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Latest revision as of 14:25, 20 October 2019

Date of Scene: 19 October 2019
Location: Backyard, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Kara and Carol talk, play some video games, and plan a solar vacation.
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Supergirl

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
It was an effort dividing time between a continent's east and west coasts as well as a space station orbiting high above, but Carol had been managing it for years now. But still, there still felt like there was a bit of a divide between her two 'lives' even if she had given up the whole secret identity thing years ago. So, she'd sent out the invitation - offering to meet Kara at the Avengers Mansion, show her around.

So, there she waits. In the backyard of the extravagant mansion that is the Avengers' headquarters in New York. She's eschewed her usual Captain Marvel outfit, instead wearing a bomber jacket, red shirt, and jeans. She stands on the lawn, her phone in one hand as she idly flicks through the contents.

Supergirl has posed:
And who still clung to the hope of a secret identity? Supergirl did!

But seeing as Carol was showing up in her casual clothes - Supergirl was going to do the same.

In fact - Captain Marvel's Marvelous abilities might track the girl as she wooshes behind one of the trees in the extravagant mansion, and steps out - bringing up her hand to smooth down her blonde hair and adjust her glasses which she totally needed.

Cute sweater, modest muave skirt - and a pair of flats to round out the ensemble. Stepping towards Carol at the backyard, she lifts her hand up.

"Hey! Is that invitation still good?" asks Kara Danvers, who was totally not Supergirl.


Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Of course," Carol says, smiling at the sudden woosh and Kara's subsequent appearance, "Offer still stands, glasses or no. Don't worry, though. I don't think there's anyone around and they'll be polite enough not to ask too many questions. Your secret's safe with us."

The Avenger takes a few steps over to Kara, reaching up to squeeze her shoulders and draw her in for a hug. After a moment she pulls back, hands still in place, and looks at her critically for a second. There's a somber look on her face, and she sighs before she speaks again.

"I was sorry to hear about your cousin."

Supergirl has posed:
"I hope so," says Kara, in a small whisper to the other woman, as she steps up on her tippytoes to hug Carol around the shoulders.

And for a few seconds, it was a Superhug. One that leaves a Supersmile on Kara's Superface.

She sets herself back upon her heels, looking up towards Carol's face afterwards.

And in a few moments, that smile vanishes, growing more somber.

"I... wasn't involved in any of that," she says. "But. I don't know what to think about any of it," she says. A hand draws back. "I don't... like it," she says. "I don't know Batman - I knew Barbara for a little while, but I don't know Batman at all," she says.

"But... I don't like it," she says. "And I don't like how suspicious everyone is of me now. But I... understand it," She says.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"I'm not suspicious of you," Carol offers, as though that would help, "Whatever was going on that caused ... that? That's not what he was about, or you."

Unwilling to let go just yet, she leans in for another hug. This one itself is tight - the kind of crushing strength that they weather easily but that would warp even tempered steel. She rests her chin on Kara's shoulder, closes her eyes, and holds her like that for a long moment.

"I trust you. Everything you can do? You use it to do good things because you're a good person. My favorite person."

Then, she leans back a bit and gestures towards the Mansion: "Come on, let's take your mind off that. You like arcade games?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I would hope not," Kara jokes, her hip and skirt given an extra swish. "And it... was not," says Kara, her voice immeadiately sobering again. That joke was short-lived. Of course that second hug was accepted, her hands to circle around Carol's shoulders and hold her tight, letting the taller woman rest right there. Her return hug was well.

"...and you're my favorite person too," she says, quietly. "Thank you for believing in me, even if... do we have... any idea at all why he was acting so strangely?" she asks. "What if it could happen to me, as well?" she asks.

A beat further, and she breathes out.

"Only if they're the kind that don't eat all my quarters," she says, grinning wider. "Taking it back to the nineties," she adds.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You're probably better suited asking the Justice League," Carol says, an apologetic smile in her eyes, "They're not really talking to us at the moment. We extended the olive branch, but it's been kind of quiet. It was a lot to process for us, I can't imagine what it would be like for the people they worked with."

The subject changed for the moment, Carol leads the way up the path to the Mansion itself and its cozy interior. Warm against the autumn chill that has begun to gather.

"Nope, they're all free," she promises, "Old school games like Galaga and Asteroids. You just so happen to be looking at the number one Asteroids champion as decreed by Captain America himself."

