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Latest revision as of 19:10, 10 October 2019

Hammerhead's New Enforcer
Date of Scene: 09 October 2019
Location: Frank's Billard Room, Greenwich, Manhatten
Synopsis: Hammerhead hires himself a enforcer in the form of Berri
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Berri Sundae

Hammerhead has posed:
Frank's Billard Room was a favorite hangout spot in Greenwich Village for the Tornadoes. This gang of rich punks often hung out there every night, playing pool, drinking, and planning out future business prospects for their gang. It was this place you were going to. You had recently received a new "request" for your services by Hammerhead, a name in the Underwolrd that you were no doubt familiar with at this point. A name that big often meant big money, so how could you say no.
     The entrance of Franks looks like your standerd bar, neon sign and all. But, instead of normal patrons, you notice a lot of men wearing matching blue sweaters and blue jeans, the uniform of the Tornadoes. Most of them seem to be talking about stocks, bonds, Daddy's college fund, and other mundane things. Once or twice though you do hear one or two of them talking about bashing someone's skull in or selling drugs. As you get closer to the bar, the Tornadoes outside of it finally notice you and start giving you confused looks, some of them even whispering and pointing at you.

Berri Sundae has posed:
To say that Berri stood out in a crowd like this was like saying that water was wet. It was so painfully obvious that it nearly defied any explaination. Even so, as the young woman with the rather bright two-tone hair and parasol in hand walked through the street and into the den of criminals and gang members? She looked perfectly unbothered. There was even a light smile to her lips as the silent girl drummed her fingers on the handle of the parasol to some unheard beat and then snapped it closed with an audible noise. The offer for the job had indeed been good, certainly better than her last one playing bodyguard for that slimy record type that had tried to bounce her last payment.

She moved forward now, starting to walk deeper into the club and sweeping her miss-matched eyes to try and find the 'client' among the gathered punks.

Hammerhead has posed:
The inside of the bar was surprisingly nice looking, considering how slightly shabby the outside of it was. All around you were the same matching sweaters of the Tornadoes as they talked, played pool or darts, or simply drank the night away.
     As you got closer to the center of the bar, you smell cigar smoke, a smell that is not especially plesent, especially when combined with cheap colgne. The source of htis smell is your potential new boss, Hammerhead. He is wearing his signature blue pin-stripped suit and a blue fedora. He is currently smoking a cigar while holding a shot glass of bourbon. There are two lieutenats of another street gang, The Comets, a Gotham based crew centered around sports and gambling, talking with him. Hammerhead was about to say something to them when he notices you. He grins and says in his deep gravley voice, "Ah, ya must be dat girl i heard mah boys talking about. Come on, have a seat and lets discuss business." The two Comets looks at you with confusion and, what seems to be a bit of scorn as one whispers to another," Can't believe Hammerhead's is hiring a kid."

Berri Sundae has posed:
A nod comes from the girl, head tilted to the side and a shift of the parasol. Leaning forward, the object is treated like a cane for a moment, point digging into the floor and her hands resting on the grip. She'll move to follow, but her gaze does shift to the two commets and she turns her head slowwwly to face them with a blank-faced stare. It lingers just long enough to be uncomfortable before she turns away and continues after the big man, a little playful spring to her step.

Hammerhead has posed:
The two Comets immedialtey stop whispering upon being stared at by Berri, one of them looking around, obviously weirded out. As you follow Hammerhead, you continue hearing various conversations amongst the Torandoes. Among these you hear one of them bragging about a trip to Monaco soon, another talking about how Daddy was gonna make him CEO of his company one day, and finally, a conversation about how two of them bashed a rival gangers skull open with a cricket bat.
     You are evntually lead to a table in the back of the bar, which happened to be near a pool table. As Hammerhead sits down he beckons over a older looking Tornado with a goatee and neatly groomed blond hair. The man nods at Hammerhead and sits down next to him. After you sit down, Hammerhead clasps a hand over the Tornado's shoulder as he says," I am sure you are familiar with Judge Billingsly right? Well , here is his son, Chad Billingsly." Chad justs grins and extends his hand towards Berri for a handshake.

