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Latest revision as of 20:45, 2 October 2019

Date of Scene: 25 September 2019
Location: Upper West Hill, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Huntress seeks retribution for Hameerhead's assult on Silk. Starts by smashing up one of his rackets.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Huntress

Hammerhead has posed:
It has been over a month since Silk was brutalized by Hammerhead. You, along with a lot of the other Birds of Prey were actively seeking ways to get Hammerhead back for what he did to her. Now, you think you found a way to send the hard-headed gang-boss a message. The news has recently been reporting on criminal activities committed by the Pack of Fenrir, a gang from Metropolis that made their way here. There was a big rumor spreading around the Underworld that the gang was under Hammerhead's control, a rumor that has reached your ears.
     Tonight you hfind yourself in The Upeer West Hill, one of the Fenrir's rumored turfs. From what the news and rumor reports, the Pack have a racket somewhere in this neighborhood, which they are fighting the Westside Locos over. You are intending on finfing this supposed racket and shutting it down, harming a source of income for Hammerhead in the process.

Huntress has posed:
Gang bosses like Hammerhead were already high on the groups' list of things to deal with. The attack on a person they'd taken interest in had just pushed his name up a few more ranks, though most of the Birds would be interested in undoing the harm done by the attack.

Huntress on the other hand wasn't afraid to make it more personal and payback oriented. Especially if it also meant giving his cronies a reminder they're not wanted around here to boot.

As usual she had made her perch lurking on a rooftop, on survellience for activity below with a pair of binoculars. Oracle's info network was stellar, sure, but narrowing it down to the actual location of this racket's activity still took a final confirmation. No worry that as soon as she caught sight of the Pack on the move she was going to jump to busting heads as soon as possible, though.

Hammerhead has posed:
For a while you hear nothing but the sounds of the average nustle and bustle of an average city like Gotham. Eventually however, the familar souns of Thrash Metal starts to fill the air as a car drives past the building you are perched on and screaches to a halt in front of a old Irish Pub that had closed over the Summer. The car's open up and five men climb out, the sounds of thrash metal getting luder as the cars open.
     The Pack members were dressed up in a variety of clothing which spanned from red polos and blue jeans all the way to olive tank-tops and cargo shorts. The one thing they had in common however, was the various "fashoionable" tears on their clothing and the logo of a giant, snarling wolf lolcated somewhere on their clothing or tattoed on them somewhere. The leader of the group, a short, stocky man wearing a pair of sunglasses and a leather jacket with the snarling wolf on the back walks into the pub, follwed by three others. However, the final man, a scrawenier, obviosuly newer member stands outside, as if keeping guard. He is currently smoking a cigarette ans occasionaly tugging on the collar of his red t-shirt.

Huntress has posed:
That mix of sound, style (or lack of therefor) and gang symbolism is hard to miss. "Too bad poor taste in music isn't illegal," Huntress mutters under her breath as she folds the binoculars and puts them away in her utility belt, and draws her pistol crossbow. Several of the men went inside, leaving just one guard outside for her to deal with first. She takes a moment to aim and fires.

The bolt is aimed to whizz right past the man's head before imbedding into the wall behind him. Purposely, to make him jerk and look at what nearly hit him.

So he won't see the Huntress ziplining down the cable attatched to it, feet up and out to catch and kick him into the wall as well!

Gotham vigilantes seem to have this thing for swooping out of high places to make an entrance. Deal with it.

Hammerhead has posed:
The arrow whizzes by as planned and the man immeidatley turns around and says," What the fu..". Before he can finish his statement, he is kicked into the wall by you. There is an awful crunching noise as he slams into the wall and he groans a bit as he fall unconcious onto the concrete sidewalk. As you stand outside the entrance of the pub, you hear the sounds of waht sounds like more thrash metal. If yoou were to peer into the main bar area from the door's window, you would see two muscular looking Pack members chatting with each other holding what looks like Uzis.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress steps over the thug without a second thought. "Yeah, sleep in the street with the rest of the trash." They probably didn't even hear that inside due to their loud and obnoxious music. She sidles up to the door and peers in the window, noting the two bruisers with their guns. Feh. Even she knows better to just barge blantantly into a public bar and put any civilian occupants at risk. She needs to get their attention on her and not possible bystanders. Hmmm. After considering it for a moment she pulls out another bolt to reload her weapon. Glances through the window again to check positions.

