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Latest revision as of 23:23, 8 October 2019

Keep yo' shirt on
Date of Scene: 08 October 2019
Location: Steve's Room, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Wade offers Steve a pile of confusing updates.
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Captain America

Deadpool has posed:
There's a loud knocking on the door. The problem? It's from the inside.

It's Wade, in an AVENGERS branded dark blue sweatshirt, overly snug yoga pants in magenta (Yes, the ones with 'Juicy' in yellow on the ass), all of it over his usual suit somehow. He does have his mask on, which is a clash with the rest of it.

"SORRY," Wade says, knocking on the door. "I missed the hallway. I'm knocking though. And not peeking. Privacyyyyy," Wade announces. He does have one hand up over his eyes, the other applying knuckles loudly to the interior of the door.

Captain America has posed:
Spinning in his comfortable desk chair from reading over this week's letters sent to the mansion, Steve's mouth is parted in bemused consternation. The tri-folded piece of stationary in his hand is light pink with deeper-inked hearts in clusters at the outer corner of each top corner and the ink is blue, is appears.

"Wade, I'm wearing clothing, you're fine," the Avenger informs his sudden guest. In a light-weight long-sleeved shirt of heather-grey and jeans with thick white gold-toe socks, the Captain spins back to begin sliding away all of the correspondance into their respective envelopes.

"How can I help you today?"

And then there's a little sigh. Wording, Steve. Wording.

Deadpool has posed:
"Do you want me to go out the door and begin again?" Wade asks, but does turn around, cheerfully, resting one hand on the doorknob. He cocks his head, and shifts uncomfortably. The layers are hot, and the pants are snug.

"I got news. But I don't really want you to think that's the only reason I come by. We're pals too. So. Small talk can come first if you want. How's everyyyything?" Wade asks. "Observe how I am not pretending to be Thor or anyone. Per request."

Captain America has posed:
Steve glances over his shoulder. "No, you don't have to begin again, you're fine." The Merc gets a small half-smile for his offering of manners before the Captain turns back to continue organizing. A rubber band is plucked from a nearby plastic holder and he carefully stretches it to wrap around the collection of letters. It is an art, not accidentally snapping the thin loops of rubber.

"I appreciate you being yourself instead of anyone else," comes the confirmation as the chair spins around again to reveal Steve more comfortably settled in it now. His fingers interlace over his belt buckle and he looks at Wade with brows lifted. "Everything's about the same. World's still on the cusp of being on fire, but we're one step ahead."

Mostly. Steve doesn't mention the missing Tesseract just yet.

"Janet's well," he adds companionably. "How about you?"

Deadpool has posed:
"Great. No recent attempts on my life, not even death by snoo-snoo," Wade shares conversationally, while he begins to undress: meaning, he's wriggling out of the very hot sweatshirt, working to get it over his head. It must have taken some time to get on, it's caught on his weaponry. His voice echoes from inside the sweatshirt.

"I've been investigating though. I checked out a crime scene at .... at a place I can't reveal, but Loki did some stuff, and I'm a good detective," Wade shares in his disconnected way. "But that's not the news, either. Let me just share that before I forget."

Still working on the sweatshirt. "Got some jobs related to some people hunting for stuff. So I'm all Detective Pikachu lately. People going missing, all suspicion of Friends of Humanity from their families."

Captain America has posed:
Death by snoo-snoo is greeted with an appreciative nod and subtle frown; it might mean Steve didn't get that reference. No death is clearly a good thing in his book regardless. He watches Wade struggle with taking off the top layer of clothing with a smile barely creeping onto his lips -- to help and risk chaos or to let Wade figure it out?

The Captain chooses the latter in order to ensure Wade finishes his thought all muffled away inside the hooding of fabric. His brows finally do meet to hear the Trickster's name dropped. Oh joy.

"So what I'm getting is you came across some of Loki's bunk while you were working on a case involving Friends Against Humanity kidnapping people," he asks as confirmation.

Deadpool has posed:
"PHEW. I'm sweating in here; drippy like a terror-induced enema," Wade describes, after getting the sweatshirt off and dumping it on the floor. He stretches inside his red and black suit, rotating the arms around and doing a brief jig. It rips the side of the yoga pants. Wade abruptly pulls one of his blades from his back, and neatly assists the removal by slicing straight down the side of the pants skillfully. Wade's probably good at skinning things with those swords.

