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Latest revision as of 16:09, 26 October 2019

A Little Bit of Mayhem
Date of Scene: 24 October 2019
Location: West Farms, The Bronx
Synopsis: Witchblade and Dean drop a witch and a golem, then have beers.
Cast of Characters: Dean Winchester, Witchblade

Dean Winchester has posed:
The call went out over the police band. Shots fired around a warehouse district in the Bronx. Nobody had seen anything, just something overheard. Could be a gangland execution. Could be dumb kids playing target practice with Daddy's gun in an empty space.

Of course, if a police officer were to happen to pull up, they'd arrive just in time to see a window shatter and the body of a man fly out of it, landing and rolling on the street outside. He's handsome in a scruffy kind of way, with a padded jacket and a pair of jeans. Oh, and a gun, now laying at his side amidst the broken glass as he rolls on his back.

"Ow. Okay. Witchboy summoned some backup. New game plan," he mutters. Of course, Dean has no idea what that gameplan might be. Not for the first time, he wishes his brother was here. Sam always knew how to figure out things.

"Is that all you got?" he shouts back at the window.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara arrives a moment after Dean's finished speaking. Her, her partner...and....oh yes, the Witchblade, too. She's hanging back a little, siren on, lights flashing. She was the nearest officer and given it's her and her partner....yeah. Sara's on alert. She's on edge and the Witchblade's restless.

"Police, stay where you are" she shouts, her partner calling for backup as Sara's not moving.....yet. She's instead got her gun pointed at Dean. "NYPD. Freeze!" she shouts. She's figuring Dean's involved and she wants to get him out of the area, if he's innocent. Or, if he's a suspect, get him in cuffs. She can't ignore that tickle in the back of her head. She can't ignore thhe Witchblade being restless. Her bracelet's not staying still much, which is making aiming a touch difficult.

Sara watches Dean for a moment. As she does, she holsters her gun as the Witchblade keys off of Sara's anxiety. Armor covers her body as she ends up, when all's said and done, with a sword in hand. The Witchblade is here to help. Or, kill. Or, maybe both. Sara's got blades from her forearms, and a sword in her right hand. It's a wickedly sharp blade, as she steps around the police car. She moves toward Dean at a fast pace, and watches him, then to the window.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean's considering whether or not to comply when he's first called out. On the one hand, he doesn't want to get shot by a nervous cop. On the other hand, he knows this fight is far from over and dropping his weapon doesn't sound like a great idea. Except he already shot the thing a few times and it didn't do much good.

"Look, I know this looks kinda bad, but I promise you, things ain't exactly what it might..."

He's interrupted as the door to the warehouse explodes and what can only be described as a creature emerges. It seems to be made of scrap metal, massive, at least eight feet tall, with jagged edges and gaping jaws lined with glittering razorwire, glowing coals for eyes and a gleaming symbol on its forehead.

Dean's about to say "See?" when he realizes that Sara's suddenly covered in armor and blades and, "Holy balls, is that a friggin' sword? Damn, NYPD's gone straight medieval," he says, only to leap aside as the big monster swings a fist at him, smashing asphalt in his wake, "Hey, She-Ra, you think you can fight this thing?!?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks to the monster and more limbs with blades reep out of her arms and legs. The Witchblade's not playing around. She's a walking, slicing mass of blades. Armor. aAnd blades, too. She carefully, very very very carefully steps over Dean. No sense in putting a blade through anything really. Her left hand's filled with a coil and she moves the sword to it, as if tying the sword to the coil....then with both hands, lashes the coil at the monster. Nowhere specific. Just...wanting to slice, dice, kill and maim. Ah the joys of being the Witchblade. With that, Sara's still telling Dean to stay down. Then she has an idea.

"You any good with swords?" she asks. Yeah. Like that'll help, Sara. Give the people you turned up to arrest /swords/. Sure, what is this, a fencing class or something?

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester has put his gun away at least, "I can swing," he says, "Golem like this, trick is to get that symbol on its head. You wipe it off, he'll go back to sleep. Still got a witch inside who made the damn thing to ward me off. Hell knows what he's gettin' up to while his pet keeps us busy," he says.

He looks impressed at Witchblade's display of power, letting her take point. The monster recoils from the blow, some of the metal of its structure crumpling beneath the attack, ripping in two, only to start resealing together in the wake of the attack and letting out a staticky roar from the speaker buried in its throat.

Witchblade has posed:
Witchblade's taking this in...and turning the information into a stream of fire. Score for pyrokinesis. Score for not torching the building. That thought did cross her mind. But Sara, and the Witchblade both don't want to explain to the fire department what happened. Plus, bad PR for the PD....still, Sara's raking the flame from her hands up and down the golem. She's hoping it'll melt...but she's also leapingg at the golem with all her blades, too and slashing with the coil and whip. now, if she could just, ya know, coil the thing's neck and rip it off...that'd be good. Instead, symbol. Head. Target one....as Sara swings the coil like a lasssoo, then just lets go of it. She's aiming at the head of the golem, and....she's following it up with fire. Another blade's already in her hand to replace the coil. Oh and her other hand has a /flaming coil of Witchblade fire/ that she's lashing the golem with too.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester watches the battle with an impressed eye, taking in the way Sara just lays into the thing, the way her blades rip at it. Still, he can't waste too much time staring. He's got a witch to go after.

