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Latest revision as of 04:20, 23 September 2019

Oh Brother My Brother
Date of Scene: 18 September 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Lorna and Pietro discuss everything from family to relationships
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Quicksilver

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was in the royal gardens, floating a new wrought iron artwork that swirled and bent under her direction. The iron looped and framed a beautifully sculpted statue of a woman. The woman stood with a large decorative jug in her arms, water pouring out from it and spilling down to the fountain at her feet. Lorna was creating a swirl of iron an added bit of decoration that matched the wrought iron of the fence that looped over the cement and other accents in the royal garden.

The royal gardens were beautiful, covered in flowering plants and impossible ones to boot. Plenty that had been manipulated by mutants with plant based powers to grow and transform beyond their normal parameters.

It was a quiet day for the Genoshan royal and rumors were that Magneto was due to return in the week.

Quicksilver has posed:

The blur that was Pietro arriving in Genosha at high speeds send a strong burst of wind pretty much through the castle and across some of the land that happened to be in his path. Nothing was destroyed or even dischevelled, but the wind was stronger for just a moment, then it was as it normally is.

When Pietro finally comes to a stop, he wears what looks like a track jacket, relaxed and of Pietro's style with black pants and some white running shoes, His hands were in his pockets as he shakes his head, his silver hair shifting to and frow in a dreamy kind of way that Pietro never had to put effort into.

"Hey Lorna. Working on the garden?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinked, but otherwise didn't turn from her focus on adding to the royal gardens even more iron workings to the artwork there. At least not until she managed to secure it properly through the various implanted magnets throughout, leaving it to hover in its own newly created magnetic fields. She turned then, flashing Pietro a smile. "Hey Pietro," She turned about fully, moving to give him a hug.

"How are you doing? Did you come back for one last visit before father returns and you no longer want to visit me?" She teased lightly, a smile curving on her lips. She wore her hair down, loose green curls spilling down around her shoulders. She wore a seemingly simple looking turquoise blue dress, belted at the waist with more metal bits, and a loose fitting chiffon silk cardigan that tumbled around past her hips.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro accepts Lorna's hug, lifting a hand out of his pocket to wrap around her as he kissed her forehead. "Hey Lorna." Because yes, he's the older brother. He's gonna be there for his not-twin sister.

"I...am actually doing pretty good, Lorna. I came to visit before I want to punch my father more than I want to see you, so I decided to be ag ood brother while I still could." He teases her back right there in return.

"You look very beautiful today, Lorna. Did that boy perhaps inspire you to shift away from the punk rock?" Pietro seems amused by this.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow at her older sibling and shook her head as she eyed him. "You really should try to make up with him someday, I know it's not going to happen, but Wanda and I still wish it would you know." She sighed and she waved a hand toward a bench. The largely wooden structure came floating over to them, settling down by the fountain. The edges were all laced in iron. Lorna sat, patting the bench beside her.

"And no, I dress more formally when I'm in Genosha, that's all. I just got out of meetings with the Council earlier and needed to blow off some steam." She tilted her head at Pietro. "Bobby and I dated back when I was still in high school, and we're just seeing if things work now... We broke up because he couldn't handle who I was."

Quicksilver has posed:
"Its not that I'm unable to reconcile with him, its just..." Pietro takes a breath. "There have been many times where he's treated us like tools to be used and possibly even sacrificed for his almost maniacle dream that mutants become the alpha-species. He has no bounds. I want to trust him, I want to love him, I want to rule at his side. But when I know what he's willing to do..." Pietro shakes his head.

"I'll try. I'll promise nothing more." Though Pietro does sit beside Lorna on the bench, Pietro is reminded that Lorna likes having pretty much anything metallic nearby her at pretty much all times just in case.

"Sure he can handle it?" Pietro asks Lorna, wanting her thoughts on the matter now that Bobby wasn't around.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a sigh, "I know, and you're both very stubborn on what you think is right and wrong and you won't change for anything or anyone. It's both a flaw and strength for you both." She smiled, reaching to pat her brother's shoulder gently. She smiled, crossing her ankles as she sat back and considered the sweeping view of the royal gardens. They were otherwise alone save the birds that sang and chirped in the trees around them.

"You know father has named me his heir.. right?" She bit her lower lip, glancing back to Pietro as she tried to see how he felt about that. But then he was bringing up Bobby and she wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I like him, I really do. He's been a friend for years.. it's just.. He says that he's prepared for the craziness that is my life. To handle everything to do with dating me as a public figure and.. I just.. I'm not sure he is."

Quicksilver has posed:
When Lorna tells Pietro that she and his father are practically the same person in terms of personality, just diffrent sides of the playing field. "Yeah. Guess its just impossible for us to agree on anything, besides that Mutant lives are important." But then she tells him that Magneto named Lorna his heir.

His eyes narrow.

"Of course he did. He's the closest to you. Don't trust him, Lorna. Not for a second." Pietro warns his sister. "But good to know I'll be related to a Queen at some point. You sure you want to deal with the politics?"

When he's told that she doesn't think he's ready to actually accept her past, Pietro shrugs. "Follow your heart as much as your mind Lorna. Thats the best advice I can give you. Though speaking of love...I think I found somebody."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned toward Pietro, bumping his shoulder with her own, "I've been dealing with the politics for the past year plus Pietro, you know that. And who do you think has been ruling Genosha when father has been off playing with his floating fortress?" She teased, smiling gently at him. Her smile faded slightly and she heaved a sigh, her shoulders rising and falling hard when she fell silent for a beat.

