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Latest revision as of 23:23, 8 October 2019

Snack Time
Date of Scene: 07 October 2019
Location: Dining Hall - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Lorna and Theresa plan to find a wrecking place.
Cast of Characters: Siryn, Polaris

Siryn has posed:
No doubt dinner was cooking away somewhere, but the dining room itself was relatively empty for now. It was a perfect place for Terri to get out of her 'office' (gads, she had an OFFICE) as a change of pace while going over some of her paper grading. A stack is situated in front of her, and next to her is a still steaming cup of coffee that she sips at on occasion. In hand is the Red Pen of Doom which makes a mark on the paper here and there.

"Spelt wro-- No, wait, American spelling." Sighing to herself she scribbles out the note she made about mispelling.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna ambled along into the dinning hall more by accident than any purpose intended. She was typing away on her tablet, fairly occupied. Yet the Princess of Genosha certainly didn't look the part; her hair was a tangle of green curls around her shoulders, and she wore a pair of ripped up jeans, and oversized band T-shirt. She was bare footed, and she idly glanced up at as Terri muttered to herself over her grading. The magnkinetic paused, and with a wave of her hand, summoned a paper clipped packet of work to her grp to read over. She grimaced making a face.

"You'd be better off just throwing these down the stairs and grading them by how the fall. Your students would appreciate the generousness of your grading." She drawled.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy flashes a grin toward the green haired mutant princess while raking her hand back through her own firey locks. "It's nah' so bad," she drawls herself, slipping into her heavier accent before correcting herself again. There'd been enough instances of being misunderstood that she really did try very hard to enunciate when speaking. "To be fair they're trying to spell the names of long dead arists. It still gets me every time I see 'color' without a 'u' though. I've had my hand whapped enough with a ruler to know how to spell that. On my side of the pond at least," she adds with a chuckle.

"It's hard with them sometimes depending on the topic. Soon as I stumble on something they're interested in though, can't get them to shut up."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged as she pulled out a chair and settled into it with a creak of the wood beneath her. She set the paper packet back down and rolled her eyes. "Nah, looks downright terrible to me. See, this is why I'm not a teacher. They keep trying to get me to be one, and I keep threatening to throw wrenches at the kids." She grinned, and she waved a hand in the air around with a roll of her shoulders.

"Not that helping to run Genosha isn't stressful, it's just filled with adults and their own issues and well.. Politics." She arched a brow as she glanced back over to Theresa.

"How are you holding up with the amount of stuff going on here these days?"

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy smiles faintly in response to that giving a glance back down to the papers in front of her. They're nudged aside for the moment in favor of scooping up her mug of coffee in both hands to take a long, needy sip. "Gahds that's good." A light shake of her head is given.

"M'doing all right, I suppose. Haven't seen Dah around again so that's pretty typical. I've been keeping busy, and staying away from things I ought to stay away from." There's a little tap of her fingernails against the mug side. "I really want to help more but Scott made it plain and clear what he thought of a 'non teammember' helping out, so this is where I am."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed the other woman grin as she sipped at her coffee, "You know, in Genosha there's mutant grown coffee, we get some wild stuff there." She murmured, and waved her hand to idly pluck up a paper clip and twist it about to create various shapes out of the metal. Office supplies beware of magnokinetics being bored. She made a face though as Theresa mentioned her father's absence and Scott's comments. "That's bull. We need all the help we can get to fight the Sentinels. He needs to get over himself. You're an asset to whatever team you want to be on." She muttered, "And he doesn't say that to me, though for all I rarely am around here these days. It's likely to keep me coming back rather than staying on Genosha full time."

Siryn has posed:
"I can't fully blame him. I haven't exactly proven reliant in the past when issues cropped up," Theresa admits as her gaze drops down to her coffee mug. "Might want to try some of that some day. I heard island grown coffee is amazing to begin with." If she couldn't enjoy the subtleties of whiskey and bourbon she was going to fixate on coffee dang nabbit.

Getting back to her prior topic she looks up again with a helpless shrug. "I was shipped off to Muir Island a few times when trouble popped up when I was younger. Then when I heard about some friends on the street getting injured..." She winces a bit. "Went a bit off the deep end. Did some things I shouldn't have, and rather than own up to it I ran back to Muir. So," she concludes, "Feels kinda shitty being told to sit it out, but I can see how he'd see me a liability."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's teeth ground together as Theresa spoke of being a 'liability'. "I'd call you regardless of 'reliability' if things are going down, I want as many mutants at my back as possible. It's bluster, complete and utter bluster, to sideline a powerful mutant like you just because you're not on the team at any given time. We need everyone to have each other's backs these days. People are //dying// and I have a feeling it's not going to let up anytime soon either." She muttered, making a face.

