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Kitty's Turn To Fret
Date of Scene: 09 October 2019
Location: Medical, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Kitty visits Peter in the Medical Bay after Kraven poisoned him. Gwen comes by and helps study the toxin.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man, Ghost Spider

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty had bailed on the site of the fight as soon as the villains were apprehended, but the drones had already taken Peter back to Avenger's Mansion for medical aid. She and Lockheed arrived, the young woman running down the marble halls and then phasing through the floor down to the lower level rather than taking the time to use the stairs.

She grabs the doorway to swing herself through, not phasing where she might take out medical equipment if she passed through it. "Peter?" she asks even as she looks about the room. One of the staff motions her towards where he is lying in the futuristic looking treatment center.

Spider-Man has posed:
The medical staff have Peter in the sophisticated treatment center in the lower levels of the Avengers Tower. His costume is cut off rather than attempting to remove it and he's been cleaned up of the blood. Likewise, there's a bandage on the leftside of his chest, just beneath his clavical and another on his back marking entry and exit wounds.

Monitors are hooked to him reading his vitals on a digital display above his bed.

"Kitty?" It's a young woman, smiling politely, if apprehensively, "Mr. Stark said you would probably be coming down sooner rather than later.." She reaches out a hand incase she has to steady the young woman, "We had to sedate him for surgery to remove the spear." She informs quietly, turning to look back at Peter, his curly hair slicked back from being cleaned earlier, "His vitals are stable right now, but we've had to double his dose of pain medication to keep him from waking. His physiology is burning off the sedative faster than we could give it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's face is creased with worry lines as she listens to the woman. Though clearly wanting to rush over to his side, hearing how he is comes first. "He'll be ok though, right?" Kitty says, moving then to go over to the side of Peter's bed. "Damn it I should have been there quicker," she says, reaching out and sliding her hand gently over Peter's.

"Keep the spear," Kitty says, though she spares only that brief amount of thought for tracking down who did it. She's giving less thought to vengeance in the moment. "Pete, you never were good at ordering pasta," she says jokes softly to try to hide how she's feeling, seeming him injured in the bed like that.

Kitty slides a chair over to the bed side. "How is his shoulder, is it going to heal alright?" she asks, looking at the size of the bandages that are wrapped about him.

Spider-Man has posed:
"We think so, based on his recovery so far. He could be awake in the next few hours or it might take several days.. no vital organs were involved, by some small miracle." The medic follows Kitty a few steps closer to the bed, then deviates off to check Pete's readings on the monitor. "Yes ma'am, Mr. Stark made it clear that we should hold onto the spear. It's SoP anyways." She nods slowly and spares another glance at the worried burnette woman. "He's going to be okay.." She says, not really sure what else to say.

Peter is quite sedated. Aside from the pain medications in the bag hanging next to his bed feeding him rather generously post recovery relief, "Yes, I think it will be. The drones did a wonderful job removing the spear and aside from a fractured clavical and some blood into his chest cavity, his injuries seem completely mendable.. truth be told, he should have already woken up a few times." That's what has the nurse concerned, apparently, "There were trace elements of some kind of neurotoxin on the spear that is currently being tested in the lab. We're unsure of the make or indications on human physiology, but you should know... his body /is/ fighting it.."

Another brief pause, "I'll give you a few moments alone." Closing a curtain behind her to provide a little privacy.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty tries to keep her worry from showing too much at the talk of the neurotoxin. "They came hunting him, so it'll be something they would have thought would be effective against Spider-Man," Kitty says to the woman.

She lets out a little breath. "Thank you. Thank your whole team please, for the excellent work," she says. Kitty looks back to Peter, moving her other hand so she's holding his in both of her own. "You just sleep and don't try to wake up. Rest and fight it," Kitty tells him softly.

She slides her phone out of a pocket of her X-man uniform, unlocking it and making a call. When there's no answer she makes a second one. "Trying to reach Triage. Peter's been hurt. There's some neurotoxin and... anyway, is he there? He's not. Damn it. Ok, can you try to get word to him? We're at the Avenger's Mansion. Thanks." Kitty hangs up, tapping her phone on the bed. She makes a second call, but no answer. "Damn it Josh, could use you," she says as she pockets the phone again. Kitty reaches over and softly brushes her fingers through Pete's hair.

