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Latest revision as of 20:57, 14 September 2019

He Needed Another Glove to Complete the Look
Date of Scene: 26 August 2019
Location: Felicia's Home - Tribeca, Manhattan
Synopsis: Nothing like a new set of threads to make one feel like new. Also, Stephen's plans to become a veterinarian are apparently good ones to Felicia.
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange

Black Cat has posed:
No one will ever hear the Black Cat admit that she swung into a stop-sign and was flung backwards off its with all the true comedic appearance reality could muster -- a side-effect from briefly out-witting the Trickster God, how her travels across the city from the Sanctum were rife with illusion.

Worth it?

Oh yes.

Regardless, she arrived back at her home without much more incident, and a day has passed since these shenanigans. Interestingly enough, the volume at which she calls out for Stephen isn't as loud as around the Sanctum. Maybe it's because Felicia knows the literal confines of her own abode verses the mysterious depths of the Sanctorum.

"Copperfield? I've got tea," floats her voice as she appears in the living room from the kitchen. Wearing a light heather-purple sweatshirt and fitted athletic pants in black with matching purple piping, she pads silently on sock-covered feet, these in white with pink toes. On a tray, two cups of tea along with a teapot, still steaming.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I've got... a lump..." Complains Stephen as he stands up off the couch, likely due to him not having to be the sorcerer supreme any more. Stephen stands fully and even leans backwards with his hands on his waist as he pops his back before looking at the doorway that Felicia will be entering through. r
    "I think it's time I go and find a job Felicia... This..." He motions at himself sadly, "This is not me at my best." Strange says with a frown.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia gives him a soft, sympathetic smile as she walks over and sets down the tray on the coffee table framed up beside the couch. A palm rises and cups his cheek, her thumb brushing over it in passing.

"You're a busy bumblebee, I know... There's nothing wrong with finding something to occupy your time while we figure out what to do about the asshat currently freeloading in the Sanctum." Her frown is brief but ferocious. "It's a blackcurrant tea, by the way, with some cinnamon. To me, it tastes like summer," the thief explains of the tea as she picks up one mug and sniffs at it. "Hmm." Happy hum. "What are you thinking, about finding a job?" She seats herself on the arm of the couch, jade-green eyes attentive upon the silver-templed man.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen ignores the statement about the current sorcerer supreme, as he's not ready to work on that issue, not yet. He's still in a mood of finding his soul and mind once more. "I am thinking of starting some sort of ... veterinarian shop near by... I can't fix people but I can fix their pets." Stephen says with a smile as she touches his face. "Is that an idea or no?"

Black Cat has posed:
"I like that idea. A veterinarian...yeah, it's an idea." Felicia gives him a grin, dimpling up her apple-cheeks, lightly-pinked as they are where she sits on the couch's arm. "Nearby would be a good idea too. I know a lot of people around here have pets, even if most of them are small yappy dogs. I take that back, the Guiterez family one block down has a Great Dane. Her name is Hilda, she's very nice," the blonde informs Stephen.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm glad you like the idea, I just need to go about starting an 'eastern' or new wave medicine for pets." Stephen says with a sigh as he follwos Felicia with his eyes until she finds the spot on the arm of the couch. "You're awfully supportive for this idea. You know I'll be relying on you for a place to live until I can really afford to pay for my own place again. You've been stupendously helpful and supportive." Stephen says with a squint.

Black Cat has posed:
The sentiment makes Felicia sit up straight. She blinks at Stephen, surprised and transparent about it for once.

"Uh. You...I mean, I thought that's what people did for each other when they're in a relationship: support one another through the hard times, put them up when they don't have a place to live. Feed them and...make them tea and...stuff." Her teeth fret at the corner of her mouth for a second. "You know you //really// can stay here as long as you need, right, Stephen?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I do, but I still feel like a burden, irregardless of our relationship status Felicia." Stephen says, before he moves to stand in front of Felicia, not going to sit back down on the couch. He understands he needs to move his achey bones. "You know I don't need your help worrying about what I eat though." Stephen says with a smirk before he takes a breath and then squints his eyes suddenly and then lifts his arm and openly takes a sniff of his own arm pit. "Oh my... I apologize."

Black Cat has posed:
A sudden, bright snort-laugh follows and Felicia covers her mouth with her hands against a reel of tittering. "I'm -- hahaha -- sorry, Stephen, your face, when -- " More giggling. " -- yes, you do need a shower, I just -- " Her eyes twinkle cheerily at him as she smiles so very fondly. " -- I wasn't sure if it was going to be something you'd scowl about."

With a sigh, she rises to her feet to plant a smooch on the end of his dignifed nose. "Go shower, Copperfield. Use mine, not everything smells like posies in there. There are some minty things, like with tea-tree oil. There's a spare bathrobe in my closet you can wear. I'll go get some clothing for you -- there's a boutique just half a block down with some nice stuff."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "You looked like you had something you wanted to say though." Stephen says as he looks crosseyed towards Felicia after she kisses his nose, and then he hits her with his smouldering scowl before he turns around and starts to look around for the bathroom with a shower. "You don't have to pamper me Felicia." Stephen chides as he starts to remove his shirt and drops it to the floor. The scars and bruises from being the sorcerer supreme and a broken man heal well, but there are still signs of the hard life lived by the former socialite.

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh, no? I can't pamper you?" Felicia smirks, her eyes half-lidding. A little flutter of her dark lashes follows and then she points off towards the master bedroom, with its opulent bathroom. "Then you gotta go shower, Copperfield, if you're going to laze around on my couch," the Cat says in lofty mockery of demand.

"And yeah, I had a thought, but it can wait," she continues with a wave of her hand. The discarded shirt is eyed. "I might burn that though."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I'm saying you don't have to, I'm not one to appreciate that kind of life." Stephen says with a smirk as he starts to remove his pants. "I know you enjoy it, but you don't have to waste your efforts for me." Stephen says before his pants fall to the floor and he then reaches out to shut the bedroom door but not before giving Felicia some rather saucey eyes with a sneaking tongue sticking out for a moment.

Black Cat has posed:
With exaggerated slowness, the thief folds her arms beneath her chest and settles into a speculative hips-akilter pose. A single eyebrow arches at the good Doctor and his outstuck tongue.

A soft raspberry is blown at him before she laughs. "Go rinse off, you terrible man. When you get out, there will be nice clothes laying on the bed. I choose to believe you won't waste them. These things are disappearing." She means the shirt and pants left lying on the floor nearby.

These, in fact, do disappear while Stephen's in the shower and, just as promised, a new set of pants and shirt are lying on the end of the master bed. They aren't anything overly fancy by design, but they are absolutely comfortable and something to wear both around the house and potentially out on the street -- casual business, perhaps.