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Revision as of 22:29, 26 October 2019

Plans for the future.
Date of Scene: 26 October 2019
Location: Men's Dormitory (West Halls), Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: A place for 2, and a girlyfid restroom
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Rage, Icarus

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in his room, having called Doug to his office to chat more about the apartment stuff since he talked to Robert. As doug shows up Sam is sending out a text on his phone.

Cypher has posed:
Doug shows up, still in his suit and tie. "I got pulled over on the way here." Doug says, "Got a freakin' ticket. I was only goin' 80, there was nobody else out on the road..." He grumbles. He holds up the ticket between two fingers. "A hundred and fifty dollars!"

Rage has posed:
From down the hall, the sound of ARF ARF ARF can be heard as Andrea is walking hand in hand with Jay. She's wearing pajama pants, barking wolf slippers and a button down flannel shirt. Her hair is wet from a shower and tied up behind her. The popstar catches the door with her foot before it closes, causing her slipper to ARF again. "Hey Mister Guthrie. Hello Mister Ramsey."

Icarus has posed:
"I have no idea where you got those but they are so perfect for you," Jay mutters. Seems his hand has been claimed. He has attempted to reclaim it but she is having none of it. And considering she technically was the Big Bad Wolf? He wasn't going to try too much.

"Hey, Sam, Doug. Didn't mean to interrupt. This a bad time?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is sitting in his chair, and chuckles a bit at his friend, and "Really? Are we going to have to go talk to Murdock for your ticket?" He asked his friend. "Heck Ah could have gave ya a ride back in, Ah was in town talking to Berto. Seems he has an apartment there already so looks like we might be on our own. " He looks over to the two and says "Na all good, was just going to talk to Doug a bit about him and me maybe getting an apartment

Cypher has posed:
"Okay. MAYBE I was doing 90." Doug says. "But the commute's a freakin' nightmare, if I didn't speed I'd be all night getting out here." Then he says, "I forgot, the things he doesn't know is the shorter list." He looks to Jay and Andrea. "Hey."

Rage has posed:
"I can get you a pair if you want." Andrea says as she gives their hands a playful swing back and forth as she passes a grin to Jay. "They're really warm." Giving a smile to the pair of teachers, she bobs her head. "You're going to get a bachelor pad, huh? Niiiiice. Is it because I set you up with that cute piano player with the beautiful voice?" She teases her team leader.

Icarus has posed:
Hearing the comment about 90, Jay has to grin a bit. "That sounds like plain bad luck. You should've taken Sam up on his offer. I think he misses giving everyone piggy back rides. He's brought it up to me recently too."

He glances to Andrea. "They wouldn't be as much of a fashion statement on me. And I didn't know you set Sam up with someone." That brings his eyes back to his brother.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Well more like the idea of cooking for her made me realize Ah did not have a place to do it. Doug here could crash in town and not get speeding tickets, and on late nights where Ah am at the club till three or four am Ah could crash there as well. Talked to Ma, long as we promise to let her pay it back she is with it, I figure we just send it back to her a little bit at a time as she pays us.

Cypher has posed:
"Also, I can't listen to my Springsteen records as loud as I want to here. I keep waking Kurt up." Doug gives a sheepish shrug, and then says, "Did Sam ever tell you about the night I found out I was a mutant--" This is probably where Sam should cut him off before he tells his little brother about how this went down.

Rage has posed:
"I /love/ Springsteen." Andrea says with a wide grin on her face. She taps her foot a few times on the ground. Arf. Arf. Arf. "Lights out tonight! Trouble in the heartland! Got a head on collision, smashing in my guts man. I'm caught in a crossfire that I don't understand. But there's one thing I know for sure, girl!" She sings out in that beautiful raspy voice of hers as she pulls Jay close, placing her free hand on his shoulder as she sways with him. "Badlands you gotta live it everyday! Let the broken hearts stands as the price you gotta pay. Keep pushing till' it's understood - and these badlands start treatin' us good!" She gets swept up for a moment with a laugh as she rocks her hips side to say.

Arf Arf.

"That's awesome to hear though, Sam, that you're gonna hang out with her. She seems super sweet. I think this is a good idea. But you need to let me decorate. Just tell your Ma also it's fine if she wants to do it that way. I'll call my agent and tell him to book it. I got a deep discount on it anyways."

Icarus has posed:
Jay is tugged into the dance but, admittedly, he wasn't really resisting very much. He fell into step with her easily but managed to resist joining in. Not because he didn't want to but he was distracted.