Berri Sundae has posed:
The 'background noise' was two-fold for the young woman. Thoughts, even just those on the surface were enough to have her wanting to roll her eyes even before they were vocalized. Still, sure enough she finds herself brought to the large table and taking a seat for herself. Introductions being made earn a nod, but the handshake offer? It just gets a blank-faced stare and a blink for a moment, the tilt of her head questioningly.

No shake, just a little stare for a moment before she nods. Oddity was certainly abound it seems. A brow raises, question raised about the presence of the Judge's son.

Hammerhead has posed:
Chad tilts his head in confusion at the strange girl before shrugging and putting his hand away. Hammerhead lets out a small, barking laugh before saying to Berri," Oh yeah, ofrgot to tell yah. Chad right here is da leader of da Tornados. His Daddy and I go way back. Would ya beleive he helps his boy outa legal trouble. Dat's why ya don't see many Tornadoes going to jail fer long, Judge Billingsly helps them got off. Anyway, to business. As ya know, i want ta hire ya. How does $50,000 a month sound to ya?"

Berri Sundae has posed:
How does it sound? Certainly it was a valid enough offer. Plenty of money, but it was a certain type of market. A nod, the woman holds up a finger and then reaches into her back pocket. Sure enough, a notepad is dropped onto the table and then she withdraws a small pencil. No words, but she begins to write out the words she wasn't going to speak.

<<Fine for most, but certain tasks will need more. The 'big supers' cost extra.>>

Hammerhead has posed:
Both Hammerhead and Chad lean in to look at what Berri is writing on the paper. After reading it, Hammerhead leans back onto the chair and says casually," How much extra? I am willin to hire ya and all, but i don't wanna go bankrupt in da process. Ya dig?"

Berri Sundae has posed:
A smirk, a nod, the woman tilts her head to the side and shrugs her shoulders. <<If you accept I'll cut and run? Nothing. If you want me to tangle with bullet-proof gods and speedsters? It's going to be half again. On the occurance.>> A tilt of her head comes the other way and her gaze flicks to Chad, perhaps trying to get a view of what the 'Leader' might think.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead and Chad look at each other, Chad's face a mix of confusion and a bit of reluctance as they discuss in whispers, Chad saying in the quietiest voice possible," I can't afford that Boss. Daddy would never lend me that much." Hammerhead then snorts and says," Ya won't have ta if ya don't bring attention to yerself, capiche!" Chad justs nods.
     Hammerhead then turns to Berri and says," We can both deal with dat. Hopefull, ya won't run into any while workin fer me. If ya do and managed to get away or whack em' come ta me and I will make sure to pay ya. Now, i am sure ya want ta know yer responsibilities."

Berri Sundae has posed:
Terms apparently accepted, there's a flick of a smile and Berri leans forwards, resting her elbows on the table before interweaving her fingers together. She's eager enough to hear, and truth be told? Tangling with thugs, rivals and some vigilanties could be fun, but messing with the more super-powered? The threshold of 'challenge' could pass through and drive towards the impossible.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead places his feet up on the table and lights andother cigar. As he begins to smoke it, he says to her," Ya jobs should be simple. First of all, ya gonna be doing some bodyguard work fer me. I am travelin a lot so there are a lot of opportunities people have to try ta whack me. Yer job in dat sitiation is ta keep me from biting da bullet ya know what i mean?"
     Hammerhead then takes another puff of his cigar as he then says," Yer second job with me might be a bit more complicated. Ya probably already know i got a whole Syndicate goin on. Under me and mah normal crew are otha gangs helpin mah wee-oiled machine say dat way. I would want you to help these otha gangs out wheneva they need help with smoething or wheneva i gave da order. However, there is a catch."

