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(Strange and Nick have unusual shopping lists)
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Latest revision as of 01:34, 29 October 2019

Seeking out Supplies
Date of Scene: 28 October 2019
Location: Whole Foods
Synopsis: Strange and Nick have unusual shopping lists
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Phantasm (Drago)

Doctor Strange has posed:
     Not everything is always supreme and astonishing in the life of a sorcerer, though some would imagine it is, and Stephen certainly can not fault people for imagining that. No he admits he has lived a grandiose life and yet, with his current situation, the sorcerer can not help but dream of the days gone bye of him driving sports cars with a differnt brunette of the week in the passenger seat.

    No today, currently, the wizard has his chested pressed down into the tile of the shopping center, next to a produce display and watering case. Stephen has his head turned so his goatee wont be pressed directly into the mold and his arm is shoved under the open face water sprayer machine and he's reaching for a particularly appetizing piece of Roaving Almarinian Fuzz Mold that has been festering on the piping under here for some time.

    "Come... here." He groans and turns his head, burring his arm up to the shoulder under the produce display.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is not one for shopping for the usual groceries in an overpriced store such as this. That said, Whole foods does carry stuff that other places tend not to have on hand. Which is what he's doing today. And what is this mysterious item he's looking for? Tea.

Is it some rare tea thatvery view distributors have access too? Heck no. It's just plain Chamomile tea. But ALL the other stores are out.

Grumbling along, the knit capped musician grabs a basket and starts to head to the produce section. No particular reason why, other than it is positioned to the right and he has no idea where the friggen tea is. He pauses as he sees a man halfway in one of the produce displays despite the vegetables displayed there being right next to him. His head tilts before he walks over. "That must be a heck of a head of lettuce."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "It's not the lettuce that interests me." Stephen says with the roll of his eyes more than obvious in his voice as he's not reaching near the produce, as he's on the floor, having removed the front protective grate from the display and watering machine case and is reaching into the innards of the contraption.

    "Now..." Stephen begins before he gets a decent enough grip that he puts one hand on the case and starts to push against it and the force is heard as his voice grunts and his arms shake as he tries to pull the mold away from the water ferrying pipes. "Yield so I may eat you!" Stephen growls at the unseen growth.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick steps back slightly as Stephen starts speaking to whatever he's tugging on. He glances to the front of the store to see if any of the employees have noticed this odd behavior. If they have, its not visible.

Then again, it is New York so people have learned not to question.

"What is it you are trying to get?"

Ok. MOST people.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen is grunting before he pauses and seems to relax before he looks over his shoulder towards Nick. The wizard looks him up and down and then turns back to the task at hand. "Most people have stopped asking." Stephen notes as he puts his arm all the way back under the case and adjusts his grip.

    "I am trying to extricate this rather aggressive piece of mold. Special in that it's a magical beast from another dimension that feeds on our hydraulic energies." Stephen says with another grunt as he tries to start pulling back and with a frown.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"So its a special type of mold that likes moist areas." Nick sums up. Based from the initial exchange, he's sure the guy on the floor will correct him if he got that wrong. "Okay. So, I'm gathering that food safety is not really a concern for you." He takes the mention of magic as sarcasm.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I did say it was a magical thing, so should I presume that we have differing definitions of 'special." Stephen says towards the grate as he continues to dig beneath it for the creature. "And no, it doesn't eat water, it literally eats hydraulic energies. Meaning if the water systems were to turn on above me, the energy wouldn't be present and thus no water." Stephen says with a quick look to Nick.

    "The ownership or management or whoever thought they had a plumbing problem, but it's not. Not in the traditional sense." Stephen then rolls fully onto his belly and actually sticks his head and other arm into the opening, and calls out. "When I say take my legs and pull." Stephen wiggles one for Nick to grab and then, "PULL!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick crouches down, looking to the mold but not grabbing Strange's legs. "Hmm. I think I could get that off. Care if I give it a go?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Without a second thought, Stephen lets go of the mold to look back at Nick and gives him the biggest 'Bull****' stare of his career. "Fine." Stephen says as he shimmies out of the maintenance hatch and stands up to dust off his shirt and pants. "Prove me wrong." Stephen dares Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick straightens up, giving a smile and holding a list out to him, "It'll take a couple minutes so could you grab a few things off my list while I work at it? The way I figure it, its a win win for you. You either get your mold or you get more material to berate me with while we go with your original plan."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks down at the list and is just... "Be careful what you wish for." He says to either Nick or himself and with that, Stephen turns around and marches away, figuring Nick will either be revolted or be gone by the time he returns with a cart full of Camomile... Weird.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick quietly waits as the larger male disappears around one of the aisles before he turns to face the maintenance hatch. Not apparent with the solid colored clothing, his facial features slowly shift to a mirror image. Right. Lets do this.

With little effort, he dives into the hatch quietly.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen has acutally gotten a basket and is pushing it around whole foods and is looking like an every day mundane human. "Stephen, what are you doing?" He continually asks himself as he's catching himself reading the nutritional facts of Ketchups and different kinds of organic rice cakes. Felicia would kill him for sure with photos and teases and this elicits a sigh from the doctor as he hasn't seen her enough lately he feels. Is he starting to neglect her like he usually does in his destructive manner.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Attention turned to the mold, Nick rests his hand next to it. Eyes study the positioning before the hand slowly slides toward the lump, the hand growing flatter and flatter, sliding underneath. When the full hand is underneath he sighs quietly. With a 'pop!' the hand goes back to shape, popping off the mold in the process. The other hand catches it.

Nick slides out of the hatch. Sitting on the floor, facing the hatch opening, he steadies himself, facial fatures slowly shifting back again. He stifles a yawn with his free hand.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen eventually returns to Nick with a basket full of the items on Nick's shopping list with a few others added in as Strange explains, "These will pair well and the flavors were most excellent." Stephen then holds his hand out waiting for the mold to be dropped into his bare, scared hand.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick lifts up his other hand, depositing the mold into Stephen's hand before looking at the contents of the basket, curiously. "These all help with sleep?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Turkey for helping to put you to sleep, Zzzquil for the emergencies, and whole milk. Yes. Now as a doctor, you should really be cautious about the ammount you intake as like most drugs or inputs, your body will grow resistances to what you bring in if you do it too much." Stephen says with a nod before he takes the mold and pockets it with a nod and starts to turn to leave the store.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a nod that gives off the vibe that he's heard the cautionary lines before. "-Which is why there are schedules and rotations." He supplies, following up Strange's lecture with the expected conclusion. He looks to the basket, "...Thanks."