"Nooo," he drawled out as he glanced at Doug. "Can't say he ever told me that story. Would love to hear it though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well now we need to figure out about Ma and the kids, stories for later." He will put in, and says "As for decorating, Ah think Doug and AH want a place we feel at home, not feel like we are in someone else's place, but thanks. Also just cause Alexis and Ah have a date does not mean anything more than a date. We have barely talked much so we will see how it goes."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug looks at Sam, and then at Jay. He glances back at Andrea, and cues in - and he has perfect pitch, if he doesn't have Springsteen's rasp - "I want a thousand guitars, I want poundin' drums, I want a million different voices speakin' in tongues!" He flicks back to Jay. "Okay. SO. It was one in the morning. And... I wake up to the sound of somebody throwing pebbles at my window. So I open it and look out and there's your brother, in nothing but a-"

Rage has posed:
As they dance together, Andrea shows off some natural pop-star moves as she sways back and forth, having her hips drop a bit in a playful bounce. She lifts one of Jay's hands, doing a bit of a twirl beneath it before she leans back in against him, pulling his hand down against her hip. As she listens to Doug sing, her eyes widen. "Wow. This place is filled with amazing singers. I'm gonna start a boyband with you two in it." She says jokingly, though her brows lift upwards. ".. Sam was throwing pebbles at you in nothing buuuuut... a towel?" She asks, looking to Sam with a grin. "And if you want to /keep/ a lady at your place longer than dinner, you will let me at least give your bathroom a once over. Trust me."

Icarus has posed:
"Tell me he wasn't naked. You didn't warn me this might be a naked brother story," Jay protested with a groan even as he continued to sway with Andrea to the song running in her head.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will butt in a bit and says "I was taking a shower after a swim in the pool, and we had a bit of an emergency. The bad thing was not you seeing me in the towel, was more I think some of the girls from the slumber party might have seen it and just thought they were imagining it. " He gives Doug a look that tells the other man to go with the change he made to the story.

Cypher has posed:
    "Not true." Doug says. "He was skinny-dipping in Breakstone Lake because the girls *threw him out of the house*." Doug glances back at Sam, and says, "...Sorry man, what really happened is just funnier--"

Rage has posed:
Laughing loudly, Andrea's cheeks flush brightly as she gives Sam a slow up and down glance with her eyes. ".. really now. Is that how you got the name Cannonballs?" She tips her chin backwards so that her her head rests on Jay's shoulder, glancing up at him curiously. "Want to continue an Xavier Guthrie tradition? I won't kick you out."

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses, and glances at Sam, and then rubs the back of his neck, before he clears his throat. "Ach-hem. Okay. Well, it was a long time ago, and it was a weird night. I barely remember how things happened anyway, my memory's like swiss cheese, so don't trust anything *I* say about back then."

Icarus has posed:
Jay has red hair, red wings and apparently a matching red face as soon as Andrea makes that suggestion. He stumbles a step in the dance, trips over his own foot and almost goes down but manages to step backwards just enough to maintain some semblence of dignity. "I...he...No. Just no." It's all he can manage.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie relaxes a bit and is happy Andrea's comment has Jay reacting such. He says "No, that was not how Ah got the name, and borrows some pants to get Doug back here, and he was luckily able to talk to Warlock and calm him down.

Cypher has posed:
Doug quirks his mouth and then says, "Well. Now that I've left everybody *awkward*, I should probably go do... Doug... things." He gestures, in the vague direction of his room. "Right? Right. Right!"

Rage has posed:
Giving a sly smile to Jay, Andrea tugs him closer once he regains his balance. She smiles and tips a wink to him, then leans in to whisper against his ear for a moment before she glances back to Sam and Doug. She is all grins. "I'm not feeling awkward. I'm loving this."

Icarus has posed:
"So that's how you met Wa--" Jay gets tugged back in toward Andrea. Whatever she said has him turning even more scarlet. "Uhm..remember that talk we had a little bit ago. That slow thing. Yeah. That." He extricates himself from her embrace and gives a bright glowing crimson faced nod to his brother and Doug. "Ah think Ah might do that too. Not Doug things. Jay things. Or some. Thing."

He's so rattled his accent has slipped completely. He turns and tries to make a beeline for the door, determined to get beat a hasty retreat.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and says "You stay we need to talk about the apartment." He looks to Jay concern showing on his face, and looks as if he is trying to decide if he should tell andrea to chase after him.

