did -not- look the type to be a fighter. Still, appearances could be deceiving.

     The remarks about Wade have her rolling her eyes, and laughing some. "Yeah, sounds just about that colorful. I'll just pretend ignorance if he shows up again."

Wolverine has posed:
"Only got one person in it at the moment," Logan says of his class, lifting his shoulders lazily, "Figure I can prob'ly handle a second. If yer in'erested in a buildin' project and learnin' to hurt stuff with yer fists, then welcome aboard, Wings."

He simply shakes his head at Domino when Deadpool is mentioned, "I got no idea an' I don't wanna know. Lunatic's livin' in his own private reality. Y'think I'm detached from society? He's untethered from the universe. Whatever he wants, it's gonna be either bloody ... or fuckin' stupid."

He waves a hand at Shannon in apology, "Sorry ... er ... really stupid."

Domino has posed:
    "More than likley both, Logan. They are never without the other," Neena remarks and then glances between them as the chatter of school is something she is not overly familiar with. Her arms settle back in across from her and she glances towards the building itself, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

    "If you need to go take care of things and get Shannon here set up in your class, I think I might walk back to the cabin. I gotta trip out to Gotham tonight, probably should look at heading back. Then on to Mardipoor," she says. "So many contracts, so little time."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon might have shown much of an inclination towards colorful metaphors, but she doesn't so much as raise an eyebrow. Well, alright, maybe just the left one. And maybe she doesn't laugh. Much. "Don't worry. I've dropped a few f-bombs." The nickname does actually dampen her smile, and she glances down at her hands, flexing her fingers slightly. "It's Nightingale." There seems to be a bit of weight behind the name as she says it, and she's left quiet for a moment.

     When it seems as if Neena's about to head off, she takes a couple steps back, shaking her head. "You don't have to go, really. I'm sorry if I was bothering you two at all..."

Wolverine has posed:
"Not a bother, Nightingale," Logan says, trying out the nickname even though it seems a bit clumsy when he says it, "I'll let Slim know yer interested in the class, an' he can get you on the books. Or, if yer just humorin' me you can tell him yer not interested. I ain't gonna take offense. Lot t' learn here without addin' extracurricular to it."

As Domino turns to leave, he takes a couple steps to follow her, "Wanna bring the truck an' we can head into town for somethin' t' eat? Don't want you jetsettin' on an empty stomach."

Domino has posed:
    Pausing in her half step back, Domino glances between them. "Oh no, not interrupting anything," she reassures, stumbling through it like offering up reassurances are not normally her thing. She clears her throat and glances at Logan. "I can get the truck, let you get to know your new student," she suggests and grins a bit more. "He's a good cheese even if he is rough around the edges, just scrape it off. Pungent smell."

    She winks again and then blows a kiss at Logan before Neena pivots and heads back through the woods in the direction of the cabin.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods sagely, the twinkle returned to her eyes. "Definitely a Camembert, then. Or would you say Limburger?" She chuckles a little bit, still hesitant but at least she isn't winging her way into the air just yet. "Seriously, if you two have plans, it's okay, I'll head on back."

     One thing does get her to pin Logan with a definitely perplexed look, though her voice has definitely taken on something of a more steely note. "Wait. You actually think I'm just humoring you?"

Wolverine has posed:
"See y'later."

Logan pauses for a moment to watch Neena go, eyes fixated on her as she strolls back into the woods. His thoughts are his own, however, and he clears his throat to turn his attention back to Shannon.

"Neh," he waves a hand, "Maybe, maybe not. I'm not gonna put you on the spot, kid. An' I don't need smoke blown up my ass, I do enough a' that fer myself."

He reaches for his back pocket as though to produce something, pats around a little, and grunts in annoyance.

"Gonna need t'add stogies t' the shoppin' list."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just rolls her eyes and shakes her head, her tone a little lighter even if she's not smiling at the moment. "I'm a pretty lousy liar. So was I actually serious about the class? Yeah." She wraps her arms around herself, brows furrowed as she thinks for a moment. "Luck won't always save my bacon out there." She leaves out the particulars, but anyone wise to the ways of war can see the look of someone who's had to face down fear under trying circumstances.

     She does smile somewhat, though, as the hunt for the stogies is on. "Looks like smoke up there isn't a problem at the moment."

Wolverine has posed:
"Guess not," Logan grumbles, displeased by the turn of events. He pats his other pockets in a last ditch effort to make sure there's nothing there, and when there isn't he just sighs.

"I can't promise you'll learn too much that you can use," he says after a moment, "Some people take to learnin' t' fight? Others, not so much. But I'll give it my best, all the same. You just make sure y'show up."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly and smiles somewhat, crossing her arms, her wings ruffling lightly. "If you're giving it your best, so will I." For a moment, there is a serious tone to her voice that makes her seem a bit older than her years, despite the youthfulness of the face that peers over at Logan. "As for learning from you, well, there's always lessons taught, even if they're unspoken. You've just got to pay attention."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan gives Shannon a critical look for a moment, black brows furrowing and his lower lip sticking out thoughtfully. Whatever he's thinking, he thinks about it for a long while before he finally nods his head in agreement.

"Good attitude. Yer in."

That said, he turns slightly and begins to make for the packed-earth path that leads off into the woods, "I've got en'ertainin' t' do, but keep yer Friday afternoons free. Class starts next week."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just smiles and nods, her look a little more on the lighthearted side as she takes a step back. There was something about the gruff, grouchy bear of a soul that was heading back into the woods which completely belied that rough exterior. It was hard to put her finger on, but maybe this one was more than he seemed. "Just you try keeping me away. Won't happen." She tilts her head to one side, considering him for a moment. "Thank you, seriously."

     As she turns back towards the lake and wings her way into the air, a single white feather flutters to the path below, in stark contrast to the hard-packed soil. In a matter of moments, she's well on her way back to the mansion, though it seems unlikely it's the last that will be seen of her....