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Latest revision as of 23:37, 4 October 2019

Rasputin Times Two
Date of Scene: 02 October 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Piotr has returned to the mansion.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Magik, Pixie, Rage

Colossus has posed:
The Uber drops Piotr at the front door, the big man easily pulling his suitcases from the trunk and waving his driver on with a cheerful smile. He takes a moment to give a properly good rating and tip, then looks up and down the mansion. Strange, how it always seems so unchanged. He isn't sure it will ever precisely feel like home - that will always be the small home he shared with his parents and Illyana - but it is close, as close as he can get for now.

He opens the front door and gives out a cheery call, "Hello, Xavier's!" he says. While he is reserved in many ways, he takes joy when joy is worth having and he isn't as shy as some might believe.

He hopes, of course, to see his sister most of all. He has checked in as he could, but his mission was distant and not suitable for easy communication.

Magik has posed:
It's a rare thing anymore that Illyana is seen in the halls of the Mansion. She's heard the whispers and odd looks cast at her from some of the students, the murmured words that she'll steal their soul or cast them to hell.. more so after Kitty's birthday and her threats to Kaydin. It did nothing to settle everyones opinion of her.

Nevermind the breakup.

But today is special for reasons she is not entirely aware of. Something, just a random thought as she sits upon the throne in her dark dimension with her face pushed up against the palm of her hand, draws her to the grounds at that specific moment.

Then, as if she were always there, the white-blonde haired Russian Witch appears like a glitch in the matrix. Opening her pale blue eyes on the towering mansion with her head canting off to one side staring at the archetecture that she knows so well despite how little time she actually spends here.

Hello, Xavier's

Blink. Illyana is not wasteful in motion, but she stands straighter, almost startled, at the sound of that voice. Wide eyes turn slowly, peering out from beneath the straight cut bangs of her hair, to face Piotr. "Piotr?"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus turns his head and breaks into a smile, "Snowflake! Swift as a fox, you are. I suppose it is only to be expected," he smiles. He opens his arms wide and steps towards her, inviting her into his warm and perhaps overlarge embrace.

"Ah, I have missed you! I am sorry I could call so little, the arctic base only had contact with the satellite at inconvenient times. I hope you have been well?" he says.

However others see her, to Piotr, Illyana is always that little girl he grew up with, the blonde angel with the too-bright eyes and the quick fingers, nimble and mischievous. Whatever she has gone through, whatever she's become, he will never judge her and he will always protect her. Anyone who speaks ill of his sister in his presence may find him not to be as gentle a giant as his reputation.

Magik has posed:
Illyana looks star struck at seeing the massive figure of her brother actually standing infront of her. She blinks a few more times, awkward, dark, stand offish and weird.. the usual.. and fidgets a little when his arms open wide. When he refers to her by that name, a smile flickers on, then off, her face like a phantom.

Her throat moves in a long swallow, cold blue eyes shifting over every bit of the big man...

And then she literally runs at him and jumps into his arms with her arms around his neck. "Piotr!" If she were capable of crying, she is just not easily, she probably would be. "I am missing you so! So much is having happened. I want to tell you everything." She squeezes, pale cheek pressed tight against his strong face, "Please do not leave me again."

If anyone were to see it, they likely wouldn't believe it.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus hefts Illyana up easily, almost draping her over his shoulder and laughing, "I will do my best, little one! I have missed you so much, too," he says, stroking her hair and pressing his cheek back against hers.

The embrace lingers for a time, the two siblings simply sharing one another's presence after so long separated. He finally sets her down, "I have no intention of leaving anytime soon, that is for certain. And perhaps, if your training goes well, you can come with me if I ever do a long field mission again. Although I don't know that you would've enjoyed six months in the arctic. Although the dogs were very cute," he says.

"So, how have things been for you? Are you getting along in your classes? Made any friends?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn yawns and stretches as she steps into the foyer, dressed in her team uniform and ready for class. But in her spare period, she was hoping to get in some extra training sessions with Illyana regarding her magic.

