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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Noh-Varr Incoming
Date of Scene: 07 October 2019
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Noh-Varr discovers Titans Tower and multiple Titans come forth to meet him. All goes well and waffles are high in demand.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raven, Marvel Boy, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Beast Boy

Stardust has posed:
    Twilight shimmer across the waters of the East River. On the horizon, the lights of the city create a photogenic haze in the distance. This side of the river, the lights are dimmer, and the lonely T of Titans Tower dominates the immediate skyline, sited on a small island in the channel.

    The roof of the building is a place that's obviously much-used. There's a helipad, a pool and barbecue area, and an assortment of odd-looking equipment that may or may not include various high-tech scanners and missile turrets. Rumor has it the place is quite well defended. As the team contains various fliers, it's perhaps not surprising the roof should look so well-occupied. If you can fly, it's a lot less hassle to land on the roof than it is to take the ferry from Hempstead to the island.

    It's also a conveniently large area and has no walls, which make it very suitable for certain activities that are better done without walls, furniture, or other easily destroyed items close to hand. One such activity is what is keeping Stardust occupied at the moment. Mounted rather haphazardly on a jury-rigged frame is a long tubular construction that looks distinctly unlike it has its origins on this planet, pointing slightly upwards. Heavy power cables run from the tube into the building. Rings of a glassy substance circle the end of the tube, glowing with a faint blue plasma light. Stardust stands at the rear of the tube, apparently trying to coax some pattern out of the blue plasmas that dance within their rings to her touch. Judging by the occasional sighs from her, she's not achieving the effect she had hoped for.

Raven has posed:
    As Raven is wont to do, she appears there as if she'd been there the entire time, standing some few feet from Colette. There is no sound to herald her arrival- and though nobody is watching, as she arrives behind the blonde, Raven more or less seeps out of some black patch upon the surface of the roof. As if a fungus had just sprouted a goth.

    "Please do not destroy the tower with whatever that is." She does not trust Colette not to cause catastrophic technological failure. For whatever reason- likely the woman's hair color- Raven believes firmly that Science Is Hard.

    "I live in it. It would be unfortunate."

Marvel Boy has posed:
Well, Noh-Varr was testing out Earth's gravity and how it related to his strength. The displaced Kree leaped from building to building from ground level in a single bound, but then he sees something that is VERY out of the ordinary: A giant building shaped like a giant 'T'. Now now, whoever lived there had to be pretty awesome! So, as a seeker of adventure and thrills, Noh-Varr leaps once...

He leaps twice...

He leaps Thrice...

And finally, He LEAPS one last time, and the Titans residing on the rooftop of Titans Tower may see a Silver haired young man wearing what looks to be a black, green, and white armored bodysuit coming in for a landing on the rootop! If his trajectory is followed to the nearest decimel point...that puts him just about ten feet away from Rachel and Colette!

Landing with a THUD and perhaps a small cracking of ground, depending on the material of the Tower. "Hello, Humans!" Noh says with no small amount of flair.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
The ferry is for losers, or well people without giant killer robots liable to yeet the train, bus, or ferry they are on into the wild blue yonder.

Which is why Negasonic has been using her t-com and arranging for Rachel or Vorpal to give her a much shorter trip to the tower when she comes to hang out and train.

Surprisingly the adults at the school actually seem fine with it, as long as she notes with the staff on duty where she is going and how each time.

Crazy world.

She though does not just appear on the roof out of thin air, nope. She uses the elevator like an actual chump. It is pretty darn speedy thoguh so no real complaints from the punky goth.

"MMmmm.... So like... what... is it?" she doesn't sound worried when she spots Colette working on ... something that honestly does look pretty dangerous. She sounds more really curious and intrigued.

Which lasts until Noh-Varr lands unannounced and probably... probably.. sets off all sorts of alarms... it is pretty abrupt after all. I mean Ellie has no idea what alarms so .. yeah.. but ..

"Hello humans... ok.. that is actually a new one... are we blowing this guy up?" that is generally said to Raven and Colette, because Ellie is game if so, it is implied.

