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Latest revision as of 04:25, 23 September 2019

Sunday, Sunday~
Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: Willowdale, Culver
Synopsis: Kara and Grail meet up in a coffee shop. And Grail bullies the name of the Justice League out of her! So bad!
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Grail

Supergirl has posed:
    Well, it was Sunday. Not a big college day, but still... Kara Danvers was on campus. Why?

    Well, one thing about supergirling was that you tended to put homework behind. And let it pile up, and pile up...

    So she had a LOT of homework due now.

    It was terrible.

    Pushing her glasses up her nose with her fingertips, she blows a lock of her blonde hair out of her eyes as she smooths her modest skirt over her knees, and rolls up the sleeves of her awesome sweater.

    And she looks down at the worst foe of all. Calculus 3.

Grail has posed:
    Grail was recently back on Earth, again, after having returned Starfire to her fellow teammates. She wasn't sure what all was going on with that Girl but she was going to have to perhaps make a special visit to Tamaran and explain to them what happens when you act like you own someone. Either way, she is now on a campus. Why? Well, people are here.
    It's really the only reason. She has seen people gathering around this place and took an opportunity when she saw it. Now, she is in the campus coffee shop and ordering a pumpkin spice latte cause the girl in front of her ordered that, too.
    Of course, she is getting quite a few funny looks what with her being 6'4" tall with grey skin.

Supergirl has posed:
    At least the whole Superhero and Alien culture wasn't so... wild that a huge grey woman wasn't exactly too out of the ordinary.


    I mean hate is a strong word, but she was just fine with the machiattos, or whatever it was where they did the hot chocolate and coffee half and half, and with a little bit of sweetness added to it.

    But needless to say, Grail was drawing her attention. Certainly more than Fermi's Equation or whatever.

    And once Grail was through the line, she lifts her hand to wave to her. "Hey!" she calls. "Are you sitting with anybody?"

Grail has posed:
    Taking her drink, she blinks at the wave and smirks, "No, I am not." She walks over and smiles down at Kara, "Are you offering?" She asks and then taps a hand on the chair beside her. She then takes a sip of her drink and gasps and stares at it, "What...what is this? Why is this?" She hmms and then looks over at the girl who bought it before looking back at Kara, "Why do they order this?"

Supergirl has posed:
    "Of course you may," says Kara, bringing up her hand to push her glasses up further onto her face, and moving book and stuff to one side to give room for the big woman to sit. "That is Pumpkin Spice coffee, probably! At least, that's what it smells like," remarks @me, grinning ever wider. "They order it so that they can get a little pick me up, and help focusing - while it tastes good," she says with a wider smile.

    "I'm Kara. Are you a new student, um... here?" she asks.

Grail has posed:
    "No, I am not a part of this school. And this is supposed to taste good? While it tastes good?" She asks and looks at it, sniffing it and taking another sip, "It does not taste good. It's like someone was trying to combine too much that they liked only to find it does not go together." She drops the cup on teh table and pushes it away, "What a failure."
    She shakes her head and looks to Kara, "I am Grail. You are rather unphased by my looks, Kara. IT is surprising."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Yeah, it's supposed to taste good while you get a little boost from the caffeine!" Kara says. "I like the... mocha... cinno... fratti... uhm," she holds up her drink. "I get the one that's half hot cocoa and half coffee, that's even better!" she says.

    "And it's not a failure, like five million people drink it every year. Maybe they just have different, uhm, taste buds, though," she says, adjusting her glasses.

    "Grail, like the Holy Grail?" she says. "That's cool. And uhm, yes, a little bit," she says. "I mean, I see different looking people all the time!" she says, before leaning forward, lowering her voice to whisper. "Are you an alien? Did you just land or something?"

Grail has posed:
    A look over at the drink, "Five million people drink this?" She stares at it in disbelief before she looks over at Kara, "Do they know it is bad?" She then shakes her head and sets it down before pushing it further away. She looks then to Kara and hmms. She seems ot grin a little, seeming to enjoy the reactions of Kara before she blinks, "Technically, I am not an alien." She shakes her head and smiles a little, "I am something far different. I also did not just land." She chuckles, "I do not travel via spaceship."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Oh?" says Kara, I mean, obviously she was just a random person but she seemed to be handling the whole big grey person well. "Oh," she says, kinda screwing her face up. The people at the table next to them were looking weirdly towards them both, and Kara kinda clears her throat.

    "I mean... um... so you just kinda came over to Earth, and now you're wandering around and stuff?" she says. "However you came here?" she asks.

