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Home, Sweet Home...
Date of Scene: 27 September 2019
Location: Pepper's Office - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Pepper gets home after a month of travel to a quite warm greeting from Tony, right in front of Kitty and Peter. Some strange work/family bonding ensues.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Shadowcat

Pepper Potts has posed:
Nearly a month gone. A beautiful vacation between them, one where Pepper actually allowed herself to sleep past nine am TWICE. Yes, Tony showed off some. The paparazzi were on their tails for half of it and there was definitely a helicopter camera from when they were laying out on the beach, but Pepper forced herself to set these things aside and not care. The whole world knew now they were together, and the press blow back had been... Intense. Not exactly what Pepper expected. She was used to being in the shadows, the competent press conference giver and little else. Suddenly, they wanted her. They followed her in the streets. There were cameras and interview demands and it was... Overwhelming. So, she dove into work. She dove into work so hard she talked a company in Russia into a full acqusition of their rights for decent amount of money. She kissed Tony on the lips, promised she'd be safe, and went off to secure Stark Industries in another country.

That was nearly a month ago. Press has died down -- or speculated they already broke it off. Pepper's acquistion of the company went swimmingly well and she's returned with some very interesting R&D prototypes for Tony to pour over like a gift. The car picked her up straight from the airport and Pepper slumped happily in the back, thankful for familiar driver, familiar city... For Home. Soon enough, she's dropped at the lobby of the tower. Her large suitcase will be brought up separate, but she has a small rolling Gucci bag behind her with the private R&D documents and some personal essentials. She's beaming a tired, red-eye flight, but relieved smile as she walks through the front doors and greats the familiar receptionist.

Iron Man has posed:
There has been a buffet of distractions for Tony Stark while Pepper was out of the country, most of them coming from an obnoxious Asgardian god or the wizards. Wizards, always causing problems. Those, and the giant robot Sentinels in the city trying to murder innocent civilians all the time. Oh, and work related to Stark Industries. That as well, in the form of meetings and paperwork. There might be a pile of the latter (in digital form) waiting around that hasn't been attended to, since there was no immediate guiding hand of executive assistant to move those items along.

"Ms. Potts has arrived; Mr. Hogan is handling her luggage," reports JARVIS to Tony in his work bunker. Tony'd forgotten (overlooked?) that it was going to be within the next hour that Pepper would appear. And she's downstairs already. Tony sheds gloves and welding headset immediately, hopping up from where he'd been kneeling next to a project, and makes a bee-line directly for the elevator. He's hardly dressed to entertain anyone, but within his own Tower, there's hardly any reason to do that.

And so it is a somewhat sweaty Tony that emerges from the elevator, rag still in hand wiping down his forearms. The rag gets handed to a security guard as he passes, expression difficult to read on the inventor, as he approaches Pepper and sweeps her into a hug and direct kiss in the middle of the lobby.

Spider-Man has posed:
"No, Peter Parker..." Pete says to the receptionist. The shaggy haired young man is wearing, what to him anyways, looks like business casual clothes. A button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of blue jeans, but seriously people... he isn't wearing his baseball hat! This is a big deal for him and he's trying to look professional. "Yes, like the board game company..." Seriously? How old are these pop culture references?

Peter is here with Kitty, who probably looks a lot sharper than him, trying to convince this woman, maybe she's new! Clearly that has to be it, that he has an appointment with Tony. Which he doesn't, but that's besides the point. "I don't know if he's expecting me, but if you'd just call up you could solve all doubt.." Hands out, glancing over at Kitty beside him with a little frown, "Babe, I need you to pull some of your magic I work here mojo.. I'm looking like an idiot.."

That was happening long before he showed up at Stark Industries.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is wearing a pair of dark slacks and a white blouse, with her Stark Industries badge with the cool holographic picture on a lanyard around her neck. She's mostly hung back to let Peter handle the receptionist. It gives her plenty of time to grin, and quickly suppress said grins whenever Peter looks her way, the mirth replaced with a sympathetic look.

Kitty finally takes a step forward to Peter's side and is about to say something to the receptionist when she spots the pair over across the way. "Peter," Kitty says, motioning over towards where Tony is making up for lost time with Pepper. "Looks like you got lucky," she tells the tousle-haired man before giving the receptionist a smile that suggests Kitty knows she was just doing her job.

