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Blood and Ichor: So Noisy
Date of Scene: 24 September 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A bloody teenage mage shows up on the edge of school grounds.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Rogue, Psylocke, Polaris, Magik, Wolfsbane

Loki has posed:
"Hello? Hellooooooo?" calls the voice of a young lady urgently. She's probably about twelve in age, by appearance. She's out on the back lawn, in a blue tank top and blue jeans. She has blood on her pants, on the knees, and on her hands, and is headed towards the building. Past her, at the treeline towards the lake, there's a lump of something brightly colored (white, some red), roughly human sized.

"Hello?" calls the girl again, lifting one hand to try to steer some of her long light brown hair from whipping into her face as some wind catches it.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is up on the roof tower cleaning up after the little birthday gathering they had for Negasonic late last night. She's alongside the backyard facing section of the roof so she catches the distant voice down below and the oddity of it, how it sounds and a voice she doesn't immediately recognizes, causes her to look over and down at the girl below.

"What the heck?" Rogue softly mutters before she steps over and looks down directly to the patio area below. She doesn't immediately see anyone so she does what Rogue's do, and she steps up onto the edge of the roof, then drops down toward the patio at a decreased rate of natural gravity, which has her landing quickly, but not jarringly fast as if she'd fallen would've appeared.

Now that she's down on the patio level she rushes over toward where the girl is, not yet seeing whats out in the yard yet. "You hurt?" Rogue calls out to the girl, moving to intercept her.

Psylocke has posed:
Inside the mansion, Betsy has just finished with one of her classes. She's dressed in a formal white gi with an older, slightly frayed black belt. Not that belts matter in the way she learned martial arts but it seems to reassure the students that she knows what she's talking about more than say, mentioning she was a ninja. She'd avoided that last one.

There was a notification ping on app, going to her phone. A person of interest was on campus. One that wasn't enough to set off alarms but was enough that a staff member should respond. She was closest so she tapped the app, letting the others know she was on the way to investigate.

She walked outside on the patio, feet still bare, spotting Rogue with the little girl. That was not who she was looking for. She saw the other spot over by the lake and she reached out automatically with he telepathy to both--the girl and the lump--as she approached Rogue with the girl.

Loki has posed:
"N-no, not me," the girl yells back, stopping where she is as Rogue runs up to her. The girl seems to out of it to really register that Rogue just came down from a roof. She's just glad somebody is there. She pants out a breath, having just run from the treeline, having a hard time speaking. She turns and points back over the way she came.

"He's over there. I'm supposed to.. to find somebody... to help," she says unevenly, hugging her arms around her slim midsection, fingers curving into the fabric of her blue tanktop.

The girl turns and backs off a little, nodding her head to the treeline, and then looking at the women worriedly.

To a telepath, the girl doesn't exist mentally. She could be a robot, or something else: she looks and sounds entirely real. On the edge of the trees, there is something telepathy can find, though the mind is shielded: someone with mental powers.

Rogue has posed:
When Betsy links to Rogue's mind she'll instantly hear a surface level thought along the lines of 'How the hell did this girl get on property like this?' But beyond that, its just a clear indication of initial concern, for the girl and the situation as Rogue stops in front of her and eyes her bloodied form.

A glance is given then by the southern belle in the direction that the girl indicates, her own white bangs streaking across her face as she stares in said direction. "Uh... okay." Rogue says then before she points to one of the nearby benches that sit alongside the backyard gardens. "Why don't ya have a seat here, while I get some more people to help out here?" Rogue suggests the as she glances back toward the house and spots Betsy in that brightly colore Gi.

'Betsy?' Rogue thinks, having gotten more used to these telepaths and their mind hooks. 'I got a bad feelin' about this.'

Rogue starts to pull out her phone to send out a group-wide text alert.

Psylocke has posed:
"She...doesn't have a mind I can sense," Betsy indicates as she looks at the girl and the state of her clothing. Someone is hurt but it isn't the girl. "Him, I do." She turns to look toward that lump by the lake. "Shielded. Can't feel the mind. By the alarms, it is a young man who brought Doctor Strange here when he was in needed of our help. Yet, his mind is locked to me."

She watches Rogue send out the alarm then she heads for the body at the edge of the lake, traveling at a run but keeping all her mental barriers and warnings in place in case this is some sort of trap.

Loki has posed:
The twelve year old girl in bloody jeans in the backyard looks at the bench Rogue pointed at, then hesitantly at Rogue, then accepts the direction. She goes over to the bench and sits on it, pulling both feet up onto the bench in front of her and wrapping her arms around her shins. Her eyes are large and freaked out, and she huddles on the bench in some kind of shock.

