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Celtic Games in Blüdhaven
Date of Scene: 23 July 2019
Location: Avalon Heights, Avalon
Synopsis: Brian, Buffy, Kitty, and Willow enjoy the Celtic Games in the Avalon Heights area of Blüdhaven.
Cast of Characters: Captain Britain, Shadowcat, Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg

Captain Britain has posed:
During the night, Bludhaven was a cold and dark place, with architecture that would fit right at home with neighbouring Gotham, but during the day, it was capable of being rather enchanting. The way the sun looked down on the cemeteries, giving rise to lush foliage, it was beautiful in summer.

Avalon Heights was among the nicer and newest areas of the city, just north of the Sunnydale area, and west of Newark. There seemed to be a lot happening today, with something called the Celtic Games going on, with caber tossing, music, Highland Dancing, Irish Dancing, a Piobaireachd "piping" competition, and a host of other activities.

The event had managed to convince Brian to take a break from his studies, though when he spoke, he would occasionally be subject to what was intended to be light hearted ridicule. Being an Englishman, even if the event was in America, he was seen as an outsider. There were even a few people wearing ABE shirts, which stood for 'anyone but England'.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty had gotten the invite from one of her former teammates on Excalibur. Though she had spent time at Oxford, studying hard, you can take the girl out of the superhero team but you can't take the superhero team out of the girl. It hadn't been long before Excalibur filled that need Kitty had to continue on what she'd started with the X-men.

Her departure from Oxford had been kind of sudden, followed by news she was taking the whole semester off, and then that she might be transferring to a school stateside if she could make the time.

So a chance to catch up with an old friend was welcome, and Kitty drove out, parking nearby and moving in to watch the festivities as she looks for Brian. Finally spotting him, she walks over, waving a hand to get his attention. Passing an ABE shirt, she reaches Brian and asks, with a meaningful glance back towards the shirt, "Glutton for punishment, hrm?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was taking a break from classes, and enjoying a short summer break which meant another trip back to Bludhaven to visit family. Of course, she was also drawn to the Celtic games, which was definitely something new. She came here with Willow, and having met Brian in passing she was at least somewhat aware of his presence here as she scanned the crowds. "Well, this is definitely new territory, men in kilts. Doing..Kilty things." she smirks at Willow. "So did you decide to take a short summer break then too? that's cool.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It might be a surprise to all who know the girl, but Willow Rosenburg was actually taking time off. Okay, it's by virtue of the fact that her summer course is over - she'd opted for the half-day full week, 7 week semester, and now was done, with a shiny new A+ to her name. So, feeling utterly vindicated, she'd not only agreed to come to this event Brian had invited them to, she'd done so enthusiastically.

"Well, I've been thinking, if I work for the rest of the summer, I can save enough money to cover what the scholarships don't." Yes, this year she'd gotten the applications in on time. "Wait. You don't think I won't get any, do you? Oh gosh, I didn't think about that. I mean, I was hoping maybe.. okay, it's kinda silly, but I thought maybe if I saved enough we could away for a weekend. Like a girl's night."

Of course now that cat was out of the bag.

"Will there really be bagpipers and men in kilts? They aren't really naked under there, are they?" Check on the bagpipes. Check on the kilts.

Willow was not doing a check on the naked. In fact, her cheeks were a rosy embarrassment for even asking that question.

Captain Britain has posed:
The ABE shirts bothered Brian, it was plain to anyone who truly knew him. There were signs, even if he did a good job of hiding them. At the sight of Kitty, and her remark, he smiled broadly, moving to give her a big hug, and explained through the smiles, "I've looked for an ABS shirt, but there just doesn't seem to be much use for it." It was a low blow, but Scotland hadn't qualified for a major tournament in his lifetime.

A few burly men in kilts walked by, men who while not as tall as Brian, were definitely in his category. They were wearing their clan colours as they headed for the caber toss. Leaning in to whisper to Kitty, Brian said, "I think they're about to start the caber toss. They threw trees, while we just shot arrows." It was a lot easier to teach someone to use a bow than to toss a tree trunk, though there was definitely a psychological impact to having a tree land in the middle of your troops.

Spotting Buffy and Willow, he waved and walked towards them, hoping Kitty would tag along. Partway along the way, he spotted deep fried Mars bars, "ooh, you should give that a try, they're good, just, not at all healthy." It was a far better thing to try than Haggis.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde returned the hug to Brian, patting his back a few times before letting him go. "Great to see you," she says. "It's been awhile." The brunette turns to watch as one of the giant logs is thrown, going end over end to land a bit askew of straight. Too bad that one.

She turns back to Brian again once the tree trunk has landed. "Well, easier if you'd have just stopped fighting so much. Half of the rest of the world doesn't even know you're not the same country," she says. And Kitty's grin shows she knows that comment is likely to poke him where he lives.