Regardless of the fact that things between them were notoriously...Well, bitter. And so she is rather surprised to see Colossus and Illyana having a heartfelt reunion in the foyer. Well, isn't this totally awkward? And heey, is that THE Colossus? one of her biggest heroes of legend?

"Ahh, good morning, are you THE Colossus? This is soo tidy! And, er...Illy..Hello.." her tone towards her frienemy is markedly less enthusiastic.

Magik has posed:
Illyana is gripping colossus neck, dangling from him like an ornamental necklace of creepy white hair and cold eyes, and gushing in the embrace until he finally sets her down. Immediatley she resumes her usual cold exterior, smoothing her shirt, her pants and hair, casting a cold stare around at anyone who might have seen the breach in her otherwise overtly creepy wall of unapproachablity +14 against affection.

"Da.. many things are having happened. I am no longer student.. I do not thinking I am student. I do not take any classes." She settles on that, looking up at her much bigger brother with her expression somewhere between non existant and trying to break into a wide grin. It is an odd flip flopping.

"I do not mind long trips. I spend almost two years in Limbo last week." Her dimensions time motility is very strange.

One small hand reaches out for one of his big fingers. "I made many friends, da...." Enter Megan. At least, enter Illyana being aware of Megan.. She turns then, releasing her brother, and glowering at Pixie. "Megan..." DRIPPING with friendliness. "You are still here.. how good this is to know."

Rage has posed:
Heading out to the foyer is worldwide mutant celebrity and current princess of pop, Andrea. Her status as a student in Xavier's is a secret to the world, but her presence amongst the students isn't. She's wearing a baggy off the shoulder Xavier's sweat shirt and a pair of jeggings, looking comfortable with damp hair from a shower. As she spies the gathering, she slows down a few steps in her usual confident and quick paced walk. "Oh. Hey Mister Rasputin. Welcome home." She says to the large man, eyes trailing over towards Illyana cautiously. She has heard the rumors, not that she 'believes' all of them, but she will maintain a respectful distance. "Hey Meg." She says to Pixie.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus gets a slightly skeptical look on his face, "Not a student anymore? Do you think you have learned all there is to learn? Because I am doubting of that," he says. He won't press her about her education right away, though. This isn't the time and he'd like to consult with the teachers before trying to figure out the full state of his sister's academic future.

"I am not sure it is wise for you to spend such great stretches of time in Limbo. That place isn't safe or kind, not to you, not to anyone. I would rather you be a citizen of this world rather than that one," he says. He's not too harsh about it, though - again, he is far too pleased to see her to spend too much time fussing over details that can be attended later.

To Megan, he gives a smile and a nod, "Piotr Rasputin, at your service, young lady. And you as well," he adds to Andrea. "I am always happy to meet friends of my sister."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grimaces at Illyana. "Well. Of *course* I'm still here, still alive and kicking." she smirks, "I see you are, too.." Hmm, maybe she wont have to do another totally gruelling magic lesson with Illy today. "Wow, so you know Colossus?" they seem to be rather close. Wait. They share the same last name, don't they. Does that make them...? Oh GREAT. Isn't that swell?

"Oh." she laughs nervously at the ironic realization. "You two must be siblings! How..Nice." turning to Colossus, she beams, bowing to him slightly, "Very nice to meet you, Mister Rasputin. Umm, I've always been one of your biggest fans..You're soo amazing! Umm..Err..My name is Megan. Megan Gwynn." The word 'friend' causes her to cringe a little, laughing nervously, "Well..I wouldn't exactly call us...Friends...."

Fortunately Andrea makes an entrance then, and she relaxes, smiling and waving to her. "Andreaa! Hiii! How you been?" Megan is herself, for the most part, looking a little bruised, one of her wings a bit singed and crinkled at the tip due to a recent gruelling training session in the danger room. What fun.

Magik has posed:
Illyana, with people appearing out of the wood works, retreats behind her walls. Her expression grows distant and she remains close to Piotr as the big X-Man is slowly getting surrounded by well wishers. "Nyet, I do not thinking I am learning everything.." She says in a quiet voice, looking down at her feet when Andrea skirts around her with cautious eyes cast in the Queen of Limbo's direction. "I do not disagree, but is not so easy to do." To her brother about staying away from Limbo. "The longer I am gone, the more dangerous it becomes there. It needs Queen... I am Queen... Otherwise is chaos. That spills over. Everything is balancing."