Then grabs the handle and opens the door. While in the process of swinging it aside she steps partway through the doorway and snaps off a shot, aiming to ricochete the reinforced arrow off the wall and knock at least one thug's gun out of his hand, if not get lucky enough to disarm both.

Hammerhead has posed:
The two goons turn simaltaniously at you as you swing the door open and fire your arrow, Before they can open fire however, your arrow does it's job and hits both guns at the same time, pinning you to the wall. The goons, not being detered by this, charge at you immiedialtey, swinging their fists at you and snarling angrily.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress twists out of the way of the first swing, but the second thug is right on his heels and catchs her shoulder with his punch, staggering her back a few steps before catching herself. She huffs softly, and wags a finger at them both. "Don't take that growly tone with me, you're the unwanted company."

She pulls up her weapon, but of course it's already been shot. Might take them a moment to realize it though. Doesn't really matter, when she swings the entire pistol crossbow at one of the thug's head like a weirdly shaped bludgeon.

Hammerhead has posed:
The man hit with the crossbow falls to the ground clutching his head, not knocking him out, but diffently incapcitating him for a while. The second goon lets out an even more animalistic growl, kinda like a wolf, and picks up a bar stool and swings it at you.

Huntress has posed:
She never did quite get why bar fights are a popular thing. There's such limited room to maneuver and such in. Huntress steps back as the thug picks up a stool, then dives to slide across the top of a table to get out of the way, leaving the table to get slammed and knocked over by the offensive instead. As she's hunched down where it had been standing she pulls one of the throwing knives from her belt, and flings it at the Fenris brute. "Here boy, fetch!" Got to get those wolf/dog quippy remarks in somewhere.

Hammerhead has posed:
The stool shatters on the table and the thug looks up, anger on his face. This look is quickly replaced by a look of pain and anguish as the knife buries itself in his shoulder, his screams of pain being drowned out by the heavt metal playing all over the place. The man you whacked gets up o nhis fett and, after looking at you and his buddy, tries to bolt out the front door of the pub.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli glances aside as the one bruiser gets up and runs for the door. But rather than stop him she calls after "Tell your boss The Huntress sends her regards!" All of this is doesn't mean much if word doesn't get back who kicked around a bunch of his men, after all. Being a big stab in the side of organized crime is the reason the Huntress exists after all; that bit of reputation and intimidation is as much a tool for her as it is a certain Bat. "As for you." She steps up to the remaining thug, grabs the back of his head, and pushes to slam him into the bar.

Hammerhead has posed:
The final man lets out a scream of pain as he slammed into the bar, the knife on his shoulder making the pain worse. As he is slammed into the bar, he lets out another scream of pain just as the song that is currently playing ends. You suddenly hear what souns like three more pairs of footstpes rushing down a flight of stairs towards a door that leads into the lobby.

Huntress has posed:
For a brief moment it crosses her mind that maybe she shouldn't of dived into this alone. But it's quickly pushed aside. She appreciated having the Birds to back her up when needed, but that didn't mean she wanted to bloody their hands with her personal crusades either. The Huntress was making a statement, and her messages tended to be written in blood and violence.

She moves to the end of the bar farthest from the way the footsteps are coming from and reloads her pistol crossbow. She's been asked on more than one occasion why she doesn't get a more advanced one with an autoloader or such. Her usual response is the quicker convenice isn't worth the being severely handicapped if the device jammed in the heat of combat. That and she'd have to disable it every time she wanted to use more specialized ammo.

Like she shoots when the first man starts to come through the doorway. The arrow hits the doorframe and explodes like a smoke bomb. With smoke that's been mixed with pepper spray gas to make it even more aggrivating

Huntress figured with that obnoxiously loud music they listen to a sonic blast wouldn't be as effective as smoke and irritants.

Hammerhead has posed:
The sounds of coughing and hacking fill the air as your arrow does it's job. The first man to stumble out is a tall, lanky thug wearing a red polo and blue jeans with the familiar wolf logo on the back. He is clutching a pistol in his hand and is trying to lift it up to shoot you, byt the irretent does it's job and he ends up dropping it after a very violent coughing fit. You hear the other two pairs of footsteps going up the stairs, with one of them saying in-between coughs," Get the stuff and let's get the hell out of here!"