She turns towards Tony and Pepper and will walk over towards them assuming Peter is accompanying her as well. "Welcome back, Pepper," Kitty says warmly. They don't know each other exceedingly well, but Pepper handled the hiring for Kitty, and negotiated Janet's 'borrowing' of Kitty from time to time for IT projects.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The rather shaggy haired young man struggling with the receptionist gets a slightly arched brow. Strange. Just about to ask if Tony was in, Pepper pauses behind the pair to see just how this was going to pan out. Which mean, she's basically doing the same thing as Kitty, perhaps even flashing a sideways amused smile about it all. Then the young woman is intervening and Pepper seems content with the mediation, which means she's completely distracted by the time Tony comes out of the elevator. Being swept into his arms, her happy laughter echoes across the often business-hushed lobby full of too much marble and glass not to echo. Her suitcase happily drops. A second later that laugh is cut off by a kiss and she's blushing but she's also wrapping her arms back around his shoulders. So much for the rumors that they had broken things off.

"...Mm... Missed you too. You're paying for the dry cleaning bill on this suit." She teases him, voice trying to be flat and serious but the greeting and how much she's missed him makes it nearly impossible. Even if he's smudged her picture perfect gray suit. And then she remembers there is someone behind them. That distantly familiar, professional voice. They were so not alone. She clears her throat, blushing more..."Miss... Pryde, yes? Thank you."

Iron Man has posed:
"Am I? Making sure I earn that bill, then," Tony teases, promptly placing both hands on the suit around the middle, smirking. No blush from Stark, of course: shameless man. He's playing, but his genuine happiness at seeing Pepper is evident. Tony's often 'happy', but there's a relieved quality to this one, suggesting this isn't just some show in the Lobby: more like that Tony doesn't care who sees him do his thing. And there's a real thing going with Pepper, newspapers aren't glorifying it (although they are calling Pepper all kinds of nasty names, and that can't really be helped).

Tony pivots as Peter and Kitty move toward them, attempting to pull Pepper more sideways against his chest: to stand behind her in continued hug, looking over her shoulder at Kitty's arrival. He's making sure he gets all the grime on Pepper's suit, playfully. "Hey Kitty, Pete," Tony says, upbeat, welcoming. "Here for a meeting?" Tony asks. Because Tony doesn't know either, or keep track of things like that, and they very well could be.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter frowns dramatically when Kitty steps up and immediately makes headway with the receptionist.. "Yeah, that tracks..." He's got the social graces of a salamander, so it likely a surprise to nobody.

Pete clears his throat and rubs at the back of his neck rapidly until Kitty draws his attention over to Tony and Pepper smoochie facing by the elevator. "Whoa... really.. dude where have I even been, I thought..." Nevermind what he thought!

They're coming this way!

Pete tries to smooth his hair back, glancing from Tony, to Pepper, to Kitty, down to his blue jeans. "Sup dad." Up nodding at Tony, he doesn't even try to pretend like he didn't say it. Grinning like an idiot, "Kind of a meeting, yes. Sort of.. We were in the neighborhood and I realized it had been too long since your supervised visitation... so, here I am." Hands out, stepping up like he intends to hug Tony. "Bring it in, Big Guy. Don't be shy."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde greets Pepper and Tony with a smile. One which gets covered up by her hand, along with most of her face, as Peter goes for the bro hug. Kitty's chuckling softly though even as she shakes her head. It's pretty expected by her, at this point, even if she doesn't know exactly what Peter will end up doing.

"I think Peter needed to talk actually," she says. "Only thing I think I have worth mentioning is, Charles passed along confirmation from Wanda that that one visitor truly left, as opposed to lurking about somewhere," she says, keeping the explanation sounding low key enough should anyone nearby overhear.

Kitty crosses her arms and glances at the grease and other material's on Tony's hands. "Working on anything interesting?" she asks. "And how was your trip? I hope it went well?" Kitty asks Pepper. She says nothing of the press coverage of Tony and Pepper. Of course the employees at Stark all were gossiping and following it, though Kitty just usually nods her head and doesn't say much on such things. She already got cornered by every woman on her floor (and a man or two) after Steve Rogers visited her lab some time back. She doesn't need more stories.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"At this rate, you'll be buying me a whole new suit. Did you just ROLL in engine grease for the fun of it?" Pepper teases him gently, but gives a little, almost invisible wiggle touching closer against his hands. This was a side of Pepper Potts utterly no one in the world got to see except this man. And now, of course, his two young associates. "...Miss Pryde, if you tell Danvers anything about this we WILL have a discussion." Pepper couldn't let the universe know she was anything but perfectly business, of course. And she had hired the girl.

She's about to pull away and straighten herself when Tony turns her around and tucks in against her. Another little laugh which she ends with a half huff, trying to sound put out but her heart isn't behind it. She's just tucking happily against him until she heards... Dad.