She moves to follow Brian as he spots someone and heads over to them. One of Kitty's eyebrows goes up. She has her hands stuffed in the back pockets of her jeans, wearing a pair of boots and then a light yellow blouse against the hot weather. "Summers," she says, flashing a friendly smile towards Buffy. Willow doesn't get the familiar look, but does get an amiable enough of greeting as well.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Willow, elbowing her playfully, "See? It's not so bad, pampering yourself for a change. I'm glad you decided to take some time off for yourself for a change..And did you say girl's night?" she grins, "Ooh, I can't say no to that!" As for scholarships, Buffy just rolls her eyes.

"You're doing it again, Wil. Freaking out over nothing. Of course you'll get your scholarships. You always do. You probably scored top five in the class again." she smiles, although it's a look of pride for her incredibly talented friend.

As they pass some men in kilts, Buffy cant help but chuckle, although she looks rather shocked at Wil's question..Not that she wasn't wondering the same thing. "Well..I think I'd rather not know. Let's just hope a really strong breeze doesn't come in at a really bad time..." The mere thought causes her to shudder in fear.

She nods to Brian who simply cant be missed in even a crowd full of kilted men giving his presence, and she waves to him through the crowds, leading Willow with her towards him to slowly close the gap. She recognizes Kitty from a few weeks ago and she smiles and nods to her. "Heya Brian, Kitty. Good to see you again. How've you been?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Girl's /weekiend/" Willow corrects. Then corrects herself again. "Although I might only be able to afford one night?" She's not sure. Now that the paperwork is in for the scholarships, the ugly head of doubt is rearing and taunting her.. suggesting that maybe she really isn't good enough, and oh gosh, what would she do then!?

And then there's that sharp dose of reality in her beste, reinding her why Buffy was her beste. "Oh. I guess I am, aren't I? It's just it's so .. I don't want to have to move back home, and this year used up all my extra money. And if I'm doing Scooby stuff and Justice League stuff I don't know if I can find time for a job too. I kinda have to get one of those scholarships."

And again Buffy distracts her. "You'd think it would chafe alot." Then she giggles at Buffy's shudder. "I thought you were the one who liked.. guy guys?"

Brian gets a shy sort of smile. She remembers him, but it's been some time now, and well, for all the Willow reasons, she's quite sure that B- is written on her forehead, and he is rather smart. She'd like to be rather smart too. Kitty she doesn't know at all, and offers a cheery, "Hi, I'm Willow."

Willow, it should be noted, looks ever so much like she's been invited to a 60's love in. Put a ring of flowers on her head, and her poet shirt, and swirly skirt with the jangle bells on the bottom lending it weight, and she'd fit right in there.

Captain Britain has posed:
Despite her grin, Brian takes the opportunity to explain "that's because we are the same country, Kitty. Two nations, one country, well, four nations actually, but Scotland and England are both part of the United Kingdom... for now, along with Wales and Northern Ireland." How long that would be true was anyone's guess, between the Scottish National Party and given the way the Catholics were breeding in Northern Ireland, given the impressive correlation between religion and voting intentions there.

With Kitty and Buffy seemingly knowing each other, but Willow and Kitty's don't seem to know each other, so Brian gestures towards himself, "Brian Braddock," then to Buffy, "Buffy Summers," to Willow, "Willow Rosenberg," and to Kitty, "Kitty Pryde," so everyone knew each other's names. It was better to be thorough as he knew everyone here and wanted to make sure they knew too.

Despite the noise of the games, he had overheard some of their comments, adding with a grin, "hope there isn't a strong breeze. Government polls suggest that around 45% go commando, with the rest wearing underwear or some kind of shorts underneath."

With that said, and no doubt some nervous reactions, he clears his throat, "ahem, four deep fried Mars bars and chips," he said loud enough to the woman running a nearby concession stand. He would pay for them all, and start handing them out, as they were cooking them constantly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Buffy is given a warm smile by Kitty. "Doing good. Didn't expect to bump into you out here, but great seeing you," she says. Kitty turns her attention towards Willow. "Hello Willow. Really nice to meet you," she says in a friendly tone. "I don't make it out to Bludhaven very often. Used to make it Gotham more than of late. I live in New York during the week and sometimes upstate on the weekend or evening. But it's a lot nicer here than I realized," she says as she looks around.

Kitty will contribute some money for the food, taking her bit as they wander about and watching the events. "You're working with the Justice League?" Kitty asks Willow. "Wow, that's great. Good for you," she says, sounding quite impressed.

Kitty seems about to say more when her phone goes off. She apologizes and takes the call. "Mmmhmm. Yes, it is. What? No. That shouldn't be doing that. Um, no, I can't get into it from here, the command structure is completely firewalled off. I'll have to come into the office. Ok, on my way. Yeah, no, I mean yes I was, but it's ok. I guess Stark pays enough for weekends, right? OK, bye."

