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Of Gods, Heroes, and Deception
Date of Scene: 27 September 2019
Location: Shannon's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Mr. Green and Shannon begin the process of working through the aftermath of Loki's deception, and the effects on her heart and mind. Some guidance in mental shielding is also offered.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Martian Manhunter

Nightingale has posed:
     One word could easily describe the past couple days in the school, particularly when it came to the wellness office--chaos. Things were slowly getting back to normal, but rumors that two of the Avengers had been there earlier in the day had filtered through the student body. Aside from classes, one student was nowhere to be found in her usual haunts--not in the rec room, not the kitchen, and definitely not volunteering in the wellness office. Where could she be?

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn noticed the absence of Shannon earlier, or to be more precise, noticed that she was within the schoolgrounds but not exactly in the best of shapes. He had quite a lot to do for the watchtower in the last days, so his mind remains relatively oblivious of what happened, even if he picked a hint here and there from this or that head. After arriving at the school, and doing some teacher stuff, he shifted his form slightly, still into that of John Green the science teacher but, instead of the tailored suit, his clothes are just a pair of jeans and a black shirt, a bit less formal. Still, the man looks almost the same when he walks in front of Shannon's dorm room, knocking twice on the door.

Nightingale has posed:
     Initially, there is no sound from within the room, the occupant's mind lost in a chaotic maelstrom of pain and betrayal. While, to a telepath, some effort might be felt at fighting it back, it's an uphill battle. If there is another knock, a very soft, thin voice can just be heard. "Who is it?" There is a sharp pang of fear, and further silence from her side of the door.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn knocks again indeed, especially because earing no answer and knowing that someone is in the room is a clear signal of something being very wrong, even if he couldn't pick her emotions. So he knocks, and when he hears her voice he announces himself as "John" with John Green's voice, of course. it's not like there are many of them after all! "can I enter?" he asks

Nightingale has posed:
There comes a very surprising answer to the question, one that Shannon has not had to ask any teacher before here. "How do I know it's really you?" There is some shifting, the sound of light footsteps approaching the door, but no sign of the door opening, not yet. She had trusted too easily one too many times, and at this proximity, the sense of a mind hit hard by the experience is more palpable to John's senses.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn tilts his head slightly, even if that's probably not a visible gesture from the other side of the door "you can't. You could ask m e a question that only me and you know, but your mind is so open right now that every decent telepath could get the answer before you've done thinking the question. We really must work on your defenses, about that" he leans on the wall close to the door, waiting patiently for a reaction to that.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon had teased Mr. Green about possibly being a telepath, and now she knew for sure. A few moments more, and she cracks open the door. While it does look as if she's been keeping herself going, her mental state is still reeling--a roiling mixture of anger, hurt, fear, betrayal, and worry. Quick flashes of a young man's face flit across the surface of her mind, coupled with the scent of death and decay contained in a sickening blue ichor that seeped from the boy's wounds. "Guess that answers that... come in." Her voice is even. Just a little -too- even, as if the entire experience has drained her, body and soul.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn pushes himself away from the door at the invitation, moving to enter the room and glance briefly around as soon as he's in. "nice place." he comments, standing with his arms along his sides just past the door. "first of all, I want to assure you, I will not peek into your head without permission... Though, you're basically broadcasting your thoughts to the world, dear" he explains, aiming a soft smile at the woman.

