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Latest revision as of 16:09, 26 October 2019

Music Together
Date of Scene: 24 October 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: While entertaining in one of Mutant Town's shelters, Alexis Carr makes the acquaintence of Andrea Jackson and reacquaints herself with Samuel Guthrie when they catch her doing a very special rendition of
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Rage, Cannonball

Prismatic has posed:
    The shelter's front face used to be a neighborhood pharmacy. These days the pharmacist's window was now the check-in area. There was a bathroom in the back, and a big sign that said 'ALL WELCOME'. The beds were thin and hard, covered with dingy gray-colored blankets, the room divided accross a line for boys and girls, largely focusing on folks in their late teens and early twenties with nowhere else to go.

    Today, there was music ringing out. Gleeful piano playing gliding through intake, an old upright piano set up in the 'rec area', some of the younger residents -- folks who had no guardians, no parents to go home to, and were waiting for the state to catch up were clapping along as a jaunty rag piece plays, bouncing along as broken and worn keys are tickled.

    At the bench, a woman with olive-toned skin plays, her dark eyes lighting up. Her beanie is sitting on the top of the piano, helping to hold it open. Her sweatshirt hung off a bed behind them all, and her socks were mismatched.

    The music could be recognized as a quick version of 'Merry Go Round Broke Down'.

Rage has posed:
A black SUV pulls up outside of the shelter to reveal Andrea sliding out of the passenger side, flanked by a large man in a suit who was her driver. The back door is opened and out comes several boxes of supplies and non-perishable food that 'James' will handle, while she takes a smaller box for herself.

Heading inside, Andrea greets the receptionist in her usual up beat and bubbly manner as she scribbles out some paperwork, then passes along the boxes to a couple of staffers.

At the sound of music echoing through the shelter, her brows lift upwards and she follows after the melody curiously to see where it was coming from and who it was that is playing.

Prismatic has posed:
    The receptionist was genuinely surprised -- and very, very thankful! -- to see Andrea walk in, apologizing for the state of the office and the director was elsewhere at just this moment. Another volunteer helps bring supplies in, making note of them all with big eyes.

    Meanwhile, the music keeps ringing out, Alexis bouncing up and down as she plays and sings!

    "Oh, the merry-go-round broke down, but you won't see me frown, 'cause me and this horse got off of course and galloped round the town!" Alexis's golden sopprano voice rings out, making up lyrics (since who wants to hear about someone stealing kisses on the carosel?), and the voice continue son, explaining how the carousel horse not only managed to come to life after the merry go round broke and gallop off, but how it stopped for strawberry ice cream on the way, caused a traffic jam in Times Square and made everyone late, and accidentally caused a candy factory to explode, showering the East Side in taffy bits!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is doing a walk about of Mutant town, and seeing a familiar SUV, he will stop by the shelter, and steps inside trying to keep to the shadows for now. Yea he is checking up on his student perhaps, but does not want anyone to know. His brow raises a bit more hearing unfamiliar singing.

Rage has posed:
As she comes into view of the doorway, Andrea leans in against the frame as she watches Alexis play with a big smile upon her face. She tucks some brown hair back behind her ear, then slides a phone out of her pocket so that she can record her for about twenty seconds. Her foot taps lightly on the ground in time of the song.

The story causes her to giggle, amused at how easily the story comes together on the fly. She can feel the eyes of a few of the younger ones start glancing her way as recognition begins to dawn, but she quickly puts a finger to her lips for a 'shh' motion, pointing towards Alexis. Don't interrupt!

Prismatic has posed:
    "OOOOH the Merry-Go-Round is down, in Central Park but Mutant Town, it's raining Mars and Hersey Bars and you won't see me froooown!" Alexis plays, wrapping things up neatly with a slide down the piano, and a "BAH-dah ba bah-dah DAH!" TING!

    And she turns around, on the seat easily, some of the kids who were watching her clapping but others poking and whispering as they look to Andrea.

    And the girl pauses, and glances up at Andrea -- and the phone -- and goes a bit pale.

    "Oh, I apologize -- was that too loud?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has a bit of a long room into the room and as he hears Alexis speak he believes he has heard that voice before. He is still silent watch but s smiling a bit.

Rage has posed:
"Not at all. It was amazing. I loved the story you did there, and your piano is incredible." Andrea says as she tucks the phone into her pocket with a smile towards her. "You have a gorgeous voice. What's your name?"

As she steps into the room fully now, unaware she is being watched by her teacher, she gives a few hugs to a couple of kids that bound over, taking out a marker and signing their shirts. "I'm Andrea. I come here to drop off supplies now and again when I can. Are you a new staffer here?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh, ah, yeah you are. I mean, of course you are. I mean -- you're a multitalented young lady and outspoken advocate who wouldn't know who you are?" Alexis stammers a moment, and she draws herself up. She was caught off-guard. That didn't feel right. She reaches for her beanie, coiling her hair with one hand into a quick bun.

    "No, ah, not a staffer. Former resident." she explains, "I come by when I can to provide some entertainment."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and makes a few mental notes, he is going to have to get Alexis on stage one night thats for sure. He will move to take Andrea's spot, and does the same shhh motion but to her body guards.

Rage has posed:
James gives Samuel a glance over his mirrored shades, but makes no motion to alert the popstar. He still has no sense of humor.

"Well, you'd be surprised. I'm not Beyonce famous." She takes a look at the piano and smiles, then back to her. "Sooooo.. does the super talented pianist and story teller have a name?"

Prismatic has posed:

    "Oh, forgive me. Alexis. Alexis Carr." Alexis introduces herself, her soft British accent making her sound snooty, but she seems quite down to Earth.