Stardust has posed:
    Rae has appeared and snarked at Stardust. This is tradition. Tradition equally demands that Stardust responds in kind. Some light-hearted banter, generally a reference to some aspect of Raven's goth style or gothic behavior. Something with a touch less snark and a bit more playful, at least at first. Sometimes after round three or four, Stardust's banter gets a bit sharper, but she generally seems to manage to avoid triggering a Ravenquake.

    Stardust turns and looks at Raven, and then turns back to the - whatever it is - without saying a word. So much for tradition. She circles her hands around the edges of the nearest of the glassy rings, then after a half-turn, slides the uppermost hand forwards. Traces of blue plasma follow her hands within the rings, but nothing else appears to happen.

    Stardust turns again to nod her head in Negasonic's direction. "It's the main weapon from an Apokoliptan battle-tank," she replies. There's a moment's silence, then perhaps for Raven's benefit, "It's not loaded. Um. I mean , the generator for the actual... it's not powered. Just the targeting system. Something Brick was experimenting with. I'm trying to figure out how it works, but it's possible I have the wrong DNA." As she speaks, a loud PING erupts from the T-Coms of all three of the Titans - if they are carrying them. Something has been detected moving fast through the air in the vicinity of the tower, and that's call for an Alert Number 4. Stardust sighs and pulls her T-Com from her belt, but doesn't really have time to look at it before Noh-Varr's arrival.

    As Noh-Varr lands, two metallic cuboid shapes on the roof of the tower rotate towards him. There is nothing obviously revealing as to what they are, but they aren't firing on him at least. The tower defenses are pretty good, but it's generally considered rude to blow people up before saying hello, so they never fire automatically. People do turn up like this with surprising regularity, and it would be most embarassing to accidentally attack Superman or something.

    Stardust turns towards Noh-Varr, gesturing behind her back towards the other two Titans as she does so, a 'get behind me' gesture. "Not yet, Nega," she says. "We always find out who someone is before blowing anything up. Please remember that." The words are perfectly loud enough for the newcomer to hear without trying; this is not a whispered aside.

    Stardust's smiling as she speaks, and not a dangerous smile. Despite the possible defense systems and the talk of blowing things up, her expression appears perfectly friendly. "Hello, presumably non-Human? This is Titans Tower. Is there something we can do for you?"

    Without pause, Stardust switches to another language. Raven and Nega won't know it, Noh-Varr probably will, as it's one of the most common languages of trade and diplomacy in the galaxy, Interlac. <<Where are you from?>>

Raven has posed:
    Getting the cold shoulder from Colette is the goth equivalent of unconditional surrender. Raven would preen, if she were really a bird. She is not, so she won't.

    Instead, she allows Colette to explain that she was tinkering with an object that if powered, even accidentally, could probably blow a hole in the tower. Or more. Admittedly, with the way it's pointed, it would either disintegrate Colette or, more likely, give her great pain while catapulting her comically- Raven would laugh- into Times Square.

    The mental image is nice.

    "Yes. Please. Continue poking at a barely contained weapon of unparalleled destruction. This is what we do here. Poke at death and ask if it has anything to say on the matter."

    Her head turns to Negasonic as she says this, gesturing with one hand at Colette. It is then that her T-Com goes off, the little ping heard from -somewhere- in Raven's sweater. She conjures it, of course, instead of pulling it from a pocket- it appears in this puff of darkness in her hand. That probably means it wasn't in a pocket, but where else?

    The question goes unanswered. Noh-Varr lands with a loud noise, and at that point Raven dismisses the notification on her communicator without looking at it, and then dismissing it to whence it came.

    "Ah, Tuesday already." she comments, before looking in the new arrival's direction. "If you are here for a fight, start by hitting Colette." Raven has yet to move into the defensive posture of standing behind the blonde. Hello Humans is probably not that threatening of a greeting.

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks immediately at Negasonic when she asks the others if they're going to blow him up. Please no! Is pretty much written all over his face. "Please don't blow me up. Despite my appearance, I'm a peacekeeper." Noh-Varr attempts to placate Negasonic through his words, though Colette seems to have done that well enough just fine.

