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Latest revision as of 23:38, 4 October 2019

Membership Requirements are Strict
Date of Scene: 04 October 2019
Location: Hellfire Club - Manhattan
Synopsis: Namorita negotiates an invitation to interview with Emma Frost for the Hellfire Club.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Namorita

Emma Frost has posed:
    Discreet. Discression. Secrecy. Ears without a mouth. This club is many things to many people, but one thing it is to everyone, is silent. The Hellfire Club is the hushest secret. Real business happens in this place. The movers and shakers come to real conclusions and influencers are born and die in this place.

    Emma sits in her office, a sterile room made up of brushed metals, fogged glass and white cushions. The White Queen sits at her desk, a top that plunges below her neck line showing off the swells of her chest as she sits and reads her tablet with the blazer she was wearing hanging from the rack behind her. "Welcome dear." Emma begins with her icy eyes looking to Namorita and she flashes a smirk briefly, "I hope you've gathered by now what we have planned for someone such as yourself."

Namorita has posed:
    Namorita Prentiss isn't just anyone, of course. As CEO of Oracle, Inc, she has access to a significant portion of Prince Namor's vast resources. Not to mention that, as his cousin, she has significant influence with the King of Atlantis himself. It took time to even cultivate an invitation to meet the White Queen that is Emma Frost. Not that Nita would know her by such a title, of course.

    Nita enters the office with the soft clicking of heels. The low pumps give her ankle wings plenty of freedom and the short skirt shows off her long, bare legs. A double-breasted blazer is worn over a low-cut cami, showing off more than would be considered professional in most circles. Everything is in shades of blue and green and aqua, the woman's long blonde air flowing loosely to her waist and pulled back to expose those pointed ears.

    Nita has been intimidated by some of the best, and meets those blue eyes with an even gaze of her own. "Thank you, Ms. Frost." she replies. "And I do understand that there will be a necessary, introductory period."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma looks up from her tablet and her piercing eyes level upon Namorita and she nods softly with a lift of a single eyebrow. Then the soft face of Emma breathes faintly and she gives a soft question, "What are you expecting to get from dealing with us?" Emma asks, lifting her fingers to lace with each other and then rest on her lap as she leans back to wait and receive Namorita's response.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita lifts an arched brow at the question, keeping her stance both casual and ready. A fighter's stance. Fingers lace together before her and she watches the other woman's every move. "I know only a little about your organization, and I feel that is by your design. The Hellfire Club has a long history, at least by human standards. And one does not need to read very far to see that history is full of influence as well." She pauses, then, shifting her weight. "I have influence in the seas. You have influence here on land. I know that one does not approach your organization without having something to offer."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Cutting to the chase Emma lifts her second eyebrow before resetting both back to normal and asksing, "What do you offer the Hellfire Club?" Emma asks rather forwardly, as this isn't the time for cunning and coersion. She's not on the usual clock she would be for the Club, not at this moment. No she's working on expanding her and this woman's influence.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita's gaze narrows a touch at the question. "I have already spoken about my influence." she replies. "I expect that you are aware of my abilities as well, but I can show you if you wish. I am Atlantean and a hybrid. As an Atlantean, I am significantly stronger than even most of your mutants. And as a hybrid, I can breathe both air and water."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "These are things I am already aware of Namorita." Emma explains as she unlaces her fingers before she places them on the arms of her chair, looking in control as though she truely was a queen.

    "What kinds of interacts and expectations do you have of yourself and of the club itself?" Emma asks, trying to get to what Namorita might be doing as an employee and as a part of the white court of the hellfire club. What is she willing to do and capable of morally.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita shrugs a little at the question, giving a nod as Emma's answer clarifies the expectations into her own background. Of course the Club would be well aware of her history and capabilities. She regards the woman behind the desk for a moment, then takes a step closer.