Dad. Was there something she didn't know? An ex-lover, a hidden divorce? Pepper steps back, finally, to let the two hug and her green eyes flicker between them, a thousand questions behind her gaze that she's too polite to actually ask but Tony would probably catch it. Distractedly, she manages to answer Kitty's questions, "...The trip went quite well. I've got a few new prototypes for Tony to look over that I decided to...deliver personally here. But it's... good to be home..." Her mind is still caught on the kid and Tony, but she manages a side smile for Kitty. Did SHE know about this, Pepper's green eyes ask?

Iron Man has posed:
It takes a lot to phase Tony. Peter's found a way, to get a raise of eyebrows and puzzled stare at Peter. There's a dart of a glance at Pepper. It reads 'I don't know either, do you?'. It's a look that usually comes up when Tony's asked specifics in a meeting he hasn't read the notes on at all: Deal with Astoflux tech? What?

"Everyone here knows shyness is my defining characteristic," Tony retorts though, but reaches across to one of Peter's hug hands, to redirect this into a handshake. He does pull Peter in with that hand, though: Peter can have a sort of awkward half-hug with a clap to the shoulder from Tony. Tony is fully capable of real hugs, so something's up.

"Serious time, though. Are you bringing me Sentinel tech again, or is this more about the otherworldly blue vomit?" Tony asks, with some clear interest, expectant.

"Everything I do is interesting," Tony replies to Kitty evenly, open honesty there. He really does think that. It's probably true: he is Tony Stark. "Sentinel paralyzing cannon, in this case. Long range. Drone carried. I've had enough of them falling on people." Yep.

Spider-Man has posed:
See, there's Tony's first mistake. He forgot how hard a spider is to dislodge once they're engaged in full hug mode. Peter is redirected easily, shifting into the half-hug of awkwardness, but rather than let that be the end of it, he locks in. Wrapping arms around Tony's waist to lay his head upon the Tech mogals shoulder, "You smell like hopes and dreams..."

Then, and only then, does he release. Stepping back a few steps now that he's made it weird to reach over and run his hand along the back of Kitty's shoulder, sliding a little closer beside her. "Ms. Potts... I don't think I've ever had the pleasure, but dang if I'm not a huge fan of yours." Smiling ear to ear, "I'm Peter Parker.. and I'm not really his kid. I mean, I kind of am, right? You know in that every child is Tony Stark's child... or it's five o'clock somewhere.. that sort of thing." Wiggling his free hand.

As to why they're here, Pete shrugs, "It's been a while since I'd come around.. I'd text, but you never answer them."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives a warm chuckle and nods to Pepper. "She won't hear it from me," Kitty promises of telling Carol. Tony's news gets a little bit different reaction. A look of interest even as Kitty glances about, this time assuring no one is in earshot of them as she can't talk as vaguely about this topic.

"Ooo. I do hope that works," she says of the cannon. "I've got some data I'll be sending across to the hub soon as it is done. Someone got hit by three nullifier beams. One first, blocked by protective device, and then two at the same time which burned through. And it resulted in not only being nullified, but some residual radiation infusing the person. Er, me, actually. It faded away after a day or two. So the coma was short lived."

She didn't even submit an out of office notice, either. Though it was over the weekend.

"Anyway, we think it was more the device than some new take on the nullifier. But, I figured the data might be worth it, maybe give more insights versus Sebastion, though he wasn't involved."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Hopes and dreams? Pepper's perfectly plucked brow arches just a bit higher and she's smirking in a way that is clearly bemused. Well, the kid certainly had Tony's sense of humor. And the way that Tony is hugging him... There was something there. Her initial panic still brewing at the back of her head, she forces her shoulders to relax. It was an interesting enough development. And then the kid reassures her he wasn't ACTUALLY Tony's child, and that last bit of breath she was holding releases. She dips in that too-perfect way of a woman who can balance on Gucci heels, bend at the knees, keep her knees together, and scoop up her suit case off the floor without ever bending over in a way that would be considered uncouth. Handle claimed, she then offers her hand to Peter.

"Mr. Parker... You must be something quite special for Tony to... well... " How can she describe the way she knows every inch and tick of Tony's body. "Son or not, clearly you're a part of the Stark Family. Why don't both of you come up, better that we talk company business not in the middle of the lobby and I need to *change*." Tony's getting a sideways look there and another smirk. She nods to Kitty, clearly eager to hear about the business but not right HERE where there are public ears. With that, Pepper confidently leads the way to the lift so JARVIS can sweep them easily upstairs.

Iron Man has posed:
"'Drone Ordinance Paralysis Extension'," Tony shares, while Peter's finishing the hug, to Kitty, about his new project. Tony likes his acronyms, always, particularly if they make the tech sound minor and superfluous. And a dope cannon is funny.

