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Refuge in Audacity Territory
Date of Scene: 30 September 2019
Location: Brood Space
Synopsis: Grail searches for and finds the Guardians. Her mission for them? Find Darkseid.
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Gamora, Grail

Star-Lord has posed:
Anyone sane avoids Brood space like the black plague on Earth. Mainly because there's virtually no difference /between/ the black plague and the Brood. They're a predatory species that sees everyone else as food or breeding fodder. Wars with the Brood are bloody, costly affairs, and only the seriously prepared dare to breach their known space.

Or, well, the Guardians of the Galaxy do. This is very much Refuge in Audacity territory.

The Milano hasn't been seen on the usual galactic travel routes regularly for a while now. After the Daxamite invasion, they've been only venturing out into the cosmos at large to resupply. The Takron situation has given the Guardians plenty of credits to hold out with, and Star-Lord has had them keeping out of sight. The only real intel that Grail could potential have heard about are rumors of sightings on the borders of Brood space of the Milano, but no one knows details.

Somewhere just inside Brood space though, attached to an asteroid via docking hooks designed specifically for this very sort of hiding (Star-Lord thinks outside the box a lot). The Guardians have been going out into the Galaxy just enough to keep from going stir crazy chasing down leads, but no one has been talking. At least, no one knows /where/ the bounty came from. It's one of those burst transmission datamass updates designed to keep employers anonymous.

It also means a lot of hurry up and wait while the Milano monitors a pirated comm relay to trace those updates.

In the main crew area of the Milano, Star-Lord is dancing, for the two hundredth time, to one of his awesome vol. 2 remixes as they wait for the comm system to ping.

Gamora has posed:
While Star-Lord is dancing in the main crew area, Gamora has been trying to at least do something productive. Like, say, monitoring the comm relay to find the source of their bounty. Yes, she knows it won't help if she keeps checking it. She's also regularly checking the sensors, since they're not exactly in the friendliest of neighborhoods.

With a groan the green woman swivels around in her chair and stalks down to the crew area. Even if she didn't know where to find Quill, all she had to do was follow the music. <STOMP!> <STOMP!> <STOMP!> Booted feet clatter loudly on the decking, the pitch changing as she climbs down the ladder.

"For the record, Peter, I think this is a stupid idea. The Brood is a thousand times more dangerous than anyone or anything that would try to collect a bounty on us."

No, this isn't the first time they've had this conversation, either.

Grail has posed:
She was curious. Grail gets curious like many people her age do. Especially people with enough power that it'd take a lot to stop her from being curious. So, she is now hearing that the Milano, the ship of the Guardians is somewhere near brood space. As such, she's simply doing what she wants as usual and going to look for them. If the Brood spot her? Well, she really doesn't care. She wants to see what she wants to see.

In space, no one can hear you boom tube.

The blast of sound usually coming from such a thing, is not heard. Just an opening in space and the edge of it being stepped out from by Grail as she looks around the area. She uses her superior eyes to scan the area. She isn't, by any means, a Kryptonian or anything but Amazonian/New God physiology is a step above human. Several steps. She scans and then shakes her head as she then steps back into the portal. About a minute later, another blast of sound and light that can only be seen but not heard till the tube creates a pocket of air.

Finally, light appears near to the Milano, the light glowing brightly, she doesn't at first even spot the Milano among the asteroids, just stepping out and having another look around.

Star-Lord has posed:
"That's why it's a brilliant idea!" Star-Lord replies, without skipping a beat in his dance routine.

Say what you will about his human genes, Peter has enough stamina to keep doing this for hours, if he really wanted to...

... and he probably will.

"Most of the bounty hunters in the galaxy aren't gonna risk it, and there's a jump point nearby. Long as the Brood don't know what to look for out here, we should be fine."


Of course, that's when the sensors flare up, a purple tint coming to the alarm lights, signifying higher technology.