"If he named me heir, what's there to not trust Pietro? That he'll ever die?" She asked her voice dry, "Besides, I doubt I'm going to have kids anytime soon, so regardless you and Wanda are //my// heirs. So you're still pretty much next in line." She paused as Pietro told her to follow her heart and she flashed her older sibling a smile.

"I dunno how good I am at following my heart these days. Not like you and Wanda," She teased, as Pietro mentioned having found a new someone.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro shrugs. "If you say so." But when Lorna tries to get into Pietro's head and mindset about what he thinks could be the worst that Magneto might have planned, what is there not to trust, about their father? Pietro's answer is straightforward.

"That he -always- has a plan. And trust me, its not for the good of you." Pietro's been burned more than a few times by his father, namely during his time as a member of his Brotherhood. Pietro has no trust for his father, which is probably why the silver-haired mutant wasn't named heir and Lorna was. But he chuckles just a bit.

"Not sure you want me as King, sis, but...I appreciate it. Your trust in me is important, and I'll try not to let you down, even if I'm not the most...patient person in the world." Something he inherited from his father, no doubt.

"You'll catch on. But...I think you'd like her. Her name's Karen."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna tilted her head, "Father has never given me reason to not trust him with my safety. Has he hurt my feelings? Of course he has.. but he's never hurt me. He gave me up to make sure I had my best chance to live Pietro. For me to have a normal life. I know what you and Wanda went through with him. I really do, and I get it.. it's just, he's been different with me. In the time I've lived with him here in Genosha, I really think he's mellowed out some. I mean, sure there's the floating Fortress..but he didn't attack. He didn't //do// anything outside of threats." She bit her lower lip.

"You can't tell me that he would've acted that way when you worked with him and the Brotherhood. He would never have allowed anyone to talk him down." She fell silent for a brief moment, looking back at her brother. A man that shared so many of his physical aspects with their father. The one of the three who looked the most like him.

"Oh? Karen? Don't tell me she's anything like the joke stories about Karens with a 'can I speak to your manager' hair cut or anything." She teased.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro shakes his head with her. "Tigers don't change their stripes, Lorna." Pietro's warning is a bit more -firm- this time. He's right, Magneto just has so many screws loose that even if he hasn't done it already, that doesn't mean that he won't do it in the future to Lorna. Its almost inevitable. "Do you remember a threat he didn't follow up on?"

A good point.

But then he shrugs for a moment. "Guess we won't know." If she's right or wrong, Pietro doesn't seem privy to admit it.

Then she's asking about Karen. "Well, she is blonde, shoulder-length. She's pretty and smart. She's enhanced too, but not a mutant." He thinks about his words. "I think you'd like her. I had a date with her the other night and uh...we kissed. I just hope I'm good enough to keep this one." Yes, Pietro was still reeling a little bit from his failed relationship with Zatanna.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned against her brother, hooking her arm through with his and leaning her head on his shoulder. Perhaps far more physical in affection than she usually was, but it had been a long while since she'd been able to just sit and talk with her brother. She'd been desperately lonely on Genosha with no one else in her family there. It was perhaps why she'd spent so much time at the Mansion recently.

"And yet he didn't act against the US, didn't invade a single country. He backed down. He's changed, Pietro, at least I think he has. And it's for the better." She shrugged. "But like you said, we shall see eventually."

She fell silent for a beat, once more enjoying the trickling sounds of the water in the fountain and the birdsong in the trees. "Well, so long as she makes you happy that's all that I care about. You and Wanda both deserve to be happy with whoever you date." She smiled, glancing at her brother again. It wasn't like her dating life. Being named heir drove home just how much responsibility she had to take with herself and those she dated. She had a duty to Genosha.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Lorna and he rests his head against hers, his own hand moving to perhaps hold his sister's own as they just spent time right there on the bench. People who don't know might consider them a couple, but really? It was just the strong bond of a brother and sister, one that strengthened each and every time Pietro and Lorna actually spent time together. It must be a line of Lensherr thing, relationships so strong that it slike a soul tie.

"No. He didn't. He was convinced otherwise, but I could tell he wanted to. To bring the world to its knees with the same power he passed onto you."

But then he seems to fall silent for a minute as she tells him that she seems to be, at least for the moment, approving of Pietro's relationship choice. "Thanks, Lorna. So do you, ya know."

A silence.

"I'll kill him if he breaks your heart again though."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed softly, gently, as Pietro took her hand and she listened to what her older brother thought of their father. She smiled, content to just enjoy the gardens and sit with the speedster that normally couldn't sit still. She hadn't grown up with the twins as her siblings, but now that Wanda and Pietro were in her life, she wasn't likely to give either of them up anytime soon. It was just too //nice// to have a family.

"You're and adult and fully capable of making your own choices, and handling your love life. However, if you ever //do// need help just ask. I'll back you up against crazy ex's if you need me to be there." She murmured gently.

At his comment about Bobby, she grinned. "I survived that last time just fine you know."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro scoffs. "Isn't that my line?" He tells her as they both relax. A Future Queen and a Future King (at different intervals, mind). But he chuckles. "Yeah, I'll definitely see what we can do in that regard. But lets just hope it doesn't end badly as a start, yeah?"

When she tells him she survived the last breakup, he almost laughs. "Survived and 'peacefully transitioned' are two very different things." Because mental instability and really sour betrayal practically runs in the bloodline. "But worst case scenario? We have each other."

At least until Lorna starts acting like daddy dearest, then shits gonna get fucked up in a hurry.

But as long as they stay the same? Family.