Spider-Man has posed:
The medic stands on the other side of the curtain for a moment more, sighs, then goes over to check on some data on one of the terminals from the lab results, which is precious little sofar.

Peter ... does nothing. He's breathing, which is some small act of his will, but he does so shallowly. The neurotoxin clearly causing some of his systems to slow down to a snails crawl, while largely leaving his lower brain functions fully intact. He hasn't had to be intubated or placed on pacing wires, so that's a decided plus.

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed nudges Kitty, and she lets go of Peter's hand to reach up and pick up the little dragon and set him down on the bed. Lockheed moves over to the side that doesn't have the hurt shoulder, curling up against Peter and resting his head on Peter's shoulder. "Keep him safe," Kitty whispers to Lockheed.

She unzips her costume a bit and then takes his hand again. "So next time I'm going to be the one to go get the pasta. And... and you can just hang out and take Jester out go do his business, and... damn it they were gunning for you. Someone paying them," Kitty says. "I never set up any watches for you, any searches or... damn it how could I have not done that? I mean, I might have picked up some chatter or... or something," she says, swallowing.

Spider-Man has posed:
The monitor changes to indicate a spike in Peter's heart rate, but it's minimal at best. From 40 BPM to 75 BPM, but it's significant in the frame of reference to his physical state state and level of sedation. It could be a dream, his eyes are very clearly moving behind the lids. It could also be proximity to Kitty. It's hard to tell.

Aside from the wound in his chest he also has blackened section on his flank that looks like it is already in advanced stage of healing. There are also several slashes on his face, probably from Scorpion's tail. He's a mess... but he's definitely alive.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sits quietly, watching Peter. Watching the monitors and his vitals. They really would look better with her Star Trek motif. Will have to talk to talk about that later.

And she looks at his face, and softly smooths those unruly wisps of his hair. Kitty leans close to whisper into Peter's ear, "I love you Peter. You're going to get through this. Just relax and sleep and let your body get better. Lockheed and I are right here," she says.

She thinks about Jester, but he will be ok for awhile longer. She may have to get May to watch him, or maybe Rogue to avoid having to come up with a reason for May. Kitty lets out a sigh and softly squeezes her Peter's hand.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter doesn't squeeze Kitty's hand, but his fingers move slightly.

It's not a lot, but it's signs of higher brain function and that's saying a lot for just how tough he actually is. Any other person, they would have died. Not Peter Parker... Not Spider-Man. He'll fight. He has something... someone.. to fight for.

His eyes continue to move behind his lids as the heart rate settles back down to a static 45 BPM.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits with Peter on into the night. A call is made to get a friend to go get Jester so she can stay at Peter's side. At some point she falls asleep in the chair, the woman coming back and sliding a blanket over the sleeping girl.

Lockheed just stays there, head resting on Peter as if he could will the man to heal by being there with him. He watches the staff as they go about their but doesn't get in their way. Until eventually other visitors might show up...

Ghost Spider has posed:
The news report and then Peter not answering her messages is enough to really make Gwen Stacy panic. He must be seriously hurt if he isn't at least answering and the footage of the fight in the Bugle (remind her to punt JJR to the moon) and the online footage was extremely brutal.

She is mentally kicking herself for not getting priority alerts for Spider news ... maybe she could have made it to the fight in time.

She touches down in front of Avengers manor in her costume ... mostly because when she started to swing right over the gate her danger sense went off like crazy train and .. well that doesn't surprise her but thank goodness her spider sense got her to be rational enough to punch the intercom.

"I'm here to see Spider-Man and I will yeet this gate into the house if someone doesn't pick the hell up!"
Okay ... mostly rational.