"What the frell?" Peter exclaims as he stops dancing. "Green is Brood... did one of the hunters find us?"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora pauses long enough to give him a raised-eyebrow *look*... the kind that says *SEE? I TOLD YOU SO. IDIOT!* They've worked together long enough that sometimes words aren't necessary. She doesn't head for the cockpit, however.

"Guns!" she calls out, on her way towards a turret. "You check out the contact." More stomping follows, this time at a more urgent jog.

Then, because Gamora and Peter have such a healthy, open-communication relationship, she calls back through the ship's corridors to him.

"And for the record, Peter, this is STILL a stupid idea!" What are friends for?

Grail has posed:
It takes her a long moment, and then she squints at something from afar. She hmms softly as she then pushes something into her wrist and the boom tube vanishes. A moment later, it is far more obvious that someone is coming for the Milano. The boom tube opens a fair bit closer to the Milano. Out steps Grail, her arms crossed as she looks at the ship nearby. She stares at it and hmms and nods her head. She has definitely found what she is looking for.

She takes a moment to look around before she leaps away from the boom tube and floats across the expanse of space to land on an asteroid across from the Milano. The boom tube winks out even as she looks from her new perch to her target and then pushes off with a hefty push that sends the Asteroid floating back and away from her target and sends her sailing across the expanse of space toward the Milano.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter gets to the bridge with time to spare, and looks over the sensor readings.

"What the frell?" Comes over the ship intercom. A few moments later. "I have no idea who that is, but they're space adaptable. Doesn't look like the pet earth Kryptonians..." Peter squints at the contact. "definitely not your garden variety hunter, with boom tube tech. Don't fire yet. I'm not seeing weapons out."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is strapping into one of the gun seats, rapidly flipping the switches to power up the turret. She has the intercom on, and is already scanning out in space when Peter's voice squawks. "Wait, did you just say a boom tube?" Squinting, she brings up the image on the viewer and magnifies.

"If she's using a boom tube she probably doesn't NEED any weapons. And if we don't shoot first we may not get the chance to shoot later." All the same, Gamora holds fire. For now.

Grail has posed:
She's definitely angled to land right on the Milano. She is flying htrough space but not by any force other than the original push. As she flies, he doesn't pull out any known weapons but then, she's not really in need. If nothing is done to stop her, though, before very long they won't just hear her, but see her. The sound of impact upon the Milano will be audible and physical. Not brutal enough to do any real damage but she definitely scratched the pain when she landed. Then, they might even hear the sound of something moving on the ship.

Before very long, a woman will be standing beside the bubble of glass that looks into the cockpit area of the Milano, eyes scanning the inside for signs of life.

Star-Lord has posed:
Staring right back at Grail is one Peter Quill, AKA Star-Lord... and he gives her a goofy grin. "Well, she didn't break the armored glass, so there's that." Peter replies over the intercom.

To Grail, she can see the Half-Terran moving his mouth, but not hear him. "I'm gonna get her around to the airlock."

Peter brings up a hand, then does a downward gesture as he looks directly at Grail. He's obviously doing some sort of sign language as he uses his other hand to press a few buttons, and Grail will be able to feel a slight vibration in the ship as the airlock at the cargo area starts to cycle for space. Then, Peter stands and starts moving into the ship itself, heading there.

"I'm directing her to the cargo airlock. I'm really hoping she's interested in talking, and not slashing."

Gamora has posed:
Their visitor can move through space without a suit, and yet she didn't punch through the glass. As Peter said, that's a positive sign that even Gamora can't ignore. The green woman powers down the turret, slipping out of the chair to head for the airlock.

Mostly because she doesn't trust the diplomacy to Peter. Not without adult supervision, at least. "Let us hope that she isn't interested in collecting a bounty, either." Gamora offers acidly.

Grail has posed:
Squinting, the red eyed woman stares for a moment until she hears the sound of the airlock. She wonders if that is what she thinks it is and just simply walks along the ship slowly before leaping down and letting the very little gravity of the asteroid carry her down. She lands on the asteroid and then when she spots the open door, she pushes off and flies up into the lack of air. She lands a moment later inside the Milano. Her hair falling to the side of her head as she looks around the inside of the ship. She appears non-threatening...keyword appears.

