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Latest revision as of 03:20, 29 October 2019

Sharp and Dull
Date of Scene: 28 October 2019
Location: East Warehouse, Lairdman Island
Synopsis: The Witchblade skewers a few bad guys. Blackout steals a crate filled with (an) unknown object(s).
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Witchblade

Blackout has posed:
    3:34am, overcast, inside the warehouse: Shadows move. Or perhaps it's the things in shadows that are as dark as the shadows which seemingly move.

    Then gunfire. Automatic weapons can be heard resonating and echoing throughout the warehouse. Three sources from three locations. Three men standing on the concrete floor of the warehouse shooting upward and outward at moving shadows. They are back to back to back. Forming a triangle about 5 feet from one another. They are dressed in flannel and jeans with work boots and jackets. It's cold outside. In between the three of them is a wooden crate.

    #1: "I think I got him!"

    #2: "You didn't get shit."

    #3: "Just make sure he don't get the box. The boss will be pissed."

    Somewhere in the shadows, atop many of the stacked crates and shelves of the warehouse; Blackout crouches. Watching, looking for his opportunity. Or, perhaps he's biding his time and calculating.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's been here for half an hour, pinned down and not moving. She's got a pistol, and....is waiting on tactical support. NYPD are worried about her and the other officers pinned in the warehouse. Oh it was meant to be so simple, a giant cluster. This wasn't her mission. She's in on this because her name got pulled out of the Captain's ass, and, oh Sara is not happy. She can't get a good shot on them, either.Aiming her pistol, Sara snaps off a shot at the trio and is already moving. The tactical team's stuck in red tape bullshit, Sara's aware of this as she is silently fuming. Her bracelet's not staying still either as tendrils are creeping across her hands, hands that are wrapped around her sidearm. Sara's a little anxious because she knows automatic weapons will chew through her vest she's got under her clothes. And she's got....oh yeah, a standard issue pistol. Sara's moving into the darkest parts of the warehouse, she's straining to get a bead on them, but the longer they fire at the moving shadows, the less they're shooting at her. Which is fine in her book. Snapping off another shot, Sara's crouching, aiming at them.

Blackout has posed:
    The goons flinch, then pull off more fire toward where the shot came from.

    One of the other officers has been hit. On the floor and bleeding. His partner has his hand over the wound with a shirt, trying to block the flow of blood.

    Blackout remains in the shadows. He's annoyed that there are others in the warehouse. Police at that. He really didn't want to get tangled up in all of this, but he really wants the crate and he's not in range yet to take it. Moving closer, he finds himself rounding a corner and running into Sara. Their impact is such that it will knock each other off to the side.

    Blackout is dressed in that, black. Completely covering every aspect of flesh and even eyes. He's like a black, solid shadow that stumbles back into a crate with an ooof.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's a bullet magnet. Greatt. Tendrils creep over her hand as the officers are in here, and the Witchblade wil keep its host alive at all costs. Sara's coated in armor that rapidly covers her from head to toe, with swords in hand. Given she's a bullet magnet, Sara's losing control. Fortunately by now the officers are not in any shape to report what's going on...and Sara's not a happy camper. The Witchblade is fully in control. Given how violent the Witchblade is, this is bad news for anyone in range of stabbing or...any sort of attack. The Witchblade's fully in control now, stepping around the crates. Not exactly willing to let the three goons live, and make their deaths as painful and slow as possibble.

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout's eyes fall upon Sara in her armored form. He mutters, "What the hell?" and watches as she moves to attack.

    Coming into the light, the goons are now able to see Sara and they aim, and pull triggers. The rapid fire of the automatic weapons can be heard for blocks. While the 9mm bullets spray across Sara, her environment, and the crates behind her. Blackout is struck a few times as well. But his armored super suit of Darkforce absorbs the slugs without harming him. He still doesn't like the whole 'getting shot' stuff.

