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Latest revision as of 01:05, 16 October 2019

We Spend Too Much Time in Medbays
Date of Scene: 15 October 2019
Location: Medical, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Still in medical, Peter continues to mend while Kitty catches him on happenings. But only the good things.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Spider-Man

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty returned to the Avenger's Mansion after going to Superman's memorial. It was a much longer trip than intended. After hearing Robin tell the crowd that Batman had died, Kitty left Metropolis to make an unscheduled stop in Gotham.

Though her news there was good, she was in no state to have an injured Peter see her, and so a trip back to Westchester to get herself centered. Finally, she stopped to pick up Jester and rejoin Peter and Lockheed.

Though it was late, and Peter asleep. Kitty ended up kicking off her shoes and climbing up onto the bed after staring down Nancy, one of the doctors, before the woman relented. And now Kitty is sleeping on her side beside Peter on his good shoulder side. Lockheed is curled up between them, touching both of their bodies, and wrapped around Jestesr as the cute little pup sleeps with his family.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete does a lot of sleeping, mostly sedation when he wakes up because the wound just isn't healing as quickly as it should. Not nearly at a normal human speed, but also not as nih instantanious as Kitty has seen other wounds heal. The ones on his cheeks healed quickly, unnaturally so, but that pierced shoulder?

It's takingi ts time.

Now he's laid out with Kitty against him, Jester and Lockheed between the pair of them, when he snorts softly and opens his blue eyes to stare up at the ceiling. More awake in that instant than he has been in days..

Shadowcat has posed:
The man's stirring wakes Kitty, or maybe it's the change in the steady background tones of the monitors singing out his heartbeat and breathing. Whatever, Kitty's eyelids flutter and open, looking over and seeing Peter awake.

"You're in the Avenger's medical bay," she tells him softly, just in case he has any moments of not remembering as he wakes. "How are you feeling?" Kitty asks as she slides an arm beneath herself to lift her shoulders up so she can look down and over at Peter Parker. Kitty reaches over to brush her fingers across Peter's cheek over near his hair, being careful of the oxygen tube. "Remember everything?" she asks him. "My name is Dorothy and we rode a tornado in here together?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete moves his hand up to grab at the tube coming out of his mouth, but finds his wrists are held down to the bed with Hulk strength restraints. His head turns enough to look at them, then over to Kitty with his brow furrowed. Still unable to speak because of the tube, he's moving his mouth trying to say something that sounds more like gagging than words.

But he definitely wants that tube out.

One of the doctors sees him and comes over, frowning a little as he starts to give more sedatives through the IV tubing.. while Peter is pleading with Kitty through blue eyes.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty rests her hand on Peter's shoulder gently, letting her fingers slip over to rub along the side of his neck, reaching for that spot in back to help calm him. "Doctor, would it be ok to remove the tube for awhile, now that he's awake?" she asks. "I think he'd like the chance to be able to talk normally for awhile."

Kitty adds in a stage whisper, "It's kind of his thing. Talking, I mean. It's sort of like breathing to the rest of us." Kitty peeks over to Peter out of the corner of her eyes, expression warm, trying to bring him a little levity even as she tries to caress the back of his neck.

Spider-Man has posed:
The Doctor pauses in administering the medication to peer at Peter and Kitty, "Okay.. but if he has another seizure, I don't know if there's anyone around that can hold him down.." He muses quietly, but grabs a 10cc syringe to deflat the balloon holding it in place.

Peter peers at Kitty with a slump of his shoulders and adoration in his eyes. The levity is met with a weird kind of oh grin around the tube. It was definitely appreciated, as much as she is.

When the tube comes free, Peter caughs violently and turns his head so it doesn't spray all kind of mouth gunk at Kitty. "Oh thank god, can I brush my teeth? I haven't brushed my teeth in a week, I feel like I have dragon breath, no offense Lockheed, you have special dragon breath."

Shadowcat has posed:
That wakes Lockheed up, he and Jester were both still sleeping until the doctor comes over and begins fussing with the tube to remove it. Kitty picks up the puppy, trusting his behavior far less than Lockheed's.

"Is that what that is? I thought maybe they put in a trash dump upwind in the middle of Manhattan," Kitty teases, patting Peter's shoulder while holding the puppy with the other hand.

"I brought a few things but didn't know when you might get a chance to use them," she says. "Doc, ok for him to brush his teeth?" she asks. "I've got a toothbrush and your toothpaste, some other things," she says.

Kitty slips off the bed. The bag she brought is sitting over in a corner and she'll wait on the doctor's verdict before getting anything from it. "How are you feeling?" Kitty asks Peter softly. "And if you say like you went a few rounds with Rhino... ah, that would be pretty accurate."

Spider-Man has posed:
The Doc unclamps Pete's wrist and he immediately reaches up to rub his throat, "Wow, so if you're ever in the market for a Endotracheal tube?" Said to Kitty, rolling a little towards her to breath his nasty breath all over her, "Don't, tell them no. Where's the toothbrush!" Nuzzling against Jester kisses while asking.

The Doctor grins seeing Pete returned... well he's still groggy... but he's mostly back to himself. "I'll let you four have a few minutes." Moving off to notify the chief medical to inform them of a change in the patients condition.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty goes to get the toothbrush, and then gets Peter some water and a cup he can spit in. "Oh god. I should have gone out with Vulture instead," she says as she waves a hand overly-dramatically after being breathed on.