    Nita leans forward, her six foot frame a few inches taller in those heels. She rests both hands on the desk, meeting Emma's eyes with her own as blazer and cami dip lower. "You are asking what I am willing to do for the club? In this role? Of this, I will only say that I do not suffer the same moral boundaries as humans."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I did not expect you to, I just need clarification of what your boundaries are. I do not need you getting hung up or offending a client." Emma explains. "We try to match our clients with the best possible date or situation for the evening for not only maximum profit but for maximum return clients." Emma further divulges. She's not here to be polite, she's here to learn the worlds secrets and use that for her own goals and desires.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita rises slowly at that, hands finding her hips once more. Clients? Dates? Yes, this is beginning to sound like something she's familiar with. "You know of my history, I expect. I protested the Vietnam War and I have been a long-time supporter of women's rights." Her weight shifts again. "That being said, I know what is expected of me in this role that we are discussing."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Trust me, I understand where you are coming from. I am only the second female in a position of true power within this organization, but things have changed greatly since I've risen within the ranks." Emma explains, leaning back further in her chair, allowing her figure to show through the way that her top falls against her. "I aim to have more women in positions of power here shortly, this is why I have arranged for this interview." Emma shows a hint of her hand to Namorita.

Namorita has posed:
    And Nita likes what she hears, most certainly. It doesn't take a psychic to read the tall blonde's body language, or note the way her full lips twitch into a smile. Folding arms over her chest, she shifts her weight once more and lets her gaze shift downward from Emma's face. "Then you have both my attention and my interest." she replies simply.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "And you have had mine for a while Namorita." The White Queen quips and continues to stare at her interview. "I'm still waiting to hear what things you will and wont do?" Emma adds, still curious what Namorita can really contribute to the Hellfire Club.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita lifts a blonde brow at the question, then laughs softly. "Would you like for me to answer in order of the Seven Deadly Sins or the Ten Commandments?" she replies. "I will not do anything without a good reason, and I am not one to blindly obey orders. If you are looking for just another soldier, then I'm not your girl. I follow my passion, mostly for preserving the environment. And once I commit to a cause I am loyal to it. This you can count on."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I understand these qualities Namorita, what I am inquiring about is your aptitude for certain proclivities and activities with and for men. As an employee of the Helfire Club I need to know what you are comfortable doing. We're giving you access and means to protect whatever it is you deam important, but I need to know where best to use you as a part of this environment." Emma notes again. She needs to hear the words.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita chuckles softly at the clarification, and she relaxes noticeably. "So you're asking what I'm willing to do and not willing to do with a man?" she rephrases. "As I said before, I do not suffer the same moral boundaries as humans. I have had many lovers over the years, in many different situations. When I said I follow my passions, it was also in a literal sense." She pauses for a moment, then adds. "If the Club needs for me to escort or entertain a client for the good of the Club, then I will do whatever it takes."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "That is the general foundation of this club and how it works. We expect you to be discreet, and thorough of your 'dates'." Emma explains, lacing her fingers once more and placing them back in her lap. "We need you to be at your client's whims and know that they can ask for any number of things. From a simple date out in public, to wanting someone to simply cuddle with in bed to far far more extreme services." The white queen notes. "That is where we will start Namorita if you are open to it." She states, waiting.

Namorita has posed:
    The Atlantean woman actually pauses for a moment as Emma laces fingers together and spells things out more clearly. She reviews in her mind what is at stake and the opportunity with the Hellfire Club. The blonde woman gives a single, curt nod and then replies. "I am open to this." she replies. Yes, this is why she's come this far in the first place. She smiles. "If this is how the club works, then this is where I am willing to start. Yes, Ms. Frost. I'm your girl."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma conceals her smile rather expertly as she stands to her feet and pulls out a single black business card. She extends it across the desk towards Namorita and holds it out for the woman. Black on one side white on the other. The White Queen then goes on to explain, "This is a voucher for wardrobe at our personal tailor. He's in the old town but he does great work. Go there, get yourself some work clothes. He'll be waiting for you there." Emma explains and then sits back down and turns her attention back to the tablet.

Namorita has posed:
    Nita picks up the card, turning it over delicately in her long, dexterous fingers. "Interesting." she replies. "I will go to see him today, then. Thank you for this opportunity, Ms. Frost." While Nita is certainly the taller of the two, there is a *presence* about this woman in white which somehow fills the office more completely. And with that, the meeting is apparently over. Nita turns towards the door.