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Latest revision as of 04:24, 23 September 2019

Welcome home, Andrea.
Date of Scene: 22 September 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea comes home and runs into Ellie and Chris. Back to work!
Cast of Characters: Rage, Triage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Rage has posed:
The doors swing open to reveal a familiar face to the school. Andrea strides in dragging an expensive looking suitcase behind her, flanked by her bodyguard James who is in a snug three piece suit with a radio in his ear. He lugs in another suitcase as well, then leans in to whisper a few words to the popstarlet before he offers a tight smile. "Home sweet home." She says with a grin to him as she takes in a few moments to look around. As a few kids pass by, she hears the familiar squeals, and some 'welcome homes!' from those that she has known on campus. Taking her phone out, she sends off a few text messages, then reaches for the handles of her luggage as she walks through the foyer.

Triage has posed:
Triage steps out of the rec room, toting an unopened bottle of water and with another student beside him. "That's it exactly," Triage, or Chris as many here know him, answers while tucking his skateboard under his left arm. "It's all in the angle." He nudges the sunglasses on his forehead, when they begin to slip downward. When he spots the guard, he slows at first to give the man a quick appraisal in case it's someone bringing bad news. Then he spots the famous star. Having graduated a couple of years ago, he probably only glimpsed her once or twice around the campus but her face is recognizable enough. He smiles. "Welcome home!" he calls, lifting the bottle of water in a salute-like gesture.

Rage has posed:
Brushing her dark hair back behind an ear, Andrea offers up a smile towards Chris as she lifts her hand upwards. "Hey! Thanks." She says as she stops texting long enough to lean down and smile over the shoulders of a pair of girls who ask for a selfie. She flashes a wide grin to the camera, then gives each of the girls a strong hug. She gives another tug of the luggage behind her as they skim along their wheels. "You're Chris, right?"

Triage has posed:
"That's right," Triage confirms. He pats the younger student on the shoulder. "Later," he adds. The student heads for the library. "I know that I've seen you around this place once or twice it's been a while. Andrea, right? Or do you prefer Miss Jackson?" He waves to the now chattering girls. "You're great with the kids." He glances again to the guard, and guesses, "I'm sure that you need to settle in and unpack after your trip. I don't want to hold you up."

Rage has posed:
"Miss Jackson is my mother. You can call me Andrea, or Andy, or Rage if you need a code name." What was her power again? It's not publicly known at least. But those who have watched her Danger Room vids with Laura would know why she is called such. "Thanks. I love kids. The kids are the best part of going to school here. Everyone should feel loved an wanted." She grins at him. "You and Foley still trying to figure out who the best healer in the school is?"

Triage has posed:
"Which would you prefer?" Chris wonders. "I don't think that Rage would fit, not here, at least." He waves to indicate the lobby. When she mentions Foley, he shrugs and smiles shyly. "I don't think that I'll ever be sure about that, but from what I hear, he has more competition, a girl named Shannon. She's good with the kids, too." He nods. "All kids should have a safe place like this to learn and grow. Some don't, and that's sad. But there's always hope."

Rage has posed:
"Well, Foley brought me back from the dead when I had my skull blown open, and a sword plunged through my chest. So, he's aces in my book. Maybe I need my arm chopped off next and see if you can attach it." The popstar flashes another grin at him. "Call me Andrea. It's the easy one. So, now that I'm back from my tour, anything happen? Everyone still alive? I see the place isn't burned down."

Triage has posed:
Triage grins. "I might manage the arm, but I'm not too worried about competition. There's something to say for teamwork and everyone learning how to weave their skills together for the job. As for happenings, well ..." He shrugs. "We've had a little infestation of those giant tin-cans but so far, everyone has lived to tell the tale." The smile fades slightly at that thought. Then he adds, "At least, on our side. The cans took a beating."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, the Sentinels. They were just starting to become an annoyance right before I went on tour." Andrea presses her lips together in a thoughtful frown. "I'm itching to get back into the danger room and back to work. Also, track down Mason and drag my boyfriend out and about and snag some dinner. I've missed him." She gives a small sniff of the air. "So, how are the New Mutants doing? We still got a team?"

Triage has posed:
Triage inclines his head at mention of the Sentinels. "The Sentinels seem to be our thorn in the side," he grumbles, shaking his head. "With all of that, I'm sure that the teachers will be training everyone at double time, just in case. We shouldn't lower our guard. They even threatened to interrupt a vigil that we had down in Centra after they killed a kid who never stood a chance." Again, he frowns and shakes his head. "If you want training, the folks will put you through your paces. Be sure of that." He shifts the bottle from one hand to the other. "As for the New Mutants, it's like every year, a slight regrouping, but still holding strong."

Rage has posed:
"Well, I'm eager to get back down there and log more hours." Andrea says as she gives a long stretch of her body to pop a few joints in her spine. "I'm going to need the work out. I don't get a chance to cut loose while on tour and work things out. It'd be bad publicity. If you see Laura, can you tell her to come find me? We're besties and I can't wait to see her again." She chews on the rest of the information in regards to a kid being killed, her features softening a bit.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
The stomping of boots can be heard before Ellie can be scene, angry, or is that just normal, as she comes into view and starts heading down the stairs to the foyer. "Son of a bitching stupid rules .. no one is around... all the teachers awol... I need to go into town at some point this stupid weekend.."