"Get 'em good, babe!" he yells as he leaps back into the building, hopping over the jagged glass marking the window he went through and going inside. "Get yer ass over here!" he yells, chasing after the witch who triest o make a run for it, going out of sight for the moment.

The coil rips at the Golem's head, but slightly off to the side, the thing having the sense to try and avoid the targeted attack on its weak spot. Part of it's turned to slag and it tries to use it as a weapon, thrashing a melted fist to try and splatter Witchblade with the searing metal she created with her pyro attack.

Witchblade has posed:
Witchblade's keeping Dean behind her but she's still giving him a space to swing and slice having dropped asword by him. She's staing to one side so Dean can get clear swings. When the golem roars, she just targets the speaker with fire and shakes her head as if scolding the thing. Though she does edge back toward Dean to avoid the slag, mind....all the while slicing and dicing away. Witchblade wants to kill this thing. And, oh yeah, the witch. Once Dean runs off, Witchblade slings the sword at the golem she was gonna give to Dean. More blades, the merrier after all. Sara's doing her Witchblade thing quite well in her own eyes.

Dean Winchester has posed:
The Goldem lashes back, the fire continuing to melt at its limbs until one of the massive arms fall off. It tries to chomp at her, biting at the side of her torso, clanking metal teeth off her armor. The metal around hte symbol start to bubble and melt, sliding off and the thing jerks frantically as the rune is damaged, starting to make the magick inside it go haywire, thrashing in something close to its death throes, as if trying to take Sara with it.

There's another crash and a window on the second floor breaks out, two bodies falling together to hit the ground. Dean at least has the body of the witch to take the brunt of the impact, probably breaking the guy's legs as Dean lands atop him, the breath knocked out of him.

"Gotta...start using...doors," he mutters, driving an elbow into the witch's face to knock him out.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's not stupid enough to hold on. Instead, she hears the crash, and assuming the golem's dead. With a final burst of flame, Sara runs to investigate the crash. Her partner's come back. With a frigging priest. Which is when Witchblade screams a warning, and goes blades first out the window. She's angling herself away from Dean. She's aiming to land, blades down, on the witch. It's something her new pro wrestler friend would be jealous of, and she's screaming on the way down. Not a scream of fear. A scream of 'Oh hell no I tripped on the window and somebody is gonna have a bad frigging day' type scream. There's the thought she'll get stuck in whatever she hits, though....and....in the back of Sara's mind. Paperwork. How the fuck is she going to report this to her bosses, then?

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester rolls off quickly, getting out of the way of the blades coming down as Witchblade spears the witch with her razored edges. He hadn't actually intended to kill the sucker - he wanted to, of course, but people had beaten it into his head over the years that witches were people, not monsters, so it wasn't fair game. Even if they really pissed him off.

Sara didn't seem to have that problem and the witch howls as he's sliced to the bone.

"Damn, remind me not to piss you off," Dean says. He winces for a moment, "Just a sec, dollface." he says, then turns and rams his shoulder into the wall a few times, giving a few harsh grunts as he re-aligns a separated shoulder. "I need a friggin' beer," he says, not seeming to care that it's nine in the morning.

Witchblade has posed:
Witchblade's got its killing fix. Sara's slowly and carefully coming back to herself as the witchblade is ripping the head off the witch. That's its last act as Sara looks wide eyed at the chaos. "Oh. Oh great" she says...barfing over the body for added effect. She's just seen the Witchblade go further than she thought posssible, and as she scrabbles away, sirens are heard. She digs out her badge, the priest trying, trying to go religious on her.

"I second that" Sara adds and glares at the priest. "NYPD. You're a witnes. Turn around" she pants, reaching for her cuffs as her partner's already on it. "Or...you do it" Sara adds getting her breath back then eyeing Dean. "Noted. Don't piss me off. I'll either arrest you or flat out stab you" she says in a half-joking way. "Look. You want to get a beer and explain what the hell all that was about? Or, explain while I drive to get us a beer? I gott to cuf you, okay" she says. She inside is amused by Dean's fighting and antics. She nows deep down...they ain't so different. "Pergal. My crime scene" she snaps to an officer. "You guys keep any crowds back. It's my scene. I'm working it"

Which is code for 'screw this, I'm not letting some rank and file uniform cop steal my scene and ask questions I don't want answered'

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester frowns. He isn't exactly psyched about the idea of being cuffed, but he also knows he doesn't have the firepower on hand to tangle with Sara if she wants to put up a fight about it, "Look, cuffin' ain't no thing, but I'd rather not get checked in at the front office, see? I got a few...legal issues I'd rather not have come up," he says.