Grail has posed:
    "I am not /just/ wandering around." She states and looks over at the people around, giving them a quick look over before looking back to Kara, "I am searching for a man named Kal-El." She states and nod sher head, "He all but invited me here." She smirks, "And now I am here and where is he?" She chuckles and gestures around, "Either way, I figured while I was searching, I should find out what it is that makes this planet special. So far, pumpkin spice is not it."

Supergirl has posed:
    A beat, and Kara blinks, and blinks again. "I um... you want to meet Kal-El? How... how did he invite you here?" she asks, her voice picking up, "I mean, you gotta tell me all the deets, not that I'm like... super invested or anything," she says.

    "There's lots that makes this planet special! There's like... all kinds of different things, you know?" she says. "Like people, and animals, and there's a /lot/ of people, and they kinda do their thing but, you know. You kinda get around that."

Grail has posed:
    A blink at Kara's reaction and she nods, "OK." She states, "Either way, Lar invited me. Doubt you know him but he is who called out that I was supposed to keep an eye out." She shakes her head and looks up at the sky through the nearby window before putting eye back to Kara, "That sounds...real special." She states and shakes her head, "So far, the only thing that has truly impressed me is the music." SHe nods her head, "It has been useful."

Supergirl has posed:
    "What have you used the music for?" asks Kara, her head canting to one side. "Anything special?" she asks. A beat, though, and she nods her head to Grail. "Oh, I don't know a Lar. I mean, I know some Lars, but us humans - there's a lot of humans around here that could possibly be named Lar!"

    "So what. Lar invited you to Earth, or this Kal-El guy?" she asks.

Grail has posed:
    "Would you believe I used it to surprise a military squadron so I could grab a political prisoner?" She laughs a little and hten shrugs before looking over at Kara directly, "And punch a mercenary in the jaw." She then shrugs and then looks over at a passing person again before saying, "Lar is an alien and he was relaying a message from Kal-El I suppose. It wasn't very clear."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Oh, I mean. Those aliens! They can be, uhm... trouble sometimes," says Kara, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "And no! I mean, music can be super interesting, but you punched a mercenary in the jaw too, so that was cool," she says, before biting her lower lip. "I mean, have you considered like... talking to the Justice League? That's kinda where he hangs out."

Grail has posed:
    A blink and she looks over at Kara with a confused look, "You know of Kal-El? You are the first!" She states and stares at Kara for a long moment, "Which means..." She looks and growls softly as her dark red eyes glow brightly a moment, "That Diana lied to me or at least kept it to herself." She clenches a fist on the arm of her chair, causing hte wood beneath her hand to splinter apart in mere moments. She then looks back to Kara, "How do you know this when others did not or were they all lying to me? Is lying normal of Earth?!"

Supergirl has posed:
    "Um. Most people don't know him as Kal-El. I mean, they know him as S-Superman," says Kara, bringing up her hand to adjust her glasses. "Maybe she didn't know? There's a lot of.. ahm... people on the Earth. And not many know Kal-El. But if you wanted to say, like... 'where's Superman', you'd get a much better response," she says.

    "And do not break the chair," she says. "The coffee shop has to buy a new one, and that's just kinda... you know. Rude."

Grail has posed:
    A look down and she looks over at Kara before idly tossing aside the part she broke. The people there are now staring far more openly. I mean, who or what do you do in this situation? What do you say? Either way, Grail looks out the window before looking back to Kara, "Who are you, Kara?" She asks, "If most do not know that name, why do you know it so well?" She asks and tilts her head as she slowly pushes up to her feet and stands at her full height, looking down at Kara.

Supergirl has posed:
    Holding up her hands in a gesture of surrender, Kara looks back up to Grail. "I just heard it! I'm like... a reporter," she says. "I research these things, I'm um... I'm like a Superman fangirl, that's all," she says up to Grail. Another beat, and she swallows. "... are you going to hurt me?" she asks.

Grail has posed:
    A roll of her eyes and she shakes her head, "I'm not going to hurt you. It'd be like kicking a puppy." She shakes her head slowly, "I may hurt someone else though." She looks to the exit and hten back at Kara, "Kara, you have been helpful." She states and nods her head, "I appreciate that and will remember it." She then turns and states, "But now I think I have an appointment with the Justice League..." She grumbles as she starts for the door.

Supergirl has posed:
    There was something in Kara's eyes as Grail turns away and starts to head towards the door, the woman adjusting her glasses just so. "Well... hmn." she says thoughtfully. "...best of luck, in what you are going to do," she says. "I hope it is something good!" she enthuses.