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The Trickster's Mess, part 4
Date of Scene: 21 October 2019
Location: Shannon's Room (East Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Illyana and Shannon discuss the nature of the magic on Loki's pendant, and the possibility of the gift's restoration.
Cast of Characters: Magik, Nightingale

Magik has posed:
Suddenly Illyana should be in the Mansion brochure.

Nobody can know exactly when the Queen of Limbo wl suddenly appear or where she will turn up. She has no sense of boundries for peoples personal space. So when shes just there, in Shannon's room, it likely comes as a startling, if stark reminder, suprise. Gripping the pendent in one hand, she's her hair cut in her usual Princess hair style, bangs snipped across the front of her brow.


Nightingale has posed:
     It had been little surprise to Shannon that there had been no word about the remains of the pendant from Loki. The whole affair had been a right mess, to be sure. But still, it was a matter that had been largely unresolved, and there had been no answer either way on if they presented any danger at all, or what they might yet be capable of. It came as a surprise to her when Scott directed her to seek out Illyana. She debated whether or not to send a text about a sensitive matter like this, and opted for leaving her a note beneath the door to her room. It had been an odd hour of night, after all. Not really expecting anything to come of the whole thing, she went back to her dorm to get some sleep.

     The next morning found her at her piano, relaxing by playing a little bit of music. She's in her favorite PJ's, consisting of the baggy gray tank top, red tartan sweatpants, and her fluffy Old English Sheepdog slippers. The music flows from her fingertips with relative ease, an old classic ballad.

     Illyana's appearance brings the music to a screeching halt, the young woman turning about to see Illyana there. "Oh! Good morning!"

Magik has posed:
Illyana doesnt usually make house calls, but as she appears, dressed in a long sleeve black sweater and black jeans with shread knees, the pale woman makes her aay towards Shannon to lay the pieces of the necklace down atop one corner of the desk in the room. "You are knowing what this is?"

The lack of pleasantries is probably not at all surprising given who she is.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, recognizing the shards of the pendant. The cobalt blue, crystalline material still shimmered as she remembered it, with that odd inner glow. The head of the praying angel, nthe wings, bits of the robe, and the praying hands, were all as she remembered.

"Yes. It's the gift Loki sent. The one Doctor Strange attempted to destroy." That name was not spoken of with a great deal of fondness in her tone. Illyana's bluntness did not surprise her, even if her sudden appearance had been slightly startling. "I was starting to wonder what had become of it."

Magik has posed:
"It is communication device." Illyana explains, looking feom the pieces up to Shannon. "Specifically is way for whoever is holding paired pendent to listen in to what is around this..." This said with a finger pointing down at the shards.

"He sent this to you specifically? Why does he give this to you?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns slightly. The pendant had been meant as a listening device as well? She nods though, turning about completely now to face Illyana. "I'm not sure how much Scott or Jean might have told you about the events surrounding the pendant. It was some weeks ago. Loki came to the school in pretty rough shape, and asking for help with healing. He was in disguise, in the shape of a boy called 'Jeremy'. Betsy called Triage and I out to help. At the time, nothing was done, because we were uncertain of the blue poison in his veins. Later... I was talked into healing him. He mentioned repayment for the kindness at the time, but neither of us was in any kind of shape to deal with it at the time. Thought that was the end of it, but a few days later, Rahne relayed the pendant to me. Said that if it was held, and his name focused on, it would call to him. There hadn't been any mention of it as a passive listening device, only that it would take actual focus to work."

Getting up, she gets her phone from her bedside table, flipping through some photos till she comes across the ones she took of the pendant prior to its destruction. "This is what it looked like before Doctor Strange got to it." It's in the shape of an angel praying, actually quite a beautiful piece.

Magik has posed:
Illyana nods to the explaination of where the pendant 'came' from. "Da. I am telling them it was trap... Maybe he is meaning well, but there is potential for abuse in magic that is tied to pendant." The Russian kneels towards it, then looks back up at Shannon.

"Could be spell is read wrong because I am seeing pendsnt in broken form. So incantations for it is mixed up and changed." She admits the possiblity that maybe she might have made a mistake.

