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Latest revision as of 03:36, 23 October 2019

Sweet treats and red feathers
Date of Scene: 22 October 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea talks with the Guthrie boys. Jay is a bowl of jello around her.
Cast of Characters: Rage, Icarus, Cannonball

Rage has posed:
Rumor is one of the staff members went shopping and packed the freezers full of ice cream, so Andrea is down in the kitchen rummaging through what must be at least forty types of flavors. "Holy cow. I don't even know which one to choose." She says as she shifts cartons about until landing on a blueberry cheesecake. Picking the container up, she heads to a cupboard and snags a bowl, then starts to scoop it out. Today she's wearing a pair of snug designer jeans and a tank top. Her hair is wild along her shoulders instead of tied up. On her feet are a pair of wolf slippers that 'arf' as she walks.

Icarus has posed:
A few minutes later, another figure comes wandering into the kitchen. Jay is dressed in jeans, not baggy for once, and a tank top, red wings openly on display folded behind his back. A pair of white buds are in his ears, phone in his right had as he hums along to whatever he's listening to. Seeing he wasn't alone, he gave a quick wave of his hand then pulled out the earbud on that side so he wasn't being rude. "Hey."

Rage has posed:
With a spoon in her mouth, Andrea is dancing with a bit of a sway back and forth as she hums happily around the blueberry goodness. As she turns to face him, she blushes as she pops the spoon out of her mouth. "Hey, Jay!" She says as she dips her spoon into the ice cream, then holds it out for him with a grin. "You like blueberry cheesecake, right?" She asks, then reaches up with her free hand to brush her hair to the side. She has one of his red feathers tied into her hair in a thin braid. It's kind of cute and stylish. "You left one of these behind in my room and thought I'd do something with it."

Icarus has posed:
"Dunno. Never tried it." As she offers the ice cream, Jay takes the bite. He savors it a moment before swallowing then grins. "Yeah, that's pretty good. But I'll always be a chocolate guy. Plain, none of that fancy stuff in it." He was planned on getting something proper to eat but if ice cream is allowed first? Well, life is uncertain and dessert should be eaten first. He heads for the freezer, catching a glimpse of that red feather in her hair. "First, it looks great. Second, sorry I was apparently dropping parts of me in your room. And third, it's a little weird seeing a piece of me tied to someone else. Not bad weird just different."

Rage has posed:
"It wasn't a big deal. Just kinda fell off you when we were dancing. Stressful night from Genosha. I found it under the bed when I was dragging some stuff out from under." Andrea says as she tucks some hair behind her ear, then dips her spoon into her bowl again for another bite. "I can take it out if it's weird for you. I don't want you to be embarrassed or anything. I just thought it would look cute and maybe wear one on stage at the club. Annnd.. it just reminded me of you when I see it in the mirror." She says softer, throat clear.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking in from the direction of the garage. He is drying his hands off, and walking towards the trashcan to throw the paper towel away. He looks over and seeing the two, he will ask "What's up?" trying not to smirk, and maybe failing a bit seeing the feather.

Icarus has posed:
"Nah, I don't mind. Like I said, I think it looks great. Keep it. if I molt anymore, I'll give you the others." Jay is kidding of course. He doesn't molt. But feathers do fall from time to time. It's the nature of being winged.

He finds the chocolate ice cream and his own bowl, working on scooping out a heaping portion. "Hey, Sam."

Rage has posed:
"Okay, as long as you don't mind." Andrea says with a smiles as she gently bumps her shoulder to his. At the sight of Sam, she lifts her hand up for a brief wave, then takes another bite of her ice cream. "Hey Mister Guthrie. How're you doing?" She asks after swallowing, followed by a lick of her lips.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the two. Jay, Andrea, hey, was actually hoping to catch both of you for totally different reasons, but hey timing." He will move to get himself some ice tea when the way to the fridge is clear. "You looking to help normal folks who have been really fubared as well as mutants Andrea?

Icarus has posed:
Jay settles down at the island with his bowl of chocolate ice cream, stuffing his face and just listening for the moment. A sort of mprhle sound comes out of his mouth that Sam wanted to talk to him. He'll wait his turn.

Rage has posed:
"I guess it depends. Why, what's up?" Andrea asks as she settles in next to Jay at the island, then takes another bite. She gives Jay's bowl a glance, then sloooowly dips her spoon into it to snag a bite.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to lean against the sink as he talks "Well nothing is for sure yet, but looks like some folk who have been treated really bad, may have a group of folks, some we know some not so much, head in to save them in next little bit, probably month at least the way paperwork goes, if it goes that way. If it does, liable to be anywhere from a few families to a whole town of folks who need new homes. Ah plan on talking to Berto but figured you might be interested in helping. From what Ah was told lot of the folks have been forced to be miners, and grow their own food, and may not have a lot of other skills. Well, I know where some folks could find work doing both of those things and some good folks around to help them learn to make their own ways.