Eyes /fix/ on Megan. "Da, I know him. He is brother of mine. Illyana /Rasputin./ Which you would knowing if you pay attention to /anything/ not 'there'..." She points one long finger at Pixie's nose. Squinting pale eyes. "Piotr, this is Megan. She is... trying to learning magic from me." Glancing up at him, "I want to be teacher of magic at school. They keep saying no."

Rage has posed:
As she takes Megan's side, Andrea folds her arms over chest. "Megan is plenty smart and she's a great team member. Don't rip on her." There is a rumble in her throat, feral, on edge. There is a layer of agitation boiling beneath the surface of her skin. Letting out a heavy breath, she bumps her shoulder against Megan's gently in support.

"It's good to have you back." She says to Peter. "I hope to take a final art class of yours before I graduate this year. I appreciated the help you gave me last year. It helped with some projects of mine."

Colossus has posed:
Colossus watches the interactions between the girls, "I know it can be difficult to work together. Xavier's is a place where many different people come together, from many different backgrounds. Still, it behooves us to try and be open and kind to one another, da?" he says, looking back and forth between Illyana and the others while patting his sister on the shoulder.

"I am not sure magick should be a widely taught subject. It is very dangerous and not, perhaps, for young people. You only learned it because you had no choice," he says. "And I understand your responsibilities, but it is my place to try and keep your feet on the ground. Limbo is chaos because that is its nature. You can care about its well-being if you like, but I will always put your welfare first and foremost, Illyana."

He nods to Andrea, "I will try to take up classes again soon, so long as it fits within the curriculum the others have set. I do miss working with students," he says.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams at Andrea, another fan of hers, and one who is becoming a good friend as well. "Thanks, Andrea." she offers her a grateful smile, before glancing back at Illyana, meeting her eyes with a silent glare of her own.

But Piotr is here, and she is determined to impress her Hero. "Actually, I think she'd be a great magic teacher. She's been teaching me lots of useful spells and wards. She's surprisingly very talented and knowledgable, but..I suppose you're right. Magic is a dangerous subject and shouldn't be taken lightly." Megan sighs, adding quietly, "I guess...In my case, I didn't really have a choice.."

Magik has posed:
Illyana remains by her brother, glowering more now that Andrea has taken Megan's side in their squabbling, "Who are you?" She asks pointedly to this newest face, "Besides someone who is minding someone elses business?" Her arms cross over her chest, "My issues with Megan are ours. If she cannot standing up for herself, then I do not think you being there defending her will help."

Then Piotr speaks up and she looks down at her feet. "Da." She agrees, lips pressed into a purse. She is definitely not pouting.

She is glaring at Megan though. Over the top of her nose, "Against better judgement." Quietly said about teaching her. "She is good student." Added begrudgingly. Fidgeting a little beneath so much attention.

Rage has posed:
There is a visible frown upon Andrea's face as she stares at Illyana. "My name is Andrea Jackson. I go by the code name of Rage." She says as she folds her arms over her chest. "I am a member of the New Mutants and Megan's teammate." She shifts her jaw to the side, baring her teeth briefly for a moment as her lips curl back ferally. Her stance is confident, protective as she stands next to the shorter girl. Her eyes trail to Piotr for a moment, then cracks her neck to one side.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus regards Andrea levelly, "If your powers is in your rage, that is all well and good. But we do not do violence upon one another here, except in training. I do not know how much things have changed since I was last here, but 'flexing' at one another is inappropriate. If you have a problem with my sister, I suggest you seek mediation. Violence will not be tolerated," he says firmly.

"Illyana is mercurial, yes, but her heart is good. She has seen evils and suffered things that I would not wish on our worst enemies," he says, giving Illyana a supportive squeeze on the shoulder. "I know that I am biased. But if she is difficult to get along with, I would ask for your compassion. She has had to be harsh in order to survive," he says.

