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Latest revision as of 13:59, 30 October 2019

a brotherky chat.
Date of Scene: 30 October 2019
Location: Sam's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: And Jay gets just the smallest bit of closure, maybe it is a start.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Icarus

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has called Jay to come by his room wanting to talk to his brother a bit when it is just them and no one is there to distract the conversation.

Icarus has posed:
After finishing up one last paper, Jay wanders over to his brother's room. He's dressed down, ready to go to bed soon. A pair of sweatpants and a tank top. He has on a pair of flip-flips, making their slappity slap sound as he wanders down the hall to his brother's room. A quick knock before he tries to open he door and poke his head inside. "Hey."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up, and says "Hey bro, come on in." He will offer his brother a bottle of water since it is close to bed time "How you doing tonight?"

Icarus has posed:
The bottle is accepted as Jay comes fully in the room, having closed the door behind him. Then he moves to sit at a chair, sprawling comfortably. "I'm alright. Ate way too much. That mac and cheese was better than Ma's. Just don't tell Ma that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "You tell Shannon that her head might explode." He grins a bit and says "Wanted to talk to you about something, with looking at a place up here got me thinking about something.

Icarus has posed:
"Your apartment search? How's that going?" Jay asked as he broke the seal on the bottle of water then took off the cap before taking a quick swig.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah think Doug and Ah got a couple leads we are looking at. Narrowed down to a few places. But thinking also about maybe trying to put some money back to buy some land back home."

Icarus has posed:
That gets Jay's attention. His eyebrows are raised a bit in surprise as he rests the bottle on his leg, still gripped in his left hand. "Oh? What brought that on?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, just been thinking a bit future plans and such, I was thinking since Chester Cabot is dead, and just his couple boys staying there, getting someone to make an offer on it for us, so we can be connected to Ma's place."

Icarus has posed:
That gets his attention. Jay almost drops the bottle. He manages to juggle it around a moment then finally keeps it from spilling. Just a few drops on his pants. He caps it, sets it aside, then looks at his brother with a dark frown. "What are you talking about? He died? When? How?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Jay and says "Yea Jay, he died that day." He will lean forward putting a hand on his brother shoulder. "When it all went down, he was going to kill ma, and Oliver, while a racist pain in the ass, god rest his soul. Yea I know it sounds weird. Anyways, Chester had a rocket aimed at ma after hw shot the car. Oliver shot him in the face, and Chester was able to angle the suit so he fell on Oliver and killed him.

Icarus has posed:
Long silence. Jay sits there in stunned silence as that all goes though his brain, is rewound and gone through again.

He starts to shake slightly, looking at his brother with emotional pain obvious. "He...that day? How did I not?" He'd played that day over so many times. He knew it by heart. How could he...wait. He was focused on Julia. Her body. The shock so great she was all he saw for hours after he woke up with her and carried her back from the pond.

"He's really dead?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Jay, yes he is dead, and tell me honestly. What do you remember after Angel found you, from what I was told you were in shock at the least then.

Icarus has posed:
His brow furrows a bit. "I remember I kept couldn't go with her. I kept trying. Right in the heart. But it wouldn't happen. Just would heal over." Jay takes a deep, shuddering breath. "Then I took her to the house. Picked her up, carried her there. I seem to remember there were people in the yard." He frowned. "But I couldn't tell you who. Just that I walked past them all with her. Stayed with her until she was taken away from me."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Yes, they were both dead in the yard and thats when Ray sr. was killed as well. " He will tell his brother, and says 'Jay, AH know you have had to hear this many a times, but you know she would not want you dead. She would want you alive and living life. Ah aint going to say AH know how your feeling, the closest being when Ah thought Lila was dead, but it still aint the same thing. She would want you to experience life, and you need to be here to tell people about her.

Icarus has posed:
"Yeah, I know that," Jay says automatically, the sort of programmed response that happens anytime someone brings up the situation. He's still reeling that the man behind all their difficulties, that condemned their relationship to the point he chose murdering Jay, was hard to digest fully.

"I know she'd want me happy but how am I supposed to move on? She was everything, Sam. Everything. Even my music that I write now reflects how I feel without her. I don't know how to move forward."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "Time, and trying new things. Learning living day by day step by step." Ah so wish Ah could make it all right Josh, and yes he uses the others real name. He will squeeze his brothers shoulder, and says There is something your ment to do still, and you can have friends, and if you start to feel something for someone else eventually it aint a slight on her. If you don't want anything besides friends thats ok, I am sure ma will have enough grandkids she won't complain to much." He tries just a bit of humor with it.

Icarus has posed:
That does get a scoffing noise from Jay. "Ain't ready for no kids even if Julia was still here." The accent just slips away as Jay reacts more emotionally. It just takes concentration and he speaks how he wants to. One of those tricks of his powers. He clears his throat and continues, sans drawl. He brushes a hand back through his hair. "I'm starting to make friends. Shannon, Andrea, the others. Just...Andrea would like more. I told her I wasn't ready. Need to take things slow. She understood and agreed though I know it's hard for her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Ok just remember people here care for you, and we are here when ya need to talk. Andrea maybe a bit odd, she does like you a lot, and when and if you get to the point where your ready she maybe there, but even if not Ah do think her friendship will be there. Just know we love ya little bro." He will stand offering his brother a hug.

Icarus has posed:
Jay stands and moves to hug his brother. Not the proper manly hug which was brief two or three thumps of the hand on the back of the other party. This was a proper hug between siblings. "Love you too, Sam. Thanks for letting me know. And ...if you want to buy that property? I'll pitch in and help."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie keeps the hug for as long as Jay is ok with him, and says "I will let you know, and when the hug is done he says "Ok get to bed you got classes in the morning, and I get to set your bed time mwhahahahha"

Icarus has posed:
"You are such a jerk," Jay mutters as he picks up the bottle of water and heads for the door. He gives a big smile. "Night, Sam." THen he is gone