Nightingale has posed:
     At that, Shannon turns bright red, making some effort to stuff those thoughts into the dark corners of her mind. As if it wasn't enough she'd fouled up already, now she was broadcasting, too? She ducks her head, though, embarrassed at the realization. "Thanks... and I'm sorry. I'll try not to keep doing that." Easier said than done.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmms, observing Shannon with a thoughtful expression "it's not for me, I don't mind and learned to tune it out, so did other telepaths. But, well, first there's some that didn't learn how to do that yet and, more important, maybe you don't want everyone to know your stuff do you?" he smiles again, glancing around to locate a better place to stand or sit, just not to seem a statue. "in any case, I dropped by to see how you are, to maybe see if there's anything I can do for you?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon moves over to the chairs by the fireplace, the season not yet cool enough to light the flames just yet. There is enough seating, and she motions to one of the chairs. "These were so nice, I wanted to keep them in here." The rosy color of her face just grows brighter at what seems a little bit like a rebuke, and she flops down in one of the chairs. "Then how do I tune it out so they don't have to?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn joins Shannon, sitting on another chair next to the fireplace "this is a really nice place indeed." he confirms, still smiling and leaning backwards so to be more comfortable on the chair. "by controlling your mind, but that's not something that can be learned in a moment, unless you allow me a bit of a telepathic interface with you, in which case I can, well, transmit some experience more directly, so to speak. But I think, first of all, we should try to resolve that turmoil in your mind, don't you think?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "I don't know that this one's so easily resolved. How would you feel right now if you had not only let yourself get talked into healing against your better judgement, put your own life at risk taking on some fairly severe wounds, but then find you've not only been lied to but saved perhaps one of the most notoriously slippery sorts known? And then on top of that, having to admit it all in front of one you admire and respect--with no idea if they think you a traitor for doing what you were born to do?" On the small table, next to the flowerpot, is a small, open bottle of root beer, with condensation along the sides of the bottle from the contrast in temperatures. "If you want to see the whole thing, you're more than welcome to try. Though it's not pretty."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn lowers his head a bit, again a thoughtful expression appearing on his face "I would feel betraied, but not by me... After all, if I walked in here looking like John Green, wounded, wouldn't you heal me? How could you know if I'm truly who I look like or if that's just an illusion?" he looks directly at her "how can you be held responsible for doing what you do if you are made to believe that you were doing a good thing?" he blinks, and sends a small portion of his mind to scan Shannon's, not to gather exact informations, not to get details, but just a summary of what happened, pretty or not pretty. "don't worry, I've more experience with nonpretty scenarios than you would imagine" he says, perhaps in a slightly bittersweet tone.

Nightingale has posed:
     The images come through in a flurry at first, a chaotic jumble of betrayal, anger, and hurt. But as Shannon forces herself to live through it again, they become more focused. There is the image of 'Jeremy' in bed in the wellness office, clearly in pain with the wounds oozing blood, his hands bandaged. There is the image of her discovery of the blue ichor when attempting to clean the wounds through conventional means. Triage is present, with the two agreeing that, for the time being, the healing is beyond them, with the nature of the ichor unknown.

     She fast-forward her thoughts to an hour or two later, with her coming in to check on the young man and bring him a light meal. She is persuaded to try a simple healing of the smaller cuts on his face, with him moving the ichor out of his veins first. However, that's when it gets messy. Once the process is begun, it cannot be stopped. There is chaos, confusion, and intense pain as she absorbed each wound, her own flesh opening up as if flayed by some unseen instrument. Mercifully, no ichor gets inside of her. There is her calling for 'Jeremy' to stop, that she can't take too much more. But her pride is pricked, and a very smooth, persuasive voice telling her she is doing well. There is the fear that he could die in her care, so she risks herself to ensure that does not happen. Mention is made of repayment for her kindness, but is not acted upon.

     Once again, the thoughts are fast-forwarded to earlier that very afternoon, when two familiar faces are seen investigating the happenings in the wellness office. One is Tony Stark. The other is much, much worse to her, and where much of her worry is coming from. It's Captain Rogers. She has to admit, in the wake of the horror of learning it was none other than Loki she healed, that it was her doing he was healed enough to escape--in front of one of the ones she respects and admires the most. There is the long, searching look from him, and she is struck to the core. Did he think her a traitor now, for easing the suffering of one she had little reason to think might be anything other than innocent?

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn processes the images, the thoughts in his own head, then sends to her mind his own version of the events. He returns the images that she used, but adds some emotional details. Shannon, at first, doing the noble act of healing. Her being tricked, forced to heal someone truly against her will or, at the very least, tricked into doing it, without knowing who that someone was. And then captain Rogers, looking at someone who everyone knows to be a good person, alias Shannon. When his mind withdraws from that of the woman, J'onn asks "if you know who the man was, now of course, do you think you'd have any possibility against the god of trickery himself? I mean, Shannon, everyone that knows you even a bit knows your heart is pure, your intentions are good. Noone will judge you for falling victim to a creature such as that, noone. Not even captain Rogers, he wouldn't judge you..."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head a little bit. "I don't know him well enough to know that." It's just a plain and simple admission. For all the respect and admiration, she just simply does not know. "And the worst part is, if I saw him suffering even now, even knowing who he was... I'd probably heal him again. I can't stand unnecessary suffering, and it doesn't matter who it is." She sighs a little bit, looking towards the fireplace. "Whatever else he's done, in the end, he's still someone's brother. Someone's son. Could I look either of them in the eyes and tell them I refused to heal their kin? No."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shrugs "that's why I'm telling you" he says, glancing again at her with a soft smile. "well, that's the curse of having a heart, Shannon. You can be forgiven for not liking suffering, if all people were like you the world would be a much better place, trust me. Unfortunately, they're not. Personally, I don't judge your actions, I still consider what you do a very noble thing." he pauses then, considering, chuckling "oh, well, I have the feeling that his brothers and father wouldn't really blame you for refusing to heal him... I mean, if you know who he is, really..." he crosses his arms on his chest "but still, I understand and respect you just the same, Shannon, and many others likely think the same."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs a little bit. "I don't really know his kin, either. Just what little I've heard in old myths, and who knows how accurate some of those are. You don't always hear their side of the old stories." She frowns deeply. "Why the hell couldn't he have just been honest right from the start? It's all this trickery that's causing so much trouble."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn shakes his head a bit "because perhaps, if he told who he was from the start, it would've been highly unlikely that someone would've healed him? Plus, he's the god of trickery, do you truly expect honesty from him? People can go only that far from their nature, Shannon, as you probably know. Part of me, thinks that he couldn't be honest as you couldn't refuse to heal someone..." he admits, glancing briefly at the fireplace in contemplation.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon also looks towards the fireplace. There is one more brief mental image, of 'Jeremy' just before the healing, with Shannon asking him if there was anything he could take for pain, should the healing have to wait. The look of surprise on his face, and just a few words. "You're a very kind person, aren't you?"