Stompity stomp. "Or .. well shit not even into town I just need to go to Long Island.. Manhattan can go fuck itself into the ocean with their stupid sentinel bullshit..... where the fuck is everyone..."

She pauses and then squints at Andrea and Triage then blinks "Rage!"

Triage has posed:
"I'll give her the word," Chris assures. "If I see her. I'm not here full-time now but I help out whenever I can." Then he hears the explosion of expletives. He turns to peer up the stairs. "Hey! What's wrong? I doubt that they're /all/ AWOL but I know that a couple might be dealing with some ... recent trouble." He cautions, "I heard about the rule. With more Sentinels bringing their kind of trouble, it makes sense to be a bit cautions." He glances back to Andrea and then guesses, "I'm sure that we can find some help if you have an emergency."

Rage has posed:
Tilting her head upwards at her teammate, Andrea's grin widens even more. "Yo! Negasonic Teenage Warhead!" She calls out with a laugh. "I see you haven't washed your mouth out with soap yet. What's up?" She asks as she hooks her thumbs into the belt loops of her skinny jeans. "I'm home! Tour is over. I got you a prezzie in my suitcase. You need a ride or something? I can have James pull the car out front."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Her mood actually seems to improve when she gets greeted in return, it may be the present comment or maybe even just seeing Andrea "because you missed me... or?".

Then a fast "No one would dare." to the soap idea though. "No one."

Then she looks at Triage and looks thoughtful before looking back to Andrea "Ugn it isn't an emergency... I just haven't been by the Tower in like a week and then bam new rule.. need a buddy system and to register trips with the office... first curfew now this bullshit... god I hate sentinels so much...." she keeps stomping across the foyer to Andrea though, and well, she actually looks like she might hug the other woman.

Brood? Bodysnatchers. Mind control. What the what.

Triage has posed:
Triage bends to set his skateboard on the floor, wheels outward. "I don't think that anyone likes the sentinels, including the guys behind them, and certainly no one here." He shakes his head. "The rules are here to protect people, especially the younger ones. Still, as I understand it, you can get permission, and since the two of you are buddies, there's your buddy system." He glances between the two women. "You probably just need to tell the guards on your way out."

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, I hate sentinels too. I'm also pretty much over being attacked just because I have a funky twist of DNA. But, if there is new rules to having a social life, I guess we gotta follow 'em. I'm not going to get on Miss Grey's bad side." Andrea grins as she steps forward as if to give a hug to Ellie. "So, let's get permission and we can roll out in my Beamer. I'll have James drive us. Being that it's bulletproof, hopefully that can give some assurances to the staff. That and we /are/ two of the team's most capable combatants." She bobs her head to Triage in agreement. "And of course I missed you. I missed everyone on the team."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Man I thought it might be because it is my birthday tomorrow..." figurative bomb drop.

"And .. shit.. well actually I don't see why they wouldn't be fine with my bringing a friend but this is going to be humiliating to explain it. I imagine Robin is going to just glare without an ounce of understanding... he is way.. way too intense." she is considering the idea of being driven in the bulletproof beamer with Andrea though.

"Also... do you follow all the rules Chris?"

Triage has posed:
Triage glances between the two while he listens. Without looking, he stoops again to grab his trusty board. He chuckles and shrugs. "Technically? Now that I'm out I they're not so much my rules as the school's." He frowns. "We had a little problem with yesterday's field trip, so I'm here ... visiting." Then he grins. "Hey, if tomorrow's your birthday, tell anyone that this was an early present, a ride in a hot luxury car to the city for a night on the town," he suggests. "You two should go and enjoy the time."

Rage has posed:
"Holy shit, happy birthday, El. That's cool. Also, you don't need to tell them about why I'm with you. I'm /the/ multiplatinum selling Andrea Jackson. Just say we're homies and I offered to drive you out for your birthday and to get dinner or something. Who's Robin?" Andrea asks as she reaches for the handles of her luggage again. "I should get my stuff back in my room and unpack. I got a ton of laundry to do. Just let me know what you wanna do and we'll go do it tomorrow. My treat. You can come too, Chris. Hell, bring anyone and I'll swipe the credit card."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie focuses on Chris now and blinks a bit. "What happened on the field trip?" okay she can actually get serious and concerned, not just aloof and irritated. "Is everyone ok?"

A glance to Andrea "Robin, like .. the Robin. Well one of them.. there is Red Robin too." she blinks and then brightens "OOoh, I need to introduce you to Beast Boy, he is in movies.... and I'm good with you and Surge going out tomorrow actually.. unless Surge has some sort of surprise planned. She might be doing something rash and all..."

Triage has posed:
Triage cradles the board and frowns. "Well, you know that things didn't go as planned with yesterday's field trip." He looks from face to face. "We had trouble, and it wasn't someone scarfing a lab experiment by mistake." He pauses, taking a breath to collect his thoughts. "Everyone came back alive but ... Miss Pryde and a couple of others took some hits." Then he sighs. "That's actually why I'm here, helping with the recovery."

Rage has posed:
"I know who Beast Boy is, just don't know any Robins or Red Robins, unless we're talking about the burger joint." Andrea calls out as she heads up the stairs, dragging the luggage with her with a loud 'thump thump thump' as she goes. "I'm glad that you're here to patch everyone up, Chris. I'll see you two tomorrow!"