"I doubt it though."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lets out a soft sigh, a single tear rolling down her face. "Isn't there potential for abuse in anything, though?" Damn it. It was seeming less and less likely that the shards would be coming back to her. "What sort of things were you thinking?, from what is left of the pendant?" At least the girl wasn't shying away from the truth, as upsetting as it might be. "I'm just sorry the thing got to you in the state it did. Anything like this ever happens again, I'll go to you first."

Magik has posed:
Illyana fixes Shannon in a hard, if only because for how long she remains unblinking, pale blue stare. "You wish the item restored." She observes with an knowing nod of her head, once more regarding the broken pieces of the pendant with a small frown that's more thoughtful than concerned. "Is possible maybe to repair it, maybe with spell that is preventing unwelcome observations from otherside of pair.. so is more in line with original intention as stated for gift.. rather than item for spying.."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just nods. "I had hoped for that, yes, but wasn't counting on it. Is that possible, to prevent spying? I admit, I don't know the extent of your gifts, but would they be a match for the one who created the pendant to begin with?" She sighs softly, running her fingers through her hair, and crossing her arms over her chest. Her wing flutter slightly behind her, and she purses her lips in thought. "I dislike that a gift was destroyed like that, if it was given as a kindness. Whether or no that was the original intent, still... it stings."

Magik has posed:
"I do not knowing full extent of powers of Loki, but I am Sorceress Supreme." Illyana isn't bragging, it is a matter of fact, "I can restore pendant, that is easy. The spell work is more complicated and will require seeing it whole in original form..." Her expression twists thoughtfully, but she nods after a moment. "Da, I can do this. Should not being difficult to put small ward on object to prevent unwanted scrying." She doesn't, however, comment on the nature of destroying a gift. "Doctor Strange is aptly named. Sometimes he would benefiting for explaining why he is so weird."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes, her tone actually turning very acerbic, her words clipped. "'Weird' isn't the word I'd use. The man may know his business, but there are far less kind appellations in mind for him." She gestures to Illyana, with a faint smile. "At least you're not treating me like an idiot about this whole thing. Thank you for that. As for seeing the pendant whole, in its original form, well... I do have those photos I took. They're on my phone."

Magik has posed:
"Nyet." Illyana shakes her head, "I will go and see it when it was given." She says with her head tilting slightly to one side, "Was any time you left it laying in your room when you were not present? Does not have to be very long period of time, only a few seconds. Just enough time for me to seeing full spell." Pale blue eyes flick up from the broken parts to Shannon, "You are not idiot for not knowing magic. Magic is not everyone.. Doctor Strange forgets this, I think. Because he is having little sanctuary full of old things, he thinking he is special... He not special."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns slightly, thinking back. "Very briefly, when I first got it. I took the photos of it on a piece of black cloth on my bed. Right after that... I went to take a shower and try to think things out, but the pendant was still on the bed. I didn't exactly want it in the bathroom with me, when I wasn't sure what else it could do." She rolls her eyes. "As if there's much to see there, anyways."

Magik has posed:
Illyana inclines her head to Shannon, "That is good forethought, not letting strange gift from weird Asgardian trickster coming with you into shower." She has a way with words. With one final glance at the pieces of the pendant, "I will go and see it, should know intricacies of spell and how to reform item and block the unwelcomed portion of the magic."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles somewhat. "Thank you. Regardless of the source... a gift still means something to me. It may be a foolish hope, but maybe for someone who's known little actual kindness, it will do him some good to have been shown some."

Magik has posed:
"Maybe. Scorpion cannot change nature, though." Illyana's pale eyes watch Shannon a moment longer, then turn away. "I will coming back to get broken pieces once I am certain spell can be corrected. If I am wrong about what I am thinking, I will just restore gift." She's pin-straight, arms at her sides... And then she's gone.

Just as certain as Suddenly Illyana.

There is Suddenly No Illyana.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yet even medicine can be poison... and in small doses, poison can be medicine, like foxglove." Maybe there was some good that could come of this, maybe not. Shannon just did not know. But at least one way or the other, they could finally get to the bottom of this whole mess and finally resolve it.

     One second, there's an Illyana, and the next... poof! Gone! She rolls her eyes and laughs softly, shaking her head. "That has got to be handy on April Fool's Day... could prank someone and be well out of there before anyone was the wiser."