Then to Raven. "I'm not here for a fight. But just for starters, mind telling me which one's Colette just so I know which one you wanted me to hit?" but what is even more surprising to Noh-Varr is the Interlac speech that Colette just so casually begins to speak towards him!

<<You speak Interlac? I am impressed! No wonder the earth hasn't collapsed on itself. I hail from the Kree Empire, but never to fear, I have no interest in conquering this world or presenting it to be conquered. It is nice to meet you, Human! Tell me, what is your name?>>

But then he remembers everyone else. "Oh, no, nothing you can do for me at the moment. I just wnated to see who lived in a building that was shaped like a letter in the English alphabet. I must say though..." He looks at the Tower Defenses. "The defenses are certainly something to take note of. Are you expecting to be attacked?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie tilts her head slowly thinking about using one of the Apoklyptian battle tanks... anythings... for anything... at least it is a targeting system though and not the generator or canon or .. munitions. What do they shoot.

She does give a nod to her fellow goth sort, solidarity.

Right Noh-Varr though.

Well he did land super dramatically which means he either lept or was flying very fast. Also alien by the hello human, or robot perhaps. Like Danger?

Anyhow Ellie steps along putting Colette between her and Noh-Varr. Leisurely though not diving like some kind of green idiot. No sudden moves right. "He looks a bit like a tourist honestly." there is a long suffering sigh and she looks sidelong to Rachel. "God we have a space tourist... and now they are speaking space gibberish."

Beast Boy has posed:
Sirens? Alarms? Big trouble at Titans Tower?

It's enough to snap Beast Boy out of a deep sleep, which sees him tumbling out of bed and crashing into the nearest dresser with an 'oof!' before he picks himself up off the floor and then trips over his own discarded clothing, taking another tumble. "C'mon, really..?" Barely with enough time to throw on something quick, he checks the data to see where the source of the alarm is coming from. "Rooftop. Got it. On my way!" he says to nobody in particular.

After opening the door, he races out of the room in cheetah form, making his way to the elevator where he slaps the button with a paw and...waits...for...seconds. "Really? They're all on the ground floor? What the hell?" /Finally/ he's in, another paw smack bringing him to the uppermost level where he races out. "I'm here! Beast Boy reporting for duty, ready to kick some..wait, where's the fight?" Cheetah looks confused.

Stardust has posed:
    It's not so much the cold shoudler as no shoulder. Raven's continued snark gains no reaction from Stardust, either.

     "He says he comes in peace," Stardust responds to Nega's tourist comment. "But hasn't yet asked us to take him to our leader." While there was no particularly obvious sign she was readying herself, there's a slight hint of relaxation at Noh-Varr's words, and she's not trying to push Ellie back behind her. "He's a Kree. They look very human, apart from the ones that are blue. Normally they stay away from Earth due to... treaty obligations, but there are sometimes one or two hanging around. I'll fill you in later."

    Colette steps forwards, offering her hand to Noh-Varr. "Welcome to Earth, then. I'm known as Stardust. My companions are Nega and Raven." There's a beat, as Gar makes his sudden, green, feline appearance. "And Beast Boy. He's the green one. Despite appearances, he is in fact human. He is a metamorph. We are part of a group called the Titans, which is why the tower is in the shape of a T. We don't expect to be attacked, but we prepare for it. We are also peacekeepers. Can I ask you what you are doing so far from Hala?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven's hands return to her pockets, and exactly when she'd taken both of them out is left up to question. The new arrival makes it clear that he isn't here to fight, which doesn't necessarily disappoint Raven. However, the fact that he speaks more English than Hello Humans does seem to elicit a form of understanding.

    She takes a few steps forward, following along with Colette, and giving a tip of her head to Negasonic. When Garfield arrives, Raven raises a brow, momentarily hoping that he'd have lost the ability to speak in animal form... And then he does, which bothers her greatly. No escape.

    "Well, this is all fine then," she begins, looking around a moment. "I expect to be attacked. The T actually stands for Target. I've been saying that since the beginning, but nobody ever listens." Gripes aside, Raven pulls her phone from her pocket, looking it over for a moment. "Meeting new people is great and all, really. It is absolutely just the -best- thing. But I have to go do... Something else."

