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Latest revision as of 03:18, 29 October 2019

A curious curio robbery
Date of Scene: 27 October 2019
Location: Outside of a curio store in the Bronx
Synopsis: Superboy meets Zombie-Girl and they square off against demon possesed gangers who were robbing a curio store. A book was stolen despite the arrest of all but one of the thugs.
Cast of Characters: Zombie-Girl, Superboy

Zombie-Girl has posed:
It's a quiet October night in The Bronx, at least quiet in regards to the meta-human hub that is the tri-state area. But like an antique vase being knocked over in a silent antique shop, that silence is dramatically broken as a hail of gunfire pierces the windows of a curio shop. A moment later a strange looking gray skinned woman leaps through the broken window. A number of bullet wounds have turned her into something of a pin-cushion. Oddly she seems to be leaking a strange luminous fluid rather than coppery red blood.

"Shit shit shit shit," she says and turns around on her heels to see a man in a New York Knicks jersey with a sawed off shotgun slung over his shoulder. His other arm seems to not fit his body. It's swollen and disturbingly muscled. Cracks in the skin where the muscle has seemingly split the flesh reveals a coal like glow beneath.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is in the area when the gunshot breaks the (relative) silence of Bronx' night. Well, not exactly in the area, but close enough he gunshot sound reaches him in a few seconds. It still takes him about five more seconds to fly to the area of the gunshot, and a little more to spot the grey girl with the glowing blood and the armed good with the odd arm.

All in all, he is probably able to land between the woman and the thug before he can shoot again. Maybe. He tries!

Zombie-Girl has posed:
The man with the strange arm levels the shotgun and pulls the trigger. The report of the gun roars like the bark of a hellhound. But a mundane firearm can't do much to anyone with kryptonian biology. He throws the gun aside and flexes his freakish arm causing the muscles to swell out even more. What looks like bone spikes tears through the skin of his knuckles. Behind him another four men gather. These look normal, with the exception of their eyes. The ring of their pupils glows with a faint red light like the dying of a fire.

Behind you the woman tries to speak, but is cut short with a series of coughs. She leans over to spit out a large glob of that luminous fluid on the ground, with a number of bullets mixed in.

Superboy has posed:
No, a regular shotgun can't really hurt Conner. Even though he is only half-Kryptonian he is tough enough conventional firearms aren't a big deal. He blinks when the thug tosses the gun aside, however. That is unusual behavior. Usually they try again or run away when they see the big S on his chest.

"Their eyes are glowing," he comments to the woman, "I guess that is not good, uh?" Then again, speaking about glowing eyes. And spitting bullets! "Hello, I am Superboy. What kind of trouble are you into?" He asks in a friendly tone.

Not that he is too worried, nope. Maybe a little worried.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl sucks in a good lung-full of air. Though it's not something she generally needs, it does help with speaking. "Demons. *hak* Demon possessed. Some scrubs and one of their lieutenants. They're a gang...cult..gang... whatever."

Not seeming to be very considerate for exposition the Lieutenant launches at Superboy with surprising speed. Not in the realm of someone from the Flash family, but a tad beyond that of an Olympic athlete. His fist swings widlly, going for a wild haymaker to Superboy's right cheek.

Superboy has posed:
Oh good. Well, not good, but at least they are not vampires! Conner is a half-full glass kind of guy.

Nevertheless he gets punched pretty hard. And Kyrptonian abilities do not apply much against demons. Fortunately he can rely into a pretty sturdy telekinetic forcefield to avoid dying. He is still sent flying over Zombie Girl and into a parked sedan, which gets a broken windshield.

"Ow," he mutters, blinking quickly to clear the dark spots from his eyes. "Okay, so," he stands up with some effort. "How do we exorcise them?" Then to the demon ganger, "hey you! It was a lucky shot, I bet you can't hit me again!"

Zombie-Girl has posed:
The thugs standing in the window follow their leaders change in tactics and put away their guns and pull draw machetes, with the exception of one guy, who has a garbage bag slung over his shoulder.

"I have a guy..." she answers cryptically in response to the exorcism question. "I can't do the ritual because... reasons," she says even more cryptically. "You can also overtax their healing... but I don't know if that's someone who wears the S would want to do."

