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Latest revision as of 20:45, 2 October 2019

Nightly Routine
Date of Scene: 26 September 2019
Location: Luke's Bar, Central Harlem
Synopsis: Turns out people can bond over a black-eye
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Ghost Spider, Rave, Zorro

Jessica Jones has posed:
No matter what Jessica Jones goes through in a day, one can be sure it'll somehow end up with her drinking copious amounts in this bar or that. If all else fails, she'll sometime drink at home, but it feels safer somehow in a public place.

Luke's Bar has been one of her haunts, and she's currently sitting right against the bar, a glass of whiskey infront of her, and three empty ones next to it. She's still not enough of a regular here to have the bottle left for her, the way Josie sometimes does. But she'll get there, no doubt.

Ghost Spider has posed:
It has, to put it finely, been a tiring long ass afternoon for Gwen Stacy.

She didn't really expect to duck out for lunch and then get tangled up in a armored car robbery gone south followed by a high speed car chase with two separate get away cars, and a hostage situation at the end of one of those pursuits with a mild metahuman and a hostage.

Honest to god she just wanted to hit the ATM and get some cash for a hot dog. Her metabolism means a lot of snacking.

And yet there we are, she has spent hours dealing with that one mess and it all ended in Harlem.

So she changed into civvies and dropped down and headed into the nearest establishment, maybe she thinks there might be horrible for you bar food not just booze.

She hasn't even realized she has a black eye from the scuffle with the metahuman bank robber as she approaches the bar.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica takes a look at the occasional people who wander in, and as the case may be, she will occasionally offer a quip here and there, whether deserved or not. "Nice makeup," she note at Gwen, "or is that a beating boyfriend? Because if it is, I may have a business proposition..."

Rave has posed:
Hells Kitchen was technically a little out of the way from Rave's appartment, at least for the average person. Not so much for a speedster, and that chasing down of the car-jacking and chopshop ring had brought her around the neighbourhood. A new place to check out was neat, and she could use a drink.

Pushing her way through the door, the girl with the bright blue hair dressed in a skirt, leggings and a leather jacket didn't exactly look like she'd just been tangling with hardened criminals either, but a sharp enough eye spotting the lumiessence of her eyes and hair would probably be able to pick a mutant in a crowd as she made her way towards the bar.

Zorro has posed:
Hector Rodrihuez walked through the streets of Harlem clutching his laptop close to his armpit. He was in this part of NYC to help promote The Scarlet Pimpernel via a interview with a local news segment. Now, he decided to take a walk through this neighborhood, keeping a weary eye out for anyone wanting to jump him. As he walked, his mind was focused on a potential new enemy for Zorro to confront. Recently, a security corporation-PMC calling itself Kraken International has made major moves in the Americas. The company, which was based in Europe and ran by a Greek national had a less than stellar reputation, especially in the PMC front, especially due to their interference in several conflict zones around the world and their callousness in completing their contracts. Now, their security branch, "Athena Security Solutions" were making expansions in the Americas, something that has made Zorro very suspicious.
     On his laptop was the browser page for Kraken's corporate website. If he wanted to do research on this potential new enemy, he might as well start at their own website. As he walked by Logan's, he stopped and stared at the door for a long while. Hector then shrugged and walked in, deciding to get a drink. He shouldered he way through the bar and evetually sat at the counter and order a John Collins. While waiting for his drink, Hecor opened his laptop and continued his research.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen pauses and stares at Jessica for a long moment then blinks and digs in her back, a flash of white and pink fabric as she digs for a makeup compact and flips it open deftly. She studies her eye in the mirror "Son of a bitch..." slips out for a moment there and then she not looking at Jessica slides sideways onto a stool and starts to touch up her eye a bit to make the black eye less obvious.

"Business proposition?" she asks distracted enough to not even notive Rave yet.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Son of a bitch sounds about right for that black eye, so who was it?" Jessica inquires of Gwen, shrugging at the question, "I don't know, if you're story's good, I might be included to return the favor on your behalf." She takes up her glass and has a sip, "I guess in the meantime the least I could do is offer you a drink. That looks bad."

She takes note of Hector stepping into Luke's she must have heard of The Scarlet Pimpernel, walking the streets of NY enough, you'd see this banner or that if there's ads going on. Or maybe he just looked familiar. Either way, her attention is still largely on Miss Black-Eye.

Rave has posed:
Sure enough, even Rave had noticed the bruise as she went past. A blink, a frown as she signals for a drink of her own and then she leans past Jessica lightly and brush against her arm while her eyes fix on Gwen. "Jeez, whoever did that to you deserves an asski-..." she begins, but Jessica's comment brings the thought to the forefront. She hadn't noticed Zorro yet, but perhaps that was for the best. She might not recognize him without the mask...but still.

Jess had beat her to the thought, so she leans back and raises her hands lightly. "Sorry, didn't mean to but in."

Zorro has posed:
Hector could not help but overhear the conversation between Gwen and Jessica, his interest peeked upon hearing about the black eye. As his drink is handed to him, Hector closes the lid on his laptop and turns around, cringing at the black eye on Gwen's face. He was about to say something when a familiar-looking woman with blue hair and glowing blue eyes interrupted. Zorro immediatley turned away and reopened his laptop. That was the woman he encountered a few nights ago as Zorro. While she might not recognize him, he was not going to risk it. He already had one person inching closer to his identity, he did not need another one to worry about.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Honestly Gwen wishes she could just quip that Jessica should just see the other guy. But she is mild mannered Gwen Stacy, scientist, drummer, and part time model... not superhero right.