"But I can explain easy enough, especially over beers. I'll even buy," he says. Well, whoever that credit card that he's using will, but no need to advertise that particular factoid.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "Okay, but make it look like I cuffed ya. You point out a good spot. I'll drive. And I'll take a statement over beer if you are paying" Sara offers with a nod. She's still got her tough cop vibe on. She's amused. She's definitely amused by this. It's not the strangest interview ever. And he did call her 'dollface', so....

She leads the way to the car, keeping a steady pace as the back door's opened. Once it is she whspers to Dean. "Don't worry about being checked in. That's not my intention. Get an idea of what happened. Then...you walk free" she adds with a nod.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester isn't exactly inclined to trust cops, but he doesn't have much choice at this point. He can pick the cuffs if he has to, but, again, that would lead to a fight and he's not sure he's equipped to win. Or survive, at this point.

"Don't know the layout of the place much, but any backdoor dive'll do me. Extra if they got burgers and curly fries," he says. "Ain't that complicated. Pretty sure it ain't gonna be a big revelation to you that lots of supernatural crap happens around here."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "You saw what happened back there. You think I'm some skeptic oh no clutch my rosary beads supernatural doesn't happen?" she asks with a sarcasm so potent it could cut as sharp as one of the Witchblade's own blades. She nods and slips behind the wheel. "Any dive with fries. Alright?" she says starting the car.

Which explains how they're sitting at a table in a cheap dive bar with beer, wings, fries, and snacks. Or, Sara's got water, but.....ya know, same sentiment. "Okay, so" she says dragging a fry through ketchup. "From the top. What happened?" she asks notepad balanced on her thigh, pencil in hand.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester chuckles, "Rosary beads ain't so bad. I choked a few guys out with 'em in my time," he says.

"About a week ago, I got a tip about some hoodoo goin' down in this area. Homeless folk gettin' knocked down, wakin' up missin' parts. Or not wakin' up at all, comin' up the same. Nothing to get on your radar, cause those folk don't much trust badges and half the bodies end up goin' down the sewer for a viking funeral rather than gettin' returned to families that didn't want 'em in the first place."

"Either way, I found witch bags at a couple of scenes, little sacks of burlap full of shit that help focus spells. I paid off a kid at the NYU chemistry lab to run the stuff, got samples of dirt from this area. Then I just started goin' by foot, door to door. Until I ran into the witch and...welll, you saw what came next."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "So, you were doing our jobb. Noble" she says and tries not to laugh. Though she does straighten up, taking down what Dean's saying. She nods and looks to him, then bites into a wing, waving it to make a point. "So" she says once her mouth's empty. "So you tangled with a witch, and walking metal? Alright" she says. She's heard stranger stories and flourishes the pen across the notes, circling some. "So...you enjoy picking fights with witches and supernatural things?" she asks.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester shakes his head, "Nothin' noble 'bout it. Down and dirty. I ain't got much time to play knight, although I am pretty good with a sword," he says.

"Been huntin' monsters and spookums since I was eleven years old. Family business. Like it or not, who I am, what I do," he says. "And I'm still alive, so I must be pretty good at it."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's looking serious. "So, family business. Some kids dream of being an astranaut, you. Hunt monsters huh?" she asks. No sarcas,, genuine curisoity there. She's curious but, a little too careful too. In her world, Dean did the right thing...as she sets the pencil. She takes a fry and chews on it quietly.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean Winchester gets a beer and orders a double cheeseburger and a plate of chili cheese fries, "I don't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I think I wanted to be a race car driver, for a while. When I was six," he shrugs. "Demon killed my mom. Dad took to hunting, me and my brother got dragged along. Sammy's trying to make a real life, outside of...all this mess. But me, it's all I know. I don't think I'd do well being or doing anything else."

"But yeah. I'm a hunter," he says, then looks at her wrist. "What about you? That thing ain't exactly standard issue NYPD."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's edgy. Which...isn't helping the Witchblade. She's doing her best to keep it calm....so as not to have a bloodbath in here. Still she looks over. "It's not. It's who I am" she says evasivley. If Dean's done his homework, he'll know the Witchblade. If not, well....she showed off what the symbiote could do back there. Which is violence, death, and a whole lottta stabbing. Which is sort of its thing, really.

Dean Winchester has posed:
Dean? Do his homework? That's what Sam is for!

"Uh huh," he says, but doesn't press the matter. He can look it up once he gets back to base, see if he can find any lore on the thing. Something that nasty is probably not that obscure. Bloody super-weapons tend to make noise in the supernatural world.

"Anyway. Thanks for the help. That golem was a nasty piece of work."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's good like that. She does her homework. When she's not murdering people, mind. She's just....good and studious. Dean though has her criminologist's mind going. He's not really a criminal. He's on her side after all. Just, ya know, more like....e's digging into that bit of her brain that deals with patterns, and such.

"any time?B?# she says with a nod.