Rage has posed:
"I guess it depends on what type of help you want. I really try and focus my resources on mutants who are in need, like right now I'm looking at putting a free clinic into mutant town. I don't really have jobs to give out. Who are these people and where are they coming from? If you need donations I can probably invest some money, but I can't buy an apartment complex or something." Andrea says as she takes another bite of her ice cream. "So, just let me know what you and Mister DaCosta's ideas are and I will see how I fit in."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "A slave camp maybe rescued soon, and people will need a place to go. Plan to talk to Berto about buying some land back home setting them up if they need a place and letting them get their lives on track, and maybe buying the land back from him for what he pays for it.

Rage has posed:
Andrea nods her head and props her chin up. "I just need to be careful about stuff like that. You know how people trace money. What kinda slave camp are we looking at? Is this in a different country or here in the states?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "I think it is a different culture. Hydra, it is part of the ways Vi and Samuel were kept and trained." He looks to them and says "Also since you do lead the groups around some. Vi, is starting at base base level education, if you can help make sure none give her crap about it I would appreciate it."

Rage has posed:
"I don't think anyone here would give Vi any crap. She seems nice." Andrea says as she furrows her brows. "Are you saying you want to go bust into a Hydra camp and free people? You may wanna keep that out of Sam's ears. He'll freak out and demand to go on this with you." Rubbing her chin, she shifts her jaw in thought, glancing over at Jay for a moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well right now need more info, but Sam and Vi are planning to go to Shield with the info, and Ah am willing to give them a chance as they have better access to not only helping the people but also dealing with including incarcerating the Hydra folks, but if It does not seem to be making any progress.."

Icarus has posed:
Jay is still stuffing his face. He does manage to grab a napkin and wipe the chocolate smear off his upper lip before anyone says something about it. After the heap is about halfway done, he finally speaks up. "If they know mining and growing food, they will fit in back home. But no education? Yeah, that could lead to bullying, even if she is nice. Maybe moreso cause she is."

Rage has posed:
"Well, if Shield is getting involved, that's great. Means none of us has to go beat up bad guys." Andrea says as she takes another bite of ice cream, side-eyeing Jay for a moment. She bumps her shoulder against his. "No one will bully people here. At least they better not. I don't see it at least.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "99 percent of the folks here are nice, but we do get that one asshole now and again. She is sorta like Sam has to learn to live in this type of world. As for the folk some may have homes they want to go back to, some may not, Ah am just thinking and trying to help, don't like the thought of a whole town of folks having to go to shield for help in trying to get to normal.

Icarus has posed:
"What's wrong with SHIELD?" Jay asks curiously. "I mean government funded and trained with all sorts of things, including rescuing refugees I'd think."

Rage has posed:
"I don't have an issue with Shield, with the exception that they didn't really lift a finger when robots were running about killing us." Andrea says as she shrugs her shoulders. "Or at least they didn't do enough in my opinion. But, that is their job after all. I don't know if we should get invovled."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "As I said aftermath as long as they get the job done. If they don't well, I may have to talk to Scott about that, but you have seen some of the red tape some of the folks back home needed to go through to get help Jay. Now imagine that when most of them might not be able to read."

Icarus has posed:
"I get that but that's not SHIELD. That's regular agencies. But never dealt with 'em myself so I'll take y'all's word on things." Jay scoops up more ice cream and spoons it into his mouth.

Rage has posed:
"This isn't my wheel house to be honest. I don't know enough to have a strong opinion one way or the other." Andrea says as she brushes her hair to the side and away from her face. Still has that cute feather in there. She gives Jay another nudge. Speaking of which, she glances over to his wing next to her, then leans in against his shoulder.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well like I said, gotta talk to Berto, and if lucky won't have to do anything I am just trying to be prepared from the get go." He smiles a bit and says "So, what have you been up to of late?"

Icarus has posed:
"Homework. I think they are worse here than back home," Jay mutters. As he feels that nudge, he looks over at Andrea this time and sees the pointed look. He smirks a little. "Cold?" The wing on that side spreads out and wraps around her. "You said you had something you wanted to ask me too?" he prompts, looking back at Sam

Rage has posed:
Smiling brightly as the wing wraps about her, Andrea leans into him with a happy look. She turns her attention to Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to his brother and says "It can wait till another time, just want to sit down and chat abit maybe show ya some of the choice spots for looking out at the first or stars we can get to, before some of the other flyers find them." He fibs a bi

Icarus has posed:
Jay eyes him a moment then shrugs. "Sure. Not a problem." The joys of being clueless somethings. There is a scraping sound as he scoops up the last of the ice cream from his bowl to finish it off then drops the now empty spoon back into the dish. "Andrea tells me she's going to be doing a show at your club?"