Kitty hangs up. "And speaking of New York, I need to get back and run into work. Brian, we need to reschedule this another time. Buffy, great seeing you. Willow, nice to meet you," Kitty says. She'll stick around for any goodbyes before heading out to her car.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit, looking around. "Cool. Never been before. Thanks for inviting us out here. I was surprised you weren't out there yourself, Brian. You look like you could easily tackle a tree.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks at Kitty, "I'm still a bit confused how it happened, but I'm supposed to show up for monitor duty tomorrow, so I guess they're not joking?" Because, yeah, she's still /really/ confused about this particular turn of events in her life. "And we live in Gotham right now. Buffy and I, I mean. We live there. Because we go to school there."

she's quiet while the call goes on, and gives a sad little nod of understanding. "Maybe another time? It was nice to meet you."

As for deep friend Mars bars, she's really not sure if this is going to be the best thing ever, or the worst mistake she's made this week. Then again, the week was still pretty young, so why not? The treat will be taken with thanks.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Quite all right, Kitty. Work comes first." He would have offered to fly her there, but his suit was in the car, he'd need to change, and then there would be the question of what to do with her own car. Though he does exchange a few glances, hoping she picks up on the fact that he would do it if she needed to get there quickly.

"We'll catch up soon." And with her heading off into the crowd, towards her car, he turns to Buffy and Willow, "that's quite an honour," he says to Willow at her new posting, "I imagine you must be rather excited by the development?" Having tried deep fried Mars bars before, it's nothing new to him. Not his favourite, but some people swear by them. He actually much preferred the chips in the paper tray.

"I guess I could give it a try, but I would imagine you'd need to register, and there probably technique. I doubt I would be much good at it," he was trying to be humble. With his strength, even without the suit, he'd likely win the competition if allowed in it.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"To be hoenst," Willow answers Brian, after Kitty has taken her leave, "I feel kinda weird. They're really important people. All I did was help a little?" She's still having a hard time mediating her own feelings of inadequacy in certain regards, with the actual work she'd done with rescuing Superman. The gist of it still had her very much in awe of all those superheroes everyone looked up to.. and how they'd just sort of accepted her as part of the team.

Willow's attention drifts over to the caber tossing. "There was probably a sign up sheet. You're good with maths, too. Like you can tell which ones sort of have an idea of what they're doing. But I bet if you applied a little trigonometry they'd probably be able to throw them further."

It's very clear that she's already started the calculations in her mind, testing that theory out.

Captain Britain has posed:
"And you think you're going to have trouble earning a scholarship?" Brian says with a hint of mild amusement in his voice, suggesting he believes that she has nothing to worry about in that regard. "You work with good people," not wanting to repeat the Justice League too many times in public, "and have a keen mind. I'm sure you'll have no trouble with your education."

The competitive nature in Brian was getting to him, and he was eyeing the caber tossing. Walking along, he noted a desk nearby, where amateurs were able to sign up, though he had yet to do it, "it is tempting, but I'd hate to be embarrassed, especially in this company," though was he referring to the Scottish and Irish patrons, or Buffy and Willow?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I guess?" Willow answers uncertainly about her prospects at school. It wasn't really that she didn't know she was smart, but Sunnyvale was a small place and smartest person there... didn't maybe mean much in the bigger, wider, real world. And if she wasn't smart, then what was she? It was one of those things that plagued her from time to time.

"They're very powerful people," Willow offers quietly. Thoughtfully. "But so are my other friends." Willow had no delusions that Buffy wasn't something special. And in their own ways, so were the rest of the Scooby gang. It had taken Willow some time, though, to realize how she fit in with them, and have the same faith in herself that they did. However, that was Sunnydale, and this was the big world again.

"You know what, I think you should sign up," Willow declares decisively. "If this were.. well, you'd tell me to do the same if it were something I could do." Let's face it, caber tossing was never going to be a Willow skill. "And Buffy and I won't laugh. We won't even tell anyone if you do badly. Besides, I think I figured out a way to stand that might help."

She was actually getting excited about this. Her only lament was a lack of pompoms.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is gone for a while, either lost in the crowds, or enjoying some weird exotic deep fried Haggis or some other bizarre 'treat'. She eventually returns, having missed the departure of Kitty and other interesting conversation no doubt. She's also munching on some food and looking a bit hungry. Probably hasn't eaten in days after cramming forever over final exams.

"Heey, so where'd Kitty go?" she peers around, scratching her head, finishing the last of her meal. "Mmm, so what'd I miss, anything interesting? I didn't imagine I could get lost in the crowd.."

Captain Britain has posed:
Waving it off, Brian dismissed the idea, "I'm not going to try and throw a tree, Willow," but she seemed pretty insistent, with good ideas about it. "You really think I should?" It was absurd, but it was hard to get out of the revelry. Seeing that there was a women's competition, he grins, "I'll sign up, if you or Buffy sign up too?" He offers with a sly grin.

To Buffy, he explains, "work called, so she had to head back towards New York." Travel was so easy around here. He lived in Bludhaven and went to school at Empire State University ever since he moved out of his apartment as things had become... rather crowded. Plus, he did happen to have a castle out here. "And it seems that you and I are going to sign up for the caber toss, with Willow our coach."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow beams, "I think you should. I'll even draw you a diagram of what I figured out."

