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Crazy Town Questions
Date of Scene: 24 August 2019
Location: A Metropolis Warehouse
Synopsis: Lex takes Harley for an interrogation. As expected, Harley is ridiculously insane, and Lex takes another path to get the information he requires.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's been a couple hours since the carnival was attacked by Quinn. A hood (and gag) was put on as they drove. Lex had directed Hope to one of the disposable warehouses that Lex keeps for plausible deniability; off the books, officially owned by 'others', and utterly useless beyond being a useful place for interrogation subjects... and being smashed to ruin if things go wrong.

In other words, it was perfect for questioning Harley, and if she saw anything, no one would believe her anyway.

Eventually, Mercy took her into the warehouse, to the lone chair in the middle of it. Blackout mode was silently activated, plunging the whole warehouse into darkness, except for a single spot of light around Harley's chair, which she was tied too.

By the time Lex comes out of the Limo and into the warehouse proper, things were setup. Mercy went to pull the hood and gag off of Harley, allowing her to see into the blackness around her.

"Hello, Quinn." The voice of Lex rings out from in front of her.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's murmuring through the gag, pretty much non-stop talking, all of them muffled and hard to really understand but it goes through a range of emotions from curious tones to excited tones. Clearly she is not at all afraid, because, she's Harley Quinn. She may lack that part of her brain at this point in time. That said, no one would believe Harley anyhow, she's Harley.

When the hood and gag is pulled from her, she blinks a little bit, and starts squirming in the chair some, to assess the tying. Looking around she hunts for one of them amazonian women, "Ya must've done the tying. It's really good. Now, before we get started, I ain't got no safe word, so if ya hear me shout out Snuffleupagus it ain't cause I am wantin' red light action, it's cause I've jus' got a bit of furry in me is all. So, don't stop or nothin'."

Smiling in the direction of Lex now that he's speaking she just grins big sitting there with her knees a little bent in. "If yer gonna take a toe, I've never really liked the middle one on my left foot. It ain't like it really has done anythin' to me, but it's more like, what has it ever done -for- me? Now that I got that outta the way, love the decord, all darkness wit' the light above me. Tryin' ta dehyrdrate me a bit? Gonna need me some gatorade or somethin' if this is gonna be a long torture. Gotta keep my electrolytes up else I might pass out an' miss it."

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's no reply from Lex for a long moment as he considers Harley. Truth be told, the insanity was expected. The boldness was expected... what was not expected was jumping right to torture, and there's a raised brow to that.

Is the Clown that overkill? No matter.

"What are you doing in Metropolis, Quinn?" Lex begins. Verbal interrogation is far more effective with carrots, rather than sticks. Especially for people like Harley. Lex is a master of manipulation and reading people... so the only time he ever goes to torture is sending a message.

Right now, he's after information.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Why are any of us in Metropolis? Are you actually 'in' a city, or on a city? But then there's sewers an' things, it's a very philosophical question ya are askin' mister bald guy." And Harley thinks about it with a little squint, giving it some straining, serious thought, "Hmm. Well, I knew there was some kind of reason, some days I jus' sorta wake up, an' I'm somewhere else. Ya know how that is? Yer some big wig type, always bein' pulled in different directions."

And she sticks out her head a little bit, and is trying to move her finger toward her chin, but since it's tied to the chair she can't reach. "Could ya, or one of yer goons sorta tap my chin three times? Maybe even my bottom lip? Kinda helps me think."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"You came to Metropolis, and attacked a carnival with thugs. Why?" Lex persists.

Harley seems like the sort to get bored quickly, so Lex is simply going to keep repeating that question until Harley focuses on it and gives him some semblance of an answer.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn lifts up her chin a little bit, "A double tap maybe?" She questions lightly, "I mean, if yer not gonna torture me, how's a girl 'spose ta focus?" She looks over to Lex with a seriously dubious look, questioning the man with her entire expression. "Nor do I recall attackin' the carnival at all, really, if I remember correctly, it was them gangsters attackin' each other. Speakin' of which, I was promisin' folks a boom, but ain't no boom came. Was it you or another one of them capes I wonder?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley has been looking in the direction of the man talking, since it's dark. Not directly at him, of course, cause she can't see him.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"There was boom promised? What made you decide to put explosives at the carnival?" Lex continues to try to focus the conversation.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"If ya ever took a class on speech givin', yer suppose'ta have yerself one of them audience grabbers. Ya know, somethin' fer the family, grab their attention, be impactful on other people's lives." Harley Quinn comments, and smiles big, "I jus' wanna say, yer a real nice fella. Askin' all these questions, curiosity shows interest. So, thanks fer that. Though I'm already taken. It's kinda serious..."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Harley, you're not answering the question." Lex informs her. "Why were you at the carnival earlier?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"What? There are words comin' outta my mouth. I'm definitely answering the questions." And Harley shakes her head, "Like I said, I was there ta draw in the attention of them thugs ya think were mine. So they could blast one another, but that didn't seem like it'd be too much fun, so I helped make it a bit more entertainin', wasn't expectin' no capes. An' the bombs, that way everyone could come an' watch. Ain't no fun if ya jus' blow things up in secret."

"OOoh ooh, where did all the ferris wheel riders go when the bomb went off?" She grins, eyes getting wide, she's holding back some laughter, maybe with a punch line.

Lex Luthor has posed:
He's going to regret this. "I don't know." Lex replies, "Where?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Blurting out, Harley says, "Everywhere!" She laughs and shakes hard against the binds that tie her, and she lets out a little sigh of shuddered laughter, "I was savin' that one, but that stupid trigger didn't work!" Her tone shifts a little angry, and she tenses up her hands, "I'm gonna rip out the spine of the fella who sold that to me, right through his eyesockets. I swear, can't find a good Black Market merchant these days."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Right. Knew he'd regret that. Still, might help to focus her a bit.

"Why would you want the thugs to follow you? Not fun enough in Gotham?" Lex continues.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I wander a bit, got me some of that travel lust, ants in my pants, you know the kind. Red fire ants, shouldn't really store them therem they like ta burrow." And Harley squints a moment, trying to refocus, she then shakes her head, "Fun? In Gotham? It's always fun in Gotham, but sometimes a girl wants a watermelon and tomato splattered on her, and other times she jus' wants some good ol' fashioned normalcy. Gotta mix it up a bit else ya'll go crazy." Her voice turns concerned in tone, and her eyes get a bit wide, "Them folks in Gotham, they're like trapped lil' kids inside of cages. Jus' waitin' ta be exported. Rattle the cage, Mister, that's my advice."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"This will take too much time." Lex notes aloud. In the darkness, he frowns. "Put her out."

From behind, Hope comes up behind Harley, and places her into a chokehold. Amazonian strength is regulated to not break her neck... but merely put her to sleep.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It takes a bit, as Harley is being choked, a bit longer than a normal person would take to go unconscious. And she coughs out slowly, over the entire time, straining, "Buy... a girl... dinner... first, huh?" And then she goes out.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex steps into the light, watching Harley with visible disdain. The insane ones take too long to effectively break, and Lex didn't have that sort of time. Not if he wanted to investigate the root cause.

"Hope, take her to our shadow clinic, let them know to prepare the operating theatre with a full suite of surveillance implants." Lex turns around, heading back to the Limo through the darkness. "I'll be there in an hour to do the surgery myself."