Spider-Man has posed:
The person who responds to Gwen is just some young'en who .. takes her threat at face value! "Uhhh.. do you have an appointment?" The intercom says nervously, "Actually, nevermind, I'll be right there.." Confirmation would take too long and getting the manor damaged would probably cost him his sweet gig protecting a bunch of SUPER HEROES. "I'm going to take you down, but you have to close your eyes and promise not to look at the super secret Avengers stuff, okay?" Pause, "Okay."

So that's how that happened.

The Intern leads Gwen down, super nervous because this is like showing his baby sister where their parents keep the Christmas Presents, "Don't cost me my job, don't cost me my job..." It's a mantra and he's singing it.

Peter aint singing shit.

The monitors indicate he's a resting HR in the 40s, which is pretty good considering his general athletic build, but is problematic because it doesn't deviate at all. There's a bandage on his right shoulder, several bruises on his chest, a big one on his right flank and multiple sutured lacerations on his face in a straight line from his mouth to his ear.

As stated, Lockheed (a dragon) is laying his head on Pete's shoulder... so technically, at least right now anyways, that's Pete's Dragon.. and there goes my one Old Popculture reference.

Kitty is laying her head beside the injured with a blanket over her shoulders. Medics are attending monitors or reading information on some of the lab terminals.

Shadowcat has posed:
The worried voice of the intern is what wakes Kitty. In her state, the sound of the man's worry cuts through her sleep and causes her eyes to flutter and open, the young woman sitting upright and looking around to see what is going on.

Kitty rises as she sees someone come into the room a costume. The obvious spider motif helps, but not being familiar with her doesn't. Kitty is wearing her X-man uniform, and moves around to the other side of the bed, putting herself between Peter and the new arrival. "JARVIS, who is this?" she asks.

A gentle-spoken, disembodied voice answers, "This is Ghost Spider. Which my files show is an associate of Spider-Man's."

Kitty nods. She doesn't have anywhere near the clearance of an Avenger with Jarvis, but she does work at Stark Industries on enough to apparently manage that much of an answer.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"Wow... I can't believe that worked." when someone says they are coming right out to take her down. Spider Senses don't seem to be firing so it doesn't seem to be a case of someone actually launching a fleet of drones to take care of her intrusion or anything.


Then the instructions. The white eyes of her mask widen at the whole close her eyes. I mean yes she can make the 'eyes' of the mask narrow but ... how could he even tell if she closes them or not... so to be fair she absolutely doesn't.

Also how could she follow him effectively.

"I'm a hero, I am not going to get you fired dude."

Then she follows and once she spots Peter those white masked eyes get very big again "Fuck" the word says volumes really.

Then someone announces who she is. "Oh thank god... he didn't get the house to call me Spider-Girl..." okay even now she can't help quipping. It is a side effect of radioactive spider bites. She does approach though looking at the monitors as she does "Why is he out and .... what the heck is going on with his heart rate... we don't knock out easy for long..." puzzled.

Then she looks at Kitty "I helped at the bank robbery remember?" she peels the white mask off and lets the hood go back exposing a blond twenty something with pink dip dyed hair. Honestly it is clearer as she looks for more than monitors.

"Can someone hand me something with his medical on it?"

Spider-Man has posed:
The medics stare at Gwen coming in making demands! Who does she think she is?! Spider-Woman?

They still hand them to her, but they do so very reluctantly.

Medical reads: Broken clavical, several cracked ribs, one broken, lacerations to the cheek (4) two requiring stitches... and the presence of a neurotoxin of unknown origin that is inhibiting higher brain function by some, yet anyways, unknonw means. They've not yet fully broken down the code structure, but all tests against Pete's blood samples show it is highly aggressive, but otherwise dosile.

Pete doesn't get up when Gwen comes in the room.

He is very rude.

Shadowcat has posed:
The reminder is enough to stir Kitty's memory. Her worry over Peter and having just woke seemingly enough to have made the bank situation slip her memory in the moment. "Right, sorry. I just... yeah. So, he was attacked. Someone paid Rhino, Electro, Vulture and Scorpion to attack him. Or, at least paid some of them. And someone else shot a spear through his shoulder," Kitty says.