Berri Sundae has posed:
Bodyguard work was simple enough, enough to earn a nod from the 'icecream' colored girl. She'd done it before and wuld likely do it again, there was certainly advantages to looking as she did, some security was best when it wasn't so obvious at frst glance. Security that was 'seen' and security that worked weren't always the same thing!

Tilting her head, the mutant raises an eyebrow, looking to see what this 'catch' might just be.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead takes another puff of his cigar and says with a voice with a bit more annoyance in it," Basically, here's how it is. As much as I want yas to start workin jobs that ain't security fer me directly, i am afraid it won't work dat way. Da other gangs in mah outfit would hate it if a outside just "ascended" to da top and started to boss dem around. Besides, i don't know if yer as good as mah boys keep saying you are. So, i am having ya work for da other crews under my control. Dat means, while still workin fer me, you will also be takin orders and "jobs" from da leaders of the otha crews. Don't worry, i will make sure they pay ya fer yer time. Think of it as climbing da ladder. That's the reason Chad is here, to get a first impression of ya. If ya don't like this, you are free ta leave if ya wish."

Berri Sundae has posed:
Another nod, it seemed she understood. This wasn't a -new- experience for her after all, even if she had been working more 'one-off' contracts than anything else of late. A steady pay was certainly appealing to her. Lowering her hands from their position to rest flat against the tabletop before she straightens up. A gesture of her thumb, the girl was clearly signaling an affirmative before she turns her gaze towards Chad expectantly.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead grins and nods at her, happy she agreed to his little proposal. Chad then turns to Berri and says in a voice that has a Midwestern accent," Oh yeah, now i got to talk to ya. Anyway, you already know my name and my leadership of the Tornadoes. I will go more into our rackets later. For now, I should warn you that i tend to go with my dad alot when he travels, so in my abscense you will have to listen to my lieuteneats, Chazz and Bryce. Our main hangout is Averton Hall, it is in Nassau County and is owned by Bryce. You know where Nassau County is right?"

Berri Sundae has posed:
A shift of her position sitting, there's another nod of an affirmative, confirming she knew of the location. Hands folded once more, the girl is...as ever...hard to read. It seems like she was understanding so far, but the conversation was a little 'one-sided' for the time being. Sure enough though, she'd go check out the location for herself...it was probably going to be decidedly fancier than her usual hideouts.

Hammerhead has posed:
Chad suddenly looks up at his watch and lets out a swear. He automatically stands up and reaches into his pocket, placing $1,000 on the table, obviously for Berri. Chad then says while rushing out," Gotta go, Father wants me to meet him at the airport soon." As Chad left, Hammerhead turned to her and said," You will be working for Chad and his crew fer awhile, then i will ntroduce ya to The Comets. I am sure Randall would love to meet ya."

Berri Sundae has posed:
A shift of her hands, the girl does of course move to reach for the bills. Flicking through them all and checking to ensure they were genuine. Of course, she'd probably have picked up the thoughts if she was being played...but it was worth checking none the less. With Chad departing, Berri's gaze flicks upwards in acknowledgement of Hammerhead's comment and a shrug. If the pay is good? She'll meet with who she needs to.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead takes one final puff of his cigar, finishing it. He then says to Berri," Well, that will be all. Welcome to da organization Kid. If ya want ta contact me, go ta either SoHo or Little Italy and ask one of mah boys, they should tell ya where I am. Also, here is ya first paycheck." Hammerhead then reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a envelope, which he then tosses at Berri. Hammerhead then leaves, leaving Berri alone.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Of course, Berri did know how to use a phone...she just tended to stick with messages of text rather than voice calls for obvious reasons. Watching the money closely, the woman doesn't look up towards Hamerhead as he leaves...instead she reaches into her pocket and withdraws her burner phone, tapping away a few keys off-hand.

Of course, the message is timed to reach Hammerhead after he departs, less the questions come as to how she got the number.

<<Till then.>>