Buffy's return is met with a "Hey! Kitty had to leave. I think there was a work emergency. I'm trying to convince Brian to do the tree toss thingy. You should too! I can cheer on the sidelines."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, peering over at the caber tossers. "Well..I guess if I get to wear a cute plaid skirt, it's not so bad." she shrugs, "I mean, looks easy enough, although I'd probably be cheating with the super strength and all but hey, sure, sign me up!" she replies brightly. "Is there a ladies' division?" she smirks at Brian, "Think you can beat me?"

Captain Britain has posed:
There were stalls selling kilts and other Celtic things, so Buffy could in fact wear the cute plaid skirt as she put it, "you should definitely dress the part," Brian encouraged, "I'll even pay for it. Worth it to see you tossing the cabers like a wee lassie," he said doing a faux Scottish accent that was surprisingly good. Of course, he would not be caught dead wearing a kilt. "Yep, men's and women's divisions. I don't think there are any mixed ones, but I like my chances of beating you," even if he was going to have to lift a much heavier caber. Leaning in to Willow, he asked, "all right, I shall need every tip you have while Buffy goes to buy a skirt."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Okay, so this was the part Willow was good at. She'd watched a number of the professional throwers and gauged the differences between technique and distance. Then added in Caber variances. Tilted her head at Brian a number of times, and grabbed a pencil, using the napkin from her Mars bar, showed him what she'd figured out.

"You don't want to let go until your hands are here, and it's not just your legs, you gotta kind of keep your back straight to use as a way to lever with your arms. Think of yourself like a spring. Oh, keep your elbows like this.."

She deonstrates, showing lifting with them not quite braced to her body, but certainly not flailed out. Again, it was physics. Everything needed to lift and release as one, with the least loss of energy.

"Also, Buffy favours her left. You want a heavier caber, but not the heaviest. Lighter you'll have less control over."

Then she adds,"You'd look good in a kilt. It would show those losers if you wore one and won."

Willow might be one of the nicest people around, but she did know a thing or two about revenge.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, "Yeah, I noticed the kilt stores. As a matter of fact, I DID buy one when I was wandering around.." she holds up a bag. "It's too bad, I'd love to show you Brits how it's really done, of course i'm not English OR Scottish or whatever, but I still bet I could beat you." she winks playfully at him, still brimming with confidence.

Of course, sheer strength is one thing, practice and skill is completely different. "Alright Wil, don't save all your best tips for him, remember who your REAL friend is..I'm gonna change into this kilt, I'll be right back!" she darts off to one of those annoying smelly outhouses, and is gone for a good while (either because, smelly outhouse or because of long lineups). She re-emerges several minutes later, wearing a simple black tanktop and a hot pink and plaid kilt, along with some sturdy but stylish combat boots, her hair tied back into a ponytail with a matching pink scrunchy.

"Sooo? How do I look?" she strikes a pose.

Captain Britain has posed:
It was always good to hear a second opinion, and Willow was highly intelligent, but Brian did already have a Bachelor of Physics from London's Thames University, and was currently working on his Masters of Engineering at Empire State University. Thing is, he didn't look like your typical science nerd, and certainly didn't act like it in social settings like this.

He was nodding his head up and down in understanding as she gave her advice, all of which made perfect sense. Although familiar with the concept, he had never actually taken part of a caber toss event. "I'll compete, but I draw the line at wearing a kilt." Which was just as Buffy came back, wearing one of her own, "besides, it looks far better on Buffy than it would on me."

"It suits you," he said, "though I'm not sure I would have gone with the combat boots. Would you like one, Willow? On me," since he had heard how tight finances were, and well, he did own a third of Braddock Industries, with control of 50% due to their elder brother's... complications.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Surprisingly, it's Willow who teases, "Such a shame. You'd look cute in a pink kilt." Though she's kind of convinced it isn't authentic clan design. As for Buffy, Willow gives a tiny pout. "It's no fair. I can't wear pink like that. It makes me look like I'm six and if I blush it's even worse."

Okay, Willow sometimes did wear pink, but it really wasn't her colour. She just liked it.

"I can give you the same tips," Willow grins, adding, "It's a shame I can't.. you know.. things that heavy." Not that Buffy was really going to need help in that department, but Willow is trying to be cheerfully helpful.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, folding her arms, "Yeah, well maybe it's not 'authentic' but hey, it still looks cute an' sexy as hell. And besides, I like the combat boots, gives me the rebel, punk look, which is way more fun." she arches a brow at Wil, "Really? You cant just.." she wriggles her fingers and makes magicky noises. "You know?" however, it's time to sign up and she peers at the crowded lines "Well, at least there are fewer ladies signing up than men. I'll be right back!"

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian had many pink shirts. He had no qualms about the colour, for one, it was a colour, and for two, it wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking, that pink was associated with masculinity, and blue with femininity. It was around 1950 or so that things got reversed. "Pink is fine, but a kilt, not for me."