The form of the downed, prone person over by the treeline doesn't move: there's no change. On closer inspection by Betsy, it is a teenage boy, perhaps fourteen in age. He's wearing a bright red zipper hoodie, jeans, and has a backpack on top of him: he's face down. His hands look like they have deep wounds on them, like he was reaching into a garbage disposal. There's blood all over him despite being face-down.

Rogue has posed:
'Maybe she has mental blockers?' Rogue transmits through her braaaain back to Psylocke. 'Either way, this is kinda creepy.'

Out of her jacket pocket, Rogue produces an unopened bottle of 7-up that she'd picked up on the roof after their birthday party for Ellie last night. "Here, you want a drink?" She offers it to the girl once she takes the seat at the bench.

A glance is given out toward Psylocke then and Rogue stuffs her phone away into her other pocket and looks to the girl again. "Who is that out there? Someone with you?" She asks her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rushed out as soon as she'd gotten the text message from Rogue and the alarms had triggered. She came running from out of the Mansion proper, still barefoot and wearing a pair of sweat-pants and T-shirt, her hair damp. She skidded to a halt as she spotted Rogue, breathing hard as a sign from just how far down in the X-men base she'd been. And perhaps a testament to how much she'd pushed herself to get out there without wrecking things.

"What's the status?" She asked, breathlessly. She whipped her gaze back toward the lake as Rogue glanced at Psylocke, "Do I need to go out there, or do you want me to run inside and get anything? Medical? Is it her blood or someone else's?"

Magik has posed:
Does Illyana own a phone anymore? She totally does.

Illyana is uddenly standing beside Rogue, maybe a half dozen feet off from the bench, staring blankly at the girl seated on said bench with pale blue eyes. She's wearing a long t-shirt and jeans and sneakers and sunglasses and her trademark blank expression.

"You are okay?" To the little girl, more demanding than soothing. "Is what happened to that one-" Pointing to the body, assumedly a body right? She doesn't know, it looks like a body. Doing dead body stuff, i.e. not moving, "-happening to you?"

Glancing up, then, at Rogue.

Psylocke has posed:
The mental voice of Betsy is calm even she runs hands over the boy's from quickly and expertly, trying to find out there are any broken bones. *We need medical attention now. I want to turn him over but I don't want to chance if he has a neck injury.*

She has nothing she can do but wait. She does pull off the gi jacket she is wearing, tearing a few strips from it and trying to wrap the hands of the boy without moving him too much. "Jeremy? If you can hear me, just relax as best you can. I have people on the way to look at you, be sure nothing is broken, okay?" Him being resistant to telepathy, she has to resort to the old-fashioned way.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Spending another day around the mansion for some personal matters, Wolfsbane was stepping out to consider the grounds about the main building when a commotion of some kind caught her attention, people beginning to rush toward an area of the property. Cautiously, since it looked like there's urgency involved, she starts to jog in the same direction, senses on alert.

That's when multiple people are spotted, both around a girl and then Psylocke approaching someone who's down. "Whit's going on here?" she asks, her attention diverting more to the downed body. Dread creeps in. Today she's in the outfit which also passes for her costume, while yesterday she dropped by in generic attire.

Loki has posed:
The girl shakes her head no to the offer of pop by Rogue, and continues to try to curl up tightly with her arms around her knees on the bench. Just her large dark eyes peek out over the level of her knees. "Jeremy's," the girl gives to Lorna's question, though, as the name of the body at the edge of the woods. "No, I'm not hurt," she says to Illyana. Otherwise she seems to mostly just be staring down through the ground at the base of the bench.

The boy doesn't resist Psylocke checking him over at first. He just lays there with the backpack riding up near his neck. It doesn't seem like there's broken bones, but there's a lot of gashes, and he rouses when she handles his hands, automatically drawing them away from her in apparent pain reaction. There's cuts on his face, head, neck. He's extremely pale, blood loss would be highly suspect: the red hoodie is pretty soaked with it, but since it's the same color, it wasn't as apparent until close inspection. It does seem dried, so it isn't getting everywhere. "Don't, ow," he does complain weakly at her touching his hands.