    It's up to Noh-Varr's understanding of human language to detect the sarcasm, but otherwise, Raven seems to be departing- and it's hard to really stop her, considering she just swallows herself up in shadow and disappears.

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr looks upon Colette as she just as easily switches back to English from Interlac. Though Noh-Varr eventually does a crack of his neck and a somewhat arrogant looking smile is given. "I am Noh-Varr of the Kree Empire. A pleasure to make all of your acquaintances." He then crosses his arms and looks specifically at Beast Boy when he actually arrives, in his Cheetah form, mind.

Noh-Varr looks Kreeped out.

"A metamorph? On many of the worlds that I've visted, they are highly dangerous....but, from what I have seen, this is a planet that values peace above all, even strange cat-like green metamorphs like this one." He points at Beast Boy, still with a friendly smile on his face. Then there's Raven, apparently giving him sarcasm, something that he has briefly experienced during his time in New York City.

How strange.

"But now the 'T' shape makes sense! I greet you warmly, fellow peacekeepers. I must say, you're planet has a remarkable affiliation for music."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Kree." mouths Ellie as if chewing on it for a moment there trying to put it into memory for some research later perhaps.

"It is a pretty big target... I mean so is Avengers Mansion.. Stark Tower... not a real decent secret lair when you put it out theere as far and wide as we do."

"Though it is really good for our brand and social media presence..."

She nods to Raven "Later Rae."

Then her attention drifts back to the alien. "He is actually dangerous if you are our enemy and all that... but if you are a friend of his he is just a big old kitten and likes ear scritches." okay she doesn't know this for sure but it sounds good and is mildly teasing. Which is better than her usual level of sarcasm.

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy paces near the elevator door. There's Colette, and Raven, and Negasonic, and..someone he doesn't recognize. "Whoever you are, good call on the green, dude. And whatever you may have heard, there's nothing dangerous about me at all. I'm just the cutest thing you'll ever see, /and/ I can cook without burning the kitchen or the food!" He punctuates the 'cute' with a shift to a puppy, wagging tail and all. Of course, also green. Negasonic is close, but he chose puppy over kitten this time. Already was the spottycat.

"And I can fetch your slippers if you have any!" He's being a little more..himself once he's seen Rachel take her leave. Before that, he was watching her about as warily as their visitor. Colette is who he approaches, wondering, "I've got no real dog in this hunt, but..what's going on? Does he need our help?"

Stardust has posed:
Of course Gar likes ear scritches, at least in cat form. So, for that matter, does Vorpal. He hates to admit to it though.

    "Dangerous to our enemies, Nega... well that kind of goes without saying when I mentioned the peacekeeper thing," Stardust tells her with a smile. "Hard to keep the peace if you can't be dangerous to those who try to break it! I'm sure our new friend Noh-Varr understands that, he's a peacekeeper too." It's a useful little bit of idle chatter, reminding her team-mates that this friendly-seeming newcomer is likely dangerous. And innocuously reminding him that they all are, too. Just in case.

    "Don't accept the offer to have him fetch your slippers though," Stardust says to Noh-Varr with a grin. "The instinct to chew on slippers is strong with this one." She gives Gar a wink at this, in lieu of replying to his question.

    "It's a remarkable planet in any number of ways," Stardust says to the Kree. "I'm sure in a century or two, Earth will be regarded as a cultural powerhouse across the galaxy. You're right about the music. I have heard tell that in some quarters, a collection of Earth music is as good as hard currency." This may be a slight exaggeration, but it's lucky the RIAA doesn't know of a certain trade deal she once struck on Knowhere.

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr keeps his attention on Beast Boy for that long moment, raising his brows. "Uh...I don't have any slippers, but if I ever get some I'll keep you posted." A fingergun given to Beast Boy. Thankfully, Noh-Varr doesn't have any energy-wielding abilities, so his fingers are harmless. But then his attention falls back on Negasonic. "I am not your enemy, so I can only assume that he's not dangerous." Noh smirks, before he looks back to Beast Boy.