"And you, snowflake, you, too, could try, perhaps, a little harder to be nice to your classmates. I, too, had trouble at times understanding my new teammates when I first arrived. But some have become the closest friends I have known, men and women in whom I would and have trusted my life. I do not know that these can be the same for you...but I am saying that you can never know for sure."

He sighs, "Oh, I have some souvenirs for you, Illyana. Things from Santa's workshop! I was at the North Pole, after all."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns, still glaring at Illyana, folding her arms now. "This is Andrea, and she's my friend. Friends stick together, they don't..." well, she was gonna say something else more biting, but Colossus' peace-making words really get to her, and she holds her tongue. "Well, I can totally defend myself..But I appreciate knowing you've got my back, Andrea." She offers Andrea a thankful smile, although her gaze upon Illyana has not warmed any. However, Megan IS rather caught off-guard by Illyana's unexpected praise however, even getting ready for round too.

"And...! Uh..Really? You think so? Er..Thanks?" she pauses, considering that. "You know...Piotr might be right about it being dangerous to teach *practical* magic to most students..But you could probably teach 'em magic theory and history. Afterall, there are times we might go up against magic users and it would be useful information to know, how to defend against them, what to expect. Hey, if you need a reference, I'd be happy to vouch for you!"

Maybe it's simply her desire to impress two of her biggest heroes that are standing in the room right now..Or maybe she just knows to give honest praise where it's due.

Magik has posed:
"Cute." Illyana is unamused by Andrea's bared fangs, "I am also New Mutant and teammate to Megan. My difference with her is none of your business and is having nothing to do with my ability to cooperate with her in the field..." Her pale-blue eyes set upon Rage, "But if you are intent on your current path, I must warn you, I am a monster and I do bite. If you are trying to making me scared, you are fai-" Swiftly cut off by the elder Rasputin beside her.

She takes in a long breath and looks up at her much bigger brother... Blinking a few times in his direction. "Okay, Piotr..."

Then, with squinting eyes... "I am Illyana Rasputin. I am called Magik, Queen of Limbo." One smaller, long fingered hand extends out towards Andrea. "Megan is my friend.. I giving her hard time because we having difficulties in past. You do not have to show your teeth.. my brat dorogoy is correct. We are same side." She's trying very hard.

Watching Megan, she nods once, hard, "Da. Magical theory."

Rage has posed:
Giving a glance to Megan, Andrea scrunches her nose up, then lets out a low breath. There is still a rumble in her chest as she unfolds her arms to let them swing at her sides. She curls an arm about Megan's shoulders, leaning into her a bit for a moment after a comforting squeeze.

Taking Illyana's hand, she gives it a firm squeeze and a shake. "Nice to meet you." She says, cooling off a bit as she lets out a slow breath from between her lips. Once she lets go, she shoves her hands into her pockets, still standing straight, proud, confident.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus smiles as he turns around with a small sack in his hand, "You see? It is so much better to be friends," he says. He reaches in and pulls out a little plush elf in a green outfit, the one who dreamed of being a dentist with his big eyes and blonde hair. He has a candy cane shaped like a dental pick.

"Perhaps you can share the chocolates with your friends. American chocolate is garbage," he says conspiratorially.

"I would not be opposed to you teaching magick if you are assigned an appropriate mentor to oversee you. If you wish, I will advocate for you with the administration," he says to Illyana. "As long as you remain on your best behavior and, perhaps, reconsider attending a few classes?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Andrea, "You're pretty awesome, y'know that? I'm glad you've got my back." her voice is lowered a bit, just for her to hear as she leans in against her. megan is pretty relieved that Piotr is here to calm things down. His paradoxical strength paired with his calm demeanor is what she always admired about him. "Thanks for that, Piotr. Your words of wisdom always hit the right spot.."

She beams, although she is taken quite by surprise at Illyana's words. "R-really? You consider me a friend? I mean..All we do is fight all the time.." but, heck, maybe that makes them closer friends than she thought. "Oh no! I'm late for class!" she glances at her watch in panic, "Sorry, gotta go!" and she dashes off.

