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Latest revision as of 20:45, 2 October 2019

Don't I know you
Date of Scene: 26 September 2019
Location: South Hinkley, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Tim and Donnie meet up and discover they're already friends!
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Red Robin

Donatello has posed:
Why come to South Hinkley? Abandoned goods. Cars, equipment, junk. The Purp Turp is able to make use of it with his particular genius and the Shellraiser (which may have set of a seismic sensor or two, is parked in the midst of a jumble of junk and wrecked cars that Donatello is digging through, humming to himself and placing select bits into shopping carts as he organizes to bring things back to the den with him.

Who could know that he was here? Well besides the people that cleared out from that rumbling.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's base is actually not to far from here, so he does keep an eye around the area. Tonight he is on his rounds, when he sees the van. He will end up coming in and landing on a decently stacked pile of junk. He studies the other for a moment, quiet before announcing his presence. "So you really are a turtle not just guys in suits."

Donatello has posed:
A van they call it. Thing was made from a subway car for its base... Donnie is truly lost in his work to be snuck up on by anyone that isn't Splinter. So when Tim is there, on one of his piles and speaking his first thoughts are 'AHHHHHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAAH! AHHHHHHHHHHH!' but at least thanks to Splinter and Leo only his eyes show it, for a second. His mouth says.

    "Bird person!!!!" scratchy as ever. "No! Man! Not suits. Come on!?! Does this look like some amazing Henson Studies trick or something?" he looks off to the side... at a wall perhaps?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's eyes do look to the way the other is looking but only for the briefest of seconds. his mask probably hiding it. He says "You never know what some folks can do these days. but not the first anthropomorphic person I have met, in past couple months. "So, mind if I ask what your looking for out here?" His body language showing him relaxed, but ready should things go pear shaped.

Donatello has posed:
"Urban recycling program, dude?" Donatello remains at the ready, one hand ready to press the spring action for his collapsible staff. "I mean... Recyclin' agencies only got so much they can work with, I can handle a lot more than most would expect." on the balls of his feet, ready to spring, "Waste not want not - I mean the circuitry on the boards alone, the internal focused processors, CPUS, frame metals. It's really a gol-waaaitaminute..." got him talking tech. No he didn't. Donnie did. We'll blame Tim though. "I ain't trying to hurt anyone. So you don't need to throw those weird shuriken or the like at me. Ok?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look over tot he subway car van, and at the item the turtle has. "That's an ok processor, but if your looking for something decent, looks like there is a server frame about six yards to the right of you." He will tell the man, seeming to know tech as well. And the shuriken is more the other guy, I use something a bit more substanial these days. " He does study the turtle a moment "Mind doing something for me?'

Donatello has posed:
"I don't need superstructure right now, at least like that. But I appreciate it..." Donnie's head tilt at that, frowning, "What is it? I'm not going into any sort of basement or lab..." the bo jumps from its holster to extend mid-air and land in his palm, going into a defensive posture. "If you want me gone, I'll go - ok? Not trying to hurt anyone, like I said."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head, a bit and says "No, actually, I was wondering if you would say something for me. "Check your flasks, and eat up." Donny might recognize the voice a bit as Tim say something both of them have probably had to say when raiding.

Donatello has posed:
Donnie pauses, blinks, "Debuffs up, cooldown ten on buffs, popping invis and slice and dice?" the Purp Turp's head cants the other direction now. "No freakin' way dude..." coming out of his defensive posture, his free hand drawing out a headset with... is that an AR lens display. "Clan Check - Purpanda in the AH...?" is he looking at his game status right now???

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "I thought your voice sounded familiar. " He will jump down, and smirks a bit "I am about ready to believe half our guild is superheroes." He jokes a bit and says "So, what are you trying to build from this stuff?" He will ask the man.

Donatello has posed:
Donatello nods while he blink commands at something, flipping up his mic now. "Oh I build all sorts of things... I mean, I integrating a Sherman heat-sink I snagged out of a military dump with my fridge to enable it to operate as a combo fridge-freezer-slurpee machine to keep the increased motor output from overheating it" the bo is away now as he's talking tech "I'm working on a pressure based measuring system capable of handling a load that would be able to crumple steel, but I may need to up the structural pressure resistance for almost fifty thousand Newtons - just to make sure it doesn't get blasted through a wall during the hard stress tests, y'know?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Run the cooling system for your mainframes through the heat sink as well? " He will ask and seems to think upon the problem a moment, and says "Looked into seeing about maybe getting some warship armor to build the walls out of?

Donatello has posed:
"That's the hard part, the armor plating. I'm compositing steel plate in layered amounts. It's hard to get warships. The cooling isn't the problem, really. I have -plenty- for cooling. Believe me. You wouldn't believe the computer system I have set up alone." Donnie shrugs, looking to his pile of stuff. "Hardly anything is steel built, so I have to melt down, re-purify, and pour sheets to pressure weld."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Old railroad tracks, might be able to find them at a decent price per pound, I aint looked into it, but I could see where would be not to bad. Maybe look into where they are tearing down old factories for the infrastructure?

Donatello has posed:
"Oh for sure, dude... But I mean... Red Robin plays WoW, and is in the same guild... Freaky dude." shaking his head and laughing now, Donatello leans his weight on one leg now. "So like... toys, you have all sorts - like the other guy. Any chance of a trade-swap, dude?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "Well, I might be able to help with some, would have to be some of the ones that are specificly my design, and ones only I use. You can understand how that is. Hey you want to grab some food, might be ale to get another guildie to come hang out if ya want to meet them.

Donatello has posed:
Donatello bobs his head. "Totally dude - but I'll need to get some of this stowed, first and foremost. If I don't do some check-ins with... folks - it'd be my shell right?" drawing out a remote control and clicking to send the carts, on little moters, to a loading ramp on the Shellraiser. But totally dude... Just need about an hour? Maybe two to get prep?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake ahs and nods a bit and will rattle off a number and says "That should get ahold of me, and we can set it up. got a prefered thing to get Big Belly Burger, Chinese, Piza?"

Donatello has posed:
"Pizza is the preference, but you can put those other things on it man. Ever had almond gai ding pizza with hamburger crumbles?!" Donnie bounces from foot to foot. "You pick a rooftop, I'll bring the za man... I don't do restaurants I'm afraid!" but he's headed for the Shellraiser, making sure things get loaded in. "I'll contact on guild chat dude!" and then the doors are closing...