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Hisako the Lexcop
Date of Scene: 29 September 2019
Location: LexCorp Headquarters - LexCorp Tower
Synopsis: A test begins, with Hisako progressing to more advanced testing
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Armor

Lex Luthor has posed:
Employment references are very useful. They can tell you quite a lot about a person, if you know how to read between the lines, as it were.

Hisako being a bouncer with flying colors... means something very interesting was going on there, and the HR department had kicked the file up to Lex himself a week after Hisako had started her internship. A few calls later, and Lex was talking to his Team Luthor CEO about getting Hisako in for an aptitude test. The objective? See if her defense abilities could be trained to a level where joining the Team Luthor division of LexCorp is a viable career path for Ms. Ichiki.

She had been instructed to come in earlier than usual with any martial training attire; 7 AM, to be precise, and when she did, she was taken by a Team Luthor escort of two to their main training center in LexCorp Tower, where instructor David Baldric was waiting on a training matt in the middle of the center, his hands folded in front of him. A muscular man in his mid 30s, he projected confidence as he stood there, his crew cut brown hair wrapped in a bandana.

Up above in the control booth behind a one way mirror was Lex Luthor and his two bodyguards, ready and waiting to observe.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki can't bring her USUAL training gear in, since that would be a yellow and black X-Men suit. So, she gets herself some spandex: a tank top and shorts, bringing those in a bag. Taken to the training center, she'll need to change, coming out. Sizing up the man, she loks around. "So how does this work?" she'll call out.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"You survive against me for thirty seconds, and we move to phase 2." The man counters, standing there.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki giggles. She gets up on her toes, taking a step back. Immediately taking a stance that's obvious to anyone that she knows exactly what she's doing. "So just defense. Okay." she giggles, raising her hands.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Hearing the okay triggers the mans response, coming in low for a leg sweep feint, followed swiftly by a series of attacks to the torso with his fists. He's well coordinated, and well practiced. Mr. Balric clearly knows what he's doing.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki gets moving. Light on her feet. She dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges. As much as she can she uses the size of the room to keep her distance, watching the attacker, but occasionally trying to see who else is able to see, what else is above, watching below.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The only other person in the training center (visible, at least) is the instructor himself. There /is/ a visible one way mirror up above, opposite of the entry door... but there's no way to tell who is on the other side of it.

As time goes on and the buzzer sounds, David taps the mat, signaling the end.

"You're quicker than you look, young lady," The bass tone of the man compliments her, before he moves int a casual standing stance, "Where'd you learn moves like that?"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki bows deeply once the first exercise completes. "Thank you. I had private instruction from an old warrior. He trained me to avoid being hit by his lethal weapons, and I learned what I had to." She glances at the glass again, then nods to the instructor. "So what's next?" Well, she can't actually say Wolverine trained her.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Hmm." David gives with a musing tone, before he starts to circle Hisako. "What's your goal, here? This is an assessment test for Team Luthor, but you must have your own agenda."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki finds herself being circled, and circles right back. Hands up again. "I'm graduating high school this year, and I'm going to need a job. I have friends who are starting a non-profit, so having an option that's for sure paid work, would be good to have."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Team Luthor is paid very well." David notes as he continues, "but we demand exceptional performance from our employees. We're the first and often last line of defense for LexCorp property, and we need to be prepared for serious combat when we're on the clock. We have some of the best benefits and paychecks in the world, and work with the best gear LexCorp has to offer."

David stops mid stride, "Are you any good at firearms?"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki shrugs at that, making sure she' facing the man constantly. "I've never trained with them. My focus has been on non-lethal combat. Making sure I survive, and that I'm able to disable threats without killing them. Better publicity that way."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Better publicity?" David prods, "Either way, we don't take chances with LexCorp assets or personnel. When we shoot, we aim to kill. When you're on LexCorp property, all bets are off when it comes to the safety and security of Team Luthor and those who rely on us."

David gestures to her, "will that be a problem for you?"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki shakes her head. "No. If terrorists are attacking a building, then I don't have any problem with whatever needs to be done to stop them. There are bad people in the world, and I think those of us who can stop them, have a duty to do it." Not quite Xavier's ideals, that.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Good, then you'll fit in with with Team Luthor. Mr. Luthor has a hardline stance when it comes to dealing with hostiles, and he's gone to bat for us on numerous occasions when legal fires start. Honestly, he's the best employer you'll ever have, if you meet our standards." David states as he brings up a defensive stance with his arms

"Now, come at me. Try to land a hit. It goes without saying, no serious injuries." David orders.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki nods. "A hit, not attempting to damage. No protection needed." she explains, before then making another bow, and beginning. She uses the mobility she was using before, but this time it's aggressive. Doing her best to get around him, trying to make it hard for him to predict where she'll come from, before she makes a leap, trying to climb onto him from behind.

Lex Luthor has posed:
David is, by all indications, quite the nimble martial artist himself. He's not up to par for someone like Wolverine, but for a human? He's not bad.

It's pretty obvious by ten seconds though that Hisako is almost equal to him.

By twenty seconds, he's only just keeping up.

By thirty seconds and the buzzer, there was a potential opening... but David blocks it just in time.

"Not bad. Whoever trained you knows their stuff." David muses aloud, still locked in his defensive stance, but slowly coming down from the adrenaline spike.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki takes a deep breath, stopping, and bows again deeply to the man. "That was a good fight," she agrees quietly. Glancing up at the glass once more. "A bit of an unrealistic test, though. I'm more likely to face one to three people who are not especially trained, but rather are armed."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"We don't measure ourselves against your average assailants. We measure ourselves to a high standard. Honestly? If you want to be hired to be a rent-a-cop at the mall or something, there are a whole bunch of PMCs and security companies that handle that sort of thing." David bows to Hisako, moving into a casual stance and crossing his arms over his chest, "We make sure we can go above and beyond the normal assailants. We make sure to prepare for the worst."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki nods, as she also relaxes a little. "I understand. Or rather, I understand that I'm not sure I understand what the kind of threat is, that you're worried about, if it's not angry or crazy people with guns or bombs or what have you."