She turns back to the bed, taking PEter's hand again. "And it had a neuro-toxin on it. He's stable and he's fighting it. They are analyzing it," Kitty says quietly.

Ghost Spider has posed:
"It's okay... I think we are both really worried right now and stressed."

Gwen notes the reluctance "I may not be a medical doctor but I have an advanced degree in bio-chemistry and am working on my doctorate and know more about our unique genetics and condition than anyone on earth I'd wager...."

She did design the spider whom bit her in the accident (and maybe another) so well.. she isn't wrong.

When they reluctantly hand it to her though she does have a polite "Thank you." and she seems to mean it.

Navigating the tablet she studies it and nods to Kitty. "Yeah ... but it seems to be working way to well... also our healing factor should be countering most toxins .. I mean we aren't immune to them but we ...really do bounce back better than normal people." she frowns continuing to explore the results in the file right now. "Doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... did the spear get recovered and did it have any of the toxin not compromised by his blood on it?"

Spider-Man has posed:
One of the lab techs working on the blood samples pipes up, "There was a small trace of the toxin that we're trying to replicate, but it has several strange properties that aren't found in any of our database. Not alien, they're definitely from Earth, but... they may as well be." He seems confounded and definitely displeased by it.

The Medic comes in to check Pete's vitals, "He's remained largely stable at this rate since we got him out of surgery. I know Mr Stark will be along when he can, but.. so far nothing we've tried has countered the toxin. It's rather aggressively moving through his system right now. The best we've been able to do is stall it. Whatever it was, it was definitely engineered for him... or at least people like him." Glancing, then, to Gwen with a cautious expression.. then to Kitty.

"Can we get you both anything?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty tells Gwen, "If they were going after him specifically, they'd have tried to use something they thought might affect him." Kitty looks back to Peter. "I'm trying to get ahold of someone with healing powers. But no luck so far." She hasn't called Shannon. There's no way she'd subject the girl to taking on a neuro-toxin like that. If they can't find a healer who can heal him without absorbing the injury, it'll have to be handled the old fashioned way.

Kitty sighs and shakes her head to the woman. "Thank you. No, just... keeping doing for him whatever you can," she says softly.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen nods softly and then offers the tablet back to the medic when he comes to check on Peter. She got what she can from the writeup of what they have so far.

"I'm good thank you... well maybe the nervous guy who escorted me down could get me a bottle of water or something.. I came over really fast when I realized he wasn't at his place and not answering."

Gwen walks over to the lab techs though which are working likely with really expensive versions of some of the equipment her lab at alchemax has. "May I look at the nuerotoxin samples, my research has heavy basis in toxins" spider toxins but well she doesn't add that part. Her research was primarily in human spider genetics and mutagenic properties but she also isn't going to mention that.

"I don't know anyone that might be useful here.. I mean Doc Conners from ESU but he definitely can't know who Spidey or I am...."

Spider-Man has posed:
"We don't have very much." The tech says with a glance to the Medic, who nods. He waves Gwen over to his terminal while the nurse remains near Kitty offering her solidarity, if not really much reassurances. She wants to though, of that there can be no question. She wants to make promises that aren't easily kept until they know more.

"See? It's actually attacking his immune system, which we think is the source of your healing.. his healing.. but we really don't know much about his physiology." He spares a glance at Pete, "We've never gotten any blood samples until today.. He was very secretive. I think I know why now... he was protecting the others like him."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Gwen steps over to the terminal and peers through the results. She reaches out and scrolls with a flick of her gloved finger. "Huh." she starts to scroll through and read with practiced ease the pretty advanced lab work.

"Yeah when I asked him he looked at me like I was a vampire... honestly every time I ask someone for blood samples so I can study them they get pretty creeped out.... so I mostly have been studying my own labs."

"Can I get this on a terminal.... and dig into it. I'm going to have some questions and ... I might be able to sort out the compounds. They look a bit familiar." she really doesn't want to say why yet. She needs to really do some digging first. Right now she isn't even remotely positive.

Still she is falling into research Landia.