Rage has posed:
"Oh, if you want to drag Jay out for brother time, don't let me hold you two back. I can go do 'homework' or something. I'm sure." Andrea says as she gives a lick of her lips. "But yes, I'm doing as how. I was thinking of flying your entire family out, Sam. If you're okay with that. Jay tells me they've never seen a concert before and I was thinking it'd be fun and I'm sure Shannon would be happy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms and says "Well, never saw any of yours more things at the state fair and such. I am ok with it, but to be honest, My ok or jays aint the ok you gotta work on. Ma's the one you will need to talk to about that, but if you do let me know have to make sure to set up the vip vip section. He jokes. "Na it is ok, we can do it later, plus don't wanna see him yark up chocolate ice cream cause he is flying to soon after eating.

Icarus has posed:
That gets a roll of the eyes from Jay. "I would not ralph but whatever. Another time." He starts to get up to take his dish to the sink then realizes that would move his wing. So he settles right back down and eyes the bowl like it's a serpent. Ma would kill him if he let it dry with ice cream in it, back home.

Rage has posed:
Picking her bowl up, Andrea pops it into Jay's so that hers can settle into it. Drawing both bowls to her, she continues to eat her ice cream as she gives Jay a knowing smile. "I don't think he'd yark either. I think he's a man who can handle his ice cream." Then, with a shift of her body, she slides her arms around one of his, leaning her head into his shoulder. "Can you talk to your mother and ask her for permission? I'll pay for the flight and the hotel."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has a twinkle in his eye and is oh so tempted to bring up this story or that story, lord knows his little brother has embarrassed him in the past, and it is moments like this a big brother lives for. But no Jay is happy right now, and if Sam kids him about it, could set Jay off down a path he aint wanting for his brother. the twinkle stays a bit but more happiness seeing his brother happy even if it is with blinders on. He looks at the two and says "Ah will call ma tonight and talk to her and see what she says "Ah figure she will be tempted to see you play and the club too."

Icarus has posed:
"Oh thank God," muttered Jay. "I thought you meant me for a second and yeah. No." He keeps his wing around Andrea but has his arms leaning on the table in front of him. Even though she seems to have claimed one of those too. Wing. Feather. Arm. He's not going to have much left at this rate. Doesn't seem to be minding it though.

He does see that twinkle in Sam's eye and his own narrow slightly. "Don't even think about it." He has no idea what it is but he's seen that look before.

Rage has posed:
"Great. Let me know what she says and I will book the flights immediately with my agent." Andrea says as she gives a smile to Sam, then shifts her eyes up towards Jay from her roosting spot on his arm. ".. What?" She glances between the two. "What's going on?" She says as she blinks owlishly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit more and says "Me? Now why would I do anything?" He will sip his tea, and says "Ah will tell you this up front, Ah will be paying you half of it back, that gives it a bit more chance of it actually happening.

Icarus has posed:
That gets a smirk from Jay. "Yeah, remember me saying it cost too much but you convinced me to agree? Ma will be like that. Boosted up to level 50. Tell Ma I'll pitch in as well, once I start working at your place," he adds to Sam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Probably well tell her it is a loan and we are paying it back... Need to get you working soon so you can get the 30day raise. You know what sucks... the fact ah want to cheat and give ya a raise already, but know you or Ah would not feel right about it." he grins at his brother.

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah, nepitism rules but got to keep it above board. Don't want the other employees filing complaints. But don't go the other extreme either," Jay adds hurriedly. "Cause if you start being harder on me, I'll just whine endlessly and probably threaten to call Ma on you." He wouldn't call her.Just threaten.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "You call ma, you will be cleaning toilets here and at work." He teases back a bit "Oh am making a supply order from Willards store back home, anything you want them to send up?

Rage has posed:
As she listens to the pair, Andrea laughs softly. "I could just your family won a contest or something that Jay put in for a few months back and that's how you guys all flew out here."

Icarus has posed:
Jay hmms softly in his throat as he considers. "Not sure if lying to her and getting caught is worth that amount of effort. Us paying you back is probably safer. Or at least paying you back for a part of it, at least."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "There might be things Ah don't tell Ma, some things, but Ah aint going to lie to her. You start lieing to Ma, you aint never gonna be on her good side. Ma can forgive a lot, but lieing, well not a good thing.