Witchblade has posed:
The Witchblade isn't having any of this, the bullet wounds healing almostinstantly. Fire shoots from her hands towards the goons, as thee symbiote is certainly not a nice symbiote. Given Sara's in living armor, and can heal almost instantly, and has swords in hand, the Witchblade isn't afraid to fight. But it fights smart, for the most part. Swords can't eflect bullets that well, but they can be thrown. The fact Sara's now got extra limbs, covered in spikes and blades, and she's slowly creeping toward the goons is asign of how angry the Witchblade is. The fact there's a coil in her left hand, a coil that's red hot and lashing towards the goons is another giveaway, too. The pistol's long, long forgotten. Apparently those goons didn't get the memo about how dangerous the Witchblade is

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout remains behind Sara by several yards. Giving her free reign to attack the goons. But when she becomes this scary ass Kali looking thing with multiple arms, he's taken aback and shudders within his super suit. He keeps quiet this time, saying nothing and turning his attention to the prize. He's still too far from the crate to take it. He needs to get closer, so he, like Sara advances toward the goons.

    When Sara gets within a few feet of the goons, they unload their automatic submachine guns into her armor. One is struck dead by her lashing.

    The second decides that it's best to run away. He turns and starts to run.

    The third pulls out a large fixed blade knife and charges her, to attack. "Not today!" he screams as he swings.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara cocks her arm back and throws a sword toward the goon that's running away,while she is doing a complex dance with her many, many limbs. If the goon with the knife gets too close, he'll get stabbed or slashed by any number of spines, spikes or blades. It's not smart to charge Sara, or less so to charge when the Witchblade is out to play. Sara's not willing to let them live. They shot at her, and hurt her colleagues. Sara's not okay with this in the least. In her mind, being a passenger in her own body, mostly since the Witchblade has siezed control, it wants to kill the three goons. One's dead. One's running away. And the last's charging as Sara's wishing they'd pick a fight with the guy behind her though. Mostly since it'd take the weight off of her.

More sirens are heard as the police are surrounding the warehouse, waiting for a go signal. Sara's determined to make sure it doesn't come to that. That'd be bad for all concerned.

Blackout has posed:
    A few more feet closer, still a few yards behind Sara. Blackout is within range of the crate. He raises his right hand and a black portal opens beneath the crate. It falls into the hole. Blackout remains in the shadows, and will depart very soon now that the crate is within his darkness.

    With goon #1 dead. Goon #2 is hit by a flying sword. Straight through the back and out the chest. He drops. Dead before he hits the ground. Goon #3 is pierced, slashed, rended, ripped, torn, and otherwise torn asunder by the multiple attacks Sara produces.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara spins on a heel to watch for movement, she's got her eye on the crate too and is going for it too. If only to check what it is. Maybe, just, just maybe she can figure out what is so special about the crate on the trolley. That'd be a good idea...if the crate didn't just fall into a black hole. Sara's looking around as she's determined to find the cause of it now. She's slowly coming back to herself, the Witchblade's lust for violance sated for the moment...as Sara's finally, shakily back in control. She looks around, snagging one of the fallen sub machine guns to arm herself with. Which isn't the smartest choice ever, but if there's anyone else in here, Sra's liable to shoot first in her anxious state. She just helped kill three people. The less the PD know, the bettter....as Sara retrieves the sword. She needs a place to hide it. She really, really doesn't want the PD to find what went down. Thankfully the two officers are so out of it. With no medical help coming thanks to the fighting, she's unsure if either will make it out alive. Great. No matter which way she slices it, she'sg gonna have to do paperwork. Son of a...

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout sees her turn and decides that it's now time to leave. The portal closes where the crate was and another portal opens to his left. He steps through. She will see the movement of shadows and knows that someone was standing there, but, like the crate, is gone now.

    Meanwhile, police will enter the building, spread out, and look for targets.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's grinding her teeth, watching where the shadow was. Oh that wasn't good, but Sara at least has her badge and has retrieved her gun. She's mostly in control, thankfully. She's mostly in control, the sword is hidden, good. She's waiting for the police to turn up and help her out. Far as they know she was pinned down in here. Which she was. She'll just....not explain about the Witchblade, too as she's quietly waiting, watching.