"You like? Its made out of ultra-hard Kree materials that are quite difficult to pronounce in earth tongues." but then he recalls, looking to Colette and honestly looking just a little bit on the embarassed side.

"As for why I'm here so far away from Hala...well, uh, I was passing by the planet when my ship was suffering a malfunction from a previous hostile encounter. I'm basically stuck here, which isn't so muc hof a bad thing, but...you know, Kree peacekeeper and all that." he shrugs sadly.

But he smirks. "Oh yes. Specifically songs from your world's '90's' timeline is especially popular."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie will step over and actually reach down and give Beast Boy as a pupper dog some ear scritches. Cause well why not play into it.

Though Nega looks to Noh-Varr when he says he isn't an enemy. "I mean of course an enemy or evil alien invader would probably say they aren't an enemy." she taps her temple.

Then she looks to Beast Boy "I need special armor or bulletproof costumes.. I swear... why does everyone else get them?"

Then she looks to Colette like perhaps she could fix this for Ellie.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Way to be a buzzkill, Starlight," the puppy says, his head tilting at the scritches as the tail goes thump a few times. Then after he mimes playing dead at the fingergun, he rolls onto his back and assumes his usual shape and form, human with green skin wherever it isn't covered, and most of it is since his costume has made an appearance. Good thing he grabbed the right thing on the way out of bed.

Gar adds, looking upside down at the rest of them, "You were just passing by the planet, like you do..and are you saying you got shot at or something?" Eyeing Negasonic from this new position, he turns to kneel and rise back to his normal height, running a hand through messy hair. Still got that bed-head. "I don't really have either of those. I prefer not to get shot in the first place." Holding up a hand beside his head, he asides to Colette, "He likes 90s music? Can we keep him around? I know most of us were born way after that, but come on. Classic stuff."

Stardust has posed:
    The thing about Kree, at least as Colette figures them, is they're basically like humans. Which means that some of them are good guys, some of them certainly are not, and you shouldn't trust them until you know them. Until she knows this one better, she figures it's wise to use her normal policy towards aliens of unknown motivation, which is to keep them too damn confused to feel confident that Earth is nearly as backwards as it appears on the surface. Thanks in no small part to her efforts, the Nova Empire currently has an appendix to its files on Earth that basically translates as 'WTF.' It is undoubtedly this instinct that leads to her next little stunt.

    Following Noh's words about his uniform, she tilts her head thoughtfully, looking him over. She is momentarily surrounded by a faint shimmer, and her appearance blurs. In seconds, her uniform has changed. The similarity to Noh-Varr's own costume is obvious. The details aren't perfect, but at first glance at least, she'd probably have passed as a crewmember on his ship. She gives an experimental stretch, plucks at the fabric on her arm, then gives a shrug. "Not bad," she comments, before the shimmer reappears and she's back in her original white and greys.

    "We should at least introduce him to a wider range than he's had access to so far," Stardust says to Gar with a broad grin. "While we figure out what to do with him."

If that sounds ominious, her next words, addressed to Noh-Varr, are far less so. "I'm sorry to hear about your loss. If you are looking to get home, I can speak to a few people and maybe we can get something arranged, but it'll take a while. Alternatively it /is/ a very interesting planet. If you plan on staying a while, we can offer you some help getting used to the the ways of this world."

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh-Varr watches as Colette shifts her clothing with a 'glitter' of some sort as she morphs into a suit similar to his own. "Impressive! You can mimic the material as well, or is it by appearance only?" Noh-Varr actually looks really impressed in a 'That is awesome' kind of way. Unfortunately, Noh-Varr doesn't have matter manipulation abilities. So if he wants to change clothes, he's like everyone else: he has to take off what he's wearing first then change into what he wants to wear the old fashioned way.

So boring.

"Well, I figure I can stay and learn more of the world. From what I've seen, its quite the interesting one."

Of course, he doesn't mention that his origin is a bit more complicated then that. "But I thank you for your words. A Peacekeepers work is never done. Even during my duties, I rarely saw my home after I was deployed. I nthis way, I suppose you could consider me an ambassador." He smiles for that brief moment.

