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City Fall: Fallout
Date of Scene: 06 October 2019
Location: A New York apartment complex and rooftop
Synopsis: Doctor Octopus fights his way out of a failed negotiation with New York gangsters, only to run into Morrigan and Spawn for yet /another/ fight. A multi-limbed duel ensues, with Morrigan spectating.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Octopus, Morrigan MacIntyre, Spawn

Doctor Octopus has posed:
With the Foot clan in control of a good portion of the underworld of the Tri-State areas, resistance has come up here and there. Not everyone is interested in playing ball with a tyrant when the whole reason they got into the criminal lifestyle was the freedom it affords in the first place.

Then, there are those who simply have no interest whatsoever in bowing to a 'superior'. Doctor Octopus is among both camps, and has been working on building a coalition of resisting underworld groups to fight back against the Foot clan and their Shredder.

Unfortunately, one such meeting has gone south, with the gang in question trying to impress their Foot masters by taking Otto in.

As Morrigan walks by the apartment complex, guns start to fire, followed very shortly by the screams of humans. Pedestrians on the street around her suddenly run.

Just another day in New York, really... with all the underworld violence lately.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Doctor Morrigan McIntyre is someone that ventures into seedy places that she shouldn't be all the time. And now ninety percent of the time something awful will happen. Today seems to be looking up though as the woman is heading down the stairs of an apartment building across the street. The woman's eyes are covered by sunglasses given her dual nature and the sun hating her.

The sound of gunfire makes the red head immediately run to duck behind a car and her hand goes for the knife that she carries on her. Because that is the best thing to have in the middle of a gunfight?

No, no it is not. The violet eyed woman takes a moment to peek over the side of the car to see what is going on. Maybe the Punisher was taking out another gang?

Doctor Octopus has posed:
In a city this weird, it's certainly possible...

But it isn't what's happening here. Morrigan will eventually confirm with her own eyes a metallic grey 'tentacle' gripping a human as it and the human go right through a window, and then the tentacle /tosses/ the person down to the ground, impacting against the top of the car (screaming all the while), before the tentacle withdraws back into the complex window.

More gunfire and screams... and then a tentacle comes out of that window. Then another. Another. Yet another. Four tentacles grab onto the sides of that wall, and out comes a brown haired man in safety glasses, suspended by them.

Doctor Octopus sits suspended in midair, supported by the tentacles harness around him, as he surveys the inside, then the outside.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes go wide when she sees everything that is going on. She gives a look to the window that gets the tentacle and the human through it and the rain of shards that come down. Then there's the wall getting torn down and the woman decides that it's not a good idea to stay where she is anymore.

She takes a quick look around, trying to decide which way to go. But when debris starts going her way she takes the quick action to run to the left. Trying to keep her head down just in case the arms pull another wall down. The bright hair is a give away though.

The gunfire is the least of her concerns at the moment, getting crushed by a wall or worse is higher. She makes it to another car for cover, this one not as nice as the last one. She puts her back against the side of the car and brings her hands up to concentrate. Seeing if she can focus for a moment.

Doctor Octopus has posed:
Most of the pedestrians are gone by now... which is unfortunate for Morrigan, because it means that she's the closest person available to grab.

One of the tentacles impaled into the wall next to him suddenly pulls out of it and rapidly extends towards Morrigan as the other three start to 'run' along the side of the building, towards her, to get that tentacle wrapped around her waist as quickly as possible.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the rather empty street and then to herself, well, she had a guard up. The purplish energy pulsing between her hands. She'd have to tell Hogarth about this!


Not if she was dead! "Oh, shite..." the Irish woman bares her teeth, incisors snapping in a angry motion. She wasn't going to bite anything. She tries to tuck and roll, but the metal appendage clamps around her waist tightly and there's a struggle from the woman to get out of it as she brings her hands up again to work on the protection spell. Small steps, but it was needed at the moment!

Doctor Octopus has posed:
With the way Otto jerks around Morrigan as he starts to climb back up the building side with his other three tentacles? There's hardly enough stability to be casting spells if she needs a clear head.

Doctor Octopus scales fairly quickly, too, those tentacles extending his range considerably, and having no problems with impaling through the brick side to continue on.

As he continues up though, Morrigan is brought up close to Otto, by about a dozen feet, and he looks to her as his other tentacles do their work. "Don't do anything stupid, and I won't need to do anything drastic to you." Otto informs her, his teeth clenched in concentration as he nears the rooftop.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan has the good sense not to break down and scream, the woman feels a bit nauseous though from all the being jerked around. She was silently praying that she wasn't going to hurl on the mad man.

When he brings her up close those eyes of hers are glowing in a 'I'm not very happy with you' way. But she doesn't lash out at him, "Deal." she grits out. She's not stupid and if anything she's probably up there on intelligence with Otto. She doesn't scream or wiggle. Because she's sure that if she did she'd get dropped five stories.

Not a good look.