Kitty settles back onto the bed, sitting there with one leg drawn up onto it slightly. "I swear, you'll go to any lengths to get out of parent-teacher conferences," Kitty says, shaking her head and giving another dramatic sigh. "Covered for you. Your students made a card," she says, getting up to get it and bring it over to him. "Told Rogue you came down with something nasty and we were close to here so I brought you in here for treatment," she says. "She's a former Avenger though, so, she might show up and figure something out at some point, just a heads up," Kitty says.

"So anything you'd like me to bring from home? Book? Tablet? That stuffed Mets mascot in the closet?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete sits up with a hand on his shoulder and a grunt on his lips, "Ugh... I feel like I went several rounds with Rhino." Better late than never, grinning after Kitty as she makes her way over to grab his toothbrush. At her quip about Vulture, though, "I heard it's not too late? I mean, terminal cancer aside, they make pills for the old age thing..."

Apparently his bad sense of humor wasn't affected by the neurotoxin.

"Oh... yeah, the kids. How are they doing? How are things with the Sentinels? I know it was getting a little heated before I went under." He still doesn't know. He's been in an induced coma. Frowning now, just a little, at how he's been laid up in a bed while other people were suffering.

Leave it to Peter to feel guilty about being injured.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Peter a big smile. "Things are great," she lies. Well, not all lie, as she's honest when she says, "The X-men destroyed the Master Mold that was making the Sentinels for the Friends of Humanity. Sebastion got kind of partially blown up when it detonated. We cleared out with our wounded and the Avengers showed up. Sebastion called a lot of Sentinels to his aid. The Avengers wiped them out, and tore Sebastion apart in the end, apparently," she says.

Kitty leaves out the whole Batman and Superman thing for now.

"So, the threat isn't completely gone. There are still some Sentinels out there. And we need to make sure Sebastion doesn't have any advanced stuff getting built still. But, it's a huge win. So, no reason for you to rush back. Just relax and get all healed. The kids are good. We gave them an extra day off to celebrate," she says.

And mourn.

Spider-Man has posed:

Pete looks down at his legs laid out in the bed with a frown deep enough to set a basin in. "So while I was laying up in here, there was a war going on?" That only deepens his frown, "That I definitely could have helped with... if I hadn't been laid up.. which..." He rubs at his brow and flops backwards to stare up at the ceiling quietly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty reaches over and squeezes Peter's shoulder gently. "Peter?" she says, and waits until he looks to her before she says. "War. War never changes." She trails off there and pauses for a few beats before saying, "But, we'll play Fallout 8 some other time. Anyway, Peter, you took on FOUR major villains at once and they all got arrested. It's not like you didn't do your part, honey," she tells him.

Kitty slides her hand down to Peter's and squeezes it. "So don't go beating yourself up about anything. When I was unconscious for a couple of days, all sorts of stuff happened. I did what I could though. Accepted it, and moved on. You need to do the same," she tells him gently.

"Anyway, someone came gunning for you. This thing they hit you with made use of spider physiology to target you. We need to focus on that for awhile. But it can wait until you're back on your feet."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete rolls his head to the side to look at Kitty, specifically when she makes a Fallout reference, "God, I love you." He says with a smirk, despite trying to keep his serious face on... it is failing. So he squeezes her hand instead.

"I know, I know... well, I know that you're right, I did not know they were using special neurotoxins created specifically for lil ol me..." Which means, and it's pretty clear where his brain goes, "It can affect any of the spiders..." He says distantly, eyes glossing a little. "I have to get better, Kitty. We have to figure out who's doing this before he goes after Cindy or... Spider-Girl." Unaware that Gwen introduced herself the other night.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty keeps hold of Peter's hand. "Ghost Spider was in here, she's helping with treating you. So she's aware of the danger out there, I assume she can let the others know. Though I heard Rhino, or... one of them, over your phone say they were paid to come after /you/. So you're the one we need to take care of right now, Peter," Kitty tells him.

"So, you're just going to have to relax here, bask in the attention of your loving family, and heal. I mean look at this face," Kitty says, bringing Jester's face over up closer to Peter. "Look at him! He's practically begging you to sleep and heal up!" Kitty exclaims.

Ok, really, he's just craning his head to give Peter's face a few licks. "See!" Kitty says. "BEGGING!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter cannot argue with affection of that magnitude and while it pains him to do so, physically because of his shoulder, he accepts the puppy against his bare chest and nuzzles his cheek down against the licking. "Awww, I missed you too buddy.." Eyes up on Kitty though.

"I wont be able to stay in here forever, baby.. you know that. It's not in me to let other people fight my fight." Which it is, whether anyone wants to admit that. "I'll stay until I'm healed though.. which is probably not going to be as long as they want me to stay."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty nods her head encouragingly. "Right, it's not like us to let other people fight our fight," Kitty agrees with what Peter didn't say. "So, get yourself healthy. This isn't some normal wound you're recovering from. Even with your super awesome studly body, this is taking some work. And we almost lost you," Kitty says.

She tries really hard not to let her face show how much she was worried. Maybe she succeeds somewhat, but Peter will probably still read a lot there.