Rogue has posed:
When Lorna joins them, Rogue looks over to her, then motions to the girl, she's about to reply but then Illyana is 'there' quite suddenly as well. To both of them now, Rogue draws in a breath and responds. "She came up outta nowhere, lookin' for help. Blood ain't hers, its his, I think..." She motions out toward where Psylocke is headed. "Definitely gonna need some kinda medical stuff out here or get it prepped inside..." The Belle states, her voice calm and soft as though she's getting to the point where things like this are almost routine for her, quite a bit of experience now in just 20 years on Earth.

Rogue looks back over to Betsy when she hears the confirmation for medical call. She glances then to Lorna and Illyana. "You two wanna get over there and help Betsy get them inta the Nurse's office?" She asks then, electing to stay with the little girl for the time being herself, still not really trusting this situation on the whole.

The 7-Up bottle is set down onto the stonework beside where Rogue is standing and she nods once to the little girl. "We'll get Jeremy some medical help. We got a lot of resources here."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nodded once as she listened to Rogue and to the little girl, she swept forward, walking in short, quick steps toward Betsy. She waved a hand out before her, and a there was a clanging sound not too far away. The sound of the garage door opening followed, and in short order a metal sheet came zipping out before Lorna's glowing green hands. She smiled at Betsy as she approached.

"Right, makeshift gurney here. I can slide it under him and we can get him to medical asap." She offered, arching a green eyebrow upward as if in question to see if Betsy would agree. "Illyana could open a portal if she wants, but this is still likely the easiest way to move him."

Psylocke has posed:
As Lorna approaches, Betsy glances up at her and gives a nod. "I don't feel anything broken but necks can be tricky and Hank would never forgive me if I moved him without it being checked first. Think you can make a neck brace?"

As Jeremy protests the wrapping, Betsy gives a shake of her head. "Just trying to wrap them so they don't get more dirt in the wounds. Can you tell us what happened? It looks like you got in fight with Sabr...a big cat."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane begins to approach, then asks, "Did I hear Jeremy's name?" He's not someone she knows well..but she knows who he is. "Whit happened tae him?" As others begin to converge further on him, it leaves her to consider the girl more closely. There's a round of blinking, a glance from her toward anyone else close by followed by a few sniffs in the girl's direction. Something's got her confused here. Something doesn't seem as it ought to be. "Illyana.." she begins, brows scrunching closer together. She hesitates on where to go, to stay put or approach Jeremy.

Magik has posed:
Illyana points at the girl, "She is fake." Random, no context, zero explanation.

Rogue gave her a task, so Illyana disappears and reappears beside Betsy, while not actually looking at Betsy. There's a body there, certainly that is why. "I am okay with using gurney... is very slow, but I am thinking maybe it does not matter." Kneeling down to look closely at- "His name is Jeremy?" -at Jeremy, squinting, "Are you fake too, Jeremy?"

For reference. "She is fake." Thumbing back at the girl on the bench. "Very bad magic. Young... mistakes.."

Glance up, "Do you wanting me to teleport him to medical?"

"I think is trap, but is not my decision to make. I will say I told you so if I am right though."

Loki has posed:
"That's true, I am fake," says the girl. It is what it is. Some people are fake. "I was sent to get help." And she did that. Mission completed. "Jeremy is hurt. And afraid. So I am afraid. You can heal him?"

Jeremy seems very out of it, other than to shift some during when bandages are applied, remaining with his face mostly in the grass, looking at Betsy sideways. He ignores Illyana challenging his realism, perhaps he didn't hear, or feels his body being there speaks for itself. He doesn't have input on his treatment or the use of a gurney.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over to see Wolfsbane there with Betsy now too as Illyana and Lorna go to help, she watches the metal sheet get zipped through the air toward where this Jeremy is in need of aide and then looks back tot he girl when she admits to being fake.

"Fake huh?" Rogue asks her back, glancing at the blood on her. Rogue motions one gloved hand toward it. "So thats fake too?" She asks. "You puttin' on a real Broadway show for us here? I mean... Yeah, we can heal your friend here. But ya don't gotta play a game with us t'get our help. We prefer honesty around here."

Rogue's left hand goes to her hip while her right lays down against the side of her right thigh. Fake or not, she's going to stick near this girl for as long as she's here.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane remains closer to the girl than the boy. There isn't much she can do about Jeremy other than say, "From here, th' blood smells real tae me." But there's a shift in her demeanor, a change toward something more..protective in general as she focuses on the girl Illyana has called out as a fake, confirming a suspicion she was already pretty sure of without knowing exactly how. She still doesn't know how.