Star-Lord has posed:
By the time Grail is inside, the airlock is ready to be cycled again, and Peter hits the button that cycles it, bringing Grail face to face with Star-Lord himself.

If Grail has paid attention at all to the Guardians, she'd know his face.

"Fancy meeting you out here, with all the rock and sentient eating breeding machines." Peter quips, "What can we do for you?"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora isn't far behind Star-Lord, but she's too late to actually intervene in any diplomacy. The green woman manages not to groan when she arrives and discovers a conversation already in-progress. So rather than potentially derailing the matter, she simply leans against a bulkhead and crosses her arms.

Grail has posed:
Looking at Star-Lord, she tilts her head at his greeting and then she looks over at Gamora before saying, "You two." She staets, "You fought the Daxamites." SHe nods her head, "I saw you go against them despite their strength and power. You must have some strength yourselves." She nods her head, "I was interested in talking about that and more."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Oh, you were there?" Star-Lord muses a bit, before he gestures to himself with a thumb. "I'm Star-Lord," Thumb to Gamora, 'That's Gamora," his arms cross over his chest, "We're members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and are available for hire at very reasonable rates."

Peter looks around the ship, before looking back to Grail, "The others are busy handling other matters elsewhere. Suffice to say, we're good at what we do."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora tilts her head curiously. Apparently this... person... at least isn't going to attack outright. Still leaning against the bulkhead, she offers a single nod of acknowledgement. After Star-Lord offers his sales pitch, she tosses out a simple question of her own. "Who are you, then? And what is your interest in us?"

Grail has posed:
A look at Star-Lord and she squints her eyes, "You likely aren't all that affordable right now, given you are in hiding." Grail states simply before looking over toward Gamora and looks her over. She considers her a moment before saying, "I am Grail." She states simply and looks back to Star-Lord, "And yes, for the most part, I was in space. On the ship of the Daxamites until they jettisoned me into space with some of their guards." She nods her head.

"What I want is to seek out those with strength to fight people like Daxamites." She nods her head, "I have a rather powerful enemy to face and I need powerful allies." She nods and looks back to Gamora again.

Star-Lord has posed:
"We have hunters after us occasionally. It happens. We just need to find the source and deal with it. Give us an interesting target and a reasonable objective, and we can see what we can do." Peter looks to Gamora, "We can do what we're doing here just about anywhere in sentient space."

He looks back to Grail, "So, who's the enemy? I can talk it over with the others."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora's mouth twitches into something almost like a smile, then. "So you -are- looking to hire us." she replies, shooting Peter a satisfied look. "Our prices are somewhat variable, depending on the difficulty of the target and... other factors." Such as whether they're still dodging a bounty, of course. "We're not adverse to unreasonable targets, of course. It will just cost more."

Uncrossing her arms, Gamora pushes away from the bulkhead with a light shrug. "Were you fighting -for- the Daxamites or against them?"

Grail has posed:
"Against them." She states to Gamora and then looks over at Star-Lord before saying, "I'm looking for your assistance and while I could offer you money, I can possibly offer you better in return. My help." She nods her head, "I can help to see who is after you and then destroy them. My target, though, won't be someone easily destroyed." She nods her head as she looks over to Gamora, "Even for me."

Star-Lord has posed:
"What's your issue with the Daxamites? I assume there was one if you were fighting them." Star-Lord inquires, his arms crossing over his chest, "we were just passing through and they got in the way... but you seem like the sort to seek out conflict."

Grail has posed:
A chuckle and she shrugs, "I was there with an aquaintence." She nods her head, "And as such, I acted because I do not like them." She shrugs, "Nothing more than that." She nods her head and then looks over at him, "I could have enjoyed dealing with them slowly but they fled when their source of power vanished." She nods her head and then looks around the ship, "It is not exactly important to this conversation, though."

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a long moment as Star-Lord studies Grail of about five seconds, before he nods. "Sure. Who are you targetting?"