"Exorcism?" the lieutenant asks. "Getting my dark companion is the best thing that's ever happened to me. When we bring Hell on Earth, everyone is going to get a big gulp of that dark sacrament."

Zombie-Girl rushes in and lands a punch square on his nose, making it squash out. His deformed arm reaches up and grabs Zombie-Girl by the neck and lifts her up off the ground. A smile plays over his lips as his nose starts to set itself. "I'll snap her neck like a twig. All we want are the books, and we'll be on our way."

Superboy has posed:
"Books? Really?" Conner jumps towards the thug, trying to grab his 'demon' arm. "You don't strike me as the reading type. More like the going to a bar and talk about bikes type of guy." He is trying to spread his tactile telekinesis over the man's arm to force him release the grey-skinned girl. Also a punch to his jaw, but only with a fraction of his full strength.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
"They are needed for the boss' Great Work," he replies to Superboy. There is a cracking of bone as he tries and fails to resist the pull of the telekinetic force. Though the attempt leaves him with plenty of dislocated and broken bones in his hand with the attempt. Zombie-Girl falls to the ground, but quickly regains her footing. Even with partial strength its enough to break his jaw. He stumbles back, spitting out a trio of bloody teeth in the process.

"Keep knocking me down and I'll keep getting back up. Now fly away back to Metropolis," he says with a pronounced slur with his damaged mouth. He holds up his hand and shows you how his hand has begun to reset itself.

"Yeah dumbass. You know you're burning out your lifespan with that little trick right?" Zombie-Girl says to him. The trio of machete thugs have surrounded her, looking for an opening.

The lieutenant shrugs, "Half as long, twice as bright."

Superboy has posed:
Conner hrms, "twice as dumb too." But he is getting an idea of how tough and fast are the demon-gangers. All he needs now is some way to restrain them without hurting them. Like a lamp post, maybe.

But first things first: saving the girl. He turns and wraps an arm around Zombie Girl's waist, then flies her up out of the thugs reach. "I think I could restrain them with steel cable or something. Regular handcuffs are not going to be enough." He lands on the top of a van, not far from them. "You okay? You clearly have some powers, but they seem far stronger than you."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl rolls her eyes and says, "I just wasn't expecting them to send a lieutenant on a simple smash and grab. I'm fine see. She pulls her uniform to the side to show the bullet wound there is slowly starting to close up.

Down on the street the thugs look up as Superboy takes flight, there is a moment of hesitation, before they start to take off down the street. Except for the lieutenant, who holds his ground. He tenses up his body, as steam starts to leak from his very pores.

"Wait, what?" Zombie-Girl asks in your arms. "Dude! You don't want to do that!" she calls out.

This suggestion is ignored. Whatever he did to his arm starts to spread to the rest of his body. His mass doubles, triples. His form bulges with muscle, many placed haphazardly in a sense that ignores normal human anatomy and symmetry. His skin splits and sloughs off, leaving his muscles and bones exposed to the open air. He screams, and a gout of flame pours from his mouth.

Zombie-Girl sighs, "Well he's super screwed."

Superboy has posed:
"So you have those boo... ah, crap," replies Conner seeing how the man grows and becomes much more demon-y. "He looks pretty screwed-up, yeah. But also dangerous enough!"

So Conner flies up and grabs a lamppost, tearing it from the ground and extending his telekinesis over the metal pole. He bends the metal and uses it to attempt to pin the demon-possessed ganger to the ground, wrapping the thing around his body.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl takes off down the road in the direction where the other four fled to. When she catches up to the slowest of them she body-checks him from behind, sending him smacking face first off of the pavement. He cries out in pain when she stomps his ankles into what is probably a good number of bone fragments. She resumes chasing the others.

The lieutenant roars out when he is forced to the ground. Hellfire pours out from his lips and into the air. He struggles against the metal pinning him to the ground. His body starts to grow again, but now as he does so muscles begin to snap like wet rubber bands. For every bit of strength he summons forth, he is doing twice as much damage to his body. He flexes his arms and tears through the pole like it were made of cheap particle board. He gets up and casts a baleful gaze at Superbody. But he looks very... not good.

