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Latest revision as of 16:10, 26 October 2019

Nightmares of Monsters Past
Date of Scene: 24 October 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Hitzig, now a creature of nightmares comes to haunt Magneto's waking moments.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Magneto

Polaris has posed:
The image of the Nazi officer, Herr Hitzig had not been as Magneto had last seen him. Then, it was decades after the war. Decades after the deaths, the horrors and the world had moved on. Still, even despite the efforts of the Jewish organizations in Israel, after the Eichmann trials, after most of the Nazis had been caught or died off.. That was when Magneto had finally been able to put down his own nightmare. Herr Hitzig had hidden out in Brazil, much like many of his compatriots. The SS man went under an assumed name, but brought with him his German wife. Where they'd even had a family. A house made to look as if it belonged in the German alps rather than the foothills of the rainforests.

That was where Magneto had last seen Herr Hitzig. An old man. Dead at his feet.

Not the image of the young SS man in full uniform. Not the monster that had hunted his imaginations and nightmares. But that was what had crashed Lorna's coronation and birthday celebration. A monster of starched uniforms that had nearly caught Magneto as Max outside the Warsaw ghetto as a child. Then again during his escape from Aushwitz with Magda in tow. His voice echoing through the woods as he promised to find them again.

Regardless of whether or not Magneto slept, or if his guards took endless hours of rotations... nothing //seemed// to occur. No one seemed to have seen anything. Lorna had stayed away, though she called repeatedly, demanding updates from the guards, surveillance footage.. endlessly going over it and comparing the footage from her coronation to the last known time the haunting creature had appeared. The only concrete thing the guards, and the Princess could agree on was this: someone who worked in the palace had to the be culprit for bringing this thing around or setting it loose.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto had been hard at work, attempting to find out who it was that was threatening his family so. He had extinguished Hitzig's life before, and he had thought anyone else that knew what was going on was long since buried.

  He slept, but he did not sleep peacefully. He has been determined to find the culprit.

  The nonagenarian stood in his office, his clothing regal, grey slacks and a burgundy dress shirt. He had been staring out to the ocean, reliving the last moments he had seen Hitzig, the original Hitzig in.

Polaris has posed:
It was almost as if every nightmare Magneto had dreamt in the past century had been made manifest. As the King of Genosha stood there, looking over the ocean the room darkened with the lights flickering out and staying so. Out of the darkness the creature that claimed it was Hitzig loomed into Magneto's peripheral. A tall shadow of a figure, dressed from head to toe in the uniform from his childhood.

"Can't sleep Max?" The nightmare called, his voice gravely and his too sharp teeth glinted in the moonlight that streamed in from the window.

"Mores the pity, I had so hoped to catch you asleep, rare as it is. I was hoping to show you exactly what I had planned." He paused, reaching up to straighten the black gloves at his wrists. "For you. Your children. Your people."

Magneto has posed:
     Max didn't turn once Hitzig showed up, he had been hoping to see the specter again, if he was honest with himself. The man in the SS uniform was regarded, once. His cold eyes looked over the man that had occupied his nightmares since he was a boy. "You are dead. You have no power over me. Not anymore." Hitzig was the Frankenstein to Max's Monster.

  He walked gently to his desk, at the left side was a box, which until now, it's deepest contents hadn't seen the light of day in decades. He looked to the death's head pin perched atop Hitzig's hat, iconography was so big in Hitler's Germany. It had staying power, Magneto brushed his hand over the lacquer finish on the box, and pulls it open, seeing a picture of each of his progeny, as they were young children, the pictures attached to the inside of the lid, and various watches and cuff links were in the top tray.

Polaris has posed:
The creature of nightmare grinned, letting his hands fall to his side as he shadowed Magneto's movements to his desk as the monarch moved. Hitzig grinned, "I am both alive and dead. It is true that I am not the living man you slaughtered. Was that worth it, Max? To kill an ailing, sick, old man? How did the sounds of his wife's screams fit in your image of yourself? Of his son's curses?" The creature leaned forward, casting no shadow as it moved.

"But I am //real// and I am born from your memories. Your nightmares... made me real. You can no more rid yourself of me than those.."

The shadowy officer moved again, and this time he appeared at Magneto's side.

"All will be ashes when I am done with you, Max."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto lifts the tray with the jewelry, and removes a black satin cloth from the box. Lifting the satin shows an old war trophy he kept. A silver dagger with en engraving. 'Blud und ehre' inscribed on the blade. "It was worth it to see your life drip from your body. Your wife's screams sustained me, and I drank of your son's tears."

  Magneto gripped the dagger he used on Hitzig all those years ago, keeping the dagger to his side.

  For all intents and purposes, Magneto steeped himself against Hitzig yet again. The silver haired man reached up and thrust the dagger to Hitzig's torso. He knew this apparition would only shrug it off, but he relished the opportunity to harm Hitzig one more time.

Polaris has posed:
Hitzig, such as he was could only laugh, a deep throated laugh filled with malice and a twisted sort of joy. The creature split around the dagger after it impaled him, an assortment of blood colored stips of flesh that spiked and twisted around it. "Oh, oh, and people call //me// the monster." An impossibly long tongue dragged out from the creature's mouth and he reached for Magneto's wrist to pull himself up the inches of the dagger toward the hilt.

"I shall take your words to your daughters, to your son. And leave their bodies at your doorstep. A gift to you, Max. One by one, I will find them and I shall enjoy what I will do. You've already seen my work. It was but a taste of what I will inflict upon you.."

Magneto has posed:
     "I am what you made me, a monster, born of a worse one." He says calmly. His eyes did not change from an unfeeling gaze as Hitzig pulled himself up into more of the blade. "And you, will suffer more than you ever have before in life. No one will remember you, Kommandant. When I am dead, your legacy will die, and mine will still be left standing."

Polaris has posed:
Hitzig laughed again, pulling free of the dagger with a sickening, wet, sound of flesh and muscle pulling apart. All of which stitched back together, "Oh dear Max, I have no plans to kill you. You're a survivor, and as I said.. I am born of you. I will haunt your every step. Your every sleeping and waking moment. The more you fear me, the stronger I will become.." He pressed his gloved hand against the center of his gut and the uniform knit seamlessly back into place.

"You will have no legacy but ashes.. you will fail your children as sure as you failed to protect your mother, your father.. your sister, and your uncle. Your wife.. and your first born. They all ended in ashes, Max." The creature reached up, his eyes glowing like embers as he tilted the shiny, polished edge of his hat back.

"Keep the fires burning, boy."

And with those last words, the creature vanished, melting away into black like sludge that sunk into nothingness and was gone. The lights flickered back on... and the King of Genosha was alone.