"If any part o' this is meant as a trick, believe me when I say we dinna appreciate it. Whitever happened, ye tried tae fool us," she alleges, taking up a position that allows her to see both 'girl' and boy, senses even more a focus now.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced side long at Illyana as the blonde reappeared beside her and Betsy and the boy on the ground. She arched a green eyebrow upward, and the metal sheet disintegrated into tiny metal particles and reformed beneath Jeremy in a cradling sort of metal bed. She smirked lightly, "Well if he's the trap, then we can handle him. A twitch out of order and I turn this metal gurney into a cheese grater. If he's really injured we've got 'im too." She drawled, her voice dry, even as her gaze flickering back to Rogue briefly in no small amount of concern and back to the bloody boy before them.

"We can float him down Illyana, or you can portal from here. Up to you. Either way, he needs some blood transfusions I'm betting."

Magik has posed:
"Hold in there." Illyana, pats Jeremy's back reassuringly, at least she's trying to be reassuring. She's very robotic and cold, but that's objectivity and an unfair. Glancing up at Lorna with a brisk, clipped nod, "I will taking him down there." She says laying her palm flat upon his back to teleport them both to medical. Hopefully the medical staff are used to her right?

They probably aren't.

She is definitely doing it anyways though.

Magik has posed:
They are definitely not ready for her in the X-Men Base.

Which is good maybe because she takes him to the Wellness Office on the 1st floor.

Illyana is preparing her I told you so's.

Loki has posed:
"I am a magic message. I am honest. I get help for Jeremy," the girl repeats, as if that's pretty much the depth of what she can respond with. "Jeremy needs help." She points over at the treeline, and then once again hugs her knees and looks at them, then the ground. Illyana called it: the girl has some flaws.

The girl then begins to bleed heavily from cuts that erupt on her face and her bare arms. "HEAL HIM, IT HURTS," she says, like a possessed thing. She doesn't spit pea soup though. The blood doesn't actually get on anything, but it's pretty uncomfortable to look at, as she starts to fountain with it expressively. The cuts aren't just blood: there's some kind of unnatural blue ichor in the depths of the cuts on the girl.

At the same time, Jeremy has reacted in pain to being moved/scraped on the gurney, but is trying to help, he isn't entirely dead weight. His eyes do move when Illy touches his backpack.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," says the girl, jaw open full. For a messenger spell sent to go find help, she's doing her JOB.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is looking over at the others with Jeremy when she hears the girl's response and her eyes drift back over to her just as she starts to shout, and bleed like that. After fighting a bunch of demons in Limbo recently, gross as this visualization is, its not enough to really unsettles the southerner, so she just narrows her eyes and steps toward her.

"Stop." Rogue tells her, because its annoying, and because there's other students in this school who're likely outside watching or inside trying to convince the other faculty to let them come out here to see whats going on.

Either way. once the wailing starts, Rogue reaches forward to cover the girl's mouth with her right hand. If she's fake, then she's not that afraid of being a bit handsy with making her stop that screaming.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"She's go' nae scent, an' I didna smell any fear or emotion on her either," Wolfsbane is trying to explain to anybody still close enough to hear, gesturing to the girl when...all of /that/ happens. "Saints preserve me!" she blurts, literally hopping back at the sight of the blood, the..the geyser of whatever it is that's going on.

Magic message or not, fake or not, as soon as the unholy scream begins to split the efforts for a little quiet, the wolfen mutant does the only thing she can think of. "Be away from here, ye foul creature!" And there is an open-handed slap aimed at the cheek of the 'girl,' though she has to pull up short of following through when Rogue steps in to try to stop the noise in a different manner. She's not real, anyway! Illyana said! The Scot could tell! "This is all wrong!" she blurts, and yes, the hackles are up.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna maintained control of the metal gurney that was floating about now under her magnetic fields. The metal had formed beneath Jeremy and raised him up, not so much physically shifting the boy over to the metal, just... suddenly coming into shape beneath him and lifting upward from there. It was a simple thing for the magnokinetic, and given how often she traveled from portal to Genosha and back, she didn't find anything particularly distressing about Illyana's own.

"Lets get this kid to someone that actually knows how to keep him alive, yeah?" She drawled, and then well...

Xavier Medical Wing.

Magik has posed:
Illyana is super gentle for a woman who pretends to be uncaring.

There shant be any Ragnarok here.

She brings along anyone who wishes to be.

So far that is Lorna.

Illyana is not a Wellness Clinic on the 1st Floor approved aid. So she steps out of the way, but she's surprising these poor people. "He is hurt." See? Fabulously helpful.

