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HFC: Royals
Date of Scene: 02 October 2019
Location: Hellfire Club - Manhattan
Synopsis: Lorna takes her first steps into the HFC with her father and Emma Frost
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Polaris, Magneto

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma leans against the back of her chair before the changing room, hidden deep within the gentleman's club that is merely a front for the Manhattan branch of the Hellfire Club. With her own proper attire worn of course, Emma holds a champagne flute in her off hand while the empty rests at her lap and she lowers the crystal from her matte red painted lips. She's got skin showing in all the right places, the corset lifting and firming her assets while the thong she wears is creaseless. The gloves and boots look as if they were almost painted on, the White Queen lives up to her name. "Lorna, it shouldn't take that long to put something on, come out and put on a show. Don't fret, it's just us girls back here." Emma smirks around her glass.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna wasn't particularly pleased with the outfit that Emma had put together for her this time, comparatively the last one had been downright //conservative// by measure. She muttered and adjusted the fabric over her chest again. "The Queen of England doesn't have to dress like this to get business deals, Emma. I only agreed to all of this so I could get to those back door deals and power and shit that you promised. You didn't say jack all about dressing like I'm going to some cheap club." She shot back, stepping out from behind the thick velvet drapery that covered the door to the changing room.

The Princess of Genosha wore a 'shirt' of solid white material that was more of two strips of cloth angling down in a blazer like fashion around the collar and ending in a deep, plunging V-neck style. The edges were trimmed in gold, and looped around her neck in a halter-top like fashion. A pair of short shorts, and high lacing heels completed the look. Though there was plenty of matching golden metal that looped around her waist in a chain belt, and dangled from her wrists, and ears to match. Her long green hair hung free down her back and she pushed it back with a sharp look aimed at Emma.

Magneto has posed:
     The Hellfire Club, where movers and shakers worldwide gather to perform deals and manipulate the world to its will. Their dress code was...esoteric, to be honest.

  A portal opens and out from it steps Magneto, dressed in appropriate attire for someone of his status in the Hellfire Club. Black spit-polished shoes, white slacks, clean and crisp, a white vest, an ascot covering his skin underneath the silken ruffled shirt, white of course, and an immaculate white tailcoat, every piece bespoke to his exact measurements. And topping all of this adventure in monochrome: his helmet, deep aubergine accented with crimson around his face. Even in the garish garb, the man radiated power.

  Gloves of white reach out to the White Queen. "Emma, darling." He says with a smile, before noticing Lorna's appearance, raising his brows in admiration. "Lorna..." He comments, like seeing her take her first steps into a bold new world.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma doesn't even flinch at the portals appearance and the unknown form coming through tends to mean one person with one specific piece of armor. Emma turns her head and opens her eyes slowly, "Erik, how perfect of your sense of timing." The White Queen stands as she is helped up by Erik, her hand dropping to her side while her other hand holds her flute up still near her breast.

    With a motion towards Lorna, Emma gives a cockeyed grin for a brief moment before explaining, "I have given Lorna a set of clothes to show off her assets as well as getting her into the Club, and my true intentions were just about to be unveiled to the princess." Emma explains, allowing Erik to fill her in if he can.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna felt the displacement in the magnetic fields before the portal fully opened, and she was left standing there with her arms crossed and her hip cocked, looking completely and utterly annoyed with the situation at hand. Particularly as Emma didn't even bat an eye at her grumblings. She scowled, her green eyed gaze swinging from Emma back to her father has he fully emerged from the portal in question in complete formal wear.

"If your intent is for me to work a street corner, I think the outfit really helps sell that." She snarked, her eyebrows shooting upward as she glanced to her father and waved a hand in his direction. "I call compete and utter bull that my father can wear that and it's considered 'acceptable' for me to wear this." She thumbed the edge of her shoulder strap, her gaze returning to Emma with a quirked eyebrow.

Her lips pursed into a thin line and she returned her focus to her father. "Hello, father. I look ridiculous."

Magneto has posed:
     As Emma stands up, Erik motions a kiss to her cheek in a European greeting. "Assets, yes. Not to mention she is a princess of a country, and a legacy." Erik looked somewhat amused at Emma's plan for his daughter.

  To Lorna, Magneto turns and comments. "You stand in the same presence as Emma Frost, one of, if not the most powerful businesswoman on this planet. And trust me when I say: the dress code -used- to be much more ridiculous. Just thank the sands of time that furs and jodhpurs have fallen so far out of fashion."

  Magneto saunters to Lorna's side and reaches out to her for an embrace. "You look powerful. You'll have everyone eating from your hand in there."

  As far as Emma's true plan, Erik allows the White Queen the honors of divulging her plans.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "We could always get you a proper corset and intimate wear." Emma says with a look to Lorna as if she was looking at a piece of meat hanging from a hook and being graded. "This is about as conservative as we get here at the Hellfire Club, Lorna. And no, I would never allow a Legacy to work a street. Not you. Not with your heritage." Emma says with an approving glance from Lorna to Erik himself.