Superboy has posed:
Conner has to recoil at the hellfire thing. His telekinetic shield was never too good against raw heat. And then the ganger breaks free, if tearing his own body so badly Conner winces just by seeing it. "Man, you gotta slow down or you are going to kill yourself," he comments, moving fast to avoid more fire or blows.

And the grey girl he was trying to help goes chasing the others. Oh well, cool. As long as none of the other thugs Hulks-out.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl leaps onto the back of a taxi, then springs off to tackle two more of the thugs to the ground. She manages to pin them down under all 5'3" of her and rains down a rhythmic series of punches in one face, then the other again and again until they stop resisting.

The creature takes a swing at Conner, but its arm freezes halfway through. A look of panic crosses its features. There is a crack of bone like the pop of a log in a fire, followed by the splitting of muscle. The arm drops right in half, severed at the bicep close to the shoulder. The tissue there is completely charred black, totally carbonized. He stumbles back, but with his remaining hand makes a fist and slams it into Conner's gut. He is much stronger than before. But there is an inherent problem with super strength without any kind of resilience, you will probably end up doing more damage to yourself than your target. The punch is enough to drive you back, but every bone in his arm is pulped. Flames from the wounds there start to gather and burn out of control.

Superboy has posed:
Conner grunts in pain at the punch, trying to roll with it to minimize damage. It might help the thug to avoid more injuries, too. "Stop, damnit. Focus on healing yourself before it is too late," he shouts, flying up and out of reach of the giant ganger.

A glance to Zombie Girl confirms she is handling the other cultists easily. No more crazy transformations in that corner of the street. Good thing is so late there is almost no one in the streets. Some neighbors are likely watching through the windows and taking pictures with their cells, though. They have not been quiet. The cops might show up any moment now.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
The creature falls to his hand and knees. His breath comes in in gasping, wheezing puffs that sound like a malfunctioning vacuum cleaner. A luminous red mist pours from his mouth and gathers in front of him like a cloud. For a brief moment, within it Conner can see a truly demonic looking being without a shred of humanity. The ganger on the ground holds up his hand and says with a shaking voice "Please, wait. Don't leave. Give me another chance." From an alley to the side a hand slips from the darkness with a gleaming ring on the middle finger. That red fog swirls and is gathered up into the ring. The man's transformation ends. His form dwindles and shrinks back down to what it was. Even worse it goes beyond that until he looks like the starved victim of a concentration camp. His wounds remain and he stares up at the sky with a look of fear and loss in his eyes.

Superboy has posed:
Conner fails to see the mysterious hand with the ring, his attention focused into the maddened ganger. When he finally shrinks out to a wreck of a man, he moves forward to attempt to save his life. Tourniqueting the missing arm and trying to make him comfortable on the ground. Calling to the closest hospital with his cellphone if he is still alive. Then he looks for the other gangers and the grey-skinned girl. He has a few questions.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl approaches a minute later. She managed to awkwardly tie the jaacket of one of the men around one each of their legs and use it to drag them over the pavement and back to Superboy. "Guy with the books got away," she says sourly. She looks with something resembling pity down at what remains of the ganger.

The hospital gathers information from Conner and tells him that they will send an ambulance. Not long after the sound of a siren can be heard.

"Poor bastard. I haven't been able to save one of them yet once they are seperated from their demon," Zombie-Girl mentions.

Superboy has posed:
Conner flashes a smile when the blonde woman returns and looks in good health. Well, relatively speaking. He has not noticed the whole being dead yet. "Ah, too bad. He can't say you didn't warn you, but I wonder who was in control in there anyway."

He sighs, checking with the other, more alive gangers, "at least a few got caught, maybe the cops can find out who is behind all this? Or otherwise, I can bring some people to help."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl holds out a card to you. Not a business card, but more a piece of cardboard with a number written on it. "I'm starting to figure out who is. If you're interested, I could use help." On the card is a cellphone number with the name "Zombie-Girl" written over it. Not long after a circus of lights appears, and ZG makes a quick exit. EMTs gather up the critically injured man onto a stretcher, and the police arrest the other men, who have come to and are healing from their injuries.

Still, it wasnt a complete victory, whatever their goal was here, they achieved it despite their losses.