Supergirl has posed:
"Superman and Batman both like..." Kara begins to say, her hand coming up to push her blonde hair over her shoulder. "They were the face of it," she says, her head tilting as she looks back to the other. Reaching out her hand - perhaps for comfort, perhaps for warmth, she hopes to take Carol's own in her hand, to let her fingers lace between the hands of the other.

A nod of her head.

"Well, then, that's good," she says. "Because I didn't want to have to go woosh back home, get dollars, and go to the bank - because I have a feeling I'll need a lot of quarters," she says, her brows both lifting as she smiles, following along after Carol.

"So um. Asteroids. Is that your favorite one?" she asks. "I don't play video games that much," she says.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"We played it a ton when I was a kid," Carol explains, gratefully taking Kara's hand and clasping it between both of hers, "The place we'd used to go for summer had this arcade, but the games were way out of date even then - Asteroids was my favorite. It's kind of why I wanted to be a pilot. Sort of."

They head down one of the ground floor hallways and turn to enter the Avengers' entertainment suite. Televisions displaying sports, tv shows, and films fill one wall. There's a wet bar in the corner, and a whole row of vintage-looking arcade cabinets just as Carol had promised.

"I don't play them much myself," she admits, "But it's a good way to blow off steam when there's time."

Supergirl has posed:
"I'd hope it was more than just an old 90's game that made you wanna be a pilot," @me says. "Like looking up into space, seeing the stars - we've talked about that before, right?" says Kara, her head tilting just so to the side. Through the halls of the mansion, Kara tromps, releasing Carol's hand as they enter the place entirely. "I don't know if I could watch so many at once," she remarks as she jerks a thumb towards the television screens.

"When I want to blow off steam..." she says. "I guess I watch TV. Or read. Or play with my cat," she says.

"Let's play one? You'll beat me, but you can teach me how it goes," she says, her poor mood slowly starting to climb out of the valley, so to speak.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol lifts her hands into the air in a dramatic shrug, a smile still on her face: "I suppose I have a lot of influences. We went on a plane once when I was a kid and I thought the captain looked like the most important person I'd ever seen before. But I know Asteroids is sort of what got me thinking about flying combat missions. I don't know."

She moves over to one of the machines - a big yellow cabinet with Ms. Pacman painted on the side. She taps the 'start' button on the console and steps aside, putting hands on Kara's hips to move her in front of the machine.

"All you've got to do is eat the little white dots and not get spooked on by the ghosts. I'll be your cheer squad."

She leans her head over Kara's shoulder, grinning and watching as she plays.

Supergirl has posed:
"I've seen this game before!" Kara enthuses, as she looks at the side of the Ms. Pac Man. Although... there seemed to be some unfamiliarity with the way the cabinet was set up. A little pursing of her lips, and she allows herself to be hip-moved to be put in front of the machine.

Up comes her hand to push her blonde hair out of her eyes again, as a certain intensity enters her features, her eyes narrowing on the screen.

"I don't like ghosts," she murmurs. "So... it's not something that you have to tell me," she says.

The first game would be awful. She'd need guidance on moving Ms. Pac-Man around, which one was her, etc.

The second game would be better, a little smoother, Kara sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. "Have you ever seen a ghost?" she asks, tilting her head just so.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol's video game coaching isn't overbearing. She stays where she is behind Kara, helping her when she needs it but otherwise letting her work it out as she goes. She cheers her on when she's winning and commiserates with her when she gets a game over.

"Ooh, there you go," she enthuses, giving Kara a slight squeeze about the hips, "Get 'em!"

The question causes her to furrow her brow a little in thought, before she says: "I was going to say I didn't believe in them, but since I know several actual wizards or sorcerers or whatever they call themselves - and a few weeks ago I was attacked by animated mannequins? I'm going to guess anything is possible and just say no, I haven't seen one. Have you?"

Supergirl has posed:
But Kara seemed to be getting into - well, less the game and winning, because secretely in her brain she was wondering what the point even was. But more the... energy of the moment. The coaching, the excitement, and the happiness.

She got 'em!

And when she finally passes that level, she turns to look back towards Carol.

"I wanna see you try. I wanna see you /win/," she says.

There was something oddly intense about the way she said 'win', right there. Ahem.

So she kinda scootches out of the way, and clears the way for Carol.

"...I haven't seen a ghost, like, for real. And I know magic is around, but... I haven't really talked to wizards either. I expect them to be kinda weird, you know?" she says. "Plus I got lazer eyes. That beats magic," she says, adding that with a whisper.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You know, I can't help but be a little jealous of your laser eyes. That and the freezing breath. I suppose photon hands are pretty cool, too."