"If pink isn't your colour Willow, how about a nice dark blue, or you'd look rather fetching in a British racing green. We'll have to get you one." He said that decisively so. If she was going to make him toss a tree, the least she could do was accept a gift.

"I can't disagree with any of that, Buffy." Brian said as he too would have to pop off to sign up. Signing up was painless, but actually being called upon to toss the caber would take some time for him. There were quite a few men ahead of him in the queue.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow laughs at Buffy. "It would have to be a very small caber. Like a pencil width." Which is a horrible understatement of what she can move, but it's still funny.

Brian she actually knows is doing a Master's in Engineering, but Willow never turned down an opportunity to geek out about anything academic, and it just hadn't occured to her that he might only be humouring her in her tips and tricks. However, it isn't bothering her overmuch either.

Captain Britain has posed:
When it came time for Brian to toss a caber, he was one of the very last competitors, which in a way, gave him a significant advantage. He knew exactly what was required to win the competition, with only two others signing up after him, and frankly, neither one looking capable of challenging for honours.

Much to the horror of those assembled, an Englishman in a three piece suit, who did remove his jacket, but the antithesis of the noble Scottish warrior, managed to toss a caber, using the tips that Willow had gifted him, and his own know how, to win the men's competition, though only barely. Even without the Captain Britain suit, he had ten ton strength, and heightened coordination and agility. He could have won it easily. That he arranged for a narrow victory was entirely down to his own class.

Meanwhile, Buffy managed to win the women's competition, though hers was by some margin. Returning afterwards, he grinned, "well, not bad for a stiff-arse Englishman," he offered.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I thought it was stiff upper lip?" Yes, Willow is entirely confused by the bum comment (she refuses to even think the other word, thank-you very much!). But she certainly had cheered for both her friends, jumping up and down in total excitement for each as though they'd won an Olympiuc medal and not the caber toss. Of course she has no clue about the Captain Britain part, even if she expected Buffy to win.

Willow's excitement would likely have been just as great if they'd lost, but that they had won made it even better.

"That was amazing!" she tells Brian. "See? Aren't you glad you tried?" She feels significantly pleased she's encouraged others to be brave and try something new, even if Buffy also didn't need help in that department. "I'm really glad you invited us.." And there's Buffy wandered off again. "I wonder where she went."

Captain Britain has posed:
"It is, but I was quoting a line from an Ian Fleming novel," Brian explained to his comment, and when Willow wonders where Buffy has gone, Brian offers up, "probably to go find you a pink kilt like hers." She had encouraged them to try, so it was only fair for her to try something as well. "Thanks for the great advice. It really helped a lot. I wouldn't have done it without you."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"You'd probably have done okay even without the help, but it was fun helping." And it had been. Not many people really encouraged her smarts, and even less in social situations. To not be made to stick out when out socializing was always a treat. "And pink? I guess. I liked the idea of that green one. I look good in green." She did. Blue too. Even if she secretly hoped it was going to be a pink kilt. "She shouldn't spend her money on me, though."

The place was still pretty hopping. "Are there other things you'd like to see here?" She'd never been to a Celtic festival before. "Do they have any.. uh.. Their occult stuff is probably all touristy, isn't it?" Said with understanding disappointment. Willow really wasn't the vendor's target audience there.

Captain Britain has posed:
It was strange socialising with people who did not have means. Back when he went to primary school in England, his family was not as well off as they were now, and he refused to socialise with the commoners, but wasn't wealthy enough to fit in with what he viewed to be his peers. His attitude had changed somewhat, especially since moving to America. But money seemed to be an issue. He did the first thing that came to mind, he reached into his wallet, produced a few bills, and handed them to Willow, "this ought to cover it. Give it to Buffy if she spends her own money on them. And if there's anything left over," there certainly would be, "use it towards something useful." And as to the occult, "er, in all likelihood. Events such as this are for tourists."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks shocked, and thrusts her hands back at Brian, "Oh, I can't. No. I mean, it's nice, but no. That's your money." She's almost distressed about the matter, and even moreso given she's not entirely tweaked that the man is loaded. Not that that would have much effect on how she feels about the matter. She'd even felt wrong about Sam's little gifts, and they weren't nearly this extravagent.

Sam, of course, also wasn't rich, but still.

"Some day I'd like to go there. Ireland, I think, not Scotland. Visit some of the old places. I've heard you can still feel the magic there."

Captain Britain has posed:
She refused his money, so Brian calmly put it back into his wallet. It was only money to him. It was a nice way to live. He had never exactly been poor, but he knew what it was like to not have as much money as you wanted, and he knew what it was like to no longer be concerned about such things. "They are lovely, and you should visit them. Personally I prefer England and Wales, but all of the United Kingdom is well, it's home to me." He looked thoughtful, but didn't appear to be forthcoming on his personal thoughts.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
When the money is put away, Willow feels relieved. She's not sure how to feel about money. She's really not sure how to feel about extravagant gifts. Or people who can just casually offer them. Worse, she's not sure if maybe this might mean she's somehow.. well, she knows she's broke and she's fine with it, but maybe other people weren't.

