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Looking For Talent
Date of Scene: 28 August 2019
Location: The Diamond Speakeasy
Synopsis: Zatanna is hired to do the grand opening for a nightclub, unaware of it's true owner.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Zatanna Zatara

Hammerhead has posed:
For a few months now, work has been going on day and night at the old Diller Club. Ever since Bobby Sardone, a well-know businessman and philanthropist had bought out the abadoned building, everyone wondered what he was going to do with the old place. Recently, Sardone finally announced in front of the now almost completley renovated club that he was reopening the Diller Club as a new 1920s themed night club called The Diamond Speakeasy, a club that combined 1920s art deko and lavish nightclubs with the fun, part filled atmosphere of speakeasies at the time. The club, which was opening soon, was know the talk of the whole neighborhood, especially when it was announced that the club wat gonna feature live entertainment, leaving the whole neighborhood to wonder who would be the talnet they use for opening night.
     Sardone was in the now finished managers office. He had a bottle of brandy at his table alongside ahot glass. It was a long, stressful process, but his club was alomst ready. All he needed was to put in a few finishing touches and of course, a guest start to open up the club with a bang. Luckily, Sardone knew just quite the person for the job. Sardone rubbed his prescription glasees with a rag as he stared at his wristwatch, he had scheduled an appointment with Zatanna Zatara, a magician of great acclaim. He was hoping to snag her as the club's first featured performer, knowingthat her reputation would draw guests. Sardone then placed his fett on his desk and reclined back on his chair, waiting for her to show up.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Although she's never quite fully bought in to the new-school craze of some big-name TV illusionists, Zatanna Zatara is among as big of a name as it gets when it comes to traditional stage magic. She's worked the West Coast and the East, and held runs at the most famous casinos on the Vegas strip. All of which admittedly still means she's something of a smaller act in the modern show biz ecosystem, but perhaps therein lies her appeal: all the buzz and renown of someone at the top of her particular craft, but without quite the price tag of booking some trendy pop act that will be old news in a month's time. Plus, if your venue just happens to be going for an oldschool appeal, well... she *does* already own a top-hat. That has to count for something!

Presumably, it is this moderate renown and reasonable price-point that is the explanation behind the invitation Zatanna receives to swing by the soon but yet-to-be open club. Outside show hours, she arrives dressed a bit more casually, sporting a loose blouse and jacket, jeans and heeled boots over the famous tux-coat and fishnets. "Hello?" she tries experimentally once she steps inside, casting her gaze around the interior of the empty space, taking in some of the details and perhaps curious of just how much more they need to do before they open. Presumably, there's someone working out front who can point her to the back office.

Here, she tries a quick knock before letting herself in. "Mr. Sardone?" she wonders, sporting a disarming smile as she spots the man at his desk. "I think we have an appointment. Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic." Walking right up, she offers a hand across toward the man. If there's anything to be concerned about in his reputation, she's either unaware or unbothered by it: they do share a certain heritage, after all.

Hammerhead has posed:
Bobby Sardone grinned cheerfully once he saw Zatanna come into his office. He immedialtey put his feet back onto the floor and extended his hand for a handshake while saying," Ah, bonjurno Zatanna. I was hoping that you got my invitation. Come, have a seat and let us discuss business." He thens straightended out his glasses as he pulled out a second shot glass and pured some bourbon in it and slid it over to Zatanna's side of the desk before pouring a shot for himself.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Shaking his hand, Zatanna shows off a perfect mix of poise and confidence without overstepping the feminine charm that might be expected of her as a performer, and she slips into the offered seat across from Sardone with graceful ease. "Well actually, I've been on a bit out of town a few weeks pursuing occult secrets - you know how it is," the woman begins oh-so casually, no doubt selling up the mystical mystique of her act already, "but when I got back, Arnie - that's my agent - he had a few things waiting. And to be perfectly honest, yours was the closest." Here, Zatanna gives him a wink. "I live in Bludhaven, and I wanted to do a few shows in the area before I'm back gallivanting around the world, you know?" When the drink is poured, she reaches and lifts it with a grateful smile. "Grazie. Salute."