"I trust Scott, really I do, he's a great leader in the field. I just don't think he's making the right call here. We can't risk people by letting anyone sit out on these things."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy reaches over to catch at Lorna's hand giving it a squeeze. "Trust me I've railed and screamed till my throat was sore in anger over this. I'm trying to do what I can to prove I ought to be fighting, too. In the meantime," her free hand gestures at the papers. "I'm nearby those who might not be such good fighters to keep an eye on them. I can do that at least without some pompous son of a mule telling me what to do."

"Though if you ever need help, by all means, give a holler. I would *love* to send some of those monstrocities to peices."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's green eyed gaze glittered with emotion and it was clear she was about ready to argue further, condemning Scott's call on Theresa's presence on any missions or otherwise. "I'll call you and send a portal next time I see them, how's that? He can't critique your presence in regards to Genosha's allies coming into play. I mean, he can all he wants but then it's not his call to make." She grumbled, giving Theresa's hand a squeeze back.

"It just really gets to me how I can run off and do stupid things and ugh.." She huffed a breath, and shook her head.

Siryn has posed:
"Well my whole family has the 'running off' area kind of pegged. I got to talk to Dah for maybe five minutes before he vanished again. Sometimes I wonder why I bother with that man at all." Terri's face scrunches up in a myriad of confused emotions at this, and her hand draws back. "I'll be there in a snap. You know I will. At least I can convince myself I'm being useful protecting the homefront in the meantime." Smiling a bit she adds, "In spite of all of that, it is nice to be back here. Muir might be home in it's way, but this place feels more alive than it ever did."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged, "My father suffers from having too many children and having too public a face to actually ever raise us. And when he had time, well, Pietro can't stand him and mistrusts him. Wanda keeps her distance and there's me." She sighed and made a face. "He put his war before us and now that he's King, well, he puts Genosha first and foremost. He named me.. his heir, did you know that? I am still trying to piece together what that will mean for me in the future.." She shook her head and the paper clip she'd been toying with floated back down to the table.

"I love this place, and would fight to protect it and anyone here, but Genosha has become my home too. And there are far more people there that look to me for leadership."

Siryn has posed:
"Weeeeelll... Out of all your siblings I'd say you're the most leaderlike? No offense to Wanda or Pietro," Theresa adds with a wry grin. "Still you'd think that'd be something important to discuss with you in the first place." Her head tilts to the side regarding Lorna a long few moments thoughtfully. "You're always welcome here, too, battles or not. In case you need a bit of space to yourself to just... BE yourself for a bit. De-stress. I'd suggest drinking," she offers ruefully, "But that's apparently my downfall as well."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snorted a laugh at the mention of her leadership skills in comparison to her siblings. "You know you're not the first person to say that, so I'll eventually believe it. No one internationally wants to work with me, though they'll sing Wanda's praises.. " She shrugged easily and leaned back in her chair. "Mostly they want nothing to do with my father but still."

The green haired woman titled her figure back in her chair and bit back the urge to sigh.

"I do come here to unwind. Or I try at least."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy hms thoughtfully at this news while leaning back in her chair considering the issue. "You do take after your father so far as powers. I suppose that'd be an awfully hard to dismiss reminder about him. Wanda's got a lot of press backing her... Pietro's flightier than I am and a sour puss. Shame, he's kind of cute otherwise." She waves a hand flippantly at that to dismiss the thought. "Tried doing something like a meet and greet with Captain America? Hard not to like him. Maybe that'd help boost your international image."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a face as she propped up her chin and Theresa hit the nail on the head in regards to herself and her family. "Well, yeah, there's not so many magnokinetics out there. Even before I knew he was my father, people were comparing us." She muttered, making a face as she considered the 'cute' comment regarding her brother. Her nose wrinkled and she huffed a breath.

"No one has ever called Pietro cute by any measure. Pretty sure not even Wanda ever used that when they were growing up." She drawled, and exhaled a rough breath.