Grail has posed:
A grin comes to her lips and she shrugs, "No one all that exciting." She smiles as she looks over at Star-Lord, walking to the side a little as she stares at him, "Just a being known simply as Darkseid." She nods her head, "I want him dead. I know he isn't." She grins, "Interested."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Darkseid... that's a big name." Star-Lord frowns, "he's a pretty big a-hole, but I don't know if anyone wants to poke that one. What's your interest in him?"

Grail has posed:
A smirk as she looks at him and then she shrugs, "Nothing important. He's terrible, I hate him, and he's my father." She nods her head, "And I want him destroyed." She nods her head, "Need to know anything else?"

Star-Lord has posed:
"Yeah, what's your plan?" Star-Lord asks, "I'm not saying no, but Darkseid has a big army." He points out, "Plus his underlings, who are pretty good in and of themselves, with boom tube technology." Peter raises a brow as he leans against a wall, one leg crossing slightly over the other as he relaxes against it, "Are you just looking for an assassination here?"

Grail has posed:
A smirk and she shakes her had, "First we have to find him. He disappeared after he went to Earth. However, if you think you can assassinate him, go for it." She shakes her head, "No, I think we're going to need something more. I even have the Scythe of Hades and that likely won't be enough." She smirks, "I'm not even sure my strength will work."

Star-Lord has posed:
"That was a while ago." Peter muses out loud, "So his underlings are managing things... what about the army?"

Grail has posed:
"As long as we are careful, the army won't matter. Not that they could take me. Even altogether, they couldn't stop me." She smirks and shrugs, "Well, they might slow me a little." SHe nods her head, "All the same, they can't send an entire army at us at once." She nods her head, "It's mainly the peons and him that we have to worry about."

Star-Lord has posed:
There's a long moment as Star-Lord stares at Grail, "Careful." The word is sounded out as if he's testing it. "This coming from an entity who boomtubed into Brood space without a care in the galaxy of who might detect that technology, and then jumped oon the Milano's hull." Star-Lord smirks, "Drax will love your idea of 'careful'."

Grail has posed:
A grin, "Well, this Drax seems intelligent and well versed in battle." She then leans toward him, "I'm the daughter of Darkseid. There's very little that wants to mess with me." She nods her head, "And those that make the mistake of doing so, soon find out how bad a mistake it was." She shrugs and stands up straight, "Either way, I can't take my father alone. He is, after all, Darkseid. As such, I need allies."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Drax isn't the most subtle." Star-Lord almost sarcastically replies. "So we need to find him. How did you plan on doing that?"

Grail has posed:
"Well, I'm working on that now. I have a lead on the planet Earth." She nods her head, "It isn't going quite the way I hoped but it is going." SHe nods her head with a smile. She then shrugs and looks in the direction of Earth, or at least she believes that's the direction, "Luckily, I have a way to get there quickly when need be."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Lead? What lead." Star-Lord presses, his frown evident as he watches her.

Grail has posed:
"Something is happening on Earth involving their Superman. He reached out through channels to me due to it. He may know something of my father though he is currently disabled." Grail nods and frowns, "I am working on that now."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Disabled?" Star-Lord starts to walk over to the corridor leading over to the bridge. "Follow me, then." He offers as he heads in. "We can head over to the New Genesis sector."

Grail has posed:
A blink at him and she nods before shrugging, "Not sure what you intend to do there." She follow him all the same.

Star-Lord has posed:
"We have sensors and a fast ship." Star-Lord moves to sit down in the pilot seat, "See what's going on, run if we get attacked. Sound good?" Star-Lord inquires as the engines are started.

Grail has posed:
"Sounds fine to me. Had been planning to stop in at some point anyway." She nods and chuckles. Grail considers the ship, "Must be very proud of this ship."

Star-Lord has posed:
"She's the best in the galaxy. You want a tricked out scout ship? The Milano is the best around." Peter states, confidently, as he unhooks from the asteroid... and starts to head for the jump point to New Genesis space.

"Been a while since I've been in the area, so this will be interesting."