    She allows Erik to kiss her cheek as she motins to the same against his helmet thought it feels disingenuous, as most of Emma's dealings are. "Lorna, you're being fast forwarded to an entry level position within the inner circle my dear. You're going to be the White Bishop. For now." Emma smirks towards Lorna.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna reached up as her father approached to return the hug, winding her magnetic fields with his in a tight, self conscious grip. Almost like a child reaching for her parent's hand when crossing the street. (Which if so, Lorna held her father's in a death grip of magnetic powers.) Even as she let her arms fall away and shot her father a look of disbelief regarding the dress code. She was about ready to throw her hands up and storm out, that much was clear by her expression alone. As thunderous as it appeared with her furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips.

Her gaze tracked to Emma, and she exhaled a sharp breath. "I don't want to have my position given to me simply because of my ties to my father. Though I am aware that people will associate us regardless.. I want whatever I have here to be //earned//. Under my own work." She settled her hand on her hips, trying to stifle her surprise at Emma's announcement about the Inner Circle with her irritation at the situation instead.

Magneto has posed:
     The magnetic fields twine together, and Erik doesn't let go. It was strong, but then again that is what two years of intense study under Magneto will do.

  Erik raises his brow at the mention of Emma's plan. He didn't explain to Lorna what the significance of the Black and White Courts were other than titles. He didn't even explain what his was much less inner circle dealings.

  "That is quite the undertaking for a new member, but as I told you, Lorna. You have powerful connections in our club. Members of the white court, including myself."

  The White King gave a wry smile from behind the helmet. "Remember dear, I was not the one who involved you. Merely your second sponsor. As far as the court assignments go, it seems the White Queen has spoken. Regardless of what the White King had in mind." He says slyly at Emma, he didn't mind at all at the assignment.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma shakes her head and steps up, moving to put herself between father and daughter with her hand on her hip and the other still holding the crystal. "No no, you heard her Erik. She wishes to /earn/ her way into the back rooms. She wishes to work in the club for a minimum of five years before being given the privilege of working as a girl in the employ of one of the courts. We'll see you as a member of the working courts in maybe a decade." Emma says, turning to look at Erik.

    The look on Emma's face doesn't tell Erik much, but she is trying to call Lorna's resolve and bluff if it is. No, Emma's willing to let the princess work as an upper echelon stripper for high brow politicians and executives because why wouldn't she.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna looked between her father and Emma, her gaze rapidly shifting between the two in utter confusion. She wasn't aware of what it had meant she'd spoken, how could she? She'd only gotten the bare bones of what the Hellfire Club entailed from Emma. That the rich and famous networked and deals were made in the backrooms of power there. That her father was involved, and that she could make things happen if she agreed to join.

She had. But beyond that she'd little inklings with that it all meant.

Much less her father's actual position. She blinked repeatedly at her father, her eyebrows furrowing sharply. "Father, what.." She trailed off as Emma edged between her and Magneto, her hands falling to her sides.

"What? A decade? That's ridiculous. This... whole thing is ridiculous. I want to work toward forwarding Genosha's standing, not ..." She made a frustrated sound at the back of her throat. Frustration evident in her bearing and tone, her gaze darting about toward the door and it was clear within the next breath or two, the Princess of Genosha intended on storming out.

Magneto has posed:
     Erik reached for his helmet, removing it and clutching it under his arm. "I warned you, Lorna. This is not your usual dealings with politicians and businesses magnates." He holds the door by the knobs, curling their poles to effectively lock in place. "In this place, your connections are -everything-. Like in the greater world. It is not what you know, it is -who- you know. You say you want to forward Genosha's standing, the quickest, most effective way to do such is exactly what you're being offered. You can play the hand you're dealt, or you can scrape by, working for decades to make your inroads without so much as a schilling for your efforts."

  He was verbally finger wagging, but he had a reputation to uphold. "You call it ridiculous, but this is the reality of the situation you find yourself in. You have the tools to do exactly what you want, are you really going to throw them away merely because they're branded Magneto?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had whipped around and was already headed toward the door, to the exit. She was frustrated, once more by the walls blocking her paths to success. Nothing it seemed, was a simple as she'd been lead to believe. Not even this. Her irritation was clear, her temper short, and she yanked hard on the doorknob only to find it shut against her as solidly as if she were just a simple human.

Her green eyes flashed and she shoved with her magnetic fields against her father's grip, like a child throwing a tantrum and screaming and kicking. Her head listed forward against the door, and her breath escaped her in a short burst of an exhale as her father spoke. Her anger rioting hotly in her chest. She twisted around, her cheeks coloring as she struggled to reign in her temper. It was only from the past year or two of working with Genosha's politics that she didn't scream, didn't shout, or stamp her feet. Though her whole frame vibrated with the need to lash out with her irritation.

"I would have appreciated, a great deal more warning." She managed, her voice carefully collected, restrained. Even if the magnetic fields around her were sharply coiled back around her. Tightly wrapped around her person and withdrawn. A sure sign to her father that she was falling back on her training. Her gaze snapped back to Emma, her hands carefully held at her sides.

"What else do I have to know before I go forward here, exactly?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "That this is a place of entitlement, where money is important, but power is the currency that is traded and valued most in here." The White Queen says. "This is a place of extravagance and decadence. Only recently are women allowed to speak in the inner circle and very few have been granted that privilege, and you, you are about to be one." Emma sighs softly as she extends her hand towards Lorna. "It's not a pleasant place for us, but that's why Erik and I need you here. Lorna." Emma notes.