Carol holds out her hands, looking at them as though she were only just discovering them. She does what she's asked, stepping in front of the cabinet and practically beaming at the word 'win'. Winning was what Carol Danvers did best, and she aims to do just that.

She hits the start button, and while she's a little rusty her pilot's reflexes more than make up for it. She's dodging ghosts left and right, eating those little dots when they get in her way. The score in the corner ticks over up and up and up.

"I'm glad you came," she offers, eyes still fixed on the screen, "I really needed to see you."

Supergirl has posed:
"You got lots to be jealous about," says Kara. "For one, you're actually human, right?" says Kara. "So there's none of this whole... 'oh wow, aliens are bad' business that comes up a lot," she says, grinning a little bit.

Kara probably had sensed that about her, but... seeing that response in Carol's face, in spite of the... cloud hanging over the situation.

And when that score keeps going up Kara... well, she releases a sound that archaelogists from ancient times would call a 'squee', her smile honest and bright - maybe moreso than when she was winning.

"I needed to see you too," she says. "It's just... been busy, and I don't like it."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Human, yes," Carol says by way of explanation, "But I spent enough time in space and being bombarded with Kree technology that I doubt they all see me that way. Still, the Sentinels were programmed not to hurt me so I guess that's a plus?"

That little aside prompts a wry smile from her. But when Kara speaks again it fades, and Carol leans back slightly to rest her head slightly on the other woman's shoulder.

"That's how it always is with people like us. Busy busy busy. I suppose at least we can fly at ridiculous speeds, so we don't have to get in the car or hop a plane to see each other."

Supergirl has posed:
"What!" says Kara. "Like the sentinels will come after me, if they get frisky?" she asks. "I'll warn them in advance, though," she says. "I'm getting /really good/ at beating up giant robots," she says.

A beat further, though, as she turns her head to look to her, even as the taller woman seems to relax into her. A pause, and her face woobles a bit. "Aw, Captain," she says, her tone of voice drawing out with sympathy. Up comes her hand, to kinda cradle the head of the other woman.

"I mean, I can show you my favorite place to hang out in space. I sometimes snooze up there if I'm feeling snoozy," she says. "So you can catch me there if I'm not... you know. Zooming around or in class or something. Or in the fortress. Or back at home with my family! You saw that last time."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Your family are really nice, by the way. I like your house, too. It seems like you're full of these little, pleasant surprises - it's kind of a wonder."

Finally, one of the ghosts catches up with Carol's little circular avatar on the screen and the game over screen flashes. When the request comes up to enter her initials, she writes in 'A C E' before hitting the accept button. That done, she remains where she is with her head cradled.

"I want to see," she says of the favorite place in space, "All of it."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, I try," says Kara, at that. "And I think you do too," she says to Carol, giving an extra little squeeze to Carol's head.

"Aweee," she says. "It got you," she adds, bringing her hand up to gesture towards the screen. "Next time, though," she says.

"I think you'll beat 'em," she adds, her smile bright as she turns her head back towards Carol.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Let's go flying," Carol asks suddenly, lifting her head and turning to clasp Kara's hands in her own once again, "Things are quiet - well, quiet-ish. I don't think anybody's specifically looking for us right now, and I'm not getting any alarms or alerts."

She gives the hand she has taken a gentle squeeze, eyes lifting to meet Kara's: "We can go up. Way up. Show me that place you like to go. Hell, we can go for a walk on the Moon. Anything. Let's just go do something out of the way, huh?"

Supergirl has posed:
"That sounds..." Kara grins in spite of herself as her hand was taken, before returning the squeeze with one of her own.

"Amazing," she says. "You think we'd be able to handle a walk on the sun?" she asks, her eyebrows lifting as Kara releases the hand, briefly. A step away, and there was a WOOSH.

Two WOOSHES, really. And with the second, she was wearing the supersuit that people associated with the ~Supergirl~. "I think I'm ready to go," she says.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"The sun?" Carol's eyebrows raise, but the grin on her face betrays someone inevitably up for any great challenge that might be laid before them, "I suppose my tan could use a little work, huh?"

When Kara reappears as Supergirl, Carol's smile grows even brighter. Her own civilian clothes vanish in a sparkling shimmer, replaced by the red and blue suit that marks her as Captain Marvel. Her gloved hands find Kara's again, and she nods her head.

"Then let's go, Supergirl."