It was a mildly uncomfortable feeling that she covers up with a breezy, "I would want to go for the magic. There's less in England. But Wales is really old." It wasn't that there wasn't magic in England's roots, it just wasn't what drew her. She could feel that within herself. There wasn't the same.. need. Even if it would be a perfectly wonderful place to visit just because.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Ah, I see, less in England," he repeats, not really throwing a tone on it. He was strangely neutral. It must be his way, to be able to hide his true feelings. He was English, bestowed with the Amulet of Right, which later was subsumed by his uniform. He knew Merlin, the Merlin, also an Englishman. But yes, England was certainly more developed than Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. He cared less for the Republic of Ireland.

"I am sure that you will have a wonderful time when you do make the trip."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Maybe not less? Less... wild? I don't know." That she had to admit. "Wait. Did I tell you I'm a witch?"

This last in a hushed tone, because, well, most people didn't believe in magic, and while not all witches did magic magic, this one did. That was what they were talking about, magic, that is.

"Did you ever feel like you belonged to a place? Sometimes I feel like I do. And when I think about visiting I don't get tingly about it the same way."

Willow crinkles her nose. "Buffy would say I'm being all silly romantic and stuff like that, which is ridiculous. I mean, I'm not romantic. I get A's in school!" Her protest suggests the two are incompatible. "Just it seems quieter in my mind when I think about it. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm probably never getting to any of those places, but I did go to Vancouver once. I beat everyone at bumper cars. It was great until some stupid boy gave me his phone number and.. anyway, so I did get to go somewhere different."

As though Apokolips wasn't 'someplace different'.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers returns after having some fun at other games, which she has no problem winning. But it's getting pretty darn hot and sweaty out here and she finally has to pause to grab a drink of water. She peers at Brian and Willow, coming over (and no doubt, sporting a ribbon or two), hey, how's it going? How did you do, Brian? Win any competitions yet? Too bad there isn't a mixed competition, that'd be interesting." she pauses to take a loooong sip of ice water. "Hmm what else is there to check out.."

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian was speaking with Willow as Buffy came up behind him. "No, I don't think you mentioned you were a witch." He was trying to pretend that he didn't believe in such things, and in truth, he still wasn't sure he believed in it. He was certain there was a scientific explanation, but Merlin was sufficiently advanced that he wasn't able to distinguish technology from magic. Perhaps Willow was in a similar situation.

"Belonged... no, not really. I mean, there was Braddock Manor in Maldon, Fettes College in Edinburgh, Thames University in London, the Darkmoor Research Centre in Northern England, the Bedford and Empire State University in Manhattan, Braddock Castle in Bludhaven, I suppose I haven't really settled down as of yet."

"I've travelled the world," and beyond he almost said, "but other than Britain, the only place that has seemed like home, is for reasons that yet elude me, Bludhaven. And there is nothing silly about being a romantic. I happen to be one myself, and I see no shame in admitting it. And I get A's as well." There was nothing wrong with being a romantic who got A's. "Willow, you might be the only person I know who would treat receiving an admirer's number to be a nuisance."

When she finally made her presence known, he admitted, "I actually won the men's event, barely," it took great skill to win by the narrowest of margins, while still ensuring that he won. Though seeing her take that long sip of ice water, he suddenly lost his train of thought. "Uh, yeah, no mixed comp... et... ion."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods at Brian, not yet seeing Buffy approaching. "Well, I mean.. you didn't think they wanted me because.. I mean.. I really don't have all the things Buffy does. You know?" They being Justice League, and well, maybe even the Scoobies. "I don't know if I belong anywhere either. Sometimes I think I'm going to end up stuck in Sunnydale. But when I think of England I don't get all tingly."

She's contemplating still, when Buffy /does/ arrive, sans kilt, which leaves Willow a teeny bit disappointed - not that she'd admit it - but with ribbons! Which does make her smile.

"Oh gosh, you won all the things."

Buffy's arrival saving Willow from the blush creeping up along her features, as both being pegged a romantic /and/ slightly odd for not appreciating an admirer's phone number are.. well, it is Willow. "It's complicated," she tries to tell him. "But I think it's okay now."

Only Brian is already lost on another train of thought.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow as she overhears part of their conversation. "Wow, didn't realize we had another brainiac on our hand.." she grins and winks at Willow, "Sounds like he's right up your alley. Careful, you might have some competition there..Super smart AND superstrong. Niiice.." she smirks at Brian. "C'mon Wil, don't be so modest. You're like, super smart superwitch, and a member of Justice League? Me? I just..Fight vampires." she shrugs, taking another long sip of water. "Soo what do you two wanna do now?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian says in a serious tone, "Willow, you shouldn't sell yourself short. You are better than you know. And if you remain in Sunnydale, it will be because you chose to for good reasons. If not, then there's a great wide world out there."