Magik has posed:
Illyana reaches up for both the chocolates and the plushie. The latter of which she clutches to her chest, tucking her chin against it until she realized she's done that infront of people... At that point she tries really hard to look nonchallant. "Da, I will sharing chocolates." Looking between the two girls... she suddenly juts it out in their direction. "Here." Rather curtly. "Eat chocolate..."

Not the plushie though.

Nope. That's hers.

Still, there's only so much she can keep up the act and turns rather sharply to hug her brother. "Ya tak rad, chto ty vernulsya..."

Rage has posed:
"Thank you. I'll just take one. I'm on a strict calorie count for my regiment." Andrea says as she plucks one out of the box, tucking it into her pocket since it's wrapped. When megan heads off, she shifts her weight a bit, then clears her throat. ".. So, I'm going to go too. I was just on my way out for a walk anyways. Enjoy the bonding." She says to the siblings as she starts off, brushing her hair away from her face as she strides down through the room. "Dasvidaniya." She calls over her shoulder.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus slides an arm around his sister, murmuring to her in Russian, <I am sorry if things have been hard for you, Illyana. I am here now. Things will be better.> he murmurs softly.

"I have been isolated for some time. I do not know how swiftly I will bring myself back amongst the X-men. But my suspicion is quickly. Things are never quiet for long around here, da?" he says.

"Beyond your prickly interactions and your questionable schooling, I hope things are well. I know you mentioned spending time in Limbo lately. Do I need to be aware of threats from there? How are you handling your...?" he says, obliquely referring to the darkness that sometimes manifests in his sister.

Magik has posed:
Illyana slowly peels herself off of her brother and instead clutches the plushie he'd given her to her chest, not terribly unlike a child. "Da, I know.. I am trying very hard to fitting in.." Her english is not really improved much, but in all technicality, she's still eleven and has only been away from Russia for two years. Most of current 18-20 physical years were spent speaking a completely different, entirely unwholesome language.

"Nyet... Things are not so good for me, but it is going to be." She looks down away from the big russian with a tiny frown on her pale face. "It is not something we are needing to talking about right now, though. You are only just home and I do not want you bogged down with this.." She looks up and to the side, "I am spending much more time with Rogue and K-..." Her lips press into a thin line, eyes flickering towards her brother.

"Is Katya knowing you are home?"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus shakes his head, "I have not talked to her yet. Or in some time," he says. "I hope that she is well. I am glad she has kept you under her wing. She is a wise and gentle person."

And that's all he'll say about that for the moment.

"You are right. We do not need to gush our whole lives to one another here in the foyer, like chattering birds," he smiles. "As I said, I am here to help you. When you need me, simpy say so. But neither will I force my help upon you. I know that I can be a mother hen."

He bends and kisses the top of her head, "But this is a good place for us. And as you say - things will get better. Especially now that I am home."

Magik has posed:
Illyana clutches the plushie to her chest tighter when her brother bends to kiss the top of her head. There's clearly something she wants to tell him, possibly something she feels like she /needs/ to tell him, but she doesn't. Instead she looks up at him with her pale blue eyes and nods, "Da, is true. We having time... but.. things are different with Katya. I do not wanting you to..." She sighs softly and shakes her head.

"Rogue is saying I should get room at Mansion. I do not having anywhere to live on Earth anymore." She says quietly, brushing her lips against the plushie or it against them anyways, "I think I will do this now. I want to be nearer to you, Piotr. I... I lost many years to... I am sorry." Stepping backwards, blinking where it's clear her eyes are welling up.

"I will let you get unpacked. Maybe we can have dinner and talk more when you are unpacked?"

Colossus has posed:
Colossus nods softly, "I have no expectations of her, just as she has none of me, I am sure," he says. "People change, as time goes on. It is so with all of us," he says.

"And yes, I concur, a room of your own would be good. Even better if you were to have a roommate, a friend you could rely upon. And you have nothing for which to be sorry. That you have survived, that you are alive and breathing and where I can hug you and hold you, is a thing for which I will be forever grateful. I had thought you lost, after all, snowflake, once upon a time," he says with a hint of sadness, the memory of that sorrow, that despair, still lingering on him.

"Yes, we will talk later. You know it will take me a little while to organize my closet. My clothes take up so much room," he says with a wink.