"True. But /JARVIS/ is good with texts, give him a try," Tony parries Peter, with a deep chuckle as the younger man withdraws. Tony's covering up any lag in his response, now: the inventor's quick on the recovery. At least, until Kitty remarks that she was in a coma from being hit by nullifier beams.

"Well, glad you're back with us, and yeah, I want all of that data," Tony agrees firmly about Kitty's experience. From the side of his eye, Tony spots Pepper pick up her briefcase, and he reaches across her to take it from her. "You just got off a plane. Let a gentleman carry that," Tony says, implying himself as the gentleman.

Except that he immediately hands it to a security official to carry for them as he leads the way towards the elevator, in his usual abrupt move of swanning out of a room. "Sure, come on up."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is all fun and games until Kitty mentions the coma.

If there were a light switch and someone had reached out and flipped it bathing them in darkness... the transfer of electricity along the circuit wouldn't be as instantanious as the change in the young mans expression. He's grinning ear to ear at Tony, the name of the Canon specifically, and the fact that an A.I. might text with him, and then he is definitely not smiling anymore.

No, that's not accurate at all.

He looks like he could, would, and wants to destroy.

The muscles of his face stand out against his jaw with teeth clinched so hard that they actually grind. A 'yeeeeeek' sound of teeth against teeth. Head craning, turning, and neck popping. "Yeah." He's been nothing short of wordy since arriving. "We should." Mirroring Pepper's suggestion of getting out of the Lobby.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances over to Peter and catches his change in mood. She gives an inward wince, and her hand drifts over to rest on the small of Peter's back at first. Letting him feel that reminder she's back and fully recovered.

"Sure, going upstairs would be fine," Kitty agrees, moving to the follow the others over to the elevators. Tony hands off the briefcase to one of the security men and the quartet step inside the elevator then, the doors sliding closed and leaving the security men behind.

The security man looks down at the briefcase. "Man I hate being handed things," he comments to his partner on duty.

"Yeah, me too," the other man agrees.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The name of the cannon takes Pepper a moment but then she gives a little sigh. "...A ... Dope cannon, Tony? Really?" She asks as they move into the lift, her smirk still edging on amused but with the touch of a headache. If she had been here, she probably wouldn't have let him get away with that. Probably. The bag is half protested, "But there's... documents... in there." And she sighs. It'll be sent up, no doubt. She gives a little shake of her head but leans her hip against Tony's side as they settle into the elevator.

Kitty is given a longer look in worry as the matter of the coma settles in a bit more to her mind, green eyes tracing over the young woman's face for any other signs of being unwell. It's that worried, motherly look that Pepper pulls off almost too naturally.

Peter's emotional reaction isn't missed either. As the doors swing shut, once they are all in relatively more privacy, she murmurs softly to the young man. "...It doesn't get easier but... it is something you need to get used to. Caring for people like this. They will always be getting into trouble. All we can do is keep the door open, home safe, and get them as much help as we can." Pepper has entirely assumed Peter is a civilian, much like herself, and she knows that worried look too much. Maybe not the anger, but the worry it is from.

Iron Man has posed:
"Really-really," Tony answers Pepper, shameless as always, hooking his arm around her shoulders as she leads in against his side. She fits well there, and he missed her. There's no trace of being embarrassed or hiding his emotions related to Pepper. It's a clear reason for Tony's lack of playboy attitude recently.

"Have you eaten, Pep? Guys? Order something for the group, just ask JARVIS," Tony says. "Let's park you guys in a meeting room; we'll be down shortly. Pepper needs to be cleaned up," Tony asserts. Evidently she's going to need Tony's help with that. The elevator stops on a lower floor.

"Room A-1 is available," JARVIS says out of nowhere in the elevator. "Perfect, sold," Tony says, with a quick smile.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter blows out a long sigh, first when Kitty lays her hand in the small of his back, soothing him and reminding him that she's alive and well. He smiles at her in a way that speaks of deep emotions, things that words don't really express. So he says the only words that can, "I love you." See? He's an adult. He said that infront of his father! So now it's real! Just like Tony being his Dad is real!

Canon now.

The doors to the elevators close and Pepper is there to offer her reassurances and comfort as well. He... doesn't exactly follow what she means at first, but then Tony Stark is Iron Man... and Kitty Pryde is Shadowcat.. and the pieces fit together.

Tony had kept his secret. See? Tony really is his dad.

With a small smile, warm despite the heat of his expression on a few moments before, he nods his appreciation to Pepper. "You know.. you're kind of like my mom, now. So it makes this..." Pointing back and forth between them with alternating fingers, "Is like our first mother-son, buck up soldier, get back on the horse and ride high, conversation.." He pauses a second.

"This is nice."