Gwen touches up a tiny bit more makeup skillfully then snaps the compact closed and stuffs it into her bag.

"Well .. I'll take a drink and thanks for the offer ... but the guy who did it is in jail right now so I think it might be hard to give him a black eye back." it is the truth but

"Someone tried to mug me and take my bag, cops got him though.. I didn't think it did that to my eye though when he struck me" and there is the lie, she isn't the best liar either but it is fairly believable in the neighborhood.

She also finally looks at Rave "woah." blink.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"One good asshole deserves a beating, you'd be welcome to it," Jessica quips at Rave, smirking. Though when Gwen updates her that the man is already in jail, Jessica shrugs, "guess it's taken care of then, you did the right thing."

Motioning to the bartender, Jess instructs him to get whatever Gwen wants on her tab. "Hey, some people are asshole, it's like a plague."

Jessica Jones has posed:
The bartender walks up to Jessica and hands her a note, written on a Luke's Bar napkin, Jessica looks at it and sighs. "I'll be right back, just gotta take care of something real quick..." she leaves her seat but not before emptying her glass and offering to Rave and Zorro, "either of you can have my seat if you like, I'll be a moment or two..." and she heads towards the back.

Rave has posed:
There was one upside to being openly outed about your identity; at least you could take credit for things you did. Of course, there were a few downsides too, but Rave did try not to worry about that. "Good timing then I guess," Rave muses, tilting her head to the side. Rare did it seem in a city as big as New York that one could be lucky enough to have a cop on hand when they needed one.

Jess' departure earns a nod, her comment had earned a smile, but as her own drink comes it's Gwen's reaction that earns a little flicker of a smile. It'd be lying to say she didn't like causing a 'wow' or two after all.

"In that case, I'll cover your next one if you like."

A glance towards Zorro, there's no recognition there it seems. But he hadn't shown up on a motorcycle and carving z's onto walls, so that helps.

Zorro has posed:
Hector nods in acknowledgement at Jessica as she leaves, not taking his face off of his computer screen. His research so far has been kinda fruitless. All he learned is that Athena Security Solutions was planning a massive expansion, something he already knew. He was abot to yell out in frustration, but stopped himself. He then closed the lid on his laptop yet again and, for a reason he did not quite know, he took Jessica's seat. As he sat down, he gave a poliete nod at Gwen and Rave, who did not seem to recognize him yet.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen notes with an easy smile "Thanks" about putting something on her tab, then blinks and nods "Hope it isn't anything serious." about the note and leaving. It is a bit noteworthy. Hah. She can't quip out loud much as Gwen Stacy but it is going on in her head for sure.

She nods to Hector and then looks to Rave "Thanks for the follow up.. lets see if I can get through the first.. first..."

Rave has posed:
"Computer trouble?" the meta girl questions, looking the Spanish man over with a sympathetic smile. Back to Gwen, she nods in agreement and then looks back at Jess' departing form. "Hmm...she does seem the 'serious' sort," Rave muses and tilts her head to the side. "I mean...yeah..." she shakes her head, downing her own drink and giving a sigh. The taste was good, but the effects never tended to last.

Zorro has posed:
Hector grins and says to Rave in his civilian voice, which is slightly lighter than his Zorro voice," No Senorita, my laptop is fine. Just giving it a break." He then looks at Gwen and cringes upon seeing the black eye, whiich looked much more painful up close. He then says to Gwen with a concerned look," Are you going to be alright? That black eye looks horrid."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Yeah she does seem pretty serious..." she orders a beer from the bartender, her first of at least two likely since someone else is buying. "So you're a meta?" it doesn't seem rude to ask, it is pretty obvious something is going on.

When she catches the cringe on her black eye "I... yeah it will be fine.. I recover pretty fast from bumps and bruises and honestly it is a good thing the cops were there. I'm lucky it is just a black eye right."

Rave has posed:
"Yeah." It was pretty obvious, it was clear. Rave gives a shrug of her shoulders before she raises her fingers and traces them through the air, the index fingers of both hands tracing a classic 'heart' outline that leaves a glowing blue neon in its wake before it winks out. A small trick, but still a pretty noticable one. "Call me Rave," she offers in introduction.

Zorro has posed:
Hector nods at Gwen and turns towards Rave. He tries to look impressed when Rave used her powers to make the heart, when he saw her do a lot more then that, her blasting a engine out of a car coming to mind. Hector then extends his hand towards Rave and says," Pleasure to meet you, Rave. My hame is Hector Rodriguez."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen snags the beer from the bartender there and watches Rave's demonstration "Okay that is pretty impressive actually... do you do like art.. or do you literally work in raves and dance clubs with that trick?"

She ohs and indicates herself with her glass. "Gwen Stacy nice to meet you both Hector and Rave."

Rave has posed:
"Actually, the art thing was a new idea..." Rave muses before shrugging her shoulders lightly. "But I actually do music, night clubs and the stuff. I write, mix things, play. All of that before the whole...'light show' started." A grin, she glances back to Hector and nods her head in echoed appreciation of greeting.

"What about you Gwen?" she quizzes lightly, "What is it you do? Aside from charming drinks out of folk I mean."

Ghost Spider has posed:
"So do you use your powers with those gigs now then?" curious but not trying to be too pushy in tone. She sips her beer.

"Oh I work at Alchemax, biochemist.... also working on my doctrate..." trails off and laughs "And I'm a drummer in a band, The Mary Janes"