Her voice is soft as she looks into the fireplace, at flames that are there only in her imagination, a familiar comfort the season does not yet allow for. "I don't think anyone's ever really shown him kindness for its own sake. It broke my heart when I realized that."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn snaps his eyes from the fireplace to Shannon, even if his expression remains soft enough "in everyone of us there's a trace of good, or at least, most of us no matter what... Then, everyone is free to do with that whatever he or she wants, some decide to nurture it, some to close it somewhere far away. But still, that's one more reason for which you shouldn't feel bad about it, Shannon... You did what you thought was necessary, and in a sense, you did well."

Nightingale has posed:
     "The worst part is, I'm pretty sure he knows chances are good I'd heal him all over again. What risk does that put me at, or worse yet, those around me? I haven't dared go anywhere near the wellness office or anything medical. Who knows if the next person that needs it, isn't who they say they are?" The fear and worry in Shannon's voice is apparent. "Will my gift one day get someone here killed?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn again seems athoughtful for a moment, but the reply comes quickly "don't you think every doctor could ask the same question? Is it right, to heal a murderer, or a rapist? Is it right to heal just for the sake of healing? Surely it isn't right to stop doing that just because there's the possibility that, one day, you'd heal the wrong person. Because well, maybe that day you'll have saved lives, but how many you wouldn't have saved, until you wait for that day that may or may not come?" he inclines his head in Shannon's direction "unless you have detection powers, Shannon, you can't be sure that everything is what it seems to be. That's why you have a brain, and people around you to help. Be careful, but don't stop being yourself just for what happened, or in the end, well, trickery will win over goodness, at the end the world will loose a good person."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon seems to think on this for a moment, pursing her lips; it's the closest to any sort of emotional expression in her face she's shown thus far. "How many innocents could die if I do nothing? I went it alone, though. Yes it was with an eye towards seeing if it could be done, so I could better show Triage when he was able to return. But I still went it alone. The one thing someone pretty strongly suggested against."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in understanding, glancing at you again "and tell me, Shannon, how old are you? There are creatures with several centuries on their shoulders that still make mistakes, how do you plan to not make any?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sixteen just this summer. But there are times I feel ancient at the same time." The embarrassment and worry remain, and will be harder to dislodge, though at least Shannon is talking a little more freely now. "You know... at this rate I should keep some oreos in here if this is going to become a habit."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods and smiles again "you're sixteen, and even if you feel ancient at times, I can still guarantee that even ancient being make more serious mistakes than yours. I made many, myself, too many to be counted..." for a moment he stops, closing his eyes, shaking his head as to banish thoughts "mistakes are learning experiences. Not made to stop you, but to make you improve yourself, by learning from them so that, one day, you not only can be a better person, but maybe also help someone else not to make your own mistakes. Think about the past, live the present, and use both to improve your future, Shannon."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows as she listens. Something about what he was saying... but no, could there possibly be anything to it? "Ancient beings making a lot of mistakes? And you've made a lot yourself?" She lets the question hang in the air; enough of trickery for one day.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods simply "yes, I know of several ancient beings that made mistakes and me, while not being considerable as ancient by many standards, I've make my own too..." he simply admit, calmly looking at the woman now but still smiling slightly.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs a little. "For a moment, it sounded as if you might be more ancient than you let on. May we all wear our years so well." She smiles a little bit. "Sorry if I was prying. The last time I didn't follow my gut feeling about something like that... it wound up being Loki."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles a bit, then grins slightly "well I'm not a god, that's sure! True, I admit it, I'm older than I look and no, I will not tell by how much" he winks "but still, you get my point don't you? And as for the oreos, well, sure if you want my visits to be a common occurrence!"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little bit, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, curling up in the chair. "Guess that could be arranged. As for gods... been there, done that." Among the papers on one of the bookshelves, is a printout of a gorgeous beach at sunset, with the setting sun making the water look as if it were on fire.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles again and glances briefly at the shelf, then at Shannon again. "anyways, as I said, don't blame yourself for what happened, you really shouldn't!" he winks, again leaning back in the chair "and, well, keep being the person you are, a lot of people will appreciate it. Some will try to take advantage of your kindness, well, that's inevitable, but don't let them win, keep being who you are."