Then he looks over at Beast Boy. "I am not sure where I would be kept, Boy of Beasts." Noh-Varr looks to Beast Boy with a friendly grin. "Yes. It was not the best of days. But as I was piloting the ship upon entry to this star system, we came into hostile involvement with what looked to be pirates, but they were well armed. We defeated them, but we suffered critical damage. Upon crash landing, I discovered I may be the only survivor." He shakes his head.

"But, that is a sad story for another time." To Elle, he gives a smile. "Because you are not Kree." Yes, there's that Kree pride.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie asides once more to Beast Boy. "I'd make adopting strays joke.. but I don't want to offend you." though she just made it anyways really. "Also the spiderkid... and yeah... me I suppose.. ah well."

She gives a bit of a shrug there. and then she catches what he said about her not getting cool material for her costume. "Stuff it." she notes succintly and makes a mental note to ask Henry if he has any advanced armor or fabrics he has been working on in his lab.

Beast Boy has posed:
"We can totally go back to the 80s, where all the best montage music comes from," Beast Boy suggests, adopting the crane kick stance from the Karate Kid movies before he sings, "You're the best...around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down!"

Clearing his throat, he adds with a palm up, "It was just an idea."

He shrugs Negasonic's way. "I've heard all the stray jokes you can think of, and I've probably made all of them too." Looking back toward Colette and Non-Varr, the greenest Titan says, "It was a figure of speech. Aaaaanyway, I don't know how long you're gonna be around here, but I do know there's something I can do to help out in the meantime." Suddenly a green donkey is in place of him a wide grin forming. "I'm making /waffles!/"

And so he exits, but not before pressing the elevator call button again and having to wait...again. It's already moved down a number of floors. "Aw, come on!"

Stardust has posed:
"Hard to be certain how closely it replicates the material to be honest," Stardust replies with a thoughtful expression. "I guess that would require a lot of tedious testing of the exact structure and... blah blah. Honestly I tend to go for comfort over utility. "

    She glances towards Ellie, picking up on her discontent. Life would be a lot harder for her if she had to supply her own costumes. After a moment, she quietly says to Ellie, "Have a word with Robin. He might be able to supply you with something cool. Just tell him up front, no pixie boots."

    Her eyes follow Garf...donkey towards the elevator, then she looks back at Noh-Varr with a helpless shrug. "Oh well. You heard him. Waffles. You can't say no to waffles. They're uh... food. Tasty. Feeling hungry? Come on in and we'll entertain you with waffles and music. If you want to share a little more about that crash landing, we can do some investigating. Maybe we can help you look for other survivors. Also, I'm gonna give you a way you can stay in contact with us easily, okay?"

Marvel Boy has posed:
Noh shrugs just a little bit to Colette. "Makes sense." But then he looks over at Ellie when she tells him to 'stuff it'. "....Stuff what?" He doesn't get it. Ah, aliens are the best at missing social cues. "What is being stuffed?' he looks to theo thers. "I don't get it."

So, he just moves on with his life, but then there's Beast Boy, offering to make /waffles/. "Waffles? I have never tried this 'waffle' before." he assumes its a food item considering how everyone got excited at the eating of it. "I assume its delicious?" He raises a single brow.

Buuut then Colette practically tells him that He can't say no to waffles. "I suppose I can resupply then. Food sounds rather invigorating at the moment." He walks alongside everyone on the way to what looks like an elevator. "This would be appreciated, Colette. Thank you." Especially since a shipwreck is his residence at the moment...which isn't much of one.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
To Noh "Get back to me when you understand Earth Slang tourist."

Then Ellie considers that, it is like Colette read her mind, or maybe just her snark and discontent. Still she isn't positive that Stardust isn't psychic... she does know several. So she thinks about something that would maybe startle Colette.

"Okay will do." is what is said out loud though. She may not make the pixie boot comment though, that sounds like trouble.

"Waffles." is the final declaration and she turns to head to the elevator. "They are pretty fast elevators Gar... you remind me of some speedsters I know." more gentle teasing.