    "Yes, but when most famous people distance themselves heartily distance themselves save for photo ops..." she trails off, and gives a small smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Miss Jackson." she slides off the bench, and a couple of kids hop on. They start to goof around, playing 'Mary had a Little Lamb' and 'Heart and Soul' -- at the same time -- in vastly different keys.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles ever so softly, he is proud of his student but also the antics of the kids remind him a bit of back home. He hmms softly as he continues to listen. He does look around Alexis, seeing if he sees signs of her actually living here.

Rage has posed:
"I think it depends on the level of fame. I would probably distance myself if I had photogs popping out of my toilet trying to take pictures of me at all hours. I don't have that level of harassment in my life yet, outside of bad guys with guns and large purple robots." Andrea says as she watches the kids with a smile.

"You are classically trained." She states the obvious to her. "What's your story, Alexis? Why are you not Beyonce famous for your pipes and piano skills? Just a bad day leading to a rougher life?"

Prismatic has posed:
    It does not look like Alexis currently lives in this shelter. The only belongings that are clearly hers are the beanie and sweatshirt, her violin case from her visit to the club and her pack are nowhere to be seen.

    "Really, you can tell all that from a rousing ragtime version of Merry-Go-Round broke Down?" she questions with a wry smile, and gives a nod towards Sam. "Mr. Guthrie, good to see you again sir." she tacks on, then looks back to Andrea, and then to the kids.

    "Same as a lot of people who breeze through here. A couple bad days make for a harder life. I'm sure you run into plenty of peoplw who found it's easier if they leave home."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit as he gets spotted, and says "Well Ah still aint heard your fiddle playing, but Ah do believe you maybe welcome to play and sing at the club sometime if your interested." He smirks a bit more.

Rage has posed:
Glancing over her shoulder towards Sam, Andrea lifts her brows upwards, then curves her lips into a smirk. "Were you spying on me?" She says to him. "How long have you been back there for?"

Back to Alexis, she says, "I can tell by the way you move your hands, how your fingers hit the keys, the type of muscle memory needed. It's very polished. Your hands were dancing." She explains with a smile. "So, where do you live at now, and how can I help you make your life better?"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mm, you're more than simply a pop sensation." Alexis compliments Andrea, and then she leans back on her heels a moment before she blinks.

    "Oh, ah... no, I'm quite satisfied with my life right now, there's so many others who need help." she comments breezily, standing straight a moment as she blushes. "I do a little teaching here, a little busqing there, I get by."

    "And you missed my solo engagement in Central Park, Mr. Guthrie, I'll have to alert you the next time I decide to stop by."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles at Andrea and answers "Long enough." He tells her with a grin and says "I would have liked to have heard it, maybe I should give you my number to text me."

Rage has posed:
"Real smooth, Sam." Andrea says as she gives a glance back towards the woman. "Mister Guthrie is single by the way and makes amazing fried chicken." It seems two can play at that game. Spy on her, narc on him.

"Are you really satisfied with your life? I have scholarships available that I can use if you want to get back into school and keep going with your career. I also know people that is always looking for musicians to fill for their band."

Prismatic has posed:
    Andrea is being awfully generous, awfully fast. The violinist purses her lips slightly, and she rubs the back of her head.

    "I... appreciat ethe gesture, Miss Jackson, truly I do, but... I must decline." she states -- with some measure of difficulty.

    "I'm sure there are far more talented artists for you to patron, who are in more dire straights."

Prismatic has posed:
    Sam, however, gets a second look. Alexis purses her lips, then looks back to Andrea, and asks with humour in her voice: "/How good fried chicken?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head a bit to Andrea's "The colonel wishes he had the recipe." He will look over, and says "Andrea is trying to help out the area, and has a habit of when she sees either someone with talent or someone helping others, she likes to help them out. You check both boxes so please realize it gets her a little excited." He jokes

Rage has posed:
"His fried chicken is amazing. His Ma's recipe." Andrea says with an amused smile on her face, blowing her hair away from face. "I also like to help out talented mutants though who could use a win in life. Seeing how Mister Guthrie knows you and has asked you to play at his club, I'm making an assumption that you're special like me, right?"

"But, if you don't want any help, I can respect that. But at least take my card so that in case you do need me, you can reach out."

Prismatic has posed:
    "That is a tall assumption..." Alexis trails off. "... just because I live in Mutant Town and frequent mutant-service establishments--" she trails off, and she gives a soft blow of a sigh out.

    "Yes, I am a mutant, but I pass Human most of the time. Makes it easier to get students."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Ah had no clue." He admits, and says "We just ran into one another, and chatted a bit, found out she was a classical violinist, Ah was wanting to hear, and thought might be able to help ya get a bit more exposure." he adds for Alexis.

Rage has posed:
"Oh. I thought you two knew each other a bit better." Andrea says as she glances over to Sam, then back to Alexis. "My apologizes for the assumption. I guess I do get a bit too excited and ahead of myself." Rubbing the back of her neck, she looks sheepish.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Well, Sam, I'm going to have to take up that offer of fried chicken, sometime." she states, and she pulls out a tattered business card. It's one of those cheap freebies you get for a hundred for four bucks, and she hands it to Sam with an amused expression.

    It reads: 'Alexis Carr. Private Instructor, Piano, Classical Guitar, Violin' and indeed has a number on it.

    "And it's quite all right, Miss Jackson, that is life. And I am thankful for the opportunity, but perhaps in the future, once I'm a little better established? ... and maybe out?"