Nightingale has posed:
     "In other words... just pretty much get ready for possibly many more nights like this." Shannon shrugs a little bit, staring off into space for a minute. "Meantime... just what do I do about shielding myself?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods "indeed. But do you remember what I told you last time, about the difficult part of being a hero being to stand up after falling? Well this is more or less the same. It's difficult stuff, being a hero, very difficult at times. But, we keep going, no matter what, because it's by doing we can do good" he claims, then ponders, looking again at Shannon more carefully "well, that is something that we will have to work on... There are several ways... The basic thing is, keeping your thought in check, as in, imagine a barrier around your mind and try to avoid things leaving from it. That, or try emptying your conscious thoughts, think just about the here and now when you can."

Nightingale has posed:
     "And how many times do I have to say I'm not a hero? I'm just some kid who happens to have wings and can heal people." To the rest, Shannon just nods, closing her mind and trying to clear away her conscious thoughts. The embarrassment and worry is very much in the here and now, though, and may not be so easily chased away....

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles, somewhat amusedly "oh, so healing people is not heroic stuff? You know, being a hero is not just saving kids from burning buildings or fighting the bad guys..." he explains, stretching a bit on the chair "so yes, you'll have to repeat it many more times, to me at least. hm?" he winks

Nightingale has posed:
     "No, it's not. It's just normal, everyday stuff." Someone is very stubborn, it seems1 "Maybe someday..." She's trying to relax, and at ehe same time keep some form of mental shielding up, and not broadcast her thoughts. "It's hard to tell if this is working."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles again in mild amusement, then grins a bit "very stubborn, yes! More than you'd think! So yes, you'll have to deal with my stubborness... Poor creature..." he gently tries to reach her mind with his own, and tries to guide her thought processes to erect some more stable barriers against telepaths. Not anything strong by all means, probably not enough to resist a mind scan, but at least that people won't pick her thoughts without even wanting to.

Nightingale has posed:
     It's a little odd, at first, that odd prickling at the edge of Shannon's mind. But it's not an unfriendly intrusion. It's just helping her shore up a wall around her thoughts, to at least contain them so they remain her own. At first unnerving, the guidance becomes something of a comfort, that wall becoming more like a warm quilt wrapped around those chilly corners of her thoughts. "That... feels a little different..."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles at Shannon, releasing her mind. "I am sorry, I hope you didn't take it as an intrusion, but it's easier than explaining..." he simply explains, his eyes observing the woman's expression carefully.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head a little bit. "Far from it. I did ask for the help. So why would it be an intrusion? It was just an unusual feeling, that's all. More like the hand of a best friend, than someone really trying to poke around inside my head."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods, shifting a bit on the chair "well, I am glad. It should be helpful, at least. It'll still require practice, but not as much" he smiles, then stands up "but now I'm afraid I must leave... Is there anything else I can do for you, Shannon?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon stands as well and spreads her wings a little bit. "No, but maybe I could do this for you." That's all the warning Mr. Green gets before being wrapped up in a feathery hug by a very grateful young healer. "Thank you. Some things... won't be chased away so easily. I don't know what will help those. But thank you, this still helped with a lot."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles brightly, returning the hug by wrapping his own arms around the woman, holding her for as long as she wants before releasing the hug. "I am very glad of that, Shannon. For anything you need, you know where to find me. And if I'm not in my office..." he grins, and it is just an insignificant mental effort for him to send to shannon's mind a phone number, just a thought that she'll find, printed in her memory "you just know my number! Feel free to use it should you need it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little. "I'll try not to use it much if at all. You've got your hands full with other things, too. But... I'll still lay in a supply of oreos. Maybe a few different flavors of them." Hey, it couldn't hurt to be hospitable, right?