"Okay, let me clear this up. Two entirely different events. The one with the Loki crime scene was small talk. The other piece was business news. Which would you like first?" Wade balls up the remains of the pants and tosses them on top of the sweatshirt, looking around for a spot to sit.

Captain America has posed:
Despite himself, Steve's hand risen to rub at the back of his neck slides briefly to cover his mouth against the risk of a horselaugh -- the metaphors with Wade never cease to be descriptively creative.

His palms end up splayed out along his thighs as he rolls his shoulders forwards briefly to stretch his lower back. "You calling it a 'crime scene' clears up the fog a bit. Lemme guess: Loki at Xavier's pretending to be someone else to borrow healing because he likes to play with things he shouldn't be touching." By his tone, he's not impressed and more than a little annoyed at the whole deal. "I know about that. I didn't know about Friends of Humanity kidnapping people. Do I need to get involved?"

The chair squeaks quietly as he leans back in it, arms now crossed.

Deadpool has posed:
"Yes on the Loki thing. I was working that case as a great favor to, um, other friends," Wade says, censoring with perhaps shocking wareness. He doesn't give up secrets when he's not sure if he should say them. When he's aware enough, that is.

"I didn't say kidnapping. So like, okay. Some Friends of Humanity people were joining the group, right. But then they didn't come home. Police are sorta like 'well they are terrorists so whatever', so here I am, getting hired to look for 'em. Maybe they're just all at a fancy pow-wow about hatred and forgot to tell people. That seems fairly reasonable too."

Captain America has posed:
"Ah, a missing persons file. Definitely a case for Detective Pikachu then," the Captain agrees with a tilt of his head. "Any leads on it yet, detective?"

Steve doesn't pursue the 'Loki thing' further. For one, say the god's name enough times and he might just step out of the nearest shadow. Two, there's a Thor to speak to for further clarification on all things Trickster. Quietly, the super-soldier's kicking himself for not idly asking after Loki in the years following the Chitauri incident.

Deadpool has posed:
"Yeah. I have massive amounts of creepy terrorists to interview," Wade says, shrugging both shoulders. "On the upside, I'm not a mutant, so I think I can pretend to be pals and get infos," he says helpfully. "Is there anything you want me to listen for or do while I'm poking my nose into enemy ranks?"

Captain America has posed:
True-blue eyes slide off to one side from Wade as the Avenger considers his options.

"They've got too many Sentinels for comfort." It's a droll observation full, again, of barely-concealed irritation. "Makes me wonder if they have something bigger helping them out. If you can confirm the presence of a mold, lemme know 'nd let Xavier's know ASAP. Gotta turn off the valve before you can start mopping up the floor," he muses.

"That, 'nd if they've got anything big coming up, or a targeted rally." Steve shifts in the chair to rest his cheek on his knuckles after anchoring his elbow on the chair's arm. His gaze is rather intense on Wade. "You want to interrupt 'em there too, 'm not stopping you."

Deadpool has posed:
"Sure. Listen to my new horrible friends talk about robots, how many they have, if they have a big mommy robot. Check," Wade agrees without any difficulty or pause, putting both hands into two thumbs way up. "I'm still gonna do the job I was hired to do, though. Find the missing peoples. Maybe some foot up ass if they were taken against their will. That's the main goal there," Wade clarifies, as if Steve could possibly be against rescuing kidnapped people and Wade needed to stand his ground.

Captain America has posed:
A nod of agreement follows. "Innocent bystanders 'nd those in distress come first no matter what. Collateral damage should be avoided at all costs." By the subtle lift of Steve's brows, he's quietly asking for less bloodshed if it's possible -- however, the man also knows full well that sometimes, it's impossible to avoid difficulties during missions.

Another shift in his chair brings his ankle up to rest on his knee. "Though, let's swing back around to your visit to Xavier's. I know Tony's been to visit again 'nd Thor's //actually// back in town, so might as well walk me through what you observed. We can compare notes. Grab a beer out of the mini-fridge if you want."

Sure, it's barely past noon and Steve himself won't be indulging, but the offer stands. Sometimes, discussions like this require a drink or two.