It was Brian's turn to blush when Buffy complimented his mind and body. Though with talk of Witches, Justice Leagues, Slayers, and Captains, he quickly changed the subject to "if we're going to have these kinds of discussions, perhaps we should find a less crowded place. My... home, is not far." He offered, a little embarrassed by its inherent ostentatiousness.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks at Brian, not sure if he entirely got what she was talking around. Usually when she said she was a witch, people assumed the pagan sort - which she also was, but that really wasn't the point at all. But Buffy does sort of cover that ground with the superwitch business which sends Wils back into a fluster of a blush.

"Not, really," she counters Buffy. "And what do you mean /just/. I couldn't do that. I'd be..." She shivers, because it really had come close a couple of times in their history, "Dead. Don't even joke about that."

Of course, Brian is totally right, and they are getting a few odd looks which suggests maybe they should change venues.

Captain Britain has posed:
Between Buffy being the Slayer, and Brian's pre-existing knowledge and working relationship with the Watcher's Council, Willow admitting to being a witch was taken at face value. But he was in public, so he had to try and hide his acceptance as best he could.

Doing his best to steer the conversation, and the ladies towards the exit, where they might talk more openly, he did stop at one of the concessions, purchasing a matching pink kilt for Willow, so they could be of the same pseudo clan, since he was pretty sure that no clans used that combination of colours, though he could be wrong. Scotland was an odd place.

When they reached the parking area, Brian asked, "I'm not sure how you two came here, but you're welcome to a ride in my car?" His was a silver 2026 Jaguar F-Type convertible, though one would have to sit in the other's lap, as it was a two-seater. Or they'd have to squeeze togehter. They were both quite petite.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks as she follows after Brian and Willow. "Huh, you live nearby? That's cool, I mean, with the whole Brit thing, don't you miss home? I'll bet you'd get a kick outta meeting Giles." she grins as she follows him to his car nonetheless, and pauses a moment to stare. "Wow...Don't tell me you're a millionare too, or something." she arches a brow, glancing back at Willow. "Ummm...Soo how are we gonna fit in.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
How indeed. Willow coming up short at the vehicle clearly meant for two. She's pretty sure Buffy is right about the money thing, which explains a whooooooole lot. Including that fistful of bills he'd shoved at her when she'd thought Buffy had gone to buy her a tartan. Only now she had a tartan he'd paid for, and oh gosh this was complicated. "John is British, too," She mumbles. "And I don't know. I guess someone could sit in someone's lap?"

Captain Britain has posed:
"Yes, I live just up the road in Caernarvon," which was the rich area of Bludhaven, "it's not far," in answer to the first part of her question. There is a pause before he goes on, "I do miss England, but Bludhaven can be quite lovely. Interesting architecture, good food, entertainment, and of course, engaging people." When Buffy asks if he's a millionire, with an m, he stutters briefly, "er, no, I'm not a millionaire." She aimed too low. Though how they were going to get in was sure to be amusing. "Just remember, I can fit into one of those sits," and he was rather large, "so I'm guessing you two could sit on one another's lap, or try and squeeze side by side. Not exactly the gentlemanly thing to do. If you'd prefer, I could call for a taxi?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Oh. Um...I guess. This is weird. Just don't..Sneeze or anything, 'k?" she smirks at Brian, "That's okay, I'm sure we'll mange.." okay, so the seats are a bit roomy, and maybe they can do this. Buffy shuffles over to the side to give Willow some room to sit down. "So, do you like, live in a castle or...?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow isn't a very large person, so really, if Buffy scooches over as she has, and they're all careful about where their limbs are, it should be okay, right? They might not want to get stopped by the police as it would be a ticket, which did sort of weigh heavily on Willow's good-girl mind, but when was she ever going to get to ride in a car like this again? And what if he really did live in a castle?

Which sort of makes up her mind. Willow clambours in beside, and just a tiny bit on top of Buffy. "I just want you to know," she tells Buffy in mock seriousness, "You'll have to buy me a drink first. Otherwise, I'm just not that kind of a girl."

Then prim and proper like she has no clue what she's just said, she clutches the bag holding her tartan neatly in her lap and waits for Brian to drive them to his place.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian Braddock enjoyed the two girls having trouble with the seats. It was amusing. He tried to hide it, but it was just too cute to watch them deal with the question of how two girls could fit into one seat. Thankfully, Buffy changes the subject, "a castle, well, if you must be technical, then yes." He seemed almost embarrassed to admit it.

With the two girls in the convertible, Brian carefully closed the door, and went over to the other side. On top of everything else, it was a right hand drive. He must have brought it over from England. With all the commotion of how to travel, they probably hadn't even noticed.