Loki has posed:
At the hands-on approach, the girl's face warps: the magic is disturbed by the physical hand impacting her face, though Rogue will feel nothing. The girl twists as if struck, and collapses on the ground at the foot of the bench. She does stop wailing. "Help him, please," she begs weakly, before starting to simply fade out of existence.

At the same time, Jeremy appears to pass out and/or go limp, likely from pain. So he doesn't resist much of anything, and is taken into the medical area on the metal slab.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over at Wolfsbane when she saw the aborted slap, she doesn't blame her for choosing to take that option, but its best to try to be as safe as possible. But then the girl drops away from her hand and Rogue then just takes a step back as the screaming had stopped. The last words from the faded girl's visage are listened to before Rogue puts her hands onto her hips and just exhales.

"Its not even October yet, and we're gettin' all Thriller up'n here." She mutters as her eyes raise up to go toward where Jeremy and the others were, they're gone. "Must've taken him inside." Her eyes now scan the horizon. "I'm gonna do a property sweep, make sure there's no Sentinels hidin' out there..."

She glances toward Wolfsbane, then starts to walk out toward the lake.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The hackles remain up even after Jeremy and those who went with him have left. Everything about the encounter with the magic-based 'girl' has left her out of sorts, and it shows in the expression she wears. It's one of disbelief, uncomfortable without a doubt. "I dinna like any o' this," she answers, backstepping away from the bench they'd been by before turning a 180 in the direction of where Jeremy had been. "I'm gaunae see if there are any odd scents near where he was," she explains, adding slightly more to herself, "I come back around for one or two days..."

Psylocke has posed:
Nothing against teleporation via Illyana-Express but Betsy hesitates, letting the others go first since Lorna was controlling the stretcher. She took a moment to walk back to the others still outside, looking to the child. "That's why I couldn't sense her mind. She was an illusion of some sort. Or a spell. I don't like the feel of this at all."

Then she steps over toward where the umbrella on the patio furniture is casting a shadow. One moment she is there, the next she just melts into the darkness. A moment later and she reappears in the hallway outside the wellness office, where a nice shadow was cast by a bench. Then she steps through the door into the Medlab. She keeps her distance, not one of the people who usually cared for the ill and injured. Crossing her arms over the midriff of her blue tank top, she eyes the boy. "The messenger outside faded away."

Magik has posed:
Illyana stands near the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest watching staff do staff stuff with Jeremy. Her part in this, provided a giant beholder beast or other such magically inclined monster errupts from his chest to devour all of their souls, is done. Guard duty! Enter Psylocke. She turns a little towards her, glances up, down at her mid-drift, then back at Jeremy. "I see you are finding way to show stomach."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna staggered only slightly as Illyana portaled them into the medical room. She grounded herself easily though, using the magnetic fields to center herself. With a wave of her hand the magnetically lifted gurney settled on an actual medical bed and disintegrated into metal particles that faded beneath Jeremy's prone form and floated back to Lorna's figure in a cloud and swirl of iron and steel.

As Betsy returned, Lorna turned away as medical staff tended to the boy and she stepped toward Illyana at the doorway.

"Well chalk this up to the weirdest thing to happen around here since the creepy magical kidnapping of some of the students." She drawled, shaking her head as the cloud of metal formed into metal jewelry at her wrists and neck.

"Should I call Wanda to get her to help trace what this all was, or do you want to handle that Illyana?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
Outside, Wolfsbane circles the spot Jeremy was gathered up from, and a round of sniffing tells her a few more things. Definitely real blood, or a real blood smell, but also something else that leaves her eyes growing wider initially, then sweeping the area. A few steps follow, to see if it goes anywhere or ends abruptly. "But why..?" she asks herself, something obviously leading to her questioning what she's detected.

Loki has posed:
There doesn't appear to be much evidence outside any more: there's a scent of injury and blood, maybe some other things. There's no Sentinels lurking in the bushes (or if there are, they aren't connected to Jeremy, anyway).

"Don't," Jeremy says, rousing when the medical staff tries to handle him. He's difficult to deal with as a patient at first: he tries to roll over, and is confused and dodging getting poked with anything.

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy glances down, unfolding her arms and making sure her tank top didn't ride up or something. "Not showing anything, actually," she points out with a shrug before focusing back on Jeremy.

He is a poor patient. That doesn't surprise her. She looks to the medical staff then Lorna and Illyana. Honestly, she has nothing more she can do here and the rest of them likely have things well in hand. "He is shielded so not sure there is much I can do here. I'll go see if I can find Hank or one of the healers." And with that, she turns on heel and leaves the same way she came in.