"Yeah, and it's not that Steve isn't down for it, he talked down my father. Hell, he's the man that //saved// my father in the war. If not for him, I wouldn't be alive. But I don't think playing besties with the Avengers is going to change people's outlook on myself or my family's rule of Genosha. Roberto barely wants to accept anything I offer, and he only grudgingly agreed to do //something// like that after the Professor gave him a guilt trip."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy leans her elbows on the table to prop her chin up in her hands with a thoughtful frown as she contemplates these issues. "Wish I knew the answer there, Lorna. There's only so much I'm good at, and being one of the 'good guys' barely is in my wheelhouse to begin with. You want dastardly and potentially dangerous? Got you covered." A rueful smile is given even as she shakes her head sadly.

Notably she decides not to press on the issue of Pietro being cute or not. Probably safer that way.

"The only family I knew until I was almost an adult was my uncle. Who is now in jail, but he ensured I didn't end up there with him. I guess that's something... but as for improving my image even after that?" Her hands lift to wiggle fingers as she makes a 'poof' noise with a puff of breath. "I think it's just one of those things you have to plod along at. Do small things here and there. People will start to notice. Eventually."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged and leaned back in her chair once more. "I'm just blowing off steam, not really looking for answers Terri. It's pretty much a constant in my day to day life that I have to hold everything in. Keep my temper in check, hold my tongue, be nice.." She scoffed and rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. "It's exhausting." She fell silent for a bit, thinking over Theresa's words for a measure of consideration.

"We both have to deal with family issues and not having the best relationships there. Along with the baggage that comes from how people view them." She leaned forward against the table then, tapping her fingers against the table top like she couldn't quite sit still.

"It's harder for us that way, our starting points are pushed back to be framed by that in a way."

Siryn has posed:
"That's one way to look at it. Probably right," Terri has to admit with a slow nod of agreement to the thought. She didn't exactly have a good send off for adulthood after all. Didn't help that the only living family she had was either in jail, or avoiding her at all costs. She does allow herself a faint smile though. "Nothing wrong with blowing off steam. Just got to do it where people can't notice. Maybe we ought to start one of those 'smash clubs' but for mutants."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed a weak smile toward the other woman, and nodded briefly, thoughtfully. Her smile warmed into a grin though as Theresa mentioned having a 'smash club'. "Isn't that what the Danger Room is? Cause that's what I use that for. I doubt anywhere else has the ability to handle the full brunt of my powers when I'm angry and just need to blow off steam. Well, and not be a complete mess after." She huffed a laugh, and pushed the chair back as she rose to her feet.

"But still, I think it's a good idea. A place where we don't have to watch what we say or do because of the kids might be a good idea to just have available."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy spreads her hands in a helpless sort of shrug at the mention of the Danger Room. "That might work, but I was thinking more of something where we intentionally get to destroy something. Maybe old junk cars or plates or whatever. You know people actually *pay* to smash things with a sledgehammer? I read about it in a magazine. It's some new trend."

"I might know an out of the way place or two we could get away with some shennanigans at."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned, shoving her hands into her pockets, a green eyebrow lofting upward. "I mean, sure destruction sounds great. Scrap yards would have my vote. So long as they don't mind it being completely unusable for anything other than raw materials when I'm done." She teased, and rolled her shoulders back as she spoke. Her voice lighter than it had been, but there was still a tension in her shoulders.

"Sounds good, find out details and if we'll be able to wreck things in our own way, and I'd be down. Humans come up with some pretty inventive things from time to time. Paying people to be allowed to wreck things sounds kinda perfect."

Siryn has posed:
"I can make a few calls around to check. Better I do it than you given how well known you are," Terri points out with a thoughtful nod. Already her grin was growing thinking of doing just this. "This could be really fun. Maybe we can ask them for a private party so that they won't have to worry about other customers nosing in on what we're doing. I'm sure some others might be interested too. Though," she reasons with a slow nod. "Maybe just us adults. It'd be a nice change of pace from all the kids. Not that they're bad," she hastens to add, "Just..."

Wordlessly she stares down at her pile of grading papers.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned, "Sounds great, and yeah. Likely better that my name isn't on any reservations. You'd think that this being a different country and all, one where mutants aren't typically well liked that people wouldn't post about everything I do when they see me.. But they do. Love me or hate me, it gets on the internet one way or another." She shrugged and pushed her hair back from her face.

"And yeah, kids are kids. We want to de-stress. Not be responsible. I'd say lets invite Kitty and Rogue, maybe a few others that can benefit from physically destroying something. It sounds like a great way to relax." She drawled and nodded to the papers.

"Let me go make some more coffee and I'll help you out."