Getting into the right hand driver's side, Brian pressed the ignition button and the console lit up. Mercifully, Brian started it up and drove carefully, slowly, though the car handled like a dream. It had an amazing suspension. The drive was a short one, past the Chase Estate, where Cordelia Chase and her family resided, or had before things went south, past Angel's old "abandoned" mansion, and through a gate and into a lush garden, which led to an old Tudor-style castle. "Castle Braddock began construction in 1744 at the behest of one of my ancestors, though it was lost for a time, only come back into the family in 1990."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers isn't as goody two-shoed as Willow, but the idea of driving without a seat belt does make her a bit nervous, even though she doesn't bruise easily. Fortunately it doesn't look like their trip will be a long one.

"Drink huh? I'll be sure to get you a good one." she grins and winks at her before the lush scenery and expensive mansions they pass by distracts her. "Ooh...I mean, when I said 'castle', you DO realize I was being sarcastic, right?" oh. Wait, he wasn't joking..

It takes her a moment or two..Or three..For her to regain her composure again, after spying the..Castle..That is Brian's home.

"Okay..I suppose next you'll be telling me that youre' the true king of England.." Her jaw hasn't stopped dropping yet.

Captain Britain has posed:
"I have a modest selection of alcoholic beverages," Brian wasn't so much of an at home drinker, but he did enjoy ones when out socialising. And he most certainly was not being sarcastic when he said he lived in a Castle. Thankfully, he can deny that he's the true king of England, or at least, as far as he knew he wasn't. "Oh, no, I'm only a very minor member of the nobility, technically not at all, yet. My older brother Jamie is a member of the peerage, though he... has issues. Betsy and I could have him removed, and it would go to me, as I was technically born first. I'm a twin, fraternal, by the way."

Parking the car was an unusual experience. He clicked something on the rear view mirror, and the ground in front began to rise, showing a new floor and four columns that held up the ground, or ceiling as it had become. Then he drove the car onto it, and it lowered into the garage. It was the sort of thing you'd expect to see the ultra wealthy, or in a secret agent film.

His garage was underground. Parking the car within the garage, he got out, and there seemed to be room for a number of cars, but the only other vehicle parked in there was a very patriotic looking motorcycle. It was all decked out in a Union Jack motif. "Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home." Soon, he'd be leading them towards an elevator into the main part of the castle.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow isnt' quite as agog as Buffy, but then again, she was more interested in just how gosh darn old the place was to actually think about the fact that this was.. someone's home. Let alone it was Brian's home and somehow she was going to be a guest here. Like did these things really happen to people?

Then again, she'd gone to outer space - another planet even - so maybe this was fairly mundane in the scope of things.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Home, sweet home, huh." she smirks as she takes everything in in stride..Or tries to. "I mean, it's pretty big and fancy, but is it really cozy?" she seems doubtful that such a big, empty place could be.."Soo, you're a Lord or Knight then? That would be cool. Do they have things like that in England still?" she's never been to England clearly, "I mean..It must be nice, living in such a grand place like this.." She could only dream of living such a rich and lavish life..

Captain Britain has posed:
"My older brother is Lord Braddock, I'm just Brian," he admits without a hint of ambition or sadness. He was fine not being part of the peerage. He was enjoying life in America, even if yes, it was a bit lonely at time. It was too big. Back when he lived in Manhattan's Upper East Side, he had a roommate, who had a girlfriend, though that was a bit awkward at times, or, all the time, which was part of why he moved out, despite retaining ownership of the place.

Leading them up into a room where they could have a drink while sitting and socialising, he answered any questions he was capable of about the place to Willow, though there was probably a great deal he simply did not know the answer to. "What can I get you two to drink?" He asked, fully intent on preparing it if he had it, before joining them. He would eventually sit on a couch.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"They still have knights," Willow says. "Maybe not the storybook kind. Did you know Sir Patrick Stewart got knighted with a bat'leth? I'm not really sure what knights do now. Maybe it's like our Hollywood walk of Fame."

Which isn't to say they were film stars, but more public icons than the honourable fighters of old.

As for the place, it was entirely too big for Willow. Bigger than anything she might dream of, and bigger than anything she would want to dream of. You couldn't attach yourself to a place like this. There would be no way to make enough memories to fill it.

"An iced tea? If not, a hot one will do." Yep. Decidedly strange to be here. Though she does take a seat on the couch, looking slightly like she's afraid if she gets too comfortable she might mess the place up.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Willow, "That's true, but people like, Sir Patrick Stewart, and Sir Elton John, don't exactly wear armour and carry swords anymore." she follows after Brian and Willow, peering around in silent awe at the sheer grandeur of this place. "It's....Very big." no, doesn't look very cozy. Even Angel's 'mansion' had a certain amount of coziness to it. Or maybe it was just full of fond memories of her first love. But this place, it's...Just big. And empty. "Wow. I couldn't imagine living in a place like this all by myself. Although it would be fun to have elaborate balls and entertain guests for sure." she shrugs, following them into the kitchen(?). "Ooh, have any alcoholic beverages?" she yawns a bit, starting to feel tired from the day's activities.