Rage has posed:
"Okay, no lying, but you don't need to pay me back, seriously. This is like couch change for me." Andrea assures them as she gives a bob of her head. Squeezing Jay's arm again, she keeps her cheek planted on his shoulder. "Consider it an early birthday gift or something. IF you really feel like you wanna put your money somewhere, donate it to charity."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Andrea, Ah know ya don't mean anything bad by that, but thats something you will wanna watch around Ma, least till she gets to know you. Ah know your trying to say I can help you don't have to worry it won't hurt me, but sometimes specially to those that don't know ya it might come off more "Hey look how rich I am."

Rage has posed:
"Fine. Maybe it's just a stupid idea anyways. I'm just trying to be nice." Andrea says as she slides her arms off of Jay's and picks her bowls up and heads for the sink to wash them.

Icarus has posed:
"Andrea, he isn't saying you aren't," Jay says as he yanks his wing out of the way when she gets up hurriedly. "He's just saying that when you are nonchalant about money to folks that have to get government help to survive, they might not realize you are just being nice. They might think you are just showing how much you have and they don't."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Andrea, Ah aint saying you are trying to flaunt it, Ah know ya better than that, but until you get to know Ma, or at least till Jay or Ah have explained it is just you trying to help. If ya don't want to it is ok, Ah am just trying to help you out with Ma a bit. Ah aint asking ya to change, trust me, Ah learned that in my own dating life, Ah am offering advice if your wanting to try to make a good impression on someone who has not met you, and has led a very different life than you."

Rage has posed:
"It's fine." Andrea says as she rinses the bowls after scrubbing them, then heads to the cupboard to put them away once they are dried. "I will be on my best behavior to not overdo it, or even mention it."

Icarus has posed:
At Sam's words, Jay looked at him a moment then back over at Andrea. A hint of a blush colored his cheeks pink. Yeah, if she wanted to impress Ma for some reason. While she was letting him go at his own pace, they had been honest with each other about things. If he got over his issues, he liked her. But those were some big hurdles. And she was willing to be patient.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Just promise me to not crash any plans, last time Ah pissed a lady off that involved Ma, jay and I had to go find the crashed plan and get Dazzler to cut their way out with him singing. And he says he is to big to ride on my back any more."

Rage has posed:
"I don't have any plans to crash." Andrea puts the bowls away, then returns to sit next to Jay again. "I just want everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. I'm not trying to impress anyone." She says as she takes her phone out and taps along the glass for a few moments before she puts it face down.

Icarus has posed:
"Ah was a little then!" The accent slips as Jay's reaction is immediate and incredulous that Sam would bring that up in front of Andrea. The blush was not going away as he looked at his brother. "I'm a grown man now. It would look a little weird me hanging on your back. 'specially when I have these." The wings half unfurled behind him before falling back down. One around Andrea again. Y'know, in case she was cold.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well if you were I would say you would wanna keep them tucked in or would have a lot more loose feathers floating about. And figure if we ever have to do it, you would rather that than me scoop ya up all cradled in my arms.

Rage has posed:
"There's nothing wrong in getting piggy back rides from your brother who flies as fast as a jet. Let him do all the work." Andrea says as he leans into the wing again, then once more claims his arm as her hands slide around him. She presses her chin to his shoulder, then tips her head to press a small kiss to it. Peck. Arf.

Icarus has posed:
"Eff that!" Yes, Jay did not use that word. Nor a few other words. Ma would've washed his mouth out with soap. Literally. People these days thought that was child abuse or something but it had worked on him. He had dropped a GD in front of her once. From that one bar of Dove, he was now cured.

"If it happens, piggy back it is. And I'll need to wear something I can tuck my wings in. To be sure."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit more at this and says "Something or in the rain, thats one of the main reasons I wear the goggles. If I am blasting through the rain, and nothing covering my eyes it is almost impossible for me to see where Ah am going.

Rage has posed:
Laughing softly as she listens to them, Andrea gives a shake of her head. "If it makes you feel better, Jay, I'd prefer if you carried me in your arms about in the sky. I haven't ever gone flying before like that and I'd like to." She says, batting her eyes up at him. Bat-Bat. Arf.

Icarus has posed:
The little kiss was noticed but he was trying not to react. But now her doing that? Jay stared at her a moment. "I...yeah. We'll do that sometime. For now, I need to go do some homework." His wing moves from around her as he starts to extricate himself a bit to make his escape.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and considers following his brother for that talk, but after that little thing it might be the wrong time and keeps quiet not intruding there

Rage has posed:
"Okay, I'll catch you later then." Andrea says to Jay as she plucks her phone up and smiles. "I should head off also and call my agent. He's blowing my phone up again as usual." She says as she rises, then gives a grin to Jay. "Your cheeks match your wings by the way. See ya later, Sam." She says as she heads out.