Huntress has posed:
'The Stuff' could mean a lot of things with an operation like this. It's a little too vague for Huntress' liking, but at the same time, she's got more immeadiate concerns. She rushes the man still staggering in the bar and aims to jam her knee into his gut to capitalize on the coughing and irritation he's already suffering. Just to make sure he's down for a bit and doesn't come up behind her before heading for the stairs herself after taking a deep breath. The lenses in her mask will keep any lingering pepper smokebomb in the air out of her eyes.

Those last two men have a bit of a lead on her since she had to slow down their buddy, but Huntress still wants to at least find out what 'The Stuff' is if she can. Or Oracle will nag her about lack of details.

Hammerhead has posed:
The man you hit in the gut falls down onto the floor clutching it while coughing harder then ever. It is obvious that he will be lying there for awhile. As you go up the stairs you hear the sound of a duffle bag slamming onto the table and what sounds like paper being picked up and shoved into the bag. Suddenly, the sound stops for a brief second and gunshots ring out from the room as bullets come flying out of the door. Obviously they heard you coming.

Huntress has posed:
A curse slips through the woman's lips as she reflexively jerks to the side, back up against the wall of the staircase. The shots ringing through are still too close for comfort, and Huntress makes a mental note that just because they listen to mind numbing ear blasting music they're not as deaf as she was expecting them to be. This was not a good position to be in, she'd have to risk exposing herself directly to their view and firing to shoot them in return. She edges as much as she dares along the wall, takes a handful of (normal) smoke pellets from a belt pouch, and sidearms the best as she can out the stairway door.

Hammerhead has posed:
The pellets find themselves in the room and explod, enveloping it with smoke. The sounds of rapid scuffling of feet, of a duffle bag dropping, and of a few bling gunshots fill the air as the men start to curse. Suddenly, you hear the familiar sound of a metallic click, a sure sign that the gun is out of bullets.

Huntress has posed:
Now that sound is music to the ears. At least in the moment. Keeping on the pressure until they used up their shots seems to have worked, and Huntress charges into the room through the smokescreen to take advantage of it before they decide to reload. A quick grab pulls the collapsable staff from her utility belt, snapping it out to length, and swinging at the first of the crooks that come into view. The reputation this vigilante has for not quitting easily is apparently well earned.

Hammerhead has posed:
The familar sound of metal hitting a person is heard as you swing your staff at the first thug, hitting him in the head. The thug collapses with a violent thud. As the smoke clears up, you can see counterfit money scattered all over a table. So, Hammerhead was now in the counterfiting game. Suddenly, you hear an animalistic growl as the final Pack member pulls out a pocket kinfe and stabs at you.

Huntress has posed:
Add that to the dirty laundry list. Huntress really shouldn't be that surprised. If Hammerhead wants to make a big name for himself as a crime boss he's got to play all parts of the field.

The remaining crook tries to blindside her with a knife. Huntress react reflexively, bringing up her arm to try and intercept by blocking his arm, though the knife still catches against the side of her own arm. If it had been a bigger knife or her costume not made of the protective material it was that could of been a deep and nasty wound. Even as is she can feel the pressure of the blade against her arm. She needs to get him back off quickly before he does cut through the material so she grabs his arm and judo throws him over her shoulder.

Hammerhead has posed:
Your judo throw succeedes and the man slams down onto the ground with a nasty sounding bang. With both goons incapacitated you notice the duffel bag on the ground, the very same the men were stuffing before you barged in. If you were to take a peek inside, you would see more counterfeit money, perhaps up to $10,000

Huntress has posed:
Huntress picks up her staff and uses the tip of it to nudge the bag open. At this point she's not taking chances. A low whistle follows. If there's that much fake cash they've been at it for a while.

Okay, clean up time. She taps the staff on the floor to collapse it, puts it away and takes out some zipties to bind the two men. Then takes out one of her spare burner phones, setting it to dial 911, report there's been a bar fight and the location. At least some of the thugs should still be here by the time the cops show, hopefully.

Then as she turns to leave Huntress grabs a few of the counterfeit bills. Oracle or one of the other team geeks might be able to analyze them for how they're made, and more importantly, where.