Rage has posed:
"Jay, I'm just teasin'." Andrea says as she follows after him, giving a quick smile to the pair of guys as she tips a wink. "C'mon, I'll walk you back to your room." She says as she arfs after him with her wolfy slippers.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks between Jay and Andrea, and he gives Sam a faintly incredulous look. "I'll talk to you soon, Jay? None of the kids around here appreciate how great Blondie is--"

Icarus has posed:
There is a half hearted glance back by Jay. "Sure thing, Doug. They just don't appreciate the classics which is sad. So much great music. We'll catch up again soon. I have some homework to do."

As Andrea arfs after him in her slippers, her gives her a bit of a frown. "Embarassing me to death is what you're doing," he mutters as they wander down the hall.

Rage has posed:
"Oh, please. Your brother is far more embarrassed than you are, I'm sure." Andrea arfs after him, then starts to sing down the hallway. "Call me! Call me on the line! Call me, call me, any time!" She happens to love Blondie as well, having grown up with a cultured mother after all. She bumps her shoulder into the winged mutant's, then takes off in a sprint, hyper arfing from her slippers. "Race you!" And the two go off.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie waits till the two are out of earshot, and says "You know Ah said he had been through something? Well it sorta happened where we skinny dipped back home. Ah was worried it might set him off, was why Ah was trying to change it a bit.

Cypher has posed:
    "Man." Doug says, rubbing the back of his neck, "She is *twitterpated*." Then he glances back to Sam, and then says, "I can't *actually* read minds, you know, you butthead!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other and says "Ah know Ah know, but Ah was a bit in damage control trying to think up a bit on how to cover." He sighs and says "And so ya know if aint nothing dealing with anyone in the normal seek councleing ways, it is a bit more Romeo and Juliet with the Cabots and the Guthries in the staring roles.

Cypher has posed:
    Doug wrinkles his nose, and then says, "...Poor kid. Yeah, he's got an air of heartbreak all around him. I uh--" He rubs the back of his neck. "She knows about that, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "In some ways she knows a little bit more than him. He thinks the girls dad is still alive, he was killed when he pulled a rocket on Ma. It is part of the whole situation where we picked up Ray jr as a foster brother.

Cypher has posed:
Doug thinks about that, and then says, "...Huh." He puts his hand on his chin, and then says, "He's gonna carry that with him for the rest of his life, I think."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Oh yea, he is getting better, but you remember what Ah said you, he and Ah have in common it fits the story too

Cypher has posed:
Doug flattens his mouth into a line. "You know... I never talked to you about it? Or anybody really, because I knew they'd take it the wrong way. But... I thought about suicide after I came back. I came right up to the edge... literally."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns but more of worry than anything else. He looks to Doug and says "He made it past the edge. Seems his regeneration is some kinda powerful. " He will tell the other man "May Ah ask what stopped you?

Cypher has posed:
    "The same thing that almost made me do it." Doug says. "You all looked at me with so much *grief*. If you were still mourning for me when I was alive... what would I put you all through if I killed myself?" He sighs. "I couldn't put you through that. Not again."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him and says "We all blamed ourselves, and then you add in what you had to go through to get back. Will be honest with ya there was even the thought of did we leave ya there when we could have some how gotten ya back

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Sam a flat look. "Well I'm back now, and it's been an uphill struggle to get you all to stop *grieving*. It really bugs me." He says, flatly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, I have been trying, am glad your back, and try not yo grieve about it, but I do try to learn from it. It was a harsh lesson, but honestly the way we were going if it had not been you then, probably would have been one of us some other time."

Cypher has posed:
"Everyone dies, Sam. It's amazing more of us haven't." Doug says. "But it's our time to use. I only have a minute, only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can't refuse it. Didn't seek it, didn't choose it. But it's up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it. Give account if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute... but eternity is in it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him and says "It is like I told Shannon, one of the important things need to know about being out there specially as a healer. There will be sometime out there where some of us will die, and as weird as it sounds. Some of us will come back, and we can't control who, or when or how. Sometimes the ones we want the most will be back, and some times they won't. Don't expect it but be thankful to all you consider holy when a friend finds a way back, I know I am."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, "...February is a bad time for me. Has been since I came back." That was the month that he died. "I hurt sometimes. So does he. Just remember... sometimes you have to let us."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well if there is anything Ah can do to help just let me know." He will tell the man "And when we find our our apartment will make sure I have my room soundproofed by February, so you can play sad music if ya need to without me hearing it." He tries to make a small joke but he is serious about helping all can to help.