Hammerhead has posed:
Sardone raises his glass alongside Zatanna and grins. He then said to her," Thanks for chossing my fine establishment out of all the other offers you've gotten. I understand wanting to perform closer to home after a long journey such as yours. Ya see, this club is opening up very soon and i want a opening act to really blow the grand opening out of the water. Then, i hear my neice talking all about you when i visited my Brother in Astoria and i decided that i must get you as my club's first act."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Yeah, it'll be nice getting to perform a bit in the neighborhood. One side of the river or the other." Leaning back in her seat, Zatanna now lifts the glass for a sip. But as the discussion turns to his club in particular, she again glances around with a touch of yet-unsatisfied curiousity. "The place looks great, what I saw of it, anyway. And I admit that the sort of vibe you're going for sounded interesting. I've performed at little cozy places, huge stages with hot lights, you name it, but there aren't a lot of venues that..." And here she seems to mull over how to put it precisely. "Hmm, well, I like the style. Old fashioned. It heralds back to when the pioneers and titans of my profession were at their height. So I'd love to do something here, put together a sort of act that kind of honors that."

Hammerhead has posed:
Sardone grins upon hearing Zatanna's comments on his club. He takes a sip from the glass of Bourbon and says," Thank you for the compliment. I would love for your show to be a dedication for magicians of the past. Now about pay, how does $25,000 sound for your booking. I am willing to negotiate if you don't like that price."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Oh, you can just have one of your people get in touch with Arnie about the booking details and the numbers. I never handle the business end, you know?" Zatanna counters with a flash of a smile, brushing the matter off. "Finance is a whole different category of wizardry, as far as I'm concerned. I'm much more interested to hear a little more about the opening, if there's any more you can share. I take pride in nevery delivering the same act twice, and for a place like this, I'm sure there's a lot of inspiration I can take from t he venue. Like I said already, I'm thinking a bit oldschool, maybe a couple twists on classic Houdini escapes."

Hammerhead has posed:
Sardone nods upon hearing Zatanna refer him to her agent, he would take a note for that later. Upon being questioned about opening night, Sardone's grin grew even bigger and said to her," I am glad that you asked. As you know, The Upper East Side is one of the more affluent neighborhoods in Manhatten, so we are expecting a packed house. We will have a jazz band preforming for a bit then have the MC announce you. That is when you come out and do your routine. Like i stated, this club is based off of the 1920s, both in the form of a ritzy art deko themed night club and a speakeasy. Harry Houdidni inspired acts would fit perfectly in that mold. If you request anyhting for your show, have your people call my people and i will see what i can do."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Yeah, it's a nice neighborhood. I'm actually a little surprised, you mostly see the kind of fun, thematic places like you're talking about down in the village. Nice you're spicing things up a little, uptown." Indeed, this seems to amuse her some, maybe imagining the sort of anti-establishment vibe of the prohibitation-era speakeasies cast against the modern social strata. Or maybe she's just happy to get away from the Vegas tourists! "Well that's great. I have all of my own equipment, but there will be some work that'll have to be done ahead of time for the stage. All the trap-doors, supports, general safety stuff." Of course, Zatanna COULD do her act without any of that, but it would probably raise suspicions a little too much - including with people like Sardone - if she didn't do much of her show the 'old fashioned' way. "Again, Arnie will have the details, and I have my own people for the installations, so it shouldn't be any trouble. You have uh, any other live entertainment? Dancers, that kind of thing? Only ask because I'm happy to work them into the act too."

Hammerhead has posed:
Sardone put his finger to his chin, as if in thought. He then says to her," Actually yes, we do have other live performers scheduled for that night. We will be having a live jazz band to straighten up the mood for the club. We will alos be having dancers. But, nothing to risque of course. This is a night club, not a strip show." He then chuckle at this joke.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna Zatara holds her hands up. "Oh, I didn't mean anything like that. But I'm not new to the biz, either. Everyone likes to see a bit of sexy up on stage, and believe me, I've had it /all/ up there with me, from girls in playboy bunny-style getups to shirtless beefcakes right out of Chippendales, you name it." You wouldn't expect much less in Vegas, really. "I figure here they'll be what, more flapper-esque? Or maybe I can recruit a couple extra as old-school style assistants. Either way, I'll work something out. It never hurts to shoot big, am I right?" That sentiment leaves her grinning. "Anyway, I like your place, so consider it a deal, minus whatever details our people have to hammer out. Sound good?"

Hammerhead has posed:
Sardone nods and says," Yes, our dancers will be flapper based. Byt, feel free to go out and hire assistants too if you want to, i won't protest it." Upon hearing Zatanan agreeing to his deal, Sardone gets up from his chair and walks up to Zatanna to shake her hand while saying," Yes, it is a deal Zatanna. My people will contact your people shortly to iron out the details. Thnk you for a productive meeting and i hope to see you at the Grand Opening."