Spawn has posed:
    Black, white and red, those were the colors 'emerging' from a nearby wall, an organic 'growth' emerging from a previously flat surface. The red unfurled and drifted backward as the tall, muscular frame of Spawn was revealed. His cape blowing dramatically in the breeze as he was clinging to the side of a lower apartment wall, his left hand hanging on to an open window sill. Those green glowing eyes of his seemed to 'narrow' in their mask despite that being impossible, even as he shouted out with that gravelly voice.

    "You know, there are easier ways to get to the roof."

Doctor Octopus has posed:
It's around the time he gets /onto/ the roof that Spawn manages to catch up to him... and once he sees Spawn, Otto drops onto his actual feet near the edge of the roof, his other three tentacles freed up for other tasks, even as Morrigan dangles next to him by the fourth.

Spawn can see his visage reflected on his safety glasses, "Your sense of humor is lacking, creature." Otto declares, "Who are you?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan catches sight of the glowing eyes and given there's not many things like that it makes her look over to Spawn when he talks, "I'd rather not get dropped, so please don't piss him off." the Irish woman gives a squint to the caped guy. Sadly she's not in the right situation to compliment him on the dramatic cape.

Then there's a look over to Otto, "Could you...put me down gently while you two discuss that?" she asks quietly.

Spawn has posed:
    'Who are you' is the question Otto poses, and without skipping a beat, Spawn replies even as he climbs up another story, quickly running up the side before smashing out a window to use THAT windowsill as purchase.

    "Your worst fucking nightmare. Every minute you keep that girl hostage, is another bone I'm going to break when I get up there. In fact-"

    Interrupting himself, the Hellspawn is a blur of movement as he rushes up the side of that building, trying to bumrush the multi-limbed mad scientist(or possibly just irate doctor) to try and grab on to the man's ankle. And if that happened...it would be a hell of a grip.

Doctor Octopus has posed:
That's the thing about Doctor Octopus. He himself might not be a combatant...

... but those tentacles are.

Spawn doesn't even get close to his ankle. Instead, those tentacles anchor onto the rooftop, and /spring/ him off the rooftop just as Spawn is nearing him... only to have those tentacles arranged to all jackhammer down from above, directly into Spawn from various points, with his momentum from dropping helping.

"You're just another imbecile who thinks he can fight Doctor Octopus and survive."

Poor Morrigan.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Going to take that as a no!" Morrigan gives a wince as she feels that the conversation is not going to be a good and simple one. The half vampire smacks her hands together when Otto goes up and then the tentacles go down.

Just as they are about to slam down, there's a purple energy that starts to form to protect her from impact. It was the only spell she knew, but it was going to get a workout!

Spawn has posed:
    Well, that was unexpected. His right long-fingered hand grabs hold of nothing, and for his efforts a rounded solid steel girder smashes down into his face with all the power of a jackhammer drilling into a city street. His head bounces back sickeningly and violently, his neck snapping and cracking in a horrific sound, and now the doctor's tentacle was covered in green...material. But before it pulls away, those chains that before were harmlessly wrapped around the Hellspawn's body, shot out and latched around the offending tendril, holding on tight. This means that whenever it pulls back toward Otto, that Hellspawn is attached and moving up through the air with him. Though still woozy from that hit, he was recovering from a fatally broken neck and caved in face with such rapid speed that it would be very concerning for anyone else.

Doctor Octopus has posed:

He's not dead. Otto can plainly see the sheer amount of damage he just did to the creature with his tentacles. The carefully done attack having confirmed to have some sort of purchase on the Hellspawn from the sickening cracks of his neck.

Clearly, Otto doesn't have a problem with murder... but clearly, he didn't actually murder Spawn.

"A creature that regenerates. How annoying." Otto backs off, jumping with his tentacles halfway across the rooftop... only to take Spawn with him, noticing that fact, and turning that specific tentacle into the air.

Soon, Spawn is spinning around and around in the air on his own chain, like a top. "Release me, imbecile!"

At least Morrigan isn't being pulled into this fight. Yet.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look down when the cape wearing man hit the ground and there's a bit of a laugh when he regenerates. "Ha!" she barks out in surprise. But then there is more moving and she's about to get dizzy again.

Poor Morrigan indeed.

Spawn has posed:
    Through the night sky, the glow of that green blood was impossible not to notice, as his face seemed to 'pop' back into place with a sickening crunch. Bits and pieces of that mask were torn and ripped, and while in the darkness and covered in blood it was almost impossible to see the skin beneath, it was possible to see the left side of his mouth had almost a rictus grin, teeth bared as if there were no lips. They opened and closed as he suddenly spoke.

    "It's time to go back down to Hell."

    That red cape wrapped around his upper torso and arms, wrapping around tightly and seeming to 'melt' into the black and white leather costume, until his upper torso was muscular and almost over-sized, his arms now massive like a gorilla's as they grabbed the metal tentacle he was now attached to. With a sudden surge of strength he didn't display before, he pulled DOWN to try and interrupt the mad scientist's current trajectory through the air. And if as a result, it brought Spawn closer to punching distance, then that was all the better for him!

Doctor Octopus has posed:
Trying to get in close to Otto with two spare tentacles just means Spawn suddenly gets those two tentacles starting to pummel him again as Otto stops the tentacle he was spinning Spawn around with.

If he won't release his tentacle, he can at least make it easier for the other two tentacles to assault him.

"I have better things to do than to deal with a clod who has no idea who he is messing with!" Otto almost roars, visibly angry. "As much as dissecting you might be scientifically worthwhile, I simply haven't the time for it!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's just human. Or well...she's half human. The woman is getting jerked around by the tentacles and it's not the best thing in the world for someone wanting to stay conscious. And she doesn't. There's a moment where the woman might say something and then she slumps forward due to the vertigo.

Spawn has posed:
    The first attack took him by surprise, but now he was more prepared. The tentacles lashed out, and at the very last minute those chains let go from Ock to allow the former marine and former CIA to leap around through the savage attacks being thrown at him, even attempting to leap forward behind the mad doctor. As he did so, his own chains shot up, four miniature metal skulls opening their mouths, aiming their razor-sharp teeth to dig into Otto's flesh, or at least his jumpsuit. Anything that gave the chains a good enough grip so that they could pull him downward. Anything that could pull the man off base, and make his center vulnerable to a REAL attack.

    "You're not gonna have time for a lot of things, fatboy."

Doctor Octopus has posed:
Four chains? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that holding onto Morrigan was no longer a worthwhile effort.

Instead, Morrigan is dropped like discarded trash onto the rooftop, and all four of his own tentacles come up to intercept Spawns own chains.

It's a deadly dance of move-countermove as the psychopathic doctor and the Hellspawn anti-hero vie for control of each others extra 'appendages'.

"The imbecile thinks he can get to me. How pedestrian."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The sudden stop at the end of the fall is what wakes Morrigan. The pain traveling up her arm is what gets her moving. She's free...but she didn't know for how long. The ginger rolls to the side and then gets to her feet, trying to stay out of the way of the two that were fighting.

Oh hey...what luck! There's a fire escape at the back of the roof.

That's where she goes, hoping to get down to the ground before they get the bright idea to destroy the building!

Spawn has posed:
    Now, the Otto's extra 'limbs' were strong, powerful examples of the man's brilliance, and were stronger and thicker than the thin, sharp prehensile metal whips(for lack of a better name). But Spawn's own 'limbs' were strong enough to actually put up a struggle, and had enough strength to prevent Otto from just 'winning' right away. Spawn looked across to the doctor, his own eyes narrowing as his freakish upper body unfurled and returned to 'normal', or at least as normal as Spawn could be while his cape returned to its original shape.

    And with his arms free and open, Otto would likely see them come together, as a green glowing light emerges between them. A Fraction of a fraction of a second later and Spawn was throwing out a sphere of magnificent energy that arced and crackled like electricity. Though the Hellspawn could normally produce stuff that was hot and volatile enough to reduce a human being to goo, i nthis case it wasn't quite that menacing, instead acting as a taser...except, instead of electrocuting the physical body, these arcs of green Necroplasmic lightning would instead introduce visions and brief 'memories' of Hell into the human mind, vivid memories of burning flesh and the smell of sulfur, the sound of screaming and not knowing whether it was your own voice or not, the sensation of chains ripping into your flesh as despair fills your heart.

    These are only brief flashes of sensation. but they could be disabling in their own wright.

Doctor Octopus has posed:
Otto is a brilliant tactician in his own right... but he can't account for abilities he's never witnessed, and that energy orb is most definitely new. Two tentacles are pulled back from the 'duel' with Spawn, anchored to his side, and used to eject himself across the rooftop without any sort of precision.

Even with the speed of those tentacles, Otto still catches the tail end of the sudden mental invasion.

It only gives him a few moments of that torture, but it's more than enough to get Otto off balance almost completely as lands in a heap on the other side of the rooftop.

"What trickery is this?!" Otto roars as his tentacles wildly start to 'walk' him in a direction, as Otto blindly tries to get out of range of the Hellspawn as he gets his bearings.

It's only be sheer luck (and experienc) that Otto manages to realize where the edge of the rooftop is... and he blindly 'jumps' across the gap to the other building on his tentacles.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan watches the back and forth for a moment...then she NOPES out. The womans sunglasses are broke and she flings them off of her face before she goes scurrying down the ladder. The red head does not stop at the bottom of the ladder. She jumps off and runs.

Runs as far as those feet of hers will carry her AWAY from the crazy.

And hopefully in the direction of Sanctum Santorum. It's safe there, right.?!

Spawn has posed:
    Ock leapt, and immediately Spawn was rushing off toward the edge of that building, his side holster unsnapped and unbuttoned, and soon the deadman was staring down the sights of a micro-uzi, glaring down at the shrinking fleeing doctor. And he was trying not to wobble...truth be told, expending that kind of energy wasn't something he liked to do often, already he felt weaker than he was moments ago. Already he would move slower, and wouldn't hit as hard. And given how dangerous the doctor seemed to be, Al would need to be in top condition to put the bastard down.

    So, the